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Preparation and Properties of the Ammonium

Wm. H. Ross, Albert R. Merz, and K. D. Jacob
Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Washington, D. C.

products of the re-· The most concentrated fertilizer materials obtain- with ammonium sulfide.
able are salts in which both the acid and basic radicals
THE action between phos-
phoric oxide and water contain the essential fertilizer elements. The am-
These salts are soluble in
water and are crystallizable.
are meta-, pyro-, and ortho- monium phosphates form an important group of such Ammonium trimetaphos-
phosphoric acids. These concentrated fertilizer compounds. They form three
phate is prepared from micro-

acids combine with ammonia series of salts—the meta-, pyro-, and ortho-phosphates cosmic salt by subjecting it
directly to form three groups of ammonium. Methods for their preparation are to gentle heating until the
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

of salts known as the meta-, described and their properties outlined, particular fused mass begins to crystal-
pyro-, and ortho-phosphates attention being paid to those compounds which give lize and changes into insoluble
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of ammonium. These salts promise of extensive utilization in commercial con- sodium monometaphosphate
may be produced also by centrated fertilizers. and soluble sodium trimeta-
double decomposition be- phosphate. The latter is
tween ammonium salts and corresponding phosphates of other then treated with an ammonium salt for the preparation of
bases. Both methods of preparation are comparatively simple ammonium trimetaphosphate by double decomposition.
in operation, and the economic production of any ammonium Ammonium pentametaphosphate2 may be prepared by
phosphate is therefore largely a question of the cost of produc- heating ammonium dimetaphosphate at 200-250° C., treating
ing the phosphoric acid required in its manufacture. the resulting mass with cold water, and adding alcohol to
Ammonium precipitate ammonium pentametaphosphate. On treating
Metaphosphates this compound with a potash salt, it may be changed in
The ordinary metaphosphoric acid, or glacial phosphoric turn to a compound having the formula NH4K4P5OU.6H2O.
acid, is a transparent, non-crystalline, vitreous solid, which
This compound is of no commercial application at present,
rapidly absorbs moisture from the air, and in solution com- but it is of interest in that it affords an example of a definite
bines with water to form orthophosphoric acid. The rate chemical compound which contains all three of the fertilizer
of change into the ortho acid increases with rise in tempera- elements.
ture and with the concentration of the solution. Strong Ammonium Pyrophosphates
mineral acids accelerate the change while weak organic acids
retard the speed of conversion. The usual method of prepar- Pyrophosphoric acid is the first member of a series of
ing the acid consists in adding the proper proportion of water polyphosphoric acids. Formulas of these acids are multiples
to phosphorus pentoxide, or in calcining orthophosphoric of orthophosphoric acid less one or more molecules of water.
acid at about 300° C. The product prepared by either of Pyrophosphoric acid (diphosphoric acid) may be prepared by
these methods is a mixture of a series of metaphosphoric acids heating equal molecular proportions of ortho- and meta-
having molecular formulas which are multiples of the first phosphoric acids at 100° C., or by adding lead acetate to a
of the series. These are known as monometaphosphoric solution of an alkali pyrophosphate and decomposing the pre-
acid, dimetaphosphoric acid, etc. The first in the series is cipitated lead pyrophosphate with hydrogen sulfide.
monobasic, and the remainder polybasic. A large number of Pyrophosphoric acid is a tetrabasic acid and is theoretically
alkali metaphosphates is thus theoretically possible, but their capable of forming four salts according as one or more of the
preparation in a pure state is very difficult, owing to their hydrogen ions of the acid is replaced with a base. The normal
or tetraammonium pyrophosphate,6 ( 4), 2 7, separates
instability and to the fact that they do not readily crystallize.
Neutralization of glacial phosphoric acid with an alkali as a crystalline salt when alcohol is added to a solution of
will give alkali metaphosphates of the series of metaphosphoric pyrophosphoric acid saturated with ammonia. The salt is
acids present. A similar mixture of alkali metaphosphates very soluble in water, reacts alkaline, and is unstable.
is also obtained on calcining the corresponding monoalkali The secondary ammonium pyrophosphate, (NH4)2H2P207,
orthophosphate. Thus one or more of the ammonium meta- may be prepared in solution by adding ammonia to pyro-
phosphates may be obtained in mixture with metaphosphoric phosphoric acid urftil the solution reacts alkaline to methyl
acid by heating monoammonium phosphate at about 300° C. orange. It may be obtained in the solid state6 by dissolving
Ammonium monometaphosphate may be prepared by the tetrapyrophosphate in acetic acid, mixing with alcohol,
neutralizing a solution of metaphosphoric acid in the cold and allowing to stand until crystallization occurs, or by
with ammonium carbonate.2 The monometaphosphates are heating ammonium orthophosphate at 155° C. This salt
sparingly soluble in water and do not readily crystallize. is neutral to methyl orange but acid to phenolphthalein, and
Ammonium di-3 and tetra-4 metaphosphates are obtained if kept dry may be stored indefinitely without change. The
on heating phosphoric acid with a heavy metal, such as primary and tertiary salts have not been prepared in a solid
copper or lead, at 350° C., and then decomposing the product state.
part of the Symposium on "Concentrated Fertilizers
as Ammonium Orthophosphates
and Fertilizer Materials" before the Division of Fertilizer Chemistry at the
76th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Swampscott, Mass., Sep- Orthophosphoric acid differs from the meta and pyrg acids
tember 10 to 14, 1928. in being stable in contact with water at ordinary tempera-
Tammann, J. prakt. Chem., [2] 46, 431 (1892); Z. physik. Chem., 6,
125 (1890). 8
Lindborn, Ber., 8, 122 (1875); Von Knorre, Z. anorg. Chem., 24, 369
Fleitmann, Pogg. Ann., 78, 233, 338 (1849). (1900).
Warschauer, Z. anorg. Chem., 36, 137 (1903). 8
Schwarzenberg, Liebig’s Ann., 66, 141 (1848).

