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A Course Module for Students

Burauen Community College

For Internal Use Only

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

Human Rights
A Course Module for Students

Burauen Community College

Written and Designed by

Ronalee R. Pedere, RCrim

Faculty – College of Criminal Justice Education

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

Human Rights Education

A Course Module for Students

Burauen Community College

Printed in Burauen, Leyte

© 2023

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R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education



Human Rights Education



A. History of Human Rights
1. The Magna Carta
2. Petition of Rights
3. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
4. The Geneva Convention
5. The United Nation




A. Freedom Vs. Rights
B. Classification of Human Rights
C. Types of General Human Rights
D. State’s Inherent Power
E. Basic Principle of Human Rights
F. Human Rights-Based Policing
G. Human Rights Desk Basic Operational Procedures
H. Ten International Human Rights Standards for Law


I. Legal Aspects of Human Rights Education

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

A. Constitution Vs. Bill of Rights
B. Branches of the Government
C. The 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article III Bill of Rights
D. Prisoner’s Rights
E. Miranda Rights
F. Rights of a Child in the Philippines
G. Magna Carta of Women “An Act Providing for the Magna Carta
of Women
H. Republic Act 9262 “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
Children Act

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education


Human rights are the essential rights and freedoms that belong to every
person, from birth until death. They apply no matter where you’re from,
what you think or how you select to measure your life. Rights cannot be
removed though it will be restricted specifically, if a person breaks the law,
or if the interest is for national security. This course is designed to help the
students understand human rights, the value of human rights, and take
responsibility for respecting, defending and promoting human rights. All
throughout this course, it will study about the history of human rights, the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), also, as other key human
rights treaties. In studying human rights, it will help the students
understand the history, importance of rights to the society, and therefore
the sorts of human rights violation. This learning course explores the notion
of human rights and the educational practices of human rights, including
legal instruments, the educational work of human rights organizations and
activists, and the ways of advocating for human rights. It’s a summary of
the methodologies of human rights education while covering the range of
civil and political rights, economic and social rights, and women’s rights and
their expression in the educational curriculum. Also, it focuses on human
rights education as a wayof working towards the materialization of the
cosmopolitan ideals of justice and peace. At the end of the course module,
the student’s knowledge and understanding of human rights concepts and
their ability to use this data to their own professional context. They will be
measured by their ability to interpret the significance of the topic. Thus, to
simply analyze the given situation on how the students promote human
rights to the next generation. As a capstone project of the students, they
should also be exposed to experiential learning, in which, they are going be

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

requested to observe and perform tasks in a real-life situation such as
making a short video on how they are going to portray human rights.

