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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Brittany N. Dugger1 and Dennis W. Dickson2

Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Department of Neurology, Weill Institute for Neurosciences,
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida 32224
Correspondence: brittany.dugger@ucsf.edu

Neurodegenerative disorders are characterized by progressive loss of selectively vulnerable

populations of neurons, which contrasts with select static neuronal loss because of metabolic
or toxic disorders. Neurodegenerative diseases can be classified according to primary clin-
ical features (e.g., dementia, parkinsonism, or motor neuron disease), anatomic distribution
of neurodegeneration (e.g., frontotemporal degenerations, extrapyramidal disorders, or
spinocerebellar degenerations), or principal molecular abnormality. The most common neu-
rodegenerative disorders are amyloidoses, tauopathies, a-synucleinopathies, and TDP-43
proteinopathies. The protein abnormalities in these disorders have abnormal conformational
properties. Growing experimental evidence suggests that abnormal protein conformers may
spread from cell to cell along anatomically connected pathways, which may in part explain
the specific anatomical patterns observed at autopsy. In this review, we detail the human
pathology of select neurodegenerative disorders, focusing on their main protein aggregates.

eurodegenerative disorders can be broadly grammed cell death, and neuroinflammation.

N classified by their clinical presentations,
with extrapyramidal and pyramidal movement
Furthermore, it is critical to note that protein
abnormalities that define neurodegenerative
disorders and cognitive or behavioral disorders diseases can be present before the onset of clin-
being the most common. Few patients have pure ical features (Gibb and Lees 1988; Sparks et al.
syndromes, with most having mixed clinical 1994; Schmitt et al. 2000; Adler et al. 2010; Evi-
features. The current diagnostic gold standard dente et al. 2011; Frigerio et al. 2011; Milenkovic
is neuropathological evaluation at autopsy (see and Kovacs 2013; Dugger et al. 2014c) and more
Table 1 for summary). Although neurodegener- than one neurodegenerative disease process can
ative diseases are typically defined by specific be found in an individual (Uchikado et al.
protein accumulations and anatomic vulnera- 2006a; Dugger et al. 2014a). At present, diagnos-
bility, neurodegenerative diseases share many tic biomarkers are not available, except in rare
fundamental processes associated with progres- cases in which a causative genetic mutation can
sive neuronal dysfunction and death, such as be shown to cause the disorder (Ghasemi and
proteotoxic stress and its attendant abnormali- Brown 2016; Gijselinck et al. 2016; Hinz and
ties in ubiquitin – proteasomal and autophago- Geschwind 2016; TCWand Goate 2016). Hence,
somal/lysosomal systems, oxidative stress, pro- specific in vivo biomarkers, including biofluid

Editor: Stanley B. Prusiner

Additional Perspectives on Prion Biology available at www.cshperspectives.org
Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a028035
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B.N. Dugger and D.W. Dickson

Table 1. Overview of select neurodegenerative diseases

Disease Main neuropathology aggregate(s) Main anatomic vulnerability
Creutzfeldt –Jakob disease Spongiform changes PrP Cerebral cortex
(genetic, variant, sporadic, Prion protein (PrP) Neostriatum
iatrogenic) accumulation Thalamus
Gerstmann –Sträussler– Spongiform change PrP Cerebral cortex
Scheinker disease Multicentric PrP plaques Cerebellum
Familial British dementia Amyloid angiopathy ABRI Cerebral cortex
Parenchymal amyloid Cerebellum
Alzheimer’s disease Neurofibrillary tangles Ab Basal forebrain
(NFTs) 3R þ 4R tau Frontal and temporal lobes
Neuropil threads Limbic structures
Neuritic and amyloid Locus coeruleus
plaques Olfactory bulb
Amyloid angiopathy
Chronic traumatic Astrocytic tau tangles 3R þ 4R tau Frontal, temporal, and parietal
encephalopathy Neuropil threads lobes
NFTs Depth of sulci and surrounding
Primary age-related tauopathy NFTs 3R þ 4R tau Basal forebrain
Medial temporal lobe
Olfactory bulb
Pick’s disease Pick bodies 3R tau Basal forebrain
Pick cells/ballooned Frontal and temporal lobes
neurons Limbic structures
Progressive supranuclear palsy Globose NFTs 4R tau Subthalamic nucleus
Tufted astrocytes Substantia nigra
Oligodendroglial coiled Superior colliculus
bodies Cerebellar dentate
Neuropil threads
Corticobasal degeneration Pretangles 4R tau Frontoparietal association
Astrocytic plaques cortices
Neuropil threads Neostriatum
Ballooned neurons Substantia nigra
Argyrophilic grain disease Argyrophilic grains 4R tau Limbic structures
Ballooned neurons
Coiled bodies
Ramified astrocytes
Aging-related tau Thorn-shaped astrocytes 4R tau Subpial and perivascular spaces
astrogliopathy Granular astrocytes Mediobasal forebrain

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Table 1. Continued
Disease Main neuropathology aggregate(s) Main anatomic vulnerability
Lewy body disorders Lewy bodies a-Synuclein Amygdala
Lewy neurites Cerebral cortex
Dorsal motor nucleus
Hippocampus (CA2)
Locus coeruleus
Olfactory bulb
Substantia nigra
Multiple system atrophy Glial cytoplasmic a-Synuclein Putamen
inclusions Substantia nigra
Pontine nuclei
Medulla (inferior olivary
TDP-43 Proteinopathies
Frontotemporal lobar Neuronal cytoplasmic TDP-43 Frontal and temporal cortices
degeneration inclusions Basal ganglia
Neuronal nuclear Substantia nigra
Dystrophic neurites
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Upper and lower motor TDP-43 Motor cortex
neuron loss Brainstem motor neurons
Bunina bodies Spinal cord motor neurons
Neuronal inclusions
Astrocytic hyaline
Primary lateral sclerosis Upper motor neuron loss TDP-43 Motor cortex
Corticospinal tract Corticospinal tracts
Progressive muscular atrophy Lower motor neuron loss TDP-43 Brainstem motor neurons
Swollen motor neurons Spinal cord motor neurons

and molecular imaging markers (some high- a-synuclein in Lewy bodies, and TDP-43 in
lighted in Kolb and Andres 2016; Seeley 2016), neuronal cytoplasmic and neuronal intranu-
are a major research priority. clear inclusions. Protein accumulations within
The most common neurodegenerative dis- astrocytes include tau in tufted astrocytes, as-
orders are amyloidoses, tauopathies, a-synu- trocytic plaques, and thorn-shaped astrocytes.
cleinopathies, and transactivation response Protein accumulations within oligodendroglia
DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43) proteinopa- include tau in coiled bodies and a-synuclein
thies. Abnormal protein conformations in these in glial cytoplasmic inclusions. These abnormal
disorders and their cellular and neuroanatomi- protein aggregates are composed of intrinsic
cal distribution constitute the major histopath- neuronal proteins and other cellular compo-
ologic features essential in making a specific nents, in contrast to neuronal inclusions found
neuropathologic diagnosis. Examples of protein in viral infections where the protein is foreign.
accumulations within neurons include tau in In many cases, the protein has an abnormal
neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) or Pick bodies, conformation with amyloid-like properties.

