Vocabulary Level Test

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1. Which one is a phrase?

A Our dog’s name is Ruby B In the garden
C I like chocolate D Where is it?
2. Which of these is not part of a car?
A wheel B door C mug D window
3. Which sentence is not correct?
A Have you got a brother? B I’ve got a cold
C My house has got three bedrooms D I’ve always got a good time in my English
4. Which verb can you use with all these verbs?
Skiing swimming dancing shopping

A make B do C take D go
5. The answer is ‘I’m listening to music’. What is the question?
A What are you doing? B What do you do?
C What do you do to relax? D What do you like doing?
6. Which sentence is not correct?
A I’m making a cup of coffee. B Can you make the bed, please?
C The book made me sad. D She made a photo of the baby.
7. Fill the gap with the correct phrase. ‘What time did you………………last night?’
A Come home B Come to home
C Come back to home
8. Complete the question with the correct phrase. ‘……………… to get to the airport.’
A How long it is B How much
C How long does it take D How far
9. Which sentence is the best reply to this question: ‘Can I borrow this book?’
A Yes, but please bring it back tomorrow.
B Yes, but please take it back tomorrow.
10. Which phrasal verb means ‘make something louder’?
A turn off B turn on C turn down D turn up
11. Fill the gap with correct phrasal verb. I…………….very well with my sister.
A get out B get on C get up D get over
12. Which one is correct?
A He told me ‘Goodbye’. B He said me ‘Goodbye’.
C He said ‘Goodbye’. D He told ‘Goodbye’.
13. Which of these can’t you ‘tell’?
A a story B a joke C the time D a question
14. Which verb can you use with all these words?
train plane bus car bicycle
A miss B catch C go by D take
15. Which conjunction answers the question ‘why’?
A because B so C if D but
16. Which is the sixth month of the year?
A July B June C January D May
17. Fill the gap with the correct word.
‘Jane’s ………………….. at the moment. She’s coming back in about 10 minutes.’
A out B abroad C away
18. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence. ‘The food was …………….’
A very delicious B absolutely delicious C a bit delicious D quite delicious
19. Choose the correct preposition to fill the gap. ‘The plane flew …………….. the Atlantic
A along B above C over
20. Fill the gap with the correct word. ‘………….. I watered the plants, they didn’t grow.’
A also B in spite of C however D although
21. Complete the sentence with the correct phrase. ‘I lost my ticket, …………….’
A unless I walked home B so I had to walk home
C because I had to walk home

22. Which word or phrase means ‘rain for a short period of time’?
A a shower B drizzle C heavy rain D It’s pouring
23. Which animal does not live in a farm?
A pig B cow C gorilla D goat
24. What do you do when you are tired or bored?
A yawn B shake hands C smile D nod your head
25. What is the opposite of ‘generous’?
A mean B honest C tense D pessimistic
26. What can’t we do with our hands?
A clap B point C wave D stroll
27. Choose the correct definition for the underlined word. ‘We live in the suburbs.’
A in the centre of the town B an area outside the centre of the town
C an area with no factories D an area where are a lot of shops and offices
28. Which of the following is not in the living room?
A a carpet B a television C a cooker D an armchair
29. Which phrase is not correct?
A the world of living B a good standard of living
C the cost of living
30. Fill the gap with the correct word. ‘Sam was …………………… in a car accident.’
A wounded B beaten up C injured D shot

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