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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation that I have chosen for this case study will be one that I have experienced in my
own store during the time at Starbucks in Colorado.Our store was capable of training Assistant
Store Managers, so they eventually can become a manager at their own store. There was an ASM
at our store a few months ago, and she was all trained within three months, and went on to have
her own store. As time went on, our store manager decided that it was time for her to do her own
family thing, which meant that she would have to move to another town, and no longer be our
manager. At this time, our store needed another manager to fill the role, as our current manager
was leaving. As I mentioned before, the ASM we trained at our store had left, but ended up
coming back and taking the spot for our current store manager. This was all a win win, because
we loved to have the trained ASM back!
As things started to progress with this new transition, not everything was smooth. I
started to hear some things that I didn't think would arise, but it's something that was noticeable.
At this point, our new manager started to lose sight of work quite quickly, and for sure not in the
right path of success for the store overall. This relationship that was started to form between a
worker and the new manager needed to be addressed quickly, considering many members of the
team came to me about this concern. This concern was starting to affect not only me, but the
entire team, and the team operation in the store. I decided that out of respect and care for my
team, I needed to address this issue in private, in order to change some things going forward, and
in the hope to stop this issue from affecting the store, and the team. I went ahead and addressed
this with the new manager, and laid out the fact that something needs to change. This issue
would be solved either by transferring to neighboring stores, or simply end things completely.
The manager was very understanding in the wrong doing, and addressed what was all going on,
so things were all clear, with a great amount of apologies in the process. After a couple days, I
received a call from the District manager, and was asked about the conversation a couple days
prior, and was told that this was all going to be handled, and no concerns should be left on me.
This was a sense of relief considering I was just a barista at the end of the day, who cared so
much about the team. The district manager proceeded to transfer the manager, in order to gain
control of the team, and the damage that had been done already. The transfer helped our store,
and the help was all taken care of.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.
Starbucks is a company that is set up in a hierarchy ranking. It all starts with Regional Manager,
district manager, store manager, supervisor, and of course our baristas. The store managers have
the most involvement when it comes to leading the store. The regional managers are ones that do
not visit the stores very often, because they have the district managers do the work for
them.When it comes to the store manager, and the district manager, the big difference is being
able to communicate without hesitation, because of the comfortable factors of knowing them.
The district manager in this case was hard to contact, because I have not had enough contact with
her previously which made me feel comfortable to share this type of information, but I also did
not have another choice. This lacks the sense of communication of the rankings in the company,
and that is the big gap that does get created when it comes to a barista, and the district manager
gap, and of course there is a greater gap even with the regional manager.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

In this situation, the fact that I did not feel comfortable contacting human resources in the
beginning showed that there was a gap, instead this should have been seen by others, and been
reported quicker, not only just by me. The one thing we have learned about the human resource
frame is that in order to receive the help, we all must have the confidence in knowing that the
help and the change will receive and happen (Bolman, 2021). Engaging the upper management
will show the reframe and the contribution from all parties for change, and the support that is
needed in the process. Starbucks shares in the beginning of training, that everyone is welcome,
and everyone is heard, no matter what is happening, and I think that is something we all should
remember when things are not going so smoothly.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Looking that I did approach the higher management, and so did the new manager, this
showed that things needed to be said and confessed, because the wrongdoing did need to
stop, but the one thing that could have been done, is sharing this info with a trusted
employee, so the support would have felt a bit greater than what it was. The fact that the
higher management did not fill the full support at first, because of the gap happening
between the levels of hierarchy, means that something should be done, and that is why
human resources should be taken into consideration, and hoping that things would be
taken care of in the right ways. The support for myself would have given me more
strength and confidence to share, so next time I will make sure to cling to someone else in
the situation for more support during the process.

Reference or References:
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and

leadership (7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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