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Anexo 1 – Task 2 – English is easy and fun - Writing Task.

Duvenia Artunduaga Roncancio

Angelica (Ángel) Reyes Ortiz
Kelly Yojana Chaves Pitto
Fabian Andrés Ortiz Monrroy

Grupo: 900002_2048


Angela Milena Rodríguez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research
Course: English A2
septiembre de 2023
Anexo 1 – Task 2 – English is easy and fun - Writing Task.

Step 1:

Student’s name: Duvenia Artunduaga Roncancio

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Angelica(Ángel) Yulitza Reyes Ortiz

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3
Student’s name: Kelly Yojana Chaves Pitto
Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Fabian Andres Ortiz

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3
Step 2: Participation in the Students’ Talking Time (STT).

Student 1- Duvenia Artunduaga Roncancio

Date: 28-08-2023 Tutor in the workshop: Topic and What did I learn? Conocí
Angela Milena la temática del curso las fechas de
Rodriguez Avila encuentros sincrónicos.

Date: 18-00-2023 Tutor in theworkshop: Topic and What did I learn?

Angela Milena Rodriguez Avila Write for yourself
Student 2 - Name: Angelica (Ángel) Yulitza Reyes Ortiz

Date: 11-09-2023 Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

workshop: Angela
Milena Rodriguez

Date: 18-09-2023 Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

workshop: Will
Student 3 - Name: Kelly Yojana Chaves Pitto

Date: 11-03-2023 Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?


Date: 18-09-2023 Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

workshop: Will
Student 4 - Name: Fabian Andres Ortiz Monrroy

Date: 11th – Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

September 2023 workshop: Talking about past events
Angela Milena Past continuous tense
Past simple tense
Date: 18th – September Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?
2023 workshop: Will
Step 3: Simple past and Progressive, Simple past - Explanation

Having in mind the explanation above, there are 2 pictures below and each student is going to
write a sentence in past simple and a sentence in past progressive, for each picture.

Simple Past Sentence Past Progressive sentence Student´s name

They enjoyed the snow They were enjoying the snow Duvenia Artunduaga
they played as a family They were going to play as a Angelica (Angel) Reyes Ortiz
They ate chicken at the table They were eating chicken at Kelly Yojana Chaves Pitto
the table
They played on the sleigh They were playing on the Fabian Andrés Monrroy
Simple Past Sentence Past Progressive sentence Student´s name
The bear watched the race The bear was watching the Duvenia Artunduaga
race Roncancio
The turtle tied up the hare The turtle was tying up the Angelica (Angel) Reyes Ortiz
The turtle started the race The turtle was starting the Kelly Yojana Chaves Pitto
the turtle passed the finish the turtle was passing the Fabian Andres Monrroy
line finish line
Step 4: Story Picture

With the sentences above, write the story of each picture, use the simple past and the
past progressive and the connectors.

Story Picture A (todos hacen una historia):

Student 1: Duvenia Artunduaga Roncancio

They spent a beautiful day as a family, although there were no shortage of impasses with
the fall of their grandmother, everything was resolved since it did not become adults, and
they were once again enjoying the snow, at the end of the day they enjoyed a chicken
stew that Grandma prepared, and then everyone went to rest.


Once upon a time there was a family living in a cosy cabin on top of a snowy mountain.
The family decided to take advantage of the beautiful day to play in the snow. They took
their sleds out of the shed and headed for the nearby hill.
After several hours of fun in the snow, everyone was exhausted but happy. They decided
to return home to warm up and enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal that mum had
lovingly prepared during the morning.
The cabin was filled with the comforting aroma of chicken soup and freshly baked bread.
They sat around the table, shook hands and gave thanks for the beautiful day they had
shared and for the meal before them.


It was a nice day to go out and play with the sleigh, the best day of fun for the Cruz
brothers, they ended up tired and hungry; they returned home to eat delicious chicken.


