01 Lauren's Last Summer

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Lauren’s last

Ariel Cuahuizo.

1. Discussion. What is your favourite outdoor activity?

-Do you like swimming?

*Yes, I do / No,
I don’t.

*It’s difficult.
canoeing scuba diving fishing

running surfing
volleyball hiking

skateboarding camping

yoga climbing sailing horse riding

1.2 Sort some sports and activities in these categories.

fun - exciting interesting exhausting - tiring difficult - stressing boring

Lauren’s last
Ariel Cuahuizo.

They go to school everyday. Present simple

I usually do homework. routines and facts

They went to school yesterday. Past simple

I did my homework last week. finished actions.

2. Read Lauren’s last summer e-mail and answer the questions.

Dear Alice:

Last summer was fantastic. I went to the beach with my

sister. I went swimming and she went surfing, she
really loves surfing. Then, we played volleyball next to
the sea, it was great.

The next week we went to a river, we went by car. I

went fishing and my sister went canoeing, the weather
was hot and we played tennis.

The last week I went with my parents to the forest. We

went hiking and my mother went climbing, she is
brave. I did some yoga and finally we played soccer.
It was fun!
2.1 Find examples of sports from the
e-mail. Add more examples.
Lauren’s last
Ariel Cuahuizo.

Sports with a displacement go sightseeing

Sports with a ball or team. play soccer

Individual sports and martial


2.2 Complete the gaps with the right preposition (with, by, to, in)

Last summer I went ______ the mountains. Last holiday we went ______ Cuba.
I went ______ car. We went there _____ 2019.
I went ______ my friends. I went ______ my cousins.
I went ______ June. We went there ______ plane.
I went hiking and climbing. They went swimming and scubadiving.
2.3 Now complete the next ideas about your last summer.

Last summer I went to

I went there in

I went with

I went by

I went by myself.

I went on my own.
3. Read Alice’s reply and complete the calendar.


My last summer.

Hi Lauren!

I’m glad you had a nice summer. My summer vacations were good. I went to Cancun by
myself, it was my first time there. I went scuba diving one week ago, it was awesome. I
also went shopping last weekend. On Monday I went fishing but it was really boring. Oh! I
also went swimming three days ago, the water was cool. Last Tuesday I went camping and
the stars were beautiful. I went sailing yesterday but it was very difficult for me. And I
Lauren’s last
Ariel Cuahuizo.


4. When was the last time you …? Answer the questions with your own

Last time you played volleyball. I played volleyball one month ago. or
One month ago I played volleyball.
Last time you went to the cinema. _________________________________________________

Last time you went swimming.


Last time you went running. __________________________________________________

Last time you went to the beach.


Now ask your classmates: “When was the last time…?”

Lauren’s last
Ariel Cuahuizo.

You played soccer. Sara played soccer in 2012.

You went to the park.


You did yoga / karate / taekwondo.


You went hiking or camping.


You _________________________ ______________________________________________

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