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B.N. Dugger and D.W. Dickson

Most form filaments, and their secondary struc- within the cytoplasm of neurons and glia. Ex-
tures are enriched in b-pleated sheets. Amyloid tracellular deposits of amyloid can be found in
stains, such as Congo red and thioflavin S, can the brain parenchyma as plaques or in the walls
be used to detect many protein aggregates, in- of blood vessels as amyloid angiopathy (Fig. 1).
cluding amyloid plaques, NFTs, and a sub- Amyloid plaques have a wide range of morphol-
population of Lewy bodies, but other aggregates ogies and have been further subdivided into
are better detected with silver-staining meth- diffuse (“primitive”) plaques, dense-cored
ods. Immunohistochemistry is the preferred (“burnt-out”) plaques, “classical” plaques, and
method for studying neurodegenerative disor- cotton wool plaques (Dickson 1997). The mor-
ders today because of better interlaboratory and phologic variation is specific to the type or spe-
inter-rater reliability (Alafuzoff et al. 2009a,b; cies of amyloid, stage of disease, and to the neu-
2015). roanatomical location where the deposit is
Cross-sectional postmortem evaluations of found. The most common amyloidosis is a pro-
a large number of human brains from patients teolytic product of the amyloid precursor pro-
with a range of clinical and pathological severity tein, which is encoded by a gene on chromosome
have suggested that many neurodegenerative 21 (Kang et al. 1987), and is referred to as b-
disorders have a stereotypic progression that amyloid or Ab. Ab isolated from human brain
can be described by stages. Staging schemes is biochemically heterogeneous in terms of
have been developed for Alzheimer’s disease size of peptide fragments and posttranslational
(AD) (Braak and Braak 1991; Thal et al. 2002), modifications (Kuo et al. 2001). Although Ab is
Parkinson’s disease (PD) (Braak et al. 2003), de- a defining feature of AD, amyloid deposits are
mentia with Lewy bodies (DLB) (Kosaka et al. found as a comorbid feature of many neurode-
1984), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) generative disorders in the elderly, especially in
(Brettschneider et al. 2013), frontotemporal lo- those individuals carrying the major genetic risk
bar degeneration associated with TDP-43 pa- factor for AD, apolipoprotein E4 (Josephs et al.
thology (FTLD-TDP) (Brettschneider et al. 2004). Much less common than Ab disorders are
2014), and chronic traumatic encephalopathy those in which other types of amyloid are de-
(CTE) (McKee et al. 2013). Studies highlighted posited, such as prion protein (PrP) in familial
in this volume (Braak and Del Tredici 2016), and sporadic Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease (CJD)
combined with evidence of functional connec- (Goldfarb et al. 1991) and Gerstmann– Sträuss-
tivity from in vivo imaging as discussed in this ler–Scheinker disease (GSS) (Hsiao et al. 1991),
volume (Seeley 2016), have ushered in a new way and ABri in familial British and Danish demen-
of thinking about selective vulnerability in neu- tias (Vidal et al. 1999, 2000).
rodegenerative disorders.
Prion Diseases
The key molecular event of prion diseases is the
Amyloids are insoluble fibrous proteins that conversion of the normal cellular prion protein,
have specific structural characteristics, includ- PrPC, into the pathogenic form, PrPSc. The term
ing a b-sheet-rich secondary structure, which “prion” was first coined in 1982 by Stanley
permits binding by specific dyes, such as Congo B. Prusiner as a name for the transmissible agent
red. The protein abnormalities of almost all that caused scrapie in sheep and goats, and ap-
common neurodegenerative diseases have some peared to be composed only of protein; it was an
characteristics of amyloid; however, only a sub- amalgamation of the words protein and infec-
set of these disorders has abundant extracellular tion (Prusiner 1982). Because of their transmis-
protein aggregates, which are the defining fea- sibility, prion diseases are classified as infectious
ture of non-neural amyloidoses (Westermark diseases. Disorders that have been shown to be
et al. 2005). In neurodegenerative diseases, am- caused by PrP include GSS, fatal familial insom-
yloid-like filamentous aggregates are mostly nia, kuru, and sporadic (including variant and

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases




Figure 1. Amyloidoses: Gerstmann –Sträussler–Scheinker disease (GSS) (A,B), Creutzfeldt –Jakob disease
(CJD) (C,D), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (E,F ). In GSS, dense-cored amyloid plaques can be detected
with hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, arrow (A), but immunohistochemistry for human PrP (mono-
clonal antibody 3F4) reveals more clearly the multicentric nature of the deposits (B). One of the hallmark
histologic features of CJD is the spongiform change in affected cortical and subcortical areas (C ) with a
perineuronal synaptic pattern of PrP deposition (arrows) in an adjacent section (D). In AD, amyloid deposits
detected with immunohistochemistry (monoclonal antibody 6F/3D) are heterogeneous and include those
with dense cores, especially in primary cortices (E), as well as poorly circumscribed and noncompact diffuse
plaques in the cortex (asterisks) (F). In addition to parenchymal deposits, most cases of AD also have amyloid
angiopathy (F ).

