Admissions Ma Broadcast Journalism Application Pack

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Dear Applicant

Masters in Broadcast Journalism

Thank you for your interest in the Masters in Broadcast Journalism. To be considered for this
year’s intake, you must complete the application form and the following three exercises,
which help us choose the best candidates. Please read the instructions carefully, complete
the exercises as instructed and return them to us as soon as possible. The exercises are:

Writing Exercise
The news release from Lancashire County Council is designed to test your writing skills. You
should re-write the news release in the style of a 30 second (100 words) report for a BBC local
radio news bulletin.

Recording Exercise
Record the news release as an audio file – you can do this on your phone. Save the file and
email it to me (address below) along with a word.doc copy of your script (i.e. what you are
reading aloud on the recording). Please don’t contact anyone at the county council as it’s a
purely fictional story.

Write no more than 500 words explaining what subject, issue or area of research you’d be
interested in exploring for a potential documentary. Explain your reasons and describe what
form you think the project might take. You may change your mind later, but this provisional
report will help your tutors to assess your academic potential.

We also need two references, preferably from an employer or academic. If they are relevant
to your application – you may include additional supporting material, such as links to videos,
audio, articles, blogs etc.

Return your application to the Admissions office at your earliest convenience. If you can’t
enclose the references right away, don’t delay sending in your form, but ask your referees to
send them directly to the Admissions office and indicate this clearly on your form. Candidates
who are shortlisted will be invited to an interview at the earliest, mutually convenient
opportunity. This can be done via Teams, Zoom or phone – or in person – if that’s possible.

I look forward to receiving your application.

Yours faithfully

Caroline Hawtin
Course Leader. Email –
Searching for Lancashire's unsung community heroes

LANCASHIRE residents are being invited to nominate unsung heroes who have made a
difference to their community for a place at a prestigious celebration event.

County Councillor Chris Holtom, chairman of Lancashire County Council is calling for people
to nominate friends, neighbours or anyone from their community who they feel has gone the
extra mile to make a difference to someone's life.

These people need not be part of a formal community group and could be involved in
everything from establishing babysitting circles to providing friendship to vulnerable people
who live on their own.

Around 50 of the people nominated will be invited to a special reception hosted by the
chairman in February as a reward for their contribution to Lancashire.

County Councillor Holtom said: "There are hundreds of people across the county who put in
a lot of hard work to do something for their community.

"They don't necessarily have to be part of a formal group or registered as a volunteer, they
may simply do something that makes a huge contribution to someone's life.

"If you know anyone like this, please tell us about them. They may have the chance to meet
us and maybe inspire others to do something for the people of Lancashire."

People can make their nominations by emailing Joanne Friend, the chairman's personal
assistant. Joanne's email address is Alternatively, people
can call Joanne on 01772 533360.

Notes to editors
Lancashire County Council works closely with voluntary, community and faith sector groups
to support them in the vital services they provide for local people.

In addition to recognised groups, such as community associations or residents' groups that

have recognised volunteers, many people undertake good deeds on their own initiative
without realising what a positive contribution they make to their community.


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