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Materials Today: Proceedings 71 (2022) 202–208

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Development of standard and high strength concretes using sustainable

& recycled materials
Apoorva M. ⇑, Narendra Kumar Boppana
Department of Structural Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One of the most complex challenges in the concrete technology is the utilization of additives and optimiz-
Available online 8 September 2022 ing their proportions to enhance their performance. Construction activities cause damage to the environ-
ment in terms of pollution & waste generation. Hence, additives used in the concrete must not only be
Keywords: efficient but must also be sustainable to minimize such negative effects. The current research work thus
Self-compacting concrete provides an experimental investigation of the workability and mechanical strengths of the Self
Sustainable materials Compacting Concrete (SCC) for standard and higher grades with inclusion of sustainable materials like
Fine recycled materials
Fly ash, GGBS & fine recycled materials, and the results were compared to Nominal mix containing M-
Mechanical strength
sand as the fine material. The different percentage replacements adopted for study were 50% and
100%. The results showed better flow and consistency but lesser strengths in compression, tension & flex-
ure. The declining trend with increase in replacement of the recycled aggregates can be attributed to poor
quality, moisture state and properties of the source. However, by replacing appropriate amounts of recy-
cled fine materials, this method can be adopted for structural applications, thereby minimizing the envi-
ronmental consequences of the recycled materials.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the World Engineering Conference on Contemporary
TechnologiesTM 2022 (WECON TM 2022).

1. Introduction and Technology Promotion Council, India generates around 180

million tonnes of demolition waste in a year; this not only aggra-
Sustainable construction involves use of recyclable and renew- vates the amount of waste produced but also escalates the carbon
able materials for building projects thereby reducing the energy footprint. Thus, the two concerns outlined above, i.e., depletion of
consumption and waste generation. The need for creating a sus- natural resources and increase in wastage, can be alleviated by
tainable society has now become more important than developing using the C&D debris as a raw material for construction. Materials
infrastructure facilities considering the harm the construction sec- with sustainable properties i.e., Fly ash & GGBS which are by-
tor impose on the environment. It is an inevitable fact that with products of power plants and blast furnaces respectively can also
increase in population, the utilization of natural resources and be included to reduce CO2 emissions thereby curtailing the impact
energy increases proportionally. The construction sector is majorly on the environment [4,5]. Thus, their incorporation as a substitute
accountable for the consumption of vast amounts of natural to cement has been widely utilized due to similar characteristics
resources [1]. Thus, higher levels of their extraction have persisted [6].
over time, resulting in considerable scarcity in certain areas. Thus, Use of recycled aggregates in concrete is no more just a research
finding replacements for these materials have become an essential topic, as it has been adopted in several countries. However, it has
requirement. Another repercussion of the infrastructural develop- been restricted to lower grade applications such as fill material
ment is the production of large quantities of construction and for geo-synthetic structures, stabilization of soil, masonry mortars,
demolition debris (C&D) that are thrown on landfills after disman- etc [7,8]. Thus, their use in structural concrete has been researched
tling of concrete structures [2,3]. According to Building Materials and the previous studies show certain problems associated with it,
in both fresh and hardened state. The workability of the concrete
with inclusion of fine recycled aggregates (FRA) reduced attribut-
⇑ Corresponding author. ing to the higher absorption rates and introduction of finer content
E-mail address: (M. Apoorva). into new concrete by the mortar attached to the recycled waste [9].
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the World Engineering Conference on Contemporary TechnologiesTM 2022 (WECON TM 2022).
M. Apoorva and N.K. Boppana Materials Today: Proceedings 71 (2022) 202–208

Also, the transport mechanism is affected as more interfacial tran- Table 2

sition zones are introduced and this shows a negative impact the Grading of fine aggregates.

mechanical properties of the hardened concrete [10]. However, Sieve size Cumulative % Passing
some other studies showed comparable values with conventional M-Sand FRA
concrete for both workability and mechanical behavior when these
4.75 mm 100 98
substitutions to fine aggregates were adopted [11,12]. This shows 2.36 mm 77.8 97.8
that the performance of the FRA and the factors affecting its behav- 1.18 mm 63 61.2
ior has not been fully understood. 600 lm 52 55.5
This study aims at understanding the rheological and mechan- 300 lm 29.8 12.7
150 lm 1.1 0
ical properties on standard and high strength self- consolidating
concrete by increasing the sustainability with inclusion of Fly ash
& GGBS as a substitute to binder whose combination is not readily
available. And thus, the paper focuses on analyzing the effect of 2.3. Natural coarse aggregates (CA)
higher percentage replacements of fine recycled aggregates i.e.,
50 % and 100 % in the presence of the two supplementary cemen-  Gravels of maximum size 10 mm were used for making the con-
titious materials added. crete mixtures in accordance with IS 383 specifications. The
aggregates are used in concrete for stability and strength. The
2. Materials used measured value of relative density is 2.64. And the gradation
of these aggregates is given in Table 3.
2.1. Cementitious materials 2.4. Water

