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Significant of the Study

The result of this study may be of great contribution to the following:

This study will be beneficial for them to gain information on the relevant and existing

Problem that have implications for community development. This would help them to have self-
assessment on problems influencing towards implications for community development and think of
ways to mitigate these factors.

Community Trust: The relationship between the police and the community is vital. Trust and
cooperation between the two are essential for effective policing. A study on the PNP's pursuits can shed
light on how they engage with communities, address their concerns, and build trust. When there is
mutual trust, it can lead to more effective policing and community development.

Community Outreach: The PNP can engage in outreach programs, including seminars,
workshops, and community dialogues. These initiatives can address social issues, raise awareness about
legal rights, and promote positive behavior within communities. An educated and empowered
community is better equipped for development.

Researcher. This study was also expected to serve as a source of useful information in the
conduct of related studies.

Scope and limitation of the study

The scope of the study was limited in terms of content, respondents, place and

Content. This study determines the pursuits of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and
its implications for community development in Municipality, of Dapa. Siargao Islands.

Respondents ba/Participants. The participants of the study will the community in municipality
of Dapa. Siargao Island with the franchise and mayor’s permit

Place and Time. This study is conducted in Municipality of Dapa. Siargao Island
S, Y. 2023-2024.
Definition of terms

For a clear understanding of the study, the following terms will define
conceptually and operationally.
Establish human relation to the community. This term refers to the act of creating, initiating, or
founding something. In the context of establishing human relations with the community, it means taking
deliberate actions to form connections, interactions, or bonds with the members of a particular
Conduct activities to community development. This refers to conducting activities for
community development" means taking deliberate and organized actions, programs, or initiatives within
a community with the purpose of promoting positive changes and improvements in various aspects of
community life, ultimately contributing to the well-being and progress of the community as a whole.
Conduct seminars to community for preventing crimes. This refers to the important to define
and discuss these terms to ensure that participants have a clear understanding of the key concepts and
strategies involved in keeping their community safe.
Conduct drills and awareness for people safety. This pertains the essential to clarify and explain
these terms to participants to ensure that they have a clear understanding of safety concepts and
procedures. This knowledge helps individuals and communities better prepare for emergencies and
respond effectively when they occur.

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