familial) and iatrogenic CJD (Ellison 2013). atrophy. In some cases, there is decreased brain
There is considerable clinical and pathologic weight and ventricular enlargement and vari-
heterogeneity in these disorders, but they all able atrophy of the thalamus and caudate nu-
show an accumulation of pathological PrP cleus. White matter is relatively spared, with
(Fig. 1B,D) that is associated with neuronal the most characteristic pathology occurring in
and synaptic loss, microvacuolation (spongi- gray matter. Spongiform change (Fig. 1C) and
form change, Fig. 1C), and gliosis. By defini- gliosis occur variably in cerebral and cerebellar
tion, they are transmissible to other humans cortices, with frequent involvement of subcort-
(naturally or iatrogenically) or to experimental ical structures (e.g., neostriatum). Spongiform
animal models and are sometimes referred to as change should not be confused with superficial
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. laminar spongiosis, which is common in other
Prion diseases are categorized based on genetics neurodegenerative disorders, especially FTLD
and route of transmission (for review, see Pru- (Kertesz et al. 1994) or the restricted spongi-
siner 1998). form pathology that is frequent in limbic
CJD is often a rapidly progressive demen- structures and the temporal lobe in DLB (Sher-
tia, and the brain frequently has little if any zai et al. 2013). Immunohistochemistry for PrP

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B.N. Dugger and D.W. Dickson



Figure 2. Tau pathology in AD: Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) (A,B) and neuritic plaques (C,D). Flame-shaped
intracellular NFTs (arrow) can be detected as bundles of basophilic filaments in pyramidal neurons of the
hippocampus (A). Immunohistochemistry for phospho-tau shows not only NFTs (white arrow), but also
pervasive neuropil threads and a pretangle (black arrow) that are not visible with routine histology. Neuritic
plaques (asterisk) can also be detected with routine histology (C) because of central dense amyloid, clusters of
swollen cell processes, activated microglia, and surrounding reactive astrocytes (arrow). Immunohistochemistry
for phospho-tau shows clusters of irregular, swollen cell processes around a central unstained region (D) (i.e.,
amyloid core [asterisk]). Note also neuropil threads and several NFTs and pretangles (arrows). (Immunohis-
tochemistry with CP13, whose epitope is near phosphoserine 202.)

shows abnormal deposition in a perineuronal absent staining with traditional amyloid dyes.
(Fig. 1D) or synaptic pattern as perivacuolar Depending on the brain region, amyloid depos-
deposits or as dense-cored plaques (Budka its can also have dense cores (Fig. 1E), which
et al. 1995). frequentlyoccur in the primary motor and visual
cortices. Amyloid plaques have heterogeneous
cellular components, including neuronal pro-
Alzheimer’s Disease
cesses (“dystrophic neurites”) and both astro-
The neuropathology of AD is a mixed protein- glial processes and microglia. Microglia are par-
opathy that includes the presence of both Ab ticularly frequent in association with dense
deposits in the parenchyma as amyloid or senile deposits (Fukumoto et al. 1996). The most clin-
plaques (Fig. 1E,F), as well as neuronal tau in- ically significant type of plaque in AD is one in
clusions (i.e., NFTs) (Fig. 2A,B). Most cases also which there are tau-immunoreactive dystrophic
have amyloid angiopathy (Fig. 1F). It is thought neurites (“neuritic plaques”) (Fig. 2C,D) (Dick-
that the earliest amyloid plaques are noncom- son 1997). Determining the density of neuritic
pact, diffuse amyloid deposits (Fig. 1F), which plaques and the topographic distribution of
have been referred to as “pre-amyloid” deposits NFTs is required for neuropathological diagno-
(Tagliavini et al. 1988) because of their weak or sis of AD (Hyman and Trojanowski 1997), with

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

neuritic plaques assessed using a semiquantita- with four conserved 32-amino-acid repeats
tive method proposed by the Consortium to Es- (4R tau), whereas three isoforms have three re-
tablish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CE- peats (3R tau) in the domain critical for bind-
RAD) (Mirra et al. 1991). The most recent ing to microtubules. The number and types of
revision of neuropathological criteria (Montine these tau isoforms vary in a cell-type and dis-
et al. 2012) includes an assessment of topograph- ease-specific manner and even segregate in ex-
ic distribution rather than density of amyloid perimental cell models (Woerman et al. 2016).
deposits using a staging scheme proposed by For example, tau in glial cells is composed pre-
Thal et al. (2002). The five Thal amyloid “phases” dominantly of 4R tau. The relative amounts of
take into account the location of Ab deposits, 3R and 4R tau that accumulate differ in neuro-
with phases 1 and 2 having plaques restricted degenerative tauopathies (for further review,
to the neocortex and hippocampus, progressing see Buee et al. 2000; Andreadis 2005; Mandel-
to the striatum in phase 3, and to the brainstem kow and Mandelkow 2012). The 4R tauopathies
and cerebellum in phases 4 and 5, respectively. include progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP),
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), argyrophilic
grain disease (AGD), and some forms of FTDP-
17T. The 3R tauopathies include Pick’s disease
Disorders associated with pathological accu- and some forms of FTDP-17T, whereas 3R/4R
mulation of tau protein in neurons and glia tauopathies include AD, CTE, tangle predomi-
are referred to as tauopathies (Lee et al. 2001; nant dementia, Guam Parkinson dementia
Dickson et al. 2011; Spillantini and Goedert complex, and some forms of FTDP-17T (Mac-
2013; Kovacs 2015) and further subdivided as kenzie et al. 2010).
either primary or secondary. In secondary
tauopathies, a driving force other than tau is
Alzheimer’s Disease
considered primary. The best example is AD,
but others include familial British dementia AD is the most prevalent of the tauopathies and
(Holton et al. 2001) and GSS (Ghetti et al. is considered a secondary tauopathy because
1995). Tau is a microtubule-associated phos- mutations that cause AD in the presenilin genes
phoprotein abundant in axons involved in pro- (PSEN1 and PSEN2) and the amyloid precursor
moting polymerization and stabilization of mi- protein gene (APP) are characterized by initial
crotubules (Binder et al. 1985; Buee et al. 2000; or primary alterations in amyloid metabolism
Mandelkow and Mandelkow 2012). In addition (Hardy et al. 1998). In contrast, mutations in
to phosphorylation, tau undergoes other post- MAPT produce tauopathies, but to date none
translational modifications, such as ubiquitina- produce AD. Macroscopic changes in AD in-
tion, nitration, glycation, and acetylation, all of clude variable atrophy of multimodal asso-
which have been linked to abnormal tau that ciation cortices in the frontal, temporal, and
accumulates in degenerative tauopathies (Mor- parietal lobes, with a subset of cases also show-
ishima and Ihara 1994; Alonso et al. 2008; ing occipital lobe atrophy. The degree of cortical
Martin et al. 2011; Cook et al. 2014). Discovery atrophy correlates closely with the distribution
of mutations in the gene for tau protein, and density of tau pathology and the clinical
MAPT, in frontotemporal dementia and par- syndrome, but not with amyloid plaques (Jo-
kinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP- sephs et al. 2008b; Whitwell et al. 2008).
17T) (Hutton et al. 1998) demonstrated that Microscopically, two lesions define the pa-
abnormalities in the tau protein could cause thology of AD—amyloid plaques (discussed
neurodegeneration. above) and NFTs (Fig. 2A,B), which are com-
Tau protein exists as six major isoforms posed predominantly of tau protein (Masters
produced by alternative mRNA splicing of ex- et al. 1985; Grundke-Iqbal et al. 1986). As
ons 2, 3, and 10 (Andreadis 2005). Alternative NFTs mature, the neuron bearing the inclusion
splicing of exon 10 generates three isoforms dies, leaving an extracellular (“ghost”) NFT. Tau