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
someone you really want to vote Classifications of Human
for means freedom. Generally, Rights
these both words refer to similar Today, there are various
things like Freedom of the Press classifications of human rights to
and Right to Information. wit:
Similarly, freedom is by having a 1. Natural rights mean that it is
good environment where rights God-given rights and
and duties are honorably acknowledged as morally good.
preserved. As a result, an ideal Like you might have a natural
country where all rights are right to life, just by virtue of being
upheld, all citizens treated alike, alive since it would be wrong to kill
where corruption is negligible, you because it would violate that
where terrorism and military natural right.
operations are unheard of, can be 2. Legal rights include
called a place truly having constitutional rights guaranteed in
freedom. the Bill of Rights of our
constitution such as the right to a
fair trial and due process of the
law, the right to be free from cruel
Uses of Right and Freedom and unusual punishment, the right
A Right is a common to be free from torture and the
privilege given to all citizens, for right to be free from slavery.
example, right to vote, the right to 3. Statutory rights are which
property, the right to worship, the promulgated by the legislative
right to education and many more. branch of the government. In
At the same time, Freedom is particular to the employees'
when you have no constraints to statutory rights which is a written
conduction your actions “freedom statement of employment within
of speech, freedom of the press, two months of commencing
freedom to rebel, freedom to employment. The payment at or
complain, etc. therefore, Freedom above the national minimum wage
is having a right and Right is and paid sick leave, maternity,
something you can demand when paternity or adoption leave, and
you do a duty. In the end, both holiday.
freedom and rights are These constitutional and statutory
interconnected. They possess a rights afford us or give us
relation in those rights to offer a protection from the abuse of the
person freedom. Freedom takes a government exercise the balance
different shape depending on the of the power of government and
situation a person is present in. the right of the people as
However, Rights bear the same protected by the Bill of rights
meaning in any situation. (Dela Cruz and Florendo, 2017).
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
According to Kamruzzaman indirectly. The natural justice
(2016), human rights cover (procedural fairness) in law such
virtually every area of human as the rights of the accused,
action. They include civil and including the right to a fair trial;
political rights, which refer to a due process; the right to seek
person’s rights to take part in the redress or a legal remedy; and
civil and political life of their rights of participation in civil
community without discrimination. society and politics such as
These include rights and freedom freedom of association, the right
such as the right to vote, right to to assemble.
privacy, freedom of speech, and 3. Economic, Social and
freedom from torture. Additionally, Cultural Rights are rights of
it includes economic, social, and people to self-determination, to
cultural rights, which relate to a pursue economic, social and
person’s rights to prosper and cultural development and financial
grow and to take part in social and security. Namely, the rights to
cultural activities. This group adequate food, to adequate
includes rights such as the right to housing, to education, to health,
health, the right to education, and to social security, to take part in
the right to work. cultural life, to water and
sanitation, and to work.
Types of General Human Rights Note: Remember that the civil and
1. Civil Rights are rights which political rights are guaranteed
the law will enforce at the instance against government abuse they
of private individuals to secure to are also referred to as justifiable
them to the enjoyment of rights in the sense they
happiness. It also includes the immediately enforced once
ensuring of people’s physical and violated also, they called negative
mental integrity, life and safety; rights because state is refrained
protection from discrimination on from violating them.
grounds such as race, gender,
national origin, color, sexual State’s 3 Inherent Powers
orientation, ethnicity, religion, or 1. Police power means the
disability. The rights of the citizens power of promoting public welfare
to express their opinions and ideas by restraining and regulating the
when it comes to the goodwill of use of the liberty and property of
the country can be used as an all the people. It is the right to
example for this. protect the country and its
2. Political Rights are those population from threats to public
rights that enable us to participate health and safety. The term
in running the affairs of the “police power” predates the
government either directly or development of organized police
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
forces, which did not develop until fire and save the rest of the
the postcolonial period. In the building. Although the government
colonial period, police power was would not be required to
used to control nuisances, such as compensate an owner for such
tanneries that fouled the air and destruction, a valid claim may be
water in towns, to prevent the sale filed against the insurance policy
of bad food, and to quarantine covering the burning unit or
persons who were infected with against the owner’s policy.
communicable diseases. It was 2. Eminent domain means that it
one of the main governmental is the power to take private
functions in the colonial period. property for public use upon
Under the Constitution, the states payment of just compensation.
retained much of their police Eminent domain is a right of the
power but share the right to government to take private
regulate health and safety issues property. This can be used for
with the federal government. public institutions such as schools,
Examples of the federal use of public utilities, highway
police power are food and drug construction, railroads, and more.
regulations, environmental However, the law will not allow
