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By Formula Boats on Apr.

8, 2020

How to Do a Sea Trial

Buying a boat is a big decision. If you ask any marine expert how
to buy a boat with as little risk as possible, they will likely
recommend you take the vessel out for a sea trial before making a
final purchase. For many boaters, the sea trial is the last step
before buying the boat, and the results of the test are often the
determining factor between two similar vessels. This article
explains how to sea trial a boat, including what areas you should
pay close attention to while on the water and helpful boat-buying
Table of Contents
What Is a Sea Trial?
What Happens on a Sea Trial?
How Long Does a Sea Trial Last?
Importance of Doing a Sea Trial
Sea Trial Checklist: What to Look for on a Sea Trial
What to Check on Land
What to Check on the Water
1. Steering
2. Speed
3. Maneuverability
4. Sounds
5. Comfort
Tips for Buying a Boat
About Formula Boats
Find Your Perfect Vessel at Formula Boats

What Is a Sea Trial?

A sea trial is when you take a boat you are interested in
purchasing on a test run on the body of water you plan to use it
on, whether that be the ocean or a freshwater lake. You may also
conduct a sea trial to test a boat you currently own after a major
repair or refit. The idea is to use the boat the same way you plan
to use it post-purchase, taking special note of how well the vessel
performs. Only engage in a sea trial for a new boat once you have
narrowed down all your options and have found the vessel you are
likely to buy.


Now that you know what it is, exactly how does a sea trial
work? During a sea trial, you take the boat on the water and
operate it under the same conditions you would on a typical
boating trip, including varying speeds, maneuvering on different
water conditions and adding extra weight on board. Although it’s
usually a fun experience, don’t get too caught up in the thrill of a
new boat. Be sure to focus on how well the vessel performs and
take notes to compile a sea trial boat report. Some boaters will
hire a marine surveyor, mechanic or industry expert to accompany
them during the sea trial before buying a boat so they have trained
eyes and ears helping to identify potential concerns.


When you water test a boat, it can last anywhere from a few hours
to a few days. Each boat dealership has its own rules and
guidelines in place for sea trials — set aside enough time during
the boat shopping period to discuss your expectations with the
dealer. If you feel you need more time on the water to make a
decision, ask about their policies. At this time, your boat dealer or
surveyor may also discuss certain restrictions you must follow due
to insurance and liability laws.

Importance of Doing a Sea Trial

Having a sea trial for a powerboat is a crucial step in the boat
buying process, as it can alert you toward concerns you may have
otherwise overlooked. It’s the best way to ensure that you are
making a worthwhile investment. Doing a sea trial is especially
important if you are purchasing a pre-owned vessel. Even if the
test raises no red flags, it’s still an excellent opportunity to get a
feel for how the vessel rides the water and what your sightline will
be while at the helm.

Sea Trial Checklist: What to Look for on a

Sea Trial
Before you begin your sea trial, make a list of the requirements
that you need your boat to meet and the areas you want to inspect
in a notebook. Keep these notes with you throughout the water
test, and remember to record details about the boat’s
performance. Use this same notebook to write down questions for
the dealer.


Before you head out, perform a visual inspection of the boat on dry
land. Pay special attention to the following areas:
Upholstery: Examine the upholstery — including seats, cushions, drapery and linens — for stains, tears or fading.
Inspect all seams for stability and note any wear.
Exterior damage: If you’re buying a pre-owned boat, pay close attention to surface damage, such as scratches,
chips in the paint, cracks or corrosion. Although a few minor blemishes are common, multiple cracks or
concentrated corrosion in one area could indicate a more significant problem.
Smell: Smell can be a powerful tool during a pre-inspection. If you smell excessive fuel, for instance, it could
mean there is a leak in the fuel lines, or the tank is filled with contaminated fuel. If you note a musky, mildew smell,
be sure to check for hiding leaks or standing water in storage compartments and other hard-to-see areas of the
boat. Any trace of burning rubber or smoke is cause for immediate concern.
Functionality: Finally, test the functional elements of the boat. Do all windows, doors and compartments open
without difficulty? Are railings and pedestal seats firmly mounted? This is also a good time to check for loose
wiring, including cut or frayed lines. Note the date on the battery, as well as its condition.
If possible, conduct a portion of your sea trial in daylight, as well
as after dark, so you can get an accurate idea of how displays look
in all types of lighting. Key performance areas to check during your
sea trial include steering, speed, maneuverability, sound and

