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Logger Pro Practice Test 1 Name:

Create a folder on your M: drive called LastnamePractice1 where Lastname is your surname.

Copy the files Practice1A.mp4 and Practice 1B.mp4 from the H:\RuoSci10\LPro to the folder you just
created on your M: drive. You will save all your LoggerPro files to that folder. This document is also
in that folder. You should also copy it over to folder you just created. Write your answers in your copy
of this document.

1. Analyse Practice1A.mp4. Use the length of the car itself as the scale (5.1 m).
a) what type of motion is this? Why?
b) what is the speed of the car?
c) was the car speeding in the 30 km/h zone?

2. Analyse Practice1B.mp4 The distance between each pair of black lines is 10 cm. You can use
the appropriate distance on the scale and use 1 m instead.
a) what type of motion is this? Why?
b) what is the acceleration of the object in the vertical direction?\
c) what is the horizontal speed of the object?
d) Using the tangent tool, what is the instantaneous speed of the object near the end of the video? Give
me both the x and y speeds.

Once done, copy your entire test folder to H:\RuoSci10\Handin

1a) uniform motion since the graph is a straight line
b) speed of the car is 8.5 m/s (from the slope of the graph)
c) 8.5 m/s = 30.6 km/h so the car was speeding by 0.6 km/h

2a) in the horizontal (x) direction, it is uniform motion since the graph is a straight line. In the
vertical (y) direction, it is uniform acceleration since the graph is curved.
b) the acceleration in the vertical direction is 2A = 2(-5.017) = -10 m/s/s
c) the horizontal speed (from the slope of the straight line) is 1.73 m/s
d) x-speed was 1.84 m/s and y-speed was -4.1 m/s

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