Act 6 Global2

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Name: Matrícula:

Sophia Lucero Pérez Arellano AL03014460

Daniela Neyra Bautista AL02997645
Mariann Villarreal Marin AL02988813
Diego Monroy Monarres AL03017093

Course: Teacher’s name:

Global Culture 2 Francis Valeria Martínez Mojica

Date: 25/09/2022 Activity 6


1. Read the following questions:

○ Write your first name Sophia
○ What did she/ he do? was socializing
○ Where? in south america
○ When? on september
○ Why? to solve something

○ Write your first name Daniela

○ What did she/ he do? was dancing
○ Where? in Dangdong
○ When? on december
○ Why? to decestraiting

○ Write your first name Mariann

○ What did she/ he do? was making cookies
○ Where? in Mexico
○ When? on May
○ Why? to meet people

○ Write your first name Diego

○ What did she/ he do? was eating shrimp
○ Where? In San Diego
○ When? On April
○ Why? Because I was on the rodeo

2. Discuss the following:

○ What is the importance of practicing tongue twisters?

Tongue twisters have been proven to clarify the pronunciation of words, also stretch
and strengthen the muscles which you use to speak and show you what words and
sounds you have trouble with pronouncing

○ How did you feel writing and pronouncing them?

At first it was difficult to pronounce them, as we were not used to saying tongue
twisters, but with practice it became much easier.

○ Why are they difficult to pronounce?

Because the representations in the brain greatly overlap.

○ Are there any special situations or cases in which they are


They are used to rap.

○ Are there any other tongue twisters in English that you already
know? If not, search for at least two tongue twisters and include

Whether the weather is warm, whether. the weather is hot, we have to put up with
the weather, whether we like it or not.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He
would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood. As a
woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood

○ Are there any other exercises to improve diction and

pronunciation? Describe at least two.

Singing because it helps you with the diction, if you read while singing it can help you
to know how to pronounce some words.

Watching movies with subtitles can also help you to know how to pronounce some

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