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Dear Muhsin

You're one of the only people that came to my mind to reach out to. I believe you could use your
connection to make the government reconsider this plan. It's inequality. No university in Nigeria is
excellent, I am sure you're well aware of that, in fact, more than me. Please do something. The
stakeholders who are responsible for selecting and awarding the scholarship may lack the knowledge of
how people with special needs are being treated (negligence, discrimination) in Nigerian universities talk
less of having the said well-equipped, well-experienced place for people with disabilities to study well.

As far as I know, the government sends people to study for human development in all ramifications, and
if the government can send normal individuals abroad to the best schools why do they choose to leave
those with special needs at home? Do they not want them to get the best Education, inclusiveness, and
exposure that are world-class standards and to return home and give back to society what they have
learned overseas?

If I'm to give an example of how we were taught in Nigerian tertiary schools it is no different from that
of a regular teaching system where normal students are taught along with those with special needs,
imagine how hard this will be unfair, inequality, and discrimination. During my university days at Bayero
University, Kano as an undergraduate degree student, I was not allowed to choose the course I felt fit
and capable of doing, I was asked to drop some courses I was subsiding and not taught in a way that met
my need as a deaf person, I leaned like normal students instead and how do you expect me to perform
well like everyone in such a situation?

Honestly, in Nigeria, no university gives full inclusion, proper learning sphere, gives priority to people
with disabilities. However, if the Kano State government seriously wants full inclusion in this scholarship
scheme they must also include and check the best universities around the world to send the said
concerned persons otherwise we boldly call this scholarship a bias and discrimination against people
with special needs.

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