It was a new day in Pitalandia, and it dawned full of snow, the Cruz brothers decided to
go play, they played with the sledge, from the hill that was near their house, then their
mother called them to have chocolate and cookies, it was a Incredible day for the Cruz

Story Picture B (todos hacen una historia):

Student 1: Duvenia Artunduaga Roncancio

The hare challenged the tortoise to a race in the forest. They agreed that if the tortoise
won, the hare would leave all the animals in that territory alone, to which the trot,
although scared, accepted. When he got home he told his brothers. and they devised a
plan to hinder the hare's journey, the bear discovered the plan but decided to remain silent
even though the hare was his friend, because he was aware that the hare should have a
lesson so that it would stop being so arrogant and taken advantage of.
That's how the tortoise won, and the hare had to keep his word, but his pride was so great
that at the end of the race he decided to leave the forest, although the bear missed her
deep down, he knew that it was the best thing that could happen, and it was like that. like
everyone was happy ever after.


In this story, the hare Lila challenges the tortoise Tito to a race to prove his speed. The
whole forest gathers to watch the race. Lila taunts Titus, confident of victory. When the
race begins, Lila takes the lead, but a group of turtles secretly plan to help Tito by
forming a barricade to block Lila's path. Confused and worried, Lila is unable to move
forward. Meanwhile, Tito keeps up his pace and finally crosses the finish line, winning
the race. The forest animals cheer and congratulate Tito. When the turtles release Lila,
she realises what has happened and feels humiliated. However, she learns a valuable
lesson about humility and not underestimating others.


One day the tortoise and the hare met in the forest, the hare said to the tortoise: I want to
compete with you in a race; The turtle, very happy, accepted the challenge. It was very
fun for the rest of the animals to witness this competition.

The forest animals began to play races, they decided that the turtle and the rabbit
would start the competitions, the turtle crossed the finish line and the little bear
wondered where the hare was, it turned out that the ninja turtles had kidnapped the hare,
to Let the turtle pass.

Step 5: Reflection and personal

Student 1 – Name: Duvenia Artunduaga Roncancio

✓ ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?
Me sentí muy bien, aunque no voy a negar que en momentos sentí un poco de
✓ ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?
Siento que debo dejar la timidez para que las cosas me fluyan mejor.
✓ ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?
Aporto de manera significativa ya que incentivo la interacción con mis compañeros
además ayudo a reforzar lo aprendido en el nivel anterior.
✓ ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?
Es de gran relevancia ya que mejoraría mis capacidades intelectuales y con esto mejoraría
en gran manera mis oportunidades laborales.

Student 2 – Name: Angelica (Angel) Reyes Ortiz

✓ ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?
Realmente me sentí muy bien ya que soy una persona de poca comunicación, pero
hice mi esfuerzo, aporte, realicé las actividades y propuse iniciativa para el desarrollo

✓ ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?

Bueno viendo desde mi perspectiva creería que deberían de mejorar más mi
comunicación tener más agilidad para compartir mis aportes y ser más abierto

✓ ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?

Varían entorno al tiempo y la concentración que he tenido realizando esta actividad,
necesito reforzar más conceptos, más cooperativo, expresarme mas dar mas aporte y a
tener una buena comunicación.

✓ ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

Aprender un segundo idioma es valioso por varias razones. En un mundo cada vez más
globalizado, el conocimiento de otro idioma puede facilitar la comunicación y la
colaboración intercultural. También puede abrir oportunidades laborales y culturales.
Además, aprender un nuevo idioma puede mejorar las habilidades cognitivas, como la
memoria y la resolución de problemas.

Student 3 – Name: Kelly Yojana Chaves Pitto

✓ ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?
Es importante mencionar lo enriquecedor y lo bien que se siente el desarrollar las
diferentes actividades.

✓ ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?

Debo mejorar en el sentido de estar más atenta en las actividades y cipas que permiten
enriquecer mis saberes.

✓ ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?

Como le mencione anteriormente, las actividades me permitieron enriquecer mis
conocimientos, generaron preguntas y respuestas para iniciar con un aprendizaje más

✓ ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

Student 4 – Fabian Andres Ortiz Monrroy:

✓ ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?

Me sentí muy bien, pues realice los 3 módulos y afiance mi conocimiento para el
desarrollo de la guía.
✓ ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?
Dedicarles más tiempo a los ejercicios del e-book, tratar de organizar mejor las ideas con
respecto a los textos que debemos producir.

✓ ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?

Reforcé los conocimientos que tenia sobre ingles y me proporciono información
importante que desconocía o mejor, había olvidado.

✓ ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

Es importante, hoy en día ya este idioma debemos manejarlo para el desarrollo de
actividades tanto laborales como seculares.

Student 5 – Name:
✓ ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?
✓ ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?
✓ ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?
✓ ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

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