2023 Form 2 Paper 1

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Name : …………………………………………………………………….

Class :……………………………..





1 Hour 15 Minutes


Instructions: Part Marks

1. Write your name and your class in the spaces provided. Part 1 8
2. This question paper consists of five parts which consist of Part 2 8
40 questions.
Part 3 8
3. Answer all questions. Read the instructions for every part
and answer carefully. Part 4 10

4. Write your answers in the answer sheet provided. Part 5 6

Total 40

This question paper has 13 printed pages including the front page

Part 1

Questions 1 – 8

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark the
correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

1. The purpose of the email is to tell Chee Hong

A. about a job he can do to earn some money.
B. to walk Mr Lau’s dogs.
C. that Dinesh is short of cash.

2. The above information is meant for

A. an educational visit
B. organizing an activity to raise funds.
C. requesting the factory to donate stationery.

3. Anna is writing to Doreen to
A. Console her.
B. Congratulate her.
C. Wish her good luck.

4. Geetha is Raju’s
A. Cousin.
B. Sister.
C. Aunt.

5. Taman Aman Badminton Programme is
A. Being held for more than a week.
B. Organised by Coach Ahmad.
C. Suitable for children.

6. During the event, visitors

A. Can play games.
B. Must join the lucky draw.
C. Should bring their own food and drink.

7. The purpose of the message is to tell Thomas
A. To pay Kimberly a visit soon
B. That Kimberly will not be attending his play.
C. To record a video of his play.

8. Mr Lee wants Tan Heng to

A. Cancel his piano lesson.
B. Contact him as soon as possible.
C. Practice playing the piano by himself.

Part 2

Questions 9 - 16

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.

For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Treating Minor Burns

[8 marks]
Have you ever encountered a situation where your skin (0) come into contact with a hot iron or
where your hand gets scalded by hot water as you are making a drink? These injuries are (9) call
0 are
burns. Such burns are usually minor and can be treated (10) in home. The first thing you should
do (11) was to cool the burn. If you have cold compress, use it. However, you must not use ice as
it will (12) restricted blood flow. Then, (13) used some gauze or a bandage to cover the burn
especially if the area is prone to other injuries such as being grazed by surrounding objects. If the
affected area is an open, weeping wound, do not cover it for the bandage will (14) stuck to the
wound and make it worse. If (15) the blister develops on the burned area, (16) seeking medical
help immediately. Do not rub, poke or break it.

[8 marks]


0 comes

Part 3

Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24.

Kelvin Doe

Kelvin Doe was born in Sierra Leone. This 17-years-old is a self-taught engineer. When he was 11
years old, he looked through waste bins in his neighbourhood to look for scrap electronic parts.

At 13, he made his own battery. He put acid, soda and metal in a tin can. He waited the
mixture to dry and then wrapped tape around it. Doe then decided to build a generator to tackle
the lack of constant electricity supply to his neighbourhood. He used parts that he made himself
or had found in waste bins. The generator he built helped power a community radio station too.
In fact, the radio station was another one of Doe’s creation. He built it using recycled materials.

Doe had never been more than ten miles from his home but in 2012, he went to the United
Stated of America. He spoke to the Meet the Young Makers panel in New York, presented his
inventions to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students and lectured to
engineering students at Harvard College.

Kelvin Doe is an inspiration to teenagers all over the world.

Adapted for Changing the World, The Star, October 2013

Questions 17 - 24

Complete the following table.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.

For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Kelvin Doe’s place of birth 17

Things he built 18



Materials he used to build the radio station 21

The year he went to the United Stated of America 22

Educational institutions he visited 23


[8 marks]

Part 4

Read the text and answer questions 25 to 34.

Spending too much time staying connected with friends and relatives through social media can be
detrimental to our health. Often, we do not get enough sleep at night and end up feeling tired and
sleepy the next morning.
Here are some things we can do to overcome this problem. Firstly, log out from all email
accounts and social networking sites before going to sleep. We will not be contacted if we are not
Next, turn off any electrical devices in the bedroom. If they are switched on, the glowing
screens or dim lights can make it harder for us to fall asleep. Moreover, hearing the notifications
coming from the devices in the middle of the night will only make matters worse.
Besides that, we must make sleep a priority. Do not answer any calls or text messages, or
check emails one hour before bedtime. This should give us enough time to prepare for bed. Our
body and mind need time wind down as bedtime approaches.
Try out these steps for a more peaceful slumber. Keep in mind that a good night’s sleep is
what we need to boost our energy and to stay focused and alert the next day.

Questions 25 - 32

Answer the questions below.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.

For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

25 It is considered an unhealthy habit to spend too much time staying connected

through . [1 mark]

26 Social networking can deprive us of sleep and make us feel in the

morning. [1 mark]

27 It is important to log out from all and social networking sites

before going to sleep. [1 mark]

28 The or dim lights from electrical devices can make it harder for
us to fall asleep. [1mark]

29 What should we make as a priority?

[1 mark]

30 One hour before sleep, we should not answer calls, or check

emails. [1 mark]

31 Our body and mind need time to as bedtime approaches.

[1 mark]

32 A good night’s sleep will help to boost our energy and allow us to stay focused and
the next day. [1 mark]

Questions 33 and 34

Complete the table below with a word from the text.

For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word

33. harmful [1 mark]

34. most important [1 mark]

[10 marks]

Part 5

Questions 35 - 40

You are going to read a newspaper article about sports.Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap (35 - 40). There are two extra sentences
which you do not need to use.

For each question, mark the correct answer (A - H) on your answer sheet.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by a virus. 35 As the disease spreads easily, it

usually occurs in epidemics affecting a whole community.

The symptoms of the disease show up about two weeks after a person has been infected. An
infected person may get a fever. 36 They will quickly spread to the rest of the body.
37 On the fourth day, these will dry up. The dried-up blisters do not usually leave scars
unless the infected person scratches them and they burst. 38 Normally, a person
only gets chickenpox once in a lifetime.
39 They must not share personal items such as towels and clothes with others.
Infected persons should also take plenty of rest and eat lightly. 40

A Twenty-four hours later, red rashes appear on the back and chest.

B The blisters appear more on the body, less on the limbs and face.

C You shouldn’t scratch your blisters.

D The rashes later become blisters containing fluid.

E People with chickenpox need to be isolated.

F People should get vaccinated to avoid getting chickenpox.

G They should wear light, cotton clothes which will not irritate their skin.

H The virus floats in water droplets in the air and enters the body when we breathe.



NAME: _____________________________________________

CLASS: _________

NO Circle your answer

1 A B C

2 A B C

3 A B C

4 A B C

5 A B C

6 A B C

7 A B C

8 A B C

NO Write your answer


























NO Circle your answer

35 A B C D E F G H

36 A B C D E F G H

37 A B C D E F G H

38 A B C D E F G H

39 A B C D E F G H

40 A B C D E F G H


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