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DR. K. N.


SUBJECT – IT (402)


1. Tick ( ) the correct option.

(a) Which of the following menus is used to format the characters in OpenOffice Writer?
(i) Edit (ii) Format 
(iii) Insert (iv) Tools
(b) Which of should be used to type formula x2 + y2?
(i) Bold (ii) Superscript 
(iii) Underline (iv) Subscript
(c) Which of the following tools is used to apply the same formatting which is on a
particular content to some other content?
(i) Format Paintbrush  (ii) Paintbrush
(iii) Format (iv) None of these

Part B
(d) Which of the following is the vertical gap between different lines of text in a paragraph?
(i) Word spacing (ii) Line spacing 
(iii) Paragraph spacing (iv) Character spacing

Class -9
(e) Which of the following refers to the layout of paper in which the document gets printed?
(i) Page layout (ii) Page formatting
(iii) Page style (iv) Orientation 
(f) Which of the following is the mark of identification or reference of the text which is
displayed on every page of a document?
(i) Header and Footer  (ii) Margin
(iii) Symbol (iv) Page break
(g) From which toolbar, the shapes are inserted in the OpenOffice Writer document?
(i) Standard Toolbar (ii) Drawing Toolbar 
(iii) Shapes Toolbar (iv) None of these

2. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Character Formatting includes manipulation of size, style, colour, position and
attributes of characters.
(b) Left alignment is the default horizontal alignment.
(c) Spacing enables the font to expand or contract (width wise).
(d) Division of cells into two or more sub-cells is known as splitting of cells.
3. Guess who am I?
(a) I am an option that enables to keep the first alphabet of every sentence in uppercase.
Ans. Sentence Case

(b) I am a mark of separation between two pages where one page ends and the other begins.
Ans. Page Break

(c) I am an option in Paragraph dialog box to set the height of the vertical space that is
inserted between two lines.
Ans. Line Spacing

(d) I am the space between the text and the left edge of the page.
Ans. Left margin

(e) I am a rectangular area formed by the intersection of a column and a row in

a table.
Ans. Cell

(f) I am a key that is used to go one cell down in a table.

Ans. Down Arrow

(g) I am an option used to raise the text above the baseline and decrease the font size.
Ans. Superscript

(h) I am an option used to rotate the selected text towards left/right by given degree of
Ans. Rotation/Scaling

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