 OPC grade 53 was adopted in current research work, in accor- Tap water was used for concrete mixtures as well as for curing
dance with IS 12269. The physical properties and mineral com- the specimens.
positions were determined using procedures stipulated in IS
12269 and IS 4031 respectively. The relative density of the 2.5. Super-plasticizer
cement was calculated as 3.14.
 Fly ash was procured from local RMC plants and its chemical A PCE based high range water reducing agent named SIKA 311X
composition matches to ‘Class F’ type according to IS 1727 as was used throughout the investigation. This provides high water
provided by supplier. This material is used as a substitute to reduction and good fresh concrete characteristics.
cement. The relative density of Fly ash used was 2.18.
 GGBS procured from local supplier was utilized; conforming to 3. Experimental investigation
IS 12089. It is used as a replacement to OPC. The relative density
was 3.1. The mixes were developed in two series for standard and higher
 The proportions of chemical compounds of the cementitious grades of SCC with inclusion of 15 % Fly ash & 15 % GGBS as
materials are described in Table 1. replacements to the binder material. Both the series of mixes con-
tained fine recycled aggregate replacements of 50 % and 100 %. The
2.2. Fine aggregate first series was for standard strength mixes and the second series
for high strength mixes. All the mixes were designed according
 M-sand and Fine recycled aggregates was utilized as a fine to EFNARC guidelines [13] and the mix proportions are formulated
aggregate obtained from local suppliers. The manufactured below in Table 4. The total binder content was 442 kg/m3 for stan-
sand is produced by crushing the large stones into finer material dard grade mixes and 600 kg/m3 for higher grade mixes. A water to
and then subsequently cleaned and graded. The relative density cement ratio of 0.43 and 0.3 was kept constant throughout the
and fineness modulus of the M-sand used in the current work is study for the first and second series respectively. Pre-soaking of
2.68 and 2.86 respectively. the fine recycled aggregates was considered for an effective sepa-
 Fine recycled aggregates obtained from Construction & Demoli- ration of impurities and improvement of quality and the mixing
tion Waste Recycling plant is used for study. These are pro- water was altered to account for its absorption. The mixing process
cessed by using mechanical jaw crushers into various sizes was done using a pan-mixer of 100 L capacity with a horizontal
both coarse & fine, and are chemically treated. The relative den- shaft to ensure better mixing of all the materials. Firstly, the dry
sity and fineness modulus are 2.34 and 2.75 respectively. The mixing of the aggregates both fine & coarse was carried out for
water absorption was found to be 5 %. two to three minutes and then the cementitious binding materials
 The grading of fine aggregates used for current study is repre- Portland cement, GGBS and Fly ash were added to it and the mixer
sented in Table 2. was rotated for another one or two minutes for proper blend of all
the components. As the rotation of the mix continued, the water
calculated according to design, was supplied in small amounts
Table 1
Proportions of chemical compounds of cement, Fly ash and GGBS.
and the mixing was continued for four minutes. The balance
amount of the total water content along with the Super-
Compound Composition of Composition of Fly Composition of
cement (in % by ash (in % by GGBS (in % by
weight) weight) weight) Table 3
SiO2 21.5 57.8 34.7 Grading of coarse aggregates.
Al2O3 7.2 19.2 18.2
Sieve size Cumulative % Passing
Fe2O3 3.35 12.5 1.21
CaO 62.68 4.2 33.6 20 mm 100
MgO 2.87 4.62 11.1 16 mm 100
K2O 0.3 1.25 0.04 12.5 mm 97
SO3 1.8 0.23 1 10 mm 98.5
Na2O 0.3 0.2 0.17 4.75 mm 2.5

M. Apoorva and N.K. Boppana Materials Today: Proceedings 71 (2022) 202–208

Table 4
Mix proportions.

