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Readings in Philippine History

MAKEUP ACTIVITY – Read this account by Antonio Pigafetta about their Arrival in
(IMPORTANT NOTE: To answer this, please read accompanying document entitled “Arrival in Cebu”)


Adapted from the Library of Congress Primary Source Analysis Worksheet modified for this module

1. Examine a section of the text. Think about what you already know about this period in
Philippine history. Write a historical fact that you previously know about this time period
before reading the primary source then indicate which part of the reading can you relate
it to. - You may indicate the part using the headings (i.e., "Arrival in Cebu" or "The
Mactan Affair"
The Mactan Affair
(This historical fact is merely based on my Junior high school Araling Panlipunan
lessons. There might be inconsistencies in the facts as these are purely based
on what I could recall (no research done as it asks for what I already know)).
Magellan and his men lost the battle in Mactan against Lapu-Lapu. Magellan’s
men fought against Lapu-Lapu’s men, while both leaders fought against each
other. They used swords to slay each other, and unfortunately Magellan was
slain and thereafter he lost his life.

2. How does the text support or contradict your current understanding of this period?
Initially, I knew Lapu-lapu led the battle in Mactan and he was a hero for winning
this battle. However, this text reveals how Lapu-lapu was brave enough to fight
Magellan and his men even without the help of the other leaders (chief). The fact
that Raja Humabon, Zula, and some other chiefs accepted and welcomed
Magellan, made me see the bravery of Lapu-Lapu to fight for his people.
Moreover, how Lapu-Lapu became a notable hero was not because he killed
Magellan but because he was a fearless leader. Magellan’s life did not end in the
hands of Lapu-Lapu but from his men.
Lastly, the fact that it was not Lapu-Lapu who killed Magellan does not change
his heroic deed for standing up against Magellan and leading his people.
1. Who do you think was its audience?
The intended audience of Antonio Pigafetta’s journal are the people around the
world. If we are to look back, during this time period, this was the first expedition
around the world. So, Pigafetta was trying to get the readers involved in the
expedition that they had. Which subjectively for me, was actually very effective
when he tried to play with our senses and imagination by sharing a thorough
description and details of every event that transpired (although biased as he was
giving subjective ideas).

2. Can you cite at least two parts or statements in the document which shows the point
of view or bias of the author of the document?
Knowing that Antonio Pigafetta is one of the persons who work for Magellan, this
primarily entails that his journal contains biased statements as he merely presents his
personal views of the situation. To note, some of the observable biased statements are:
Mass Baptism in Cebu
● Thereupon she was overcome with contrition and asked for baptism amid
her tears.
● She asked us to give her the little Child Jesus to keep in place of her idols;
and then she went away.
The Mactan Affair
● I hope (through the efforts) your most illustrious Lordship, that the fame of
so noble a captain will not become effaced in our times.
I have to say personally, that these statements could be biased.
● Thereupon she was overcome with contrition and asked for baptism amid
her tears.
○ I doubt it, how did Pigafetta know that Queen Johanna was moved
with contrition? Clearly, it was simply his own interpretation of how
he sees Queen Johanna, not unless the Queen herself told him so.
● She asked us to give her the little Child Jesus to keep in place of her idols;
and then she went away.
○ I wonder how the Queen could easily acknowledge the value of the
little Child Jesus when she was yet newly baptized. Not only that,
accepting and/or asking for the little Child Jesus might be
believable (somehow), but replacing her idols in that very moment
makes it more impossible (or unlikely to happen in that instant).
○ What if it was just given, not actually asked for by the Queen?
● I hope (through the efforts) your most illustrious Lordship, that the fame of
so noble a captain will not become effaced in our times.
○ This line (of Pigafetta) reveals his intent of creating a good image
for Magellan. How noble, admirable, and selfless of a leader
Magellan is sounds like more of sugar-coated statements than how
Magellan is, based on the other sections of the journal.
3. What can you learn from reading and examining the document? Give three things
you learned after reading the document.
These three things I’ve learned are truly new to me.
➢ Ferdinand Magellan was arrogant (personal view). He bows to no one except his
king. For this reason, he might have befriended (and converted) Raja Humabon
out of fear just so the king (Raja Humabon) could protect his people.
➢ Going out from a religious perspective, I am personally insulted with what
Pigafetta said, “We set up the cross there for those people were heathens,. Had
they been Moros, We could have erected a column there as a token of greater
hardness, for the Moros are much harder to convert than the heathen.”. The
cross itself is a great heritage (as I see it before) from the Magellan, but reading
this text and knowing the statements of Pigafetta made me realize how small
(dumb) we are in the sight of these people.
➢ Lapu-Lapu was more of a hero than I thought he was. All I knew before was he
killed Magellan, but I never knew how he stood up against Magellan and defend
his people even if other leaders (chief) tried to fight against him. This is a
revelation that Lapu-Lapu was indeed a great hero.

After reading the document, what do you wonder about that period in our history? Write
down anything that comes to your mind while reading the document (in question form).
WHO? Who was the last person that killed Magellan (made him lose his final breath) or
who witnessed his dying moment?
WHAT? What happened between Zula and Cilapulapu (Lapu-Lapu) after the battle in
WHEN? When did Zula and Magellan first meet?
WHERE? Where was the little Child Jesus after Magellan’s men left? (Did they still give
value to the little Child Jesus knowing that Magellan lost the battle?)
WHY? Why did Zula betray Cilapulapu (Lapu-Lapu)?
HOW? How did Christianity survive after Magellan’s men left?
IV. Choose a section (one paragraph only) and write it in your own words. Indicate
which paragraph (copy-and-paste it here) and write it in a style where your
contemporaries or your fellow students can more easily understand.
In the afternoon, the Christian king sent a message with our consent to the people of
Matan, to the effect that if they would give us the captain and the other men who had
been killed, we would give them as much merchandise as they wished. They answered
that they would not give such a man, as we imagined- ( they should do) and that they
would not give him for all the riches in the world, but, they intended to keep him as a
In that afternoon, Raja Humabon relayed our message to the people of Matan to give us
the dead bodies of the captain and our men in exchange for as much goods as they
asked for. Just as we thought, they refuse to give what we asked for even if it is in
exchange for the riches of the world. They kept him instead, as a memorial.

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