preservation laws, and workplace compensation for lost profits or
safety laws. The states have inconvenience, although severance
companion laws in most of these damages may be awarded for a
areas, plus local public health loss in value to the remaining
enforcement such as restaurant property that is not condemned.
inspections, communicable disease Through eminent domain, the
control, and drinking water state or the government may
sanitation. In most cases, the acquire land for streets, parks,
state’s share jurisdiction with the public buildings, public rights-of-
federal government, and the way, and similar uses. No private
courts will enforce whichever is property is exempt from this
the stricter law. State and local exercise of government power.
public health laws are exercises of If the government and the owner
police power. of the property cannot negotiate a
Also derived from police power is satisfactory and voluntary
the right to damage or destroy acquisition of the property, the
private property without government can start a
compensation to the owner when condemnation process to acquire
it is necessary to protect the public the property. In this situation, an
interest. For example, when a owner’s basis for complaint would
condominium unit is on fire and typically be that the intended use
the fire department must destroy is not a satisfactory public use or
an adjoining unit to extinguish the that the estimation of value given
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
to the property in the worthless and meaningless. They
condemnation proceeding is are inalienable to which they
unjust. cannot be stripped or rightfully
Upon the vesting of title in the taken away from any free human
government, all pre-existing liens person. Also, they are
and encumbrances are terminated. imprescriptible because human
Anyone affected by this change, rights are not lost by the mere
such as the lenders from a bank, passage of time. Human rights do
must look to the condemnation not prescribe even if a person fails
money that was given to satisfy to use or was prevented from
their claims against the property. asserting them. Lastly, they are
A lessee is typically given the right indivisible and interrelated.
to cancel their lease agreement The indivisibility of human rights is
when a significant portion of the a manifestation that a person
property is taken under the power cannot be denied or deprived of
of an eminent domain. his or her human rights,
3. Power of taxation means that notwithstanding that he or she has
the power to exact proportional already enjoyed, or is already
contribution from the people to enjoying other rights. Human
defray the cost of governmental rights are not piecemeal rights and
expenditures. The 1987 Philippine freedoms, hence, not applicable to
Constitution sets limitations on the being divided. Human rights are
exercise of the power to tax. It is universal because it is endowed
the Legislative Department which every human being from the
primarily exercises this function. moment of birth, without
In addition to national taxes, the distinction or irrespective of origin,
Constitution provides for local sex, race, creed, political color,
government taxation. But no such status, or condition in life. Also,
taxes, fees and charges shall be they are independent because the
imposed without a public hearing fulfillment, enjoyment, or exercise
having been held prior to the of a particular right cannot be
enactment of the ordinance. For attained without the realization of
example, during year 2017, the the other rights. The conditions to
train law is not applicable that justify the suspension/ limitation
time since it took effect on 2018. of human rights. It is provided for
by law which is made known to
Basic Principle of Human every citizen; there is a state of
Rights Human rights are emergency that necessitates the
inherent and are acquired upon urgent prevention of the public
birth. They are fundamental, good, public safety, and public
without which, human rights, a morals; and it does not exceed
person’s life and dignity would be
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
what is strictly necessary to foremost, about protecting the
achieve its purpose. rights of the citizens.
Human Rights-Based Policing The Philippine National Police has
Human rights-based policing three level of human rights
is the comprehensive and obligation it is to respect, protect
systematic institutional compliance and fulfil human rights.
with international human rights 1. To respect the human rights
standard and practices within the means to refrain from interfering
conduct of police or enforcement with the enjoyment of people’s
functions. It is also an approach to rights.
policing that defines the 2. To fulfil the human rights refers
relationship between individual to the implementation of systems,
citizens and various groups or mechanisms, and procedures that
sectors of society as claim holders enable people to claim and enjoy
whose rights must be respected their rights, and;
and protected by the police; and 3. To protect the human rights
police officers as duty-holders that means to implement law that
have obligations to respect, provides equal protection to all
protect and fulfil human rights. person from human rights
Meanwhile, the importance of violations by state authorities
Human Rights to Law Enforcement (Philippine National Police
is that the policing is at the heart Guidebook: on human rights-
of a broad spectrum of human based policing, n.d.).
rights discourses. This has been Remember that the police officers
apparent for several of these or military may commit human
performing on civil and political rights violations such as unlawful,
rights who have generally targeted unnecessary or disproportionate
police as human rights violators. use of force. However, they can
However, police also have direct use force when its needed. Thus, if
relevance to economic, social, and they arrest an individual without
cultural rights. Police can and evidence that he commits such
should play an important role in illegal crime and it is contained
ensuring a safe environment in elements of injustice, irregular,
which individuals can seek to unreasonable & disproportionate it
