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Density & Specific Gravity of Water by Anton Paar Portable

Density Meter– Standard Operating Procedure

Reference: InTouch Content ID – 6657759
Version: AA/1.0
Release Date:

Document Control:

Schlumberger Private
Owner: Testing Services (Schlumberger Reservoir Laboratories)

Author: Michael Joseph

Reviewer: Angela Dippold Beeson and James Herrick

Approver: Nguyen Van Thuan

Revision History:

Rev Effective Date Description Prepared By

AA/1.0 4/05/2015 Initial release M. Joseph

Warning: The controlled source document of this procedure is stored on

InTouch ( Any paper version of this
procedure is uncontrolled and should be compared
with the source document at time of use to ensure it is up-to-date.
Table of Contents
1.0 Scope and Application ......................................................................................................................................3
2.0 Method ..............................................................................................................................................................3
3.0 Health and Safety .............................................................................................................................................3
4.0 Equipment & Materials ......................................................................................................................................4
5.0 Detection Limits ................................................................................................................................................4
6.0 Reagents and Standards ..................................................................................................................................4
7.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Disposal ..................................................................................4
8.0 Quality Assurance – QA....................................................................................................................................4
9.0 Quality Control – QC .........................................................................................................................................5

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10.0 Procedure .........................................................................................................................................................6
11.0 Calculations ......................................................................................................................................................6
12.0 Records.............................................................................................................................................................6
13.0 References........................................................................................................................................................6
14.0 Appendices .......................................................................................................................................................7
Analysis of Density & Specific Gravity of Water by Anton Paar Digital Portable Density

1.0 Scope and Application

This method is designed to determine the ambient density and specific gravity of water sample(s)
using a portable digital density meter. This density method is applicable to water samples with
minimal particulate matter. This instrument is not capable of adjusting or maintaining a temperature
and therefore cannot measure at standard conditions, 60ºF or 15.56ºC. Density and/or specific
gravity provide an idea about the amount of dissolved solids in a sample.

2.0 Method

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The method described in this procedure is a modification of ASTM 4052 incorporating some
elements from ASTM 1429.

3.0 Health and Safety

3.1 All chemicals must be listed in the Schlumberger chemical inventory for the specific
location. If a chemical is required that is not located in the system, it must be approved.
Fill out a chemical approval form and send it to HSE. A copy of the chemical inventory list
shall be located in the front of the SDS binder.
3.2 This procedure is designed for the field. Personnel are required to follow all Schlumberger
and client HSE requirements set by the field location. Nitrile gloves are required when
handling chemicals, equipment and samples.
3.2.1 Change gloves often to prevent cross-contamination.
3.3 The operator should be familiar with the appropriate handling procedures for each
chemical, standard, and or reagent. This information can be found in the SDS.
3.3.1 All SDS must be located in the work area and be readily accessible to
3.4 All chemicals must be labeled with their chemical contents, date of manufacture or
formation onsite, vendor or person that made it, and date of expiration.
3.4.1 Schlumberger uses the Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) for
labeling all chemicals. Reference their standards for chemical labeling. If
HMIS information is not available, use the Global Harmonized System (GHS).
3.5 Properly dispose of all expired materials. Refer to the vendor or local HSE for assistance.
3.6 Care should be taken to limit the amount of waste produced by only using and preparing a
necessary amount of reagent or standard. Do not prepare large batches of standards and
reagents that will expire before they can be used. At the same time do not purchase large
amounts of reagents and standards that will expire before they can be used.
3.6.1 Effort shall be taken to recycle any generated waste. For more information
about pollution prevention see "Less is Better: Laboratory Chemical
Management for Waste Reduction," available from the American Chemical
Society's Department of Government Regulations and Science Policy, 1155
16th Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4477.
3.6.2 Waste type, production, and disposal should be monitored to examine
possible improvement areas.

4.0 Equipment & Materials

4.1 Portable Density Meter (Anton Paar DMA 35N) - consisting of an oscillating U shaped
sample tube and a system for electronic excitation, frequency counting, temperature
measurement and display, as depicted in Appendix B. To prevent cross-contamination and
buildup of solids, do not use the same meter for water and oil
4.2 Disposable Luer Lock Syringes- minimum 3 mL in sample volume which will fasten to the
right side Luer connection (PN: 89174-504 from VWR, or equivalent).
4.3 0.45 µm nylon filters (PN: SF045N from Environmental Express, or equivalent).

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5.0 Detection Limits
5.1 A method detection limit (MDL) is not applicable to this method.
5.2 The Anton Parr DMA 35N model is recommended operating at temperatures between 0 to
40 ºC.
5.2.1 Density resolution for the 35N is ±0.0001g/cm3.
5.2.2 Temperature is ±0.1ºC/F

6.0 Reagents and Standards

6.1 All chemicals shall be high-purity when possible and at least reagent grade. Make sure
the chemical lot number is listed on the certificate of analysis (COA) as well as the
expiration date. All purchased standards are usable until their listed expiration date.
6.2 Deionized reagent water (DI) of ASTM Type I or II
6.3 Clean with solvents or cleaning agents that won’t degrade the meter parts (e.g. DI water
and 10% Liquinox solution as needed).
6.4 100% Acetone as a drying agent

7.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Disposal

7.1 Sample bottles must be cleaned and rinsed with reagent water and pre-rinsed with sample.
Enough volume should be collected for replicate analyses.
7.2 Samples must be filtered with a 0.45µ nylon filter after collection and before measurement.
7.3 Filtered samples stored at 4ºC are valid for 28 days.
7.4 Samples shall be disposed of after permission from the client.
7.5 Consult SDS and local regulations for proper disposal of samples.