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B.N. Dugger and D.W. Dickson

aggregates are present not only in neuronal peri- to distribution of neurofibrillary pathology, no
karya as NFTs, but also in dystrophic neuronal differences have been detected in the distribu-
processes (mostly distal axons) in neuritic tion of amyloid plaques to date (Janocko et al.
plaques (Fig. 2C, D) and in neuritic processes 2012).
that are pervasive throughout affected gray mat-
ter. The latter have been termed “neuropil
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
threads” (Braak et al. 1986). Molecular profiling
of tau in AD reveals that there is nearly an equi- The sequelae of chronic repetitive head injury
molar ratio of 3R and 4R tau (Goedert et al. have been known for many years as CTE (for
2006), but immunohistochemistry with mono- review, see Montenigro et al. 2015), but it has
clonal antibodies specific to 3R and 4R tau show also been referred to as “punch drunk syndrome”
distinct regional differences. For example, the or “dementia pugilistica,” in part because it was
extracellular tangles in the medial temporal originally reported in boxers (Roberts 1988).
lobe are disproportionately immunoreactive The clinical syndrome is variable but often asso-
for 3R tau (Espinoza et al. 2008). ciated with behavioral and cognitive features
NFTs in aging and AD progress in an ana- (Stern et al. 2013). It is considered a primary
tomically hierarchical fashion, with six stages tauopathy, but unlike all other tauopathies, an
proposed by Braak and Braak (1991). In the etiologic environmental factor (i.e., repetitive
six Braak NFT stages, stage I begins in the trans- concussive or subconcussive head injury) has
entorhinal cortices, followed by the hippocam- been identified. This condition has drawn in-
pus and limbic cortices (stages II– III) and mul- creasing attention for its connection to repetitive
timodal association cortices (stages IV– V), head injury associated with contact sports, such
with the primary cortices the last affected (stage as American football (McKee et al. 2009).
VI). A recent revision of this scheme suggests Depending on the duration of the disease,
that tau pathology in subcortical areas, such as the brain may appear macroscopically normal
the locus coeruleus in the pons, may precede or show varying degrees of cerebral atrophy in
medial temporal lobe pathology (Braak et al. the frontal and temporal lobes, with ventricular
2011). Although AD has both NFTs and amy- enlargement. Some patients have fenestration of
loid deposits, some elderly individuals have the cavum septum pellucidum. Tau that accu-
only NFTs. This process is termed “primary mulates in NFTs in CTE is similar to that in AD,
age-related tauopathy” (PART), with most cases namely, 3R/4R tau (Schmidt et al. 2001). The
having early Braak NFT stages (I – IV) (Crary distribution of NFTs differs from AD, with ini-
et al. 2014). tial neurofibrillary pathology in superficial cor-
Although most AD cases follow the Braak tical layers (Hof et al. 1992), often at the depths
staging scheme, a subset of AD, as many as 20%, of sulci and proximal to blood vessels (Fig.
do not fit. These include patients with severe 3A,B), with medial temporal lobe involvement
neurofibrillary pathology relatively limited to at later stages (McKee et al. 2013).
limbic lobe structures (“limbic predominant Recent neuropathologic criteria have been
AD”) and patients in which the hippocampus proposed for CTE (McKee et al. 2015). The
is relatively spared, whereas higher-order neo- pathognomonic lesion is abnormal hyper-
cortical areas bear the brunt of the neurofibril- phosphorylated tau in neurons and astroglia
lary pathology (“hippocampal-sparing AD”) distributed around small blood vessels at the
(Murray et al. 2011). Limbic predominant AD depths of cortical sulci and in an irregular
tends to be a slowly progressive disorder of the pattern. A four-tiered staging scheme has
elderly with a severe amnestic syndrome, where- been proposed for CTE, with tau pathology
as hippocampal-sparing AD often affects youn- initially in discrete foci (“epicenters”) in the
ger individuals and may present with focal cerebral cortex (stages I and II), with more
cortical syndromes (Murray et al. 2011). Al- widespread cortical and medial temporal
though these variants of AD differ with respect lobe involvement in stage III. The last stage

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases


s Cortex



Figure 3. Tau pathology in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) (A,B) and aging-related tau astrogliop-
athy (ARTAG) (C,D). The characteristic lesion in CTE is a focal cluster of neuronal and glial tau concentrated
at the depths of a sulcus (s) (A), with preferential involvement of superficial cortical layers. Higher magni-
fication shows neuronal (arrows) and astroglial tau preferentially around blood vessels (v) (B). In ARTAG, tau-
positive astrocytes are concentrated at the pial surface in the transverse fissure at the base of the brain (C). At
the pial surface, the astrocytes are thorn-shaped (C, left lower inset), whereas the astrocytes in gray matter have
granular cytoplasmic processes (C, right lower inset). Tau-positive astrocytes are concentrated at the glia
limitans around penetrating blood vessels (v) (D). (Immunohistochemistry with CP13, whose epitope is
near phosphoserine 202.)