realize their full range of rights be is called arbitrary arrest. Besides,
they social and economic or civil arresting a person can be valid if it
and political. So basically, the is caught in the act, escaped
promotion and protection of detention/sentenced prisoner
human rights are at the very core (escapee), hot pursuit, and stop
of policing. The enforcement of and frisk. It is also known as
laws and the maintenance of warrantless arrest. Note on
peace and order are, first and Checkpoints: The vehicle is neither
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
searched nor its occupants protect themselves from an
subjected to body search and individual or group. The following
inspection of vehicle is limited to are the basic human rights
visual search, is a valid search. standards for law
a police officer and/or law enforcer
Human Rights Desk Basic (EF)
Operational Procedures. 4. If the complaint is related to
The Philippine National Police human rights violations cited in
receiving/taking action on No.2, the duty officer must get a
complaints of alleged human rights written statement from the
violations. The following are the complaint about the incident. And,
procedures on how the law they must get full details of the
enforcement officers handle incident, complete name and
complaints. contact details of the complainant,
1. The duty officer or the police and other pertinent information.
officer must greet politely to the 5. The duty officer must inform the
complaint or any person that complaint that he/she will receive
approaches the Human Rights an update on actions taken by the
Desk. Also, they must state the Human Rights Desk/Police Station
rank and full name, then, ask the within Three (3) days. Further,
complainant or person about his inform the complainant that the
specific need or purpose for update on actions taken may be
approaching your desk. sent via phone call, text message,
2. Through the initial review, the email, or as a last resort, via
duty officer must evaluate if the postal mail. Also provide the
complaint is about an alleged complainant together with your
human rights violation or a typical official telephone/fax numbers, e-
complaint that is supposed to be mail address, and other contact
handled by other desks like the details. 6. The duty officer must
Investigation Desk, Women & thank the complainant for
Children’s Protection Desk reporting the incident/alleged
(WCPD), etc. human rights violation. And,
3. The duty officer must assess if express reassurance that the
the complaint is about alleged Human Rights Desk would closely
enforced disappearance (ED), monitor the actions that will be
extra-legal killing (ELK), torture taken by the appropriate police
(TOR), illegal arrest (IA), or units or government agencies that
excessive use of force Ten will handle the complaint or report
International Human Rights of alleged human rights violation
Standards for Law Enforcement In authorities (Philippine National
this matter, law enforcement has a Police Guidebook: on human
human rights standard in order to rights-based policing, n.d.).
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
and privacy. It must be
Ten International Human remembered that under the law,
Rights Standards for Law all person that are arrested and
Enforcement detained are still be considered as
In this matter, law enforcement innocent and has the right to due
has a human rights standard in process. Even when they are
order to protect themselves from already convicted in court, they
an individual or group. The still have the right to be treated
following are the basic human humane with respect and dignity.
rights standards for law Victims are people that have
enforcement. suffered harm, including mental
Basic Standard 1: Equal and physical injury, emotional
Protection suffering, economic loss or
It states that everyone is entitled substantial impairment of their
to equal protection of the law, fundamental rights through acts or
without discrimination on any omissions that are in violation of
grounds, and especially against criminal law.
violence or threat. Be especially Basic Standard 3: Use of force
vigilant to protect potentially Do not use force except when
vulnerable groups such as strictly necessary and to the
children, the elderly, women, minimum extent required under
refugees, displaced persons and the circumstances. The
members of minority groups. For implementation of Basic Standard
the implementation of Basic 3 involves, among other things,
Standard 1 is a great importance that law enforcement officers, in
that law enforcement officers in completing their duty, should
the least times fulfill the duty apply non-violent means as far as
imposed on them by law, by possible before resorting to the
serving the community and use of force. They may use force
protecting all persons against provided that other means remain
illegal acts, in line with the high ineffective.
degree of responsibility required Basic Standard 4: Policing non-
by their profession. They must violent assembles
promote and protect human Avoid using force when policing
dignity and maintain and uphold unlawful but non-violent
the human rights of all people assemblies. When dispersing
Basic Standard 2: Respectful violent assemblies, use force only
Treatment to the minimum extent necessary.
Police officers have to treat all Everyone is allowed to participate
citizens and victims of crime in peaceful assemblies, whether
compassionately and respect, and political or non-political, subject
particularly protect their safety only to very limited restrictions
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
imposed in conformity with the law All detainees must be treated
and which are necessary during a humanely. Under the
democratic society to protect such circumstances do not inflict,
interests as public order and public instigate or tolerate any act of
health. torture or ill-treatment, and refuse
Basic Standard 5: Use of Lethal to obey any order to do so. Also,
force Lethal force should not be there is separation between the
used except when strictly female and male facilities to avoid
unavoidable so as to protect your any unforeseen circumstances.
life or the lives of others. This may Basic Standard 9: Refusal to
be used only in the following obey unjust orders