Mix ID w/c Ratio CEMENT (kg/m3) FLY ASH (kg/m3) GGBS (kg/m3) M -SAND (kg/m3) FRA (kg/m3) 10 mm CA (kg/m3) SP (kg/m3)
SCC 0.43 309 66 66 863 – 854 1.35
SCCFRA50 0.43 309 66 66 431.5 431.5 854 1.35
SCCFRA100 0.43 309 66 66 – 863 854 1.35
HSSCC 0.3 420 90 90 776 – 716 3.6
HSSCCFRA50 0.3 420 90 90 388 388 716 3.6
HSSCCFRA100 0.3 420 90 90 – 776 716 3.6

Table 5
Test results for workability.


Slump Flow(mm) 650 575 670 720 680 735 550–850 mm
V-Funnel (s) 9.6 8.5 7 12.5 10.2 9 6–12 s
L-Box 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.93 0.9 0.88 0.8–1

plasticizer was finally added. The obtained homogenous mixture

was then tested for the workability characteristics and ensured
that all the self-compacting concrete specifications are satisfied.
The prepared concrete was cast into cubical, cylindrical and prism
moulds. After 24 h, the cast specimens were de-moulded & subject
to curing under water, until taken out for testing.

4. Workability tests

4.1. Slump flow test

It is used to determine the flowing ability of SCC mixes; it also

describes the uniform nature & resistance to segregation of the
fresh concrete mix. The mean value of the spread measured in
two perpendicular directions is adopted as the slump flow value.
All the slump flow results satisfied EFNARC guidelines which spec-
ifies acceptance according to three classes SF1 (550–650 mm), SF2
(660–750 mm) and SF3 (760–850 mm). Based on the experimental
values, it can be noted that the slump flow diameter decreased
Fig. 1. Compression strength testing. compared to the nominal mix i.e., from 650 mm to 575 mm for ser-
ies 1 and 720 mm to 680 mm for series 2 at 50 % FRA replacements.
The decrease in flow is attributed to the friction between particles,

Fig. 2. Compression strength at 7- & 28-day curing periods for (a) series 1 (b) series 2.

M. Apoorva and N.K. Boppana Materials Today: Proceedings 71 (2022) 202–208

which is caused by the shape, texture, porosity and absorption of required for the entire concrete fill to flow out by gravity. Lower
FRA. Though the water absorption of FRA is higher, this water is the flow time, the greater is the filling ability of the mixture and
trapped between the finer materials and is inadequate to support lesser viscosity [16]. As the finer material content increases at
a larger slump flow [14]. On the contrary, the mixes with full higher replacement levels of FRA, the viscosity increases thereby
replacement of FRA showed a higher value with respect to the increasing the V-Funnel time. Conversely, in this study, the full
nominal mixes i.e., 670 mm and 735 mm for series 1 & 2 respec- replacement mixes for both series 1 & 2 showed a marginally lower
tively. This favourable impact on the slump flow characteristics value compared to 50 % FRA replacement due to more water
may be caused by the porous nature of FRA which holds the water absorption of FRA which makes the concrete heavier thereby caus-
during the mixing phase and which is subsequently liberated ing a quick fall.
owing to agitation and surface tension [15].
4.3. L-Box test
4.2. V-Funnel test
The passing ability of the concrete through confined spaces and
The relative viscosity of the prepared mixtures is evaluated by narrow apertures is assessed through this test. After filling up of
measuring the V-Funnel flow time which is described as the time the vertical chamber, the sliding gate is raised to allow the flow
of concrete mix in the horizontal section. After the flow has
stopped, the depth of concrete relative to the both sections i.e.,
blocking ratio (H2/H1) is measured. In the current study, the block-
ing ratio from the experimental observation depicted a declining
trend with higher percentage replacements of FRA. The reason
for such result could be the increase in fines content at higher
replacements and increase in the frictional forces between the par-
ticles [17]. The experimental values for workability of all the mixes
are illustrated in Table 5.