(stage IV) has pathology affecting the cerebral in gray matter structures, such as the amygdala
cortex and subcortical structures (McKee et al. (Fig. 3C,D).
2013). The staging scheme remains to be val-
idated, but preliminary studies suggest that
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
CTE can be detected in nonprofessional ath-
letes in the setting of other neurodegenerative PSP is a tauopathy that often presents with atyp-
diseases (Bieniek et al. 2015). ical parkinsonism with vertical gaze palsy and
Although astroglial tau pathology is clearly early unexplained falls, but other clinical pre-
a feature of CTE pathology, it is not specific. The sentations are increasingly recognized (Wil-
defining lesion in CTE is neuronal tau pathol- liams and Lees 2009; Dickson et al. 2010). Path-
ogy in a characteristic distribution. CTE must ologically, PSP is characterized by abnormal tau
be clearly differentiated from tau astrogliopathy within neurons and glia (Fig. 4A– D). Bio-
detected in the brains of neurologically normal chemically, it is enriched in 4R tau isoforms
elderly individuals, so-called “aging related tau (Buee et al. 2000), and there are characteristic
astrogliopathy” (ARTAG) (Kovacs et al. 2016). low molecular weight cleavage fragments that
ARTAG usually takes the form of thorn-shaped differentiate PSP from other 4R tauopathies
astrocytes in subpial and perivascular spaces in (Arai et al. 2004). The macroscopic findings in
the mediobasal forebrain (Schultz et al. 2004), PSP include variable (usually mild) frontal cor-
but fuzzy or granular astrocytes can be detected tical atrophy, atrophy of the subthalamic nucle-

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B.N. Dugger and D.W. Dickson




Figure 4. 4R tauopathies: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) (A–D), corticobasal degeneration (CBD) (E–
H ), and argyrophilic grain disease (AGD) (I–L). In PSP, the typical neuronal lesion is a globose NFT visible with
phospho-tau immunohistochemistry (A) or with hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) (B). Oligodendroglial coiled
bodies (C) and tufted astrocytes (D) are typical glial lesions in PSP. In CBD, the typical neuronal lesion is a
pretangle visible with tau immunohistochemistry (E). Cortical neurons with ballooning degeneration can be
detected with H&E (F ) and phospho-tau (G). The typical astrocytic lesion is the astrocytic plaque (H ),
characterized by tau accumulation in distal processes of astrocytes. In AGD, the defining lesions are round to
spindle-shaped grains (I ) that are most abundant in limbic areas. There are also pretangles. Ballooned neurons
similar to those in CBD are also detected in limbic areas with H&E (J ) and phospho-tau (K). Tau-positive
astrocytes are frequent, and they have ramified granular tau in cell processes (L). (Immunohistochemistry with
CP13, whose epitope is near phosphoserine 202.)

us, atrophy of the midbrain with neuromelanin Corticobasal Degeneration

pigment loss in the substantia nigra, and atro-
phy of the cerebellar dentate nucleus and the CBD is a tauopathy with degeneration in fron-
superior cerebellar peduncle. The characteristic toparietal association cortices and the basal
microscopic findings are globose NFTs (Fig. 4A, ganglia, and was first recognized as a distinct
B) in subcortical nuclei, oligodendroglial entity (“cortico– dentato – nigral degeneration
“coiled bodies” (Fig. 4C) in affected white mat- with neuronal achromasia”) in 1968 (Rebeiz
ter, and tufted astrocytes (Fig. 4D). Tufted as- et al. 1968). The term “CBD” was coined in
trocytes are frequent in the motor cortex and 1989 by Gibb et al. (1989). The clinical presen-
neostriatum, but sparse in other affected re- tation is often a focal cortical syndrome, such as
gions. Neuronal loss is most marked in the sub- progressive aphasia or progressive asymmetrical
stantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus, with var- apraxia (“corticobasal syndrome”). Many pa-
iable neuronal loss in the globus pallidus and tients also have atypical parkinsonism. The
cerebellar dentate nucleus. Neuronal loss corre- original neuropathologic descriptions focused
lates with vulnerability to neuronal, not astro- on cortical neurons with chromatolytic-like
glial, tau pathology. Tau also accumulates in changes, also referred to as “ballooned neurons”
neuronal and glial processes (“threads”) in the (Fig. 4F,G). Tau pathology was recognized as a
affected brain regions. critical component only later (Ikeda et al. 1994;

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Feany and Dickson 1995). In addition to vari- with mild cognitive impairment (Petersen et al.
able tau immunoreactivity (Fig. 4G), ballooned 2006) and its main effect is to modify the phe-
neurons are immunoreactive for neurofilament notype of the disorder in which it occurs (Jo-
and a-B-crystallin (Dickson et al. 2002). They sephs et al. 2008c). AGD increases with age and
are not only found in cortices that have focal can be detected in up to 50% of individuals over
atrophy but also in the cingulate gyrus, amyg- 80 years of age (Togo et al. 2002a). It is found
dala, and claustrum, where they can be found in frequently in other 4R tauopathies—20% in
other age-related disorders as well, such as ar- PSP and 40% in CBD (Togo et al. 2002a). The
gyrophilic grin disease (AGD). Characteristic characteristic lesions are spindle-shaped tau-
tau astrocytic lesions, astrocytic plaques (Fig. immunoreactive lesions (“grains”) in neuronal
4H), are abundant in affected cortices and the processes (Fig. 4I), coiled bodies in oligoden-
neostriatum. They are named because of their drocytes, ramified astrocytes in the amygdala
superficial resemblance to the neuritic plaques (Fig. 4L), and variably tau-positive ballooned
of AD; however, astrocytic plaques are not asso- neurons (Fig. 4J, K) in the entorhinal cortex
ciated with extracellular amyloid (Feany and and other limbic areas (Tolnay and Probst
Dickson 1995). The most common neuronal 1998). Biochemically, AGD is associated with
lesion is a poorly formed cytoplasmic inclusion accumulation of 4R tau (Togo et al. 2002b).
(“pretangle,” Fig. 4E) that is weakly stained or
negative with traditional histologic methods
Pick’s Disease
used to detect NFTs in AD. Neuronal and glial
lesions in CBD are enriched in 4R tau (Spil- Pick’s disease is a rare neurodegenerative tauop-
lantini and Goedert 2013). athy originally described by Pick in 1892 and
Neuropathologic criteria for CBD require described neuropathologically in 1911 by Alz-
neuronal, glial, and thread pathology in the heimer (for historical review, see Constantinidis
gray and white matter of cortical and subcortical et al. 1974). Macroscopically, Pick’s disease has
areas (Dickson et al. 2002). Ballooned neurons sharply circumscribed, severe (“knife-edge”)
are supportive. Given the heterogeneity of the gyral atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes,
cortical involvement and the fact that other dis- with ventricular enlargement and variable atro-
orders can cause focal cortical degenerations phy of the neostriatum (Dickson 1998). Limbic
(e.g., atypical AD), the antemortem diagnostic structures (e.g., hippocampus and amygdala)
accuracy of CBD is poor, and recent clinical are often severely affected. Depending on the
criteria reflect this fact (Armstrong et al. distribution of the cortical atrophy (which is
2013). Although clinical syndromes associated often asymmetrical), Pick’s disease presents
with CBD are often asymmetric, patients with clinically with focal cortical syndromes, such
symmetrical cortical deficits are increasingly as behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia,
recognized (Hassan et al. 2010). Symmetrical progressive aphasia, or even corticobasal syn-
CBD patients are clinically difficult to differen- drome. Some cases have involvement of neuro-
tiate from PSP, but they have distinctive patho- melanin-containing neurons in the brainstem,
logic and biochemical findings (Kouri et al. but parkinsonism is uncommon.
2011). Microscopically, the defining histologic fea-
ture of Pick’s disease is the intraneuronal tau-
positive Pick body (Fig. 5B,D), which affects
Argyrophilic Grain Disease
both pyramidal (Fig. 5A,B) and granular-type
AGD was originally reported as a distinct tau- neurons, such as the neurons of the dentate
opathy (Braak and Braak 1987) and thought to fascia of the hippocampus (Fig. 5C,D). The
be associated with dementia and behavioral dis- tau isoform that preferentially accumulates in
turbances (Tolnay and Clavaguera 2004). How- Pick’s disease is 3R tau (Buee et al. 2000). Pick
ever, recent studies have questioned the specif- bodies are spherical inclusions that are clearly
icity of this clinical syndrome, as it is associated demarcated from the cytoplasm and readily de-

