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Discovery learning is when a student obtains knowledge by him/herself. It

involvesconstructing and testing hypotheses rather than passively reading or listening to
teacher presentations (Schunk, 2008). Discovery learing can also be referred to as problem
based, inquiry, experiental, or constructivist learning. It involves inductive reasoning because
students move from a specific topic to formulating rules and principles (Kirschner, Sweller,
& Clark, 2006). Over the past decade, research on this form of learning has moved from
designing scientific experiments (Reid, Zhang, & Chen, 2003).
The purpose of discovery learning
Discovery learning promotes student exploration and collaboration with teachers and peers to
solve problems. Children are also able to direct their own inquiry and be actively involved in
the learning process which helps with student motivation.

The discovery learning approach incorporates three key ideas :

1. Problem solving : The learning design must guide and motivate learners to participate
in problem solving as they pull together information and generalize knowledge.
2. Learner Management: Leaning must be learner driven so that participants, working
alone or in small teams, can learn in their own ways and at their own pace.
3. Learner Management: Leaning must be learner driven so that participants, working
alone or in small teams, can learn in their own ways and at their own pace.
Characteristic of Effective Discovery Learning Experiences
1. Content, Both the actual content and the process of delivering it are equally important
2. Team Problem Solving. This approach provides powerful peer reinforcement and
3. Hands on Learning. Getting kearners moving and manipulating gets them learning.
4. Reflection and Connection. Learning design must help teams connect ideas, concepts
and informatin to their own departments and issues. Individually, learners must also
be provided with the time and tools to reflect on their own insights and pllan ways to
incorporate them on-the-job action.
5. Learners accountability. Well designed learning programs place learners in the driver
sear which makes them accountable for getting to their detionation. Learning provides
the road signs for assistance, learners have to the well
Advantages of Discovery Learning
 Supports active engagement of the learner in the learning process
 Fosters curiosity
 Enables the development of life long learning skills
 Personalizes the learning experience
 Highly motivating as it allows individuals the opportunity to experiment and
discover something for themselves
 Builds on learner's prior knowledge and understanding
 Develops a sense of independence and autonomy
 Make them responsible for their own mistakes and results
 Learning as most adults learn on the job and in real life situations
 A reason to record their procedure and discoveries - such as not repeating
mistakes, a way to analyze what happened, and a way to record a victorious
 Develops problem solving and creative skills
 Finds new and interesting avenues of information and learning - such as gravy
made with too much cornstarch can become a molding medium
Disadvantages of Discovery Learning
 (Sometimes huge) cognitive overload, potential to confuse the learner if no initial
framework is available, etc.
 Measurable performance (compared to hard-core instructional designs) is worse
for most learning situations.
 Creations of misconceptions ("knowing less after instruction")
 Weak students have a tendency to "fly under the radar" (Aleven et al. 2003) and
teacher's fail to detect situations needing strong remediation or scaffolding.
 Some studies admit that strong students can benefit from weak treatments and
others conclude that there is no difference, but more importantly they also
conclude that weak students benefit strongly from strong treatments.
Source :
Sofeny D. (2017). Discovery Learning; Extroverted; Introverted; Writing Skill. The
Effectiveness of Discovery Learning In Improving English Writing Skill of
Extroverted And Introverted Students, 41-42
Retrieved on 23 November 2021, from Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University.

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