situation such as self-defense, Do not carry out, order or cover
defense of a stranger or a family up extrajudicial killings or enforced
and in performance of a lawful disappearances, and refuse to
duty. obey any order to do so. No one
Basic Standard 6: Arresting should be arbitrarily or
person on legal grounds indiscriminately deprived of life.
This standard state that only An extrajudicial killing is an
police can only arrest person if unlawful and deliberate killing
there are legal grounds to do so, carried out by, or on the other of,
and therefore the arrest is carried someone at some level of
out in accordance with lawful government, whether national,
arrest procedures to make sure state or local, or with their
that an arrest is lawful and not acquiescence.
arbitrary, nor delay. It is Basic Standard 10: Reporting
important that the reasons for the violations
arrest and the powers and identity Must report all breaches of those
of arresting are known. standards to your senior officer
Basic Standard 7: Detainee’s and to the office of the general
rights The police officers must public prosecutor. Do everything
ensure that all detainees have within your power to ensure steps
access promptly after arrest to are taken to investigate these
their family and legal branches. All violations of human
representative and to any rights by the police or other
necessary medical assistance. enforcement personnel, including
Compliance with RA 9745 or the any breaches of these Basic
Anti-torture Act and Rights of a Standards, should be investigated
person under custodial fully, promptly and independently
investigation (RA 7438) should be (The Philippine National Police
properly observed. Basic Guidebook: on human rights-
Standard 8: Humane treatment based policing, n.d.).
of detainees
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
Granted that Police are the first- whereabouts of the victim is not
line defense for human rights. disclosed or custody is not
They are the guardian of the law, confirmed.
including the human rights law. 4. Extra-legal, arbitrary or
The community depends on the summary executions is a
police to protect the full range of deprivation of life without full
rights through the effective judicial and legal process, and with
enforcement of the country’s the involvement, complicity,
criminal law. The following are the tolerance or acquiescence of the
most serious human rights Government or its agents.
violation requiring police vigilance: Includes death through the
1. Genocide is an act committed excessive use of force by police or
with intent to destroy, in whole or security forces.
in part, a national, ethnic, racial or 5. Arbitrary arrest and detention
religious group. It includes: are a deprivation of liberty without
a. Killing members of the group; lawful reason or due process by an
b. Causing serious bodily or act of the Government or its
mental harm to members of the agents, or with their complicity,
group; tolerance or acquiescence.
c. Deliberately inflicting on the 6. Racial discrimination states that
group conditions calculated to any distinction, exclusion,
bring about its physical destruction restriction or preference based on
in whole or on part; race, colour, descent or national or
d. Imposing measures intended to ethnic origin which prevents or
prevent births within the group; hinders anyone from exercising his
e. Forcibly transferring children of or her human rights on an equal
the group basis with others in all areas of
f. to another group public life.
2. Torture is any act committed
with intent to cause severe pain or Learning Activities:
suffering, mental or physical, for
the purpose of: Activity 1: Concept Mapping
a. Obtaining information or a Create a Venn diagram
confession; b. Punishing, highlighting the differences and
intimidating or coercing. similarities of freedom and rights.
3. Enforced or involuntary Provide examples.
disappearance implies that arrest,
detention, abduction or other Activity 2: Knowledge
deprivation of liberty by the Assessment Instruction: Read
Government or its agents, or with the sentences carefully and
their complicity, tolerance or identify the correct answer. Note:
acquiescence, where the fate or Try to answer the assessment
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
exercise without referring or 11. This may be used only in the
looking back at the discussion in following situation such as self-
the preceding pages. defense, defense of a stranger or a
1. It is a right which enable us to family and in performance of a
participate in running the affairs of lawful duty.
the government either directly or 12. It is the power to exact
indirectly. 2. It is a right that the proportional contribution from the
law will enforce at instance of people to defray the cost of
private individuals for purpose of governmental expenditures.
securing to them to enjoyment of 13. This standard state that only
happiness. police can only arrest person if
3. These rights are promulgated there are legal grounds to do so.
by legislative body. 14. This power of promoting public
4. They are duty-holders with welfare by restraining and
obligations to respect, protect and regulating the use of the liberty
fulfill human rights. and property of all the people.
5. They are claim-holders whose 15. It is a common privilege given
rights must be respected and to all citizens, for example, right to
protected by the police. vote, the right to property, the
6. It is an unlawful and deliberate right to worship, the right to
killing, carried out by order of a education and many more.
7. It means any of the following
act with intent to destroy in whole
or in part, causing serious bodily
or mental harm and killing
members of the group.
8. It means that arresting an
individual without evidence that he
commits such illegal crime and it is
contained elements of injustice,
irregular, unreasonable &
9. It is the comprehensive and
systematic institutional compliance
with international human rights
standard and practices within the
conduct of police or enforcement
10. It is the power to take private
property for public use upon
payment of just compensation.
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R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

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