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Figure 5. 3R tauopathy: Pick’s disease (A–D). Pick bodies are slightly basophilic, well-circumscribed cytoplas-
mic inclusions (arrows) that can be detected in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus (A,B) and granule
neurons of the dentate fascia (C,D) (arrows). Hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) reveals cytoplasmic inclusions
(A,C), whereas phospho-tau immunohistochemistry shows not only Pick bodies (arrows), but also diffuse
cytoplasmic immunoreactivity and immunoreactivity in fine neuropil threads (B,D). (Immunohistochemistry
with CP13, whose epitope is near phosphoserine 202.)

tected on hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) histo- and Rizo 2011). In 1997, mutations in the
logical stains (Fig. 5A,C). They are argyrophilic gene for a-synuclein, SNCA, were discovered
with most silver stains (e.g., Bielschowsky and in familial PD (Polymeropoulos et al. 1997).
Bodian stains), but they are negative with the Subsequently, a-synuclein was demonstrated
Gallyas silver stain (Uchihara et al. 2005). As in to be the major constituent of Lewy bodies
other neurodegenerative diseases, in Pick’s dis- (Spillantini et al. 1997). Lewy bodies are neu-
ease there is neuronal loss and gliosis in affected ronal inclusions found in a range of clinical
cortical areas. Ballooned neurons (“Pick cells”) syndromes, including PD, PD with dementia,
are frequent as well. and DLB. In addition to Lewy body disorders,
pathological accumulation of a-synuclein is
found in multiple system atrophy (MSA) (Lan-
tos 1998). In MSA, the aggregates are mostly
This class of neurodegenerative diseases is within oligodendrocytes (Fig. 6H), whereas in
characterized by aggregation of the presynaptic Lewy body diseases, they are predominantly
protein, a-synuclein, within neurons and glia within neurons (Fig. 6B). In addition to peri-
(mostly oligodendroglia) (Fig. 6). It is a 140- karyal Lewy bodies, there is accumulation of a-
amino-acid protein initially discovered as a synuclein in neurites (“Lewy neurites”) (Fig.
non-amyloid component of senile plaques 6C) (Irizarry et al. 1998), and oligodendroglial
(NACP) in AD (Ueda et al. 1993). It may play inclusions are frequently present in small num-
a role in synaptic vesicle trafficking (Sudhof bers (Fig. 6D).

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases



Figure 6. Synucleinopathies: Lewy body disease (A–D) and multiple system atrophy (MSA) (E– H). Brainstem-
type Lewy bodies are hyaline inclusions (arrows) that can be detected in neuromelanin-containing neurons of
the substantia nigra upon hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) (A) or with a-synuclein immunohistochemistry
(arrows) (B). In addition to Lewy bodies, a-synuclein immunohistochemistry reveals Lewy neurites (arrow-
heads), for example, in the CA2/3 sector of the hippocampus (C). Sparse oligodendroglial inclusions can be
detected in the basal ganglia and the ventral tegmental region of the midbrain in most cases (D). Neuronal
cytoplasmic inclusions are detected in MSAwith a-synuclein immunohistochemistry. They are infrequent in the
dentate fascia of the hippocampus (E), and frequent in neurons of the pontine nuclei (arrow) (F ), and the
inferior olivary nucleus (arrow) (G). Neuronal inclusions are usually accompanied by dystrophic neurites
(asterisk in G). The hallmark lesions of MSA are a-synuclein-immunoreactive glial cytoplasmic inclusions in
affected white matter of the basal ganglia, brainstem, or cerebellum (H ). (Immunohistochemistry with poly-
clonal a-synuclein antibody [NACP] specific to an epitope in the C-terminus corresponding to residues 98-15.)

Lewy Body Disorders omic studies have demonstrated that Lewy bod-
ies contain over 300 different proteins (Leverenz
Clinically diagnosed PD, PD with dementia, et al. 2007), with the defining feature being a-
and DLB are considered Lewy body disorders, synuclein. Other components that have been re-
as Lewy bodies are detected in most cases on ported are neurofilament (Galvin et al. 1997)
postmortem examination. Lewy body disorders and the ubiquitin-binding protein p62/seques-
are more common in men for reasons that re- tosome (Kuusisto et al. 2003). A subset of Lewy
main unexplained. In addition to dementia and bodies shows immunoreactivity with antibodies
parkinsonism, many patients have autonomic to tau (Ishizawa et al. 2003), but this is almost
dysfunction, sleep disorders, and psychiatric always in neuronal populations that are inher-
features (e.g., visual hallucinations). At autopsy, ently vulnerable to tau pathology. Other studies
there is often minimal, if any, neocortical or have demonstrated neurotransmitter synthetic
brainstem atrophy. The most significant find- enzymes within Lewy bodies (Dugger and Dick-
ings are noted upon sectioning the brainstem, son 2010). The factors that lead to abnormal
where there is loss of neuromelanin pigment in conformation of a-synuclein remain to be de-
the substantia nigra and locus coeruleus. termined, but several posttranslational modifi-
There are two main histologic types of Lewy cations, including phosphorylation, truncation,
bodies, which are named according to their pre- and oxidative damage, are implicated (reviewed
dominant anatomic location—brainstem-type in Dickson 2001).
Lewy bodies, which have a dense, well-circum- A pathological classification of Lewy body
scribed, hyaline appearance, often with a clear diseases was first proposed by Kosaka et al.
halo (Fig. 6A,B), and cortical-type, which are (1984) to characterize patients who had psychi-
pale-staining and poorly circumscribed. Prote- atric or cognitive deficits, rather than predom-