tures. This is also true of the salts formed from the ortho phosphates. They show, for example, (1) that in order to
acid with non-volatile bases, and the orthophosphates are make separate precipitations of the mono-, di-, and tri-
practically the only salts of phosphoric acid which occur in ammonium phosphates, it is necessary to maintain the am-
nature. monia pressure respectively below, between, and above the
Properties—Orthophosphoric acid is a tribasic acid, and equilibrium pressures of Equations 1 and 2; and (2) that in
it therefore reacts with ammonia to form three ammonium order to prevent the dissociation of diammonium phosphate
phosphates known as the mono, di, and tri compounds. or triammonium phosphate in solution, it is necessary to
Monoammonium phosphate is slightly acid in reaction; maintain an ammonia pressure equal to that which is in
diammonium phosphate, slightly*alkaline; asid triammonium equilibrium with each of the respective salts alone in solution.
phosphate, strongly alkaline. The stability of these three It has been shown that this pressure in the case of diam-
compounds decreases in the order named. monium phosphate is above the equilibrium ammonia pres-
The manner in which the di- and tri-ammonium phosphates sure of Equation 1, and therefore above the pressure required
dissociate is represented by the following reactions: to prevent the dissociation of diammonium phosphate in the
solid state. It follows, therefore, that diammonium phos-
(NH4)2HPC)4 =
NH4H2P04 + NH3 (1)
(NH4)3P04 =
(NH4)2HP04 + NH3 (2) phate loses ammonia more rapidly in solution than in the
solid form, unless it has a sufficient quantity of the mono-
Each of these systems is one of two components and three phosphate mixed with it to make the solution saturated with
phases, and consequently at a given temperature there is respect to both salts. The stability of diammonium phos-
but one pressure of ammonia at which both solids can exist in phate when stored in a damp place may therefore be increased
equilibrium. It follows, therefore, that if solid monoammo- by mixing it with a quantity of monoammonium phosphate.
nium phosphate is placed in a closed vessel and ammonia is Table I shows that diammonium phosphate is the most
added at constant temperature, no reaction will take place soluble of the three phosphates and triammonium phosphate
until the pressure of the ammonia reaches that corresponding the least. The solubility of the triammonium phosphate de-
to the equilibrium pressure of Equation 1. Chemical reaction creases rapidly with excess of ammonia and amounts to only
between ammonia and the mono salt will then begin to take 0.16 gram per 100 grams of solvent when dissolved in an
place with formation of the di salt. Further additions of ammonia solution of 0.90 specific gravity. It is therefore
ammonia will be followed with no further change in pressure precipitated as a white, crystalline salt when sufficient gaseous
until the monophosphate has been completely changed into ammonia or a strong ammonia solution is added to a saturated
the diphosphate. The addition of more ammonia will then solution of either of the other compounds. It may be
be followed in turn with further increase in pressure but with- obtained in a dry state by passing a stream of ammonia
out chemical change until the equilibrium pressure of Equation over the material in a closed vessel at 90-100° C. The dry
2 is reached. Formation of the tri compound will then take salt changes into the di compound with loss of ammonia at
place by reaction between the ammonia and the di compound. ordinary temperatures. Addition of water increases the rate
Table I—Properties of Ammonium Orthophosphates