5. Results and discussion

5.1. Compression strength

The strength in compression of any material refers to the mate-

rial’s capacity to withstand stresses, without undergoing any dis-
tortion or rupture. The casted samples of size 150 mm cubes
were assessed using a compression testing machine after curing
for 7 and 28 days as shown in Fig. 1. The mechanical characteristics
of both the series of mixes showed a fall in strength values with
increase in the FRA replacement percentages. The 7-day Compres-
sion strength of Series 1 mixes (Fig. 2a) i.e., SCCFRA50 and
SCCFRA100, reduced by 9.5 % and 14.5 % respectively, compared
to the nominal mix (SCC). And the 28-day strength showed a
decline of 12 % and 16.2 % compared to conventional concrete for
SCCFRA50 and SCCFRA100 respectively. Thus, it is evident that
Fig. 3. Split tensile test. compression strength of concrete further decreased for 28 day cur-

Fig. 4. Tensile strength at 7- & 28-day curing periods for (a) series 1 (b) series 2.

M. Apoorva and N.K. Boppana Materials Today: Proceedings 71 (2022) 202–208

ing period. The result of Series 2 mixes (Fig. 2b) for a 7-day curing remarkable strength loss [21]. Moreover, the decrease in strength
period showed 24.6 % and 18.2 % strength reduction while for a 28- of HSSCCFRA100 was lesser compared to HSSCCFRA50 especially
day curing period showed 26.5 % and 22 % reduction in strength for the series 2 mixes, and the possible reason for this could be fil-
values for HSSCCFRA50 and HSSCCFRA100 in comparison to HSSCC. ler effect of finer FRA compared to M-sand, producing a denser
The decrease in strength for high strength mix was marginally concrete and the interlocking effect due to angular shape and
higher than for lower grade mixes. rough texture [22].
The decreasing trend is attributed to higher water content for
mixes with FRA required to attain the same workability as the 5.2. Splitting tensile strength
nominal mix. Due to this, water accumulates near the interfacial
zones leading to poor adhesion with the surrounding matrix The indirect tensile strength of concrete specimens is measured
[18]. Also, the weak link introduced due to old mortar content by applying a diametric compression load on the total length of the
attached to aggregates is one of the reasons for diminishing cast cylindrical specimens of size 100*200 mm until failure occurs.
strength properties [19,20]. The inferior quality and density of The test was conducted after curing for 7 and 28 days as depicted
FRA, the introduction of innumerable pores and micro–cracks in Fig. 3. The experimental results with inclusion of FRA depicted a
due to the crushing process of FRA might have induced the similar trend as the compression strength; however, the effect on
tensile strength was slightly comparatively low which is because
of good bonding nature of FRA to cement paste [23,24]. The
strength of Series 1 mixes (Fig. 4a) i.e., SCCFRA50 and SCCFRA100
for a 7-day curing period, reduced by 6.5 % and 13 % respectively,
compared to SCC; and for a 28-day curing period, showed a decline
of 8.8 % and 15.3 % for SCCFRA50 and SCCFRA100 in comparison to
SCC. In Series 2 (Fig. 4b), compared to HSSCC, the decrease of ten-
sile strength at 7 days & 28 days for the mixture HSSCCFRA100 was
15.2 % and 20 % and was only 13 % and 16.2 % for the mixture
HSSCCFRA50. The lower strength with higher replacement levels
is as a consequence of soft, permeable nature of the attached mor-
tar of FRA and builds up of excess water which creates a loose gap
in the zone between aggregate phase and the cement paste phase

5.3. Flexural strength

Flexural strength test was performed on cast prisms of size

100*100*500 mm to determine its ability to resist the bending
forces applied by a two-point loading system. The test was con-
ducted after curing at 7 and 28 days as depicted in Fig. 5. The
decrease in strength compared to control concrete SCC (Fig. 6a)
was observed in the following ranges i.e., 6.7 % and 7.2 % for
SCCFRA50 and 11.6 % and 14.7 % for SCCFRA100 in the two curing
periods 7 & 28 days. In the similar manner, comparing with HSSCC,
Fig. 5. Flexural strength test. a drop in strength values for 7- & 28-day curing period (Fig. 6b)

Fig. 6. Flexural strength at 7- & 28-day curing periods for (a) series 1 (b) series 2.

M. Apoorva and N.K. Boppana Materials Today: Proceedings 71 (2022) 202–208

were about 10 % and 15.3 % for HSSCCFRA50 and 13.3 % and 17 % Declaration of Competing Interest
for HSSCCFRA100.The decrease in strength values for flexure are
slightly lower compared to the tensile strength. Due to compli- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cated dual ITZ formed as a result of interference of old & new mor- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
tar of FRA, the adhesion between paste and aggregate phase to influence the work reported in this paper.
reduces, which creates a negative effect on the flexural strength

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