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inantly parkinsonism. He defined three types of because of progression of the underlying coex-
Lewy body disease: brainstem predominant, istent AD (Dugger et al. 2012). Furthermore,
limbic (transitional), and diffuse cortical. The the 2005 diagnostic criteria for DLB take into
diffuse cortical type usually presented with de- account both Lewy-related and AD-type pa-
mentia. The Kosaka classification has been in- thologies to predict the likelihood that the ob-
corporated into diagnostic criteria for DLB served pathology would be associated with the
(McKeith et al. 2005), and it is also recommend- DLB clinical syndrome (McKeith et al. 2005).
ed for the classification of Lewy-related pathol-
ogy in the setting of AD (Montine et al. 2012).
Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites, sometimes col-
Multiple System Atrophy
lectively termed “Lewy-related pathology,” have
a stereotypical distribution when found in the MSA, historically known as olivopontocerebel-
setting of PD, which led Braak to propose a lar atrophy (OPCA), striatonigral degeneration,
staging scheme for PD (Braak et al. 2003). Early or Shy – Drager syndrome, is clinically and path-
pathology was in the olfactory bulb and medul- ologically divided into two subtypes: olivopon-
la, followed by upward progression through the tocerebellar atrophy, presenting with cerebellar
brainstem to the mediobasal forebrain and lim- ataxia (MSA-C), and striatonigral degeneration,
bic structures and finally to the association and presenting with atypical parkinsonism (MSA-
primary cortices. A modification of Braak PD P). In both subtypes, there is significant and
staging is recommended by BrainNet Europe often disabling autonomic dysfunction (Gil-
(Alafuzoff et al. 2009a). man et al. 2008). A subset of patients has fea-
Although these staging or classification tures of both MSA-C and MSA-P. Despite clin-
schemes are useful constructs, they fail to clas- ical and pathological differences, the subtypes
sify up to 50% of elderly subjects with Lewy- of MSA share pathognomonic a-synuclein in-
related pathology. The disparate staging and clusions in oligodendrocytes known as glial cy-
classification schemes suggest that there is not toplasmic inclusions (Lantos 1998).
a single pathway to neurodegeneration in Lewy- Depending on the subtype, macroscopic
related disorders. PD may have initial a-synu- findings differ. In striatonigral degeneration,
clein aggregates in the brainstem, or even within there is atrophy and discoloration of the pos-
the peripheral autonomic nervous system, terolateral putamen with depigmentation of the
whereas initial a-synuclein aggregates in AD substantia nigra, especially the ventrolateral re-
and DLB may be in olfactory and limbic areas gions. There is also excessive iron-type pigment
(Uchikado et al. 2006b; Beach et al. 2009). in the putamen. In olivopontocerebellar degen-
This led to a “unified Lewy body staging eration, there is atrophy of the pontine base with
scheme” (Beach et al. 2009) with the following demyelination of the middle and inferior cere-
hierarchical staging: 0, no Lewy bodies; I, olfac- bellar peduncles, often with mild atrophy of the
tory bulb only; IIa, brainstem predominant; IIb, inferior olivary nucleus and the cerebellum, es-
limbic predominant; III, brainstem and limbic; pecially the vermis. The affected white matter
and IV, neocortical. More recently, Toledo and often has atrophy and dusky gray discoloration.
colleagues (2016) have proposed a modification Although the pathognomic lesion of MSA is the
based on cluster analysis of a large number of glial cytoplasmic inclusion (Fig. 6H), neuronal
cases of AD with Lewy bodies. cytoplasmic inclusions are also found in the
Most cases of DLB and PD with dementia putamen, the nuclei of the pontine base (Fig.
have diffuse involvement of the cerebral cortex 6F), and the inferior olivary nucleus (Fig. 6G),
(Halliday et al. 2008, 2011). It is critical to note and less often in limbic structures, such as the
that many Lewy body disorders, especially DLB dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (Fig. 6E)
and PD with dementia, have concomitant AD- (Cykowski et al. 2015). Some evidence supports
type pathology (Dugger et al. 2014a). Roughly that a-synuclein deposits within MSA have pri-
half of PD with dementia is hypothesized to be on properties, as demonstrated by their trans-

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

missibility to transgenic mice and cultured cells FTLD-TDP. TDP-43 is normally a nuclear pro-
(Watts et al. 2013; Prusiner et al. 2015). tein, but in neurodegenerative diseases, it forms
inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm, nucleus, and
cell processes (Fig. 7). In addition to ALS and
FTLD-TDP, abnormal TDP-43 can be detected
TDP-43 is a 43-kDa protein that can function in in 25% to 50% of AD cases, mainly in a limbic
transcriptional repression, modulating gene distribution (Amador-Ortiz et al. 2007; Hu et al.
splicing, RNA metabolism, and stress granules 2008; Josephs et al. 2014), and in even higher
(Ratti and Buratti 2016). In 2006, TDP-43 was frequencies in AGD cases (Fujishiro et al. 2009;
discovered to be the major component of neu- Arnold et al. 2013). In addition, although not
ronal inclusions in ALS and frontotemporal lo- pathognomonic, TDP-43 is detected in the ma-
bar degeneration with ubiquitin inclusions jority of cases of hippocampal sclerosis of the
(Neumann et al. 2006), now referred to as elderly, which is characterized by selective neu-




Figure 7. Transactivation response DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43) proteinopathies: amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS) (A–D) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 neuronal inclusions (FTLD-
TDP) (F–H). In ALS, Lewy-like hyaline inclusions (arrow) can be detected in anterior horn cells of the spinal
cord (A). Immunohistochemistry for TDP-43 reveals dense inclusions (B) and skein-like inclusions (C) in
motor neurons of the brainstem and spinal cord. White matter motor tracts often have sparse TDP-43-immu-
noreactive oligodendroglial inclusions (arrows) (D). In FTLD-TDP Type A, neurons of the dentate fascia often
have granular or ring-shaped neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (E, inset), whereas the affected cortices have more
pleomorphic neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions, short curved dystrophic neurites, and neuronal intranuclear
inclusions (F, inset). In FTLD-TDP Type C, round, well-circumscribed (Pick-body-like) neuronal cytoplasmic
inclusions are frequent in the dentate fascia of the hippocampus (G), whereas they are sparse in the affected
cortices, where long, thick dystrophic neurites (H, inset) are the most characteristic feature. Type B (not shown)
has predominantly neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions with minimal dystrophic neurites and no intranuclear
inclusions. (TDP-43 immunohistochemistry with polyclonal MC2085 antibody to a neoepitope in caspase-
cleaved TDP-43.)