Heat of
Solubility Forma-
at 25° C. TION from Ammonia pH of
per 100 Gaseous Vapor 0.1 M
Crystal Grams NHj and Pressure Soln. Reaction of 0.1 M Soln.
Compound Form Water Solid H3PO4 100° C. 125° C. to Indicators
Grams Cal. Mm. Hg. Mm. Hg.
Monoammonium phosphate, NH4H2PO4 Tetragonal 40,0 29,000 0.00 0.05 4.4 Alkaline to methyl orange; red to methyl red
Diammonium phosphate, (NH4)2HPC>4 Monoclinic 69.5 48,500 5.0 30.0 8.0 Neutral to cresol red
Triammonium phosphate, (NH4)aP04 Orthorhombic 17.7 58,400 643 1177 9.4 Neutral to thymol blue in alkaline range

The situation is somewhat different when ammonia is added of dissociation. A solution of diammonium phosphate also
to a saturated solution of monoammonium phosphate in loses ammonia, but very slowly, at ordinary temperatures.
contact with the solid salt. The addition of ammonia is No appreciable loss occurs if the solid is kept dry or mixed
followed by increase in pressure, but as the system is now with the mono salt as already explained.
divariant, diammonium phosphate begins to form immedi- Table II—Solubility of Monoammonium Phosphate and of Am-
ately. The solution will then be saturated with respect to monium Sulfate
the mono salt, but with increasing concentrations of the di Temperature NH4H2PO4 (NHilzSOV

salt, until it becomes saturated with respect to both salts. C.

Grams per 100 grams water
19.9 70.6
The ammonia pressure will then correspond to the equilibrium 23.6 71.8
10 27.4 73.0
pressure of Equation 1, or to the pressure at which diam- 20 35.8 75.4
monium phosphate is formed in the dry state. Further ad- 30 45.3 78.0
40 56.2 81.0
dition of ammonia brings about the conversion of the solid 60 83.3 88.0
80 121.0 95.3
monophosphate into the diphosphate without change in 100 177.2 103.3
pressure until the solid consists only of the di salt. An in- °
Seidell, "Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds," 2nd Ed., p. 63.
crease in pressure will now follow any further addition of
ammonia and the concentration of the mono salt in the liquid Preparation—The results given in Table II show that
phase will decrease until at a certain pressure the solution con- monoammonium phosphate is less soluble than ammonium
tains only the diphosphate. This pressure is of interest in sulfate at ordinary temperatures, but more soluble at 100° C.
that it is the pressure required to prevent dissociation of At 65° C. the solubility of the two salts is about the same.
diammonium phosphate when this salt is dissolved in water. This similarity between the solubility of the two salts at
The addition of more ammonia will be followed by the forma- this temperature is no doubt responsible in a large measure
tion of the triphosphate with corresponding changes in the for the widespread view that a sulfate of ammonia plant can
solid and liquid phases until the transformation of the di be so constructed and erected as to be available without alter-
into the tri salt is complete. ation for the production of monoammonium phosphate from
These pressure relationships are of practical application in concentrated phosphoric acid and ammonia.7 This would
a study of the properties and preparation of the ammonium 7
Ernst and Edwards, Ind. Eng. Chbm., 19, 768 (1927).

