Org and Management ST 1 Module 1

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WEEK 1 (SEPTEMBER 13 – 17, 2021)



Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a sheet of paper.

1. What do you call the 5th function of management where in it involves evaluation,
recruitment, selection, training and placement of individuals in specific job roles?
a. Staffing
b. Controlling
c. Hiring
d. Interviewing

2. What directing function of management implies to the choice below?

A. Planning
B. Leading
C. Staffing
D. Motivation

3. Which of the following is true with respect to planning?

A. Make a blue print of ideas and works
B. Tell the work allocation to all employees
C. Monitor whether the things allocated are done properly
D. None of the above

4. It is a function of Management that ensures that everything is carried according to plan.

a. Organizing
b. Commanding
c. Controlling
d. Planning
5. It is a function of Management that concerns with leadership, motivation, communication
supervision in order that the employees will be able to perform efficient and effectively in
order to achieve the desired output.
a. Organizing
b. Commanding
c. Directing
d. Planning

6. What is the process of arranging an organization’s structure and coordinating its managerial
practices and use of resources to achieve its goals.
a. Organizing
b. Commanding
c. Directing
d. Planning


7. What did you observe in the “Principles of Mangement are universally accepted”
a. All successful organizations must follow established principles of management, such as
division of work, unity of command, authority and responsibilities, discipline.
b. In management the output may change even when the input remains the same because it
deals with human being. Subordinates working under one manager may give different result
though resources are same. Process of management is universally followed.
c. Management collects information either by observation or experiment and practice.
d. implies application of knowledge and skill trying to have a desired output.

8. Departments and individuals in the organizing are able to work in coordination. Which
importance of planning is highlighted in the statement?
a. Planning provides direction
b. Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities
c. Planning reduces risk of uncertainty
d. Planning facilitates decision making

9. Which of the following is CORRECT about organizational effectiveness?

a. Successful organizations focus on the goal approach
b. One indicator of effectiveness is efficiency
c. Ability to acquire raw materials at a low cost is a measure of the strategic constituents
d. Internal process approach focuses on the human relation approach
10 Which of these statements best summarizes the meaning of management?
a. Only people in formal organization act as managers
b. Only a few experienced people in an organization are managers
c. Management is a job conducted by those with special training
d. Management is both a general human activity and a specialized occupation

11. Which of the statement below is an effective standard for control?

a. Deciding to hire 10 employees
b. Renting a new space
c. Planning to increase sales from 10000 every month
d. Improving the quality of production

12. Which describe best a management?

a. Reduces effectiveness
b. Increase Efficiency
c. Causes chaos
d. Cause delays


13. Why do you think management is a science?

a. Because it is systemetized body of knowledge
b. Because it is a pure science
c. Because it implies application of knowledge and skill trying to have a desired output.
d. Because it deals with human being

14. As a manager how would you lead your people?

a. Don’t appreciate your employees work
b. Take credits of your employees efforts
c. Ensure the people’s’ commitment to the organization and encourage them to livwe the
Company’s Vision in their job performance
d. Disseminate the job without proper instruction

15. Jhen operates a travel agency. She has 20 people in her business. However when one is
absent in other department. The other person will do the job to finished the work even if it is
not her assigned task Jhen’s business? What action would you take to make the management
achieve its mission and vision?
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Controlling
d. Leading

16. What is not the main Management Function ?

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Controlling
d. Staffing
d. Goal oriented

17. What action in Management Function does Planning serves?

a. it identifies and select the company’s goals and determine the corresponding courses of
action in order to achieve them.
b. It helps the company achieve its objectives by influencing their subordinates to perform.
c. It measures actual performance with pre-determined standards.
d. It refers to recruiting, training and developing personnel.

18. What would the result be if there is no Division of Labor in an organization? Will be more
familiar with their assignments
a. Workers Will be more familiar with their assignments
b.They will be more proficient
c. They will produce better output
d. Their mastery of skill takes much longer


19. What action would you take as a Manager to be an outstanding Manager?

a. Lead by an example
b. Manage the creation of solutions over finding fault
c. Build the confidence among your people
d. All of the above are correct


20. Which of the following is not a characteristeristic of an organization?

a. Coordination of Effort
b. Common Goal or Purpose
c. Hierarchy of Authority
d. Perfection through Practice
Prepared by:

Michelle B. Tolentino
Teacher I


Rowena D. Bunagan
Coordinator - SHS

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