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B.N. Dugger and D.W. Dickson

ronal loss affecting the CA1 sector of the hippo- pathology. Less common forms of FTLD have
campus and is associated with an amnestic clin- other characteristic molecular signatures (Mac-
ical syndrome (Amador-Ortiz et al. 2007). kenzie et al. 2010; Mackenzie and Neumann
2016), but this discussion focuses only on
FTLD-TDP. There are several clinical presenta-
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
tions: behavioral variant, progressive agram-
ALS affects both upper and lower motor neurons matic (nonfluent) aphasia, and progressive
and clinically is associated with weakness, mus- aphasia, semantic variant (Bang et al. 2015).
cle atrophy, and fasciculations, as well as long- The macroscopic appearance of FTLD-TDP de-
tract signs (“spasticity”). ALS can be subtyped pends on the clinical presentation, but often has
based on the relative involvement of primarily frontal and temporal neocortical atrophy, often
upper motor neurons ( primary lateral sclerosis) with neostriatal atrophy and substantia nigra
or primarily lower motor neurons ( progressive depigmentation. There are three major types
muscle atrophy). It can also be classified based of TDP-43 inclusions: neuronal cytoplasmic in-
on neuroanatomical distribution (e.g., bulbar clusions, dystrophic neurites, and neuronal in-
and spinal forms). A subset of patients develops tranuclear inclusions (Fig. 7E –H). Shortly after
dementia that has many characteristics in com- the discovery of TDP-43, two groups described
mon with FTD (Lomen-Hoerth et al. 2002). neuroanatomical and morphological subtype
Most ALS is associated with TDP-43 pathology, inclusions in FTLD (Mackenzie et al. 2006; Sam-
but less common forms have other characteristic pathu et al. 2006). These two systems were com-
molecular signatures (Ince et al. 2011). bined in 2011 into a single classification scheme
The macroscopic findings in ALS are often (Mackenzie et al. 2011). Type A is the most com-
subtle. There may be mild atrophy of the motor mon type in patients with mutations in the pro-
cortex, and the spinal cord is often atrophic, granulin gene (GRN) who present clinically with
with atrophy of anterior spinal nerve roots. In either progressive nonfluent aphasia or behav-
patients with dementia, there may be focal at- ioral variant FTD. TDP-43 is present in coarsely
rophy of the temporal and frontal lobes. Micro- granular neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions in
scopically, there is neuronal loss and gliosis af- hippocampal dentate fascia (Fig. 7E and inset)
fecting the lower motor neurons in the spinal and present in more variable neuronal cytoplas-
cord and brainstem, as well as the upper motor mic inclusions in the neocortex (Fig. 7F). There
neurons (Betz cells) in the motor cortex. Sur- are also short, thin dystrophic neurites in super-
viving neurons often have TDP-43 inclusions ficial layers of the cortex (Fig. 7F), as well as
that can sometimes be seen in routine histologic variable numbers of neuronal intranuclear in-
sections (Fig. 7A); they are best viewed with clusions (inset in Fig. 7F). Type B, which can be
TDP-43 immunohistochemistry (Fig. 7B). associated with motor neuron disease, is pre-
Neuronal inclusions can also have a skein-like dominantly characterized by neuronal cytoplas-
appearance (Fig. 7C). There are often sparse mic inclusions with few or no neurites and
oligodendroglial inclusions in motor tracts no neuronal intranuclear inclusions, as occurs
(Fig. 7D). Although motor neurons are most most commonly in patients with hexanucleo-
vulnerable, there is spread of the pathology to tide expansions in the C9ORF72 gene (DeJe-
extramotor sites (e.g., hippocampus, amygdala, sus-Hernandez et al. 2011; Renton et al. 2011).
and cortex) in cases with longstanding disease Type C is not associated with genetic mutations,
or in those with dementia (Brettschneider et al. and patients usually present with a semantic
2013). variant of progressive aphasia. This type is char-
acterized by long, thick dystrophic neurites ran-
domly oriented in all cortical layers (Fig. 7H and
inset). Well-circumscribed (Pick-body-like) neu-
The most common pathological type of fronto- ronal cytoplasmic inclusions are found in the
temporal dementia is associated with TDP-43 hippocampus, amygdala, and basal ganglia (Fig.

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Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

7G and inset) (Josephs et al. 2008a). A fourth ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

type, Type D, is rare and associated with muta-
tions in the valosin-containing protein (VCP) D.W.D. is supported by grants AG037491 (PI:
and presenting with inclusion body myositis, Josephs), NS084974 (PI: Petrucelli), NS072187
Paget’s disease of bone, and frontotemporal de- (PI: Dickson), and AG016574 (PI: Petersen)
mentia (Neumann et al. 2007; Weihl et al. 2008). from the National Institutes of Health, as well
Type D is characterized by numerous neuronal as the Robert E. Jacoby Professorship and the
intranuclear inclusions in cortical and subcort- Mangurian Foundation Lewy Body Dementia
ical areas. Program at Mayo Clinic. B.N.D. is supported
by grants AG002132 (Core C) (PI: Dugger)
from the National Institutes of Health, as well
CONCLUDING REMARKS as the CurePSP foundation (PI: Dugger), the
Although, in this review, each neurodegenera- Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HU0001-15-
tive disease is presented as a distinct entity, 2-0020, PI: Prusiner), and Daiichi Sankyo Co.,
there is often overlap, most notably for AD Ltd. (PI: Prusiner).
and Lewy body pathologies. None of the neu-
rodegenerative disorders have perfect diagnos-
tic accuracy, and neuropathology will continue REFERENCES
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