no doubt be true if the purity of the acid used compared with A modification of this process for which patents are now
that of commercial sulfuric acid. Crude phosphoric acid, pending nas been developed in this country and also adopted
particularly that prepared by the sulfuric acid method, differs in Europe. The production of diammonium phosphate for
from commercial phosphoric acid in that it contains a con- use as a fertilizer offers an advantage over the mono compound
siderable proportion of iron and aluminum phosphates which in that it contains approximately 25 per cent of ammo.iia
are precipitated as a gelatinous sludge when the acid is while the latter contains only about 14 per cent. Thus, the
neutralized with ammonia. The formation of this sludge same weight of phosphoric acid can be used to fix approxi-
greatly interferes in the preparation of ammonium phosphate mately twice the quantity of ammonia in the production of
by any method which depends upon the continuous removal diammonium phosphate as, in the formation of the mono-
of the crystallized salts as in the saturator method of pre- phosphate and a corresponding economy is effected in manu-
paring ammonium sulfate. facturing cost per unit of plant food. The importance of
A saturator temperature of 60-65° C. gives best results this is reflected in the increasing quantity of diammonium
when preparing ammonium sulfate from by-product ammonia, phosphate now being produced for fertilizer purposes.
but when strong ammonia gas is used an increase in tempera- The preparation of triammonium phosphate as a step in
ture to 100° C. is recommended7 in order that excess water the manufacture of the mono- and di-ammonium compounds
may be eliminated as steam. The solubility of monoammo- was first proposed by Cameron,9 of the Bureau of Soils. The
nium phosphate at this temperature amounts to 63.9 grams per process was recommended particularly for the recovery of
100 grams of solution, compared with 50.8 grams for ammo- phosphoric acid from solutions of low concentration. It con-
nium sulfate. A 5-degree drop in the temperature of the sists in passing ammonia gas into the phosphoric acid solution
latter solution will therefore deposit only 0.4 part of salt per in a closed vessel until a pressure of 1 to 5 pounds is developed.
100 parts of solution, but the salt deposited in the same tem- The phosphoric acid is thereby precipitated as the triphos-
perature drop of a saturated monoammonium phosphate phate. The precipitated salt is separated from the mother
solution will be more than five times as great. Monoammo- liquor and gently heated to convert it into the mono- or di-
nium phosphate also differs from ammonium sulfate in that its ammonium phosphate or a mixture of these salts. The am-
crystals grow more rapidly and show a greater tendency to monia evolved in this treatment, as well as that given off on
knit together. Danger from clogging in the continuous heating the mother liquor with the addition of lime, is re-
operation of a saturator with monoammonium phosphate covered for use again in the process.
will therefore be greater than with ammonium sulfate. The procedure of forming triammonium phosphate as a
In the process now generally used for preparing crude step in the preparation of the mono and di compounds is also
monoammonium phosphate for fertilizer purposes, the crude applied in a process that has recently'been proposed by Lloyd
acid is rapidly neutralized with ammonia in open vessels to and Kennedy.10 The method involves the use of ammonium
the point where the solution reacts yellow to methyl orange acid sulfate as-a cyclic carrier for the phosphate content of
and red to methyl red. The heat of the reaction is sufficient phosphate rock. The steps in the process are as follows:
to raise the temperature of the liquid to the boiling point and
(1) Ground phosphate rock is digested with a strong solution
bring about some loss of water by evaporation, but the con- of ammonium acid sulfate to .give a solution containing am-
centration that takes place is not sufficient to saturate the monium sulfate and phosphoric acid, together with a precipitate
solution at the boiling temperature. The iron and aluminum containing calcium sulfate which is separated by filtration or
phosphates present precipitate out, however, to form a countercurrent decantation.
slurry which is difficult to filter. The whole mass is accord- Ca3(P04)2 + 6NH4HSO, 3(NH4)2S04 + 2H,P04 + 3CaSO,

ingly reduced to dryness by feeding it into a rotary kiln that (2) An excess of ammonia is added to the filtrate to precipitate
triammonium phosphate leaving ammonium sulfate in solution.
is maintained at a temperature below 120° C.
In the preparation of technical monoammonium phosphate, 3(NH4)2S04 + 2HsP04 + 6NHa 2(NH4)3P04 + 3(NH4)2S04

use is made of a refined acid. This is added, with the equiva- (3) The precipitate of triammonium phosphate is separated
from the mother liquor and heated to form diammonium phos-
lent amount of ammonia, to the mother liquor from a previous phate, which is then pulverized to commercial form. The am-
batch until the solution becomes nearly saturated at the tem- monium evolved is recovered.
perature to which it is raised by the heat of the reaction. The (4) The precipitate of calcium sulfate from (1) is digested
with ammonia and carbon dioxide to produce a precipitate of
solution is then allowed to cool in a crystallizer of the Walker calcium carbonate and a solution of ammonium sulfate.
type, and the crystallized salts are recovered by centrifug- 3 CaS04 + 6NH3 + 3C02 + 3H20 = 3CaC03 + 3(NH4)2S04
ing. (5) The ammonium sulfate formed in reactions (2) and (4)
A similar process is used in the preparation of diammonium is recovered by crystallization and the crystals heated to about
phosphate8 from concentrated phosphoric acid produced by 300° C. to produce ammonia and ammonium acid sulfate for use
the volatilization method. The acid is first added to a solu- again in the process.
tion of the salt saturated at room temperature until the solu- A comparison of this method with the sulfuric acid method
tion changes the color of bromocresol purple, or until the P2O5 of producing ammonium phosphate will show that the rela-
content of the solution is increased by about one-third. tive cost of the two methods depends on the relative cost of
Gaseous ammonia and the phosphoric acid are then added si-
producing free sulfuric acid and of producing it in the form
multaneously in the proportion of 1.5 mols of the former to 1 of ammonium sulfate by the German calcium sulfate method.
of the latter, and at such a rate that the temperature does If the cost of producing free sulfuric acid by present methods is
not exceed 80-90° C. The addition of the ammonia and considerably more than that of producing it in the form of am-
phosphoric acid is continued until the phosphate content of monium sulfate by the gypsum process, then the ammonium
the solution is approximately doubled. The solution is then acid sulfate method of producing ammonium phosphate may
cooled to room temperature and ammonia added until a be more economical than the present sulfuric acid method.
diluted portion of the solution reacts neutral to cresol red. The reverse must prove true, however, in those localities
The coarse monoclinic crystals of diammonium phosphate where the cost of producing sulfuric acid as ammonium sulfate
which separate from solution under these conditions are by the gypsum method is equal to or greater than the cost of
centrifuged and then dried at 60° C. and the mother liquor preparing free sulfuric acid.
is added to the next batch for use again in the process.
Cameron, U. S. Patent 1,276,870 (1918).
s Griessbach, Balz, and Rossler, U. S. Patent 1,670,504 (1928), 10
Lloyd and Kennedy, Mfrs. Record, 92, No. 26, 53 (1927).

