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my leadership style:a person who is strong in character, if am to agree to lead

people they must feel my impact.A TITTLE WITHOUT MANTLE IS A can never
neglect character and achieve leadership whatever you will do becareful with fame
becareful with glory.leaders are made, not you will rise from one level to
another in leadership is by coming under the leadership of strong leaders(studying
leaders stronger than yourself)and also by studying people knowing what do people
need .exercising practical leadership actions just as exercise is door to
STYLE OF LEADERSHIP:the use of threat and intimidation,if people don't respect you
go and do what to earn respect don't force it.don't take advantage of the people
don't take advantage of their simplicity,don't take advantage of people's time and
patience ,when you take people for granted you end up grounded .never lack self
respect and dignity no matter how needy you are do not beg the people .people with
money will never be comfortable near you when you begin to look like you need
help,talkless of asking for help .do not be a one sided leader do not speak your
language in the your working place speak general language to the people do not
favour the peole from your language more than others that's a bad leadership

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