8.0 Quality Assurance – QA

8.1 Initial equipment calibration is done during commissioning as-per equipment manual
between 15 and 25ºC, which is sufficient to use the density meter through the temperature
range of the equipment. This is done by a deionized water adjustment. Fill DI water into
the measuring cell, with temperature between 15 and 25ºC. With the probe in the off
position, press both the On/Off and Recall/Delete buttons at the same time. The “ADJ”
selection appears at the bottom of the display, and the instrument checks the stability of
reading during ten subsequent measurements. Once stable, the density reading between
measured DI and theoretical water density is displayed, you can store the readjustment by
pressing the store button.
8.2 Density check should be done using ASTM type I water before each fluid batch (see 9.7),
oil or water to ascertain calibration validity at the beginning of each batch. Whenever the
density reads beyond tolerance limits (Deionized water ±0.001 g/cm3 from the theoretical
value, Appendix A), proper cleaning of the oscillation tube either with acetone as required
followed by flushing with DI water (ASTM type I), dry using a dry Luer Lock syringe. Again,
perform water density check. If density check is still failing, readjustment needs to be done
until within the acceptable range of ±0.001 g/cm3.

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9.0 Quality Control – QC
9.1 A precision and bias study must be performed by each operator. Analyze 7 replicates of a
known specific gravity. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the results. The
bias shall fall within the specifications listed in ASTM D1429-08. The precision (standard
deviation) shall be kept on file.
9.2 Performance evaluation can be done by inter-laboratory cross check samples or round
robin samples.
9.3 Laboratory control sample (LCS): The LCS will be deionized water and shall be run at the
beginning, every 10 samples thereafter and end of each analytical batch.
9.4 The LCS must recover within of ±0.001 g/cm3 of the specified specific gravity value. If the
LCS fails, reanalyze. If it still fails determine the source of error. All the associated
samples must be reanalyzed once the issue is resolved
9.5 Matrix spike analyses are not possible for this method due to the parameter nature.
9.6 Duplicate (Sample Dup) – A sample randomly selected and analyzed in 2 separate
replicates. It is used to examine precision with lab procedures. A duplicate should not be
treated differently from any other client sample. The results should be compared to
validate proper analysis. Calculate the relative percent difference between the samples. It
shall be within ±2%. Duplicate recovery is evaluated by calculating the relative percent
difference (RPD) of the initial sample concentration (Ic) and duplicate sample
concentration (Dc).

%RPD = [(Ic-Dc)/(Ic+Dc)/2] x 100

9.7 A typical batch sequence: Water Blank→ LCS-→Sample-→Sample Duplicate-→9

samples →LCS →Sample-→Sample Duplicate-→9 samples →LCS
10.0 Procedure
10.1 The water sample should be between 15 and 25ºC, approximately 20ºC. Consult
InTouch if the client needs the result at 15.56 ºC or another temperature outside the meter
10.2 Before starting and after each standard or sample rinse with DI water followed by
acetone to dry the tube. This prevents the buildup of solids.
10.3 Homogenize the sample and filter using a 0.45µm nylon filter.
10.4 Perform the density check and then measure the LCS, the reading should be
±0.001g/cm3 of the theoretical values in Appendix A.
10.5 Introduce a small amount (about 2.5 mL) of the sample into the density meter
using screw plug and Luer Lock syringe, see Appendix C.
10.6 Observe and confirm absence of air bubbles. The sample is to be filled in the
oscillation tube of the density meter.
10.7 Allow the temperature and oscillation to equilibrate, and record the displayed

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density (g/cm3). To change the densitometer to relative density (Specific Gravity), with the
probe in the off position, pressure and hold On/Off and store buttons, this will show the set
screen. Hold the store button for 3 seconds and set the temperature units to C. Press the
store button quickly and then scroll to Specific Gravity (00/00), use this process to change
it back to g/cm3. Do NOT use API SG settings for water measurements, as these are
reserved for Crude Oil, Fuels and Lubricants.
10.8 After finishing the analysis, flush the oscillation tube with deionized water, acetone
and then push dry using a dry air-filled syringe. If samples contained oily residues, a 10%
Liquinox in DI water solution safely removes oily, surfactant or other organic and inorganic

11.0 Calculations
In case the equipment does not display relative density (Specific gravity), calculate,
Specific gravity = ds/ddw
ds - displayed density of sample at specified temperature
ddw - density of reagent water, measured at the same temperature

12.0 Records
12.1 Report the density, specific gravity and test temperature in the dedicated data
sheet (HACH Basic Water Template) for the water check, LCS, sample and sample
duplicate. Report the final results to the third decimal place.
12.2 Record all raw data into the specified project folder.

13.0 References:
InTouch Content ID: 6048591 – GeMs 101224400, 5785247 – Precision and Bias Study, 5772699
- HACH Basic Water Template – Best Practice 6486583
ASTM D 4052, ASTM D 5002, ASTM D 5847
Anton Paar. DMA 35N Portable Density Meter. Graz, Austria: Anton Paar, 2007.
14.0 Appendices
Density of Deionized Water (0ºC to 40ºC)
Appendix A

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DMA 35N Description
Appendix B 6
Front View

7 1 Display Screen
2 Measuring Cell
3 Luer Lock connection (input)
4 Sample output
5 Built-in pump
1 6 Pump lock
7 Operating keys

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Rear View

8 Data storage key

9 Battery port
10 Screw for battery port

DMA 35N operating example
Appendix C

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Operating View
1 Luer lock syringe with 2.5mL
of filtered sample 1
2 Sample discharge after
3 Density reading (g/cm3)
4 Temperature, C
5 Memory reading

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