A study has been made in this11 and other laboratories of over the procedure of collecting the acid and treating it with
the possibility of converting volatilized phosphoric acid into ammonia in separate operations.
ammonium phosphate directly by passing ammonia gas into Considerable attention has also been given to the direct
the treater in which phosphoric acid is precipitated. It has preparation of ammonium phosphate from phosphate rock by
been found difficult, however, to control the addition of the digesting with ammonium salts such as the sulfate and car-
ammonia to the system so as to give a product of the desired bonate under pressure.12 Some soluble phosphate is formed
under these conditions, but the percentage recovery is too
composition, and the method apparently offers no advantage
small to offer much promise of commercial application.
n Ross, Merz, and Carothers, U, 3. Patent 1,194,077 (1916); Merz, 15
Muckenberger, Z. anorg. allgem. Ckem„ Í69, 81 (1928); Blamenberg,
Ross, and Carothers, U, S. Patent 1,284,200 (1918). U. S. Patent 1,638,677 (1928).

Dissection of Wood Fibrils by Chemical Means1

George J. Ritter
U. S. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wig,

A previous paper2 it was reported that fibers in hard- fied spruce and elm fibers were treated with 68 to 77 per cent
woods and traeheids in softwoods are composed of layers,
IN and that these layers are composed of fibrils. As a part
phosphoric acid at a
temperature of 60°
of the experimentation reported in that paper, the layers to 65° C. for 15
and then the fibrils were separated by chemical means, in to 20 minutes and
order to obtain the building units of the microstrueture of then were examined
the fibers by dissection in natural planes of cleavage. with the aid of a
Since the manuscript of the earlier paper was sent to the microscope. In a
publisher, it has been discovered that the fibrils themselves large proportion of
are in turn composed of tiny, natural building units and that the fibers the fibrils
these units can be separated by chemical means. had begun to sepa-
The tiny units of which a fibril is composed are spindle- rate into the spindle-
like in shape. They are arranged normally with their pointed like bodies that ap-
ends overlapping slightly, thus forming a single, slender, pear to be the small-
threadlike structure (fibril) of a diameter approximately est building units of
uniform throughout its entire length. It is not definitely the fibrils visible
known whether the units are held together by a cementing with the high power
material that acts similarly to the lignin between the wood of the-microscope.
fibers, but judging by the conditions required to separate The conditions (con-
the units, it does seem probable that such a material is present. centration of acid,
In the experimentation now under consideration deligni- temperature, and
1Presented before the Division of Cellulose Chemistry at the 76th time) under which
Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Swampscott, Mass., September the fibrils of the two
10 to 14, 1928. species separated Plate III—Separation of Cell-Wall
Ritter, Ind. Eng. Chem., 20, 941 (1928). into the smaller Layers into Fibrils More Nearly Com-
plete than That of Plate II, 800 X

Plate I—Threadlike Structured in

Middle Portion of Oblique Fiber Shows Plate II—Yarnlike Appearance of a Plate IV—“Fusiform Bodies11 into
Fibrils Layer Partly Loosened
of Inner Fiber after Fibrils Have Been Well Which Fibrils Have Been Separated.
by Phosphoric Add Treatment. 800 X Loosened. 800 X 1000 X

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