Being able to steer your boat quickly and efficiently is crucial for
the safety of you, your passengers and other boaters. Two of the
most important things to test your boat are the steering response
and whether the steering system is worn. To test response, count
how many times you have to turn the steering wheel to get from
lock to lock. Three to four times indicates a quick response, while
anything more than that may be more difficult to maneuver in an
emergency. To inspect for a worn system, take a look at the cables
and mounting area. Check that the drive or outboard engine has
little slack. If it easily moves back and forth when you touch it, this
could be a safety hazard later.

You need a vessel that can offer you the adventure you’re looking
for. For powerboaters, this means speed. There are several ways
to test the speed of your boat, including:
How does the boat sound as you accelerate? How does it feel? Any abnormal noises or vibrations could be cause
for concern.
Operate the boat on both calm and busy waters, so you see whether it maintains a low planing speed on rough
waves without sacrificing too much time.
Shift the throttle between casual, steady cruising and top speed performance. Note how the speed holds and shifts
through each transition. While you do this, be sure to travel over different depths of water to get an accurate read.
Make several turns while going each speed. If the boat stays on plane, this is the minimum planing speed. The
slower the planing speed, the better, especially if you plan to do a lot of boating on rougher waters.

Maneuverability refers to the way the boat handles the water, and
how easy or challenging it is to move around the boat while on
board. Take note of any factors that impede performance, such as
strong wind currents, uneven steering or jarring movements. To
test the vessel’s maneuverability, incorporate a variety of turns into
your test, including:
Left and right turns
“Swerve to avoid” motions
Full circle turns
Backing in and docking

To test onboard maneuverability, you or a passenger should walk

from end-to-end of the boat while it’s idle and while you’re cruising,
noting whether grab bars are accessible, how much traction the
floor provides and how much mist and water covers the seating
area. Open and close storage receptacles, including doors,
hatches and cabinetry.

All powerboats make noise while in use, but there are certain
sounds you should be aware of, including:
Starter: Before starting the boat, open the hatch, so it’s easier to hear. A steady vibration or hum is expected, but
severe rattling or clunking isn’t normal.
Engine: If possible, start the engine for the first time when the boat is cold, as this is the best time to hear
abnormal sounds. If your engine makes any noise variations— called “hunting” — it could indicate a serious issue,
such as a failing fuel pump or injector.
Abnormal sounds: While cruising, note any noise in the transmission, as well as abnormal sounds like rattling,
thumping, powerful vibrations or cracking. Pay attention to the way the boat sounds while idle and while at top
speed, as well as when shifting.

Finally, how does the boat feel? Even when a boat performs well,
small features can mean all the difference between a fun day on
the water or a day filled with squinting through glares, sore
muscles and frustrating inconveniences. Ask yourself and your
passengers the following questions while onboard:
Do you feel secure when you walk around when idle and at cruising speed? Is there any place that is unstable or
Are the railings tall enough, and do they provide sturdy support?
Is the cabin hatch wide and tall enough for family, friends or crewmembers to fit through?
Do any latches, knobs, cabinet doors, drawers or fixtures rattle loudly when cruising?
Are there plenty of grab bars at each end of the boat?
Is there plenty of room for both you and your passengers to move around?
Are storage receptacles easily accessible?
Are the seats comfortable?
Can you reach the control panel and gauges easily from your seat? Can you read the electronic display screens in
the daylight?
How is your sightline when behind the wheel? Are there any harsh glares from the windshield or reflective

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