Draft Modul Psikologi

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Full verbs
Infinitive/to inv. Verb 1 (+s/es) Verb 2 Verb 3 V-ing
Go Goes Went Gone Going
Write Writes Wrote Written Writing
Sing Sings Sang Sung Singing
Bring Brings Brought Brought Brought
Read Read Read Read Read
Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut
Put Put Put Put Put

2. Nominal verbs: (tobe, auxiliary)

Infinitive/to inv Verb 1 (+s/es) Verb 2 Verb 3 V-ing
to be am, is was been being
aux-do do/does did done doing
aux-have has/have had had having
aux-modals/ can/will/ could/would/ could/would/ -
operator verb shall/may should/might should/might -
have/has to had to had to -
must must must -

2. Noun:
Class symbol examples
- Countable noun Chair, girl, house, student
- Uncountable noun N Water, ink, milk, hair, salt, sugar,
sand, ice, fruit, beef, spaghetti,
butter, jam, ham, beer, wine, tea,
coffee, lemonade, honey, bread,
coal, petrol, gas, oil, etc.
3. Adjectives :
Class symbol Examples
Adjective Beautiful, easy, good, high, big,
clean, smart, rich

4. Adverbs :

Class symbol Examples

- Adverb of time Now, tonight, morning, yesterday
- Adverb of manner Adv/Av Slowly, clearly, fast, frankly,
hurriedly, beautifully, completely,etc
- Adverb of place There, here

C. Functional words ex. Conjunction, preposition, determiner, pronoun, etc.)

Class Symbol Examples

- Determiner d The, a, an, this, that, some, any, all, many
- Pronoun Pn They, we, I, you, he, she, it, them, us, me, his,
her, someone
- Preposition P On, in, at, of, to, from, for, before, under, by
- Conjunction Cj And, or, but, if, when, because, so, etc.
- Interjection Ij Oh, ah, hey, ugh, ooh, etc.
- Enumerator e One, two, first, second, etc.
Analysis the sentences bellow based on the Functional words ex. (Conjunction,
preposition, determiner, pronoun, etc.) on the table above by giving the underline

1. Today many homes have got television and computers.

2. The local people frequently use boats for transportation, but the tourist they don’t
need it all.
3. Ooh.. the bride’s room is beautifully decorated.
4. In this country justice remains an abstract conception.
5. Ugh.. the bag was very heavy, she could not carry it.
6. Living in the country, they can enjoy a peaceful life.
7. To get a maximum result, they must practice the test two weeks before the day
patients are to do exercise as required.
8. To overcome the angry mob proved difficult
9. Some students like playing truant
10. They wanted to leave although it was raining hard
UNIT 1 Present Continous (I am doing)
a) Study this example situation :

Ann is in her car. She is on her way to work.

She is driving to work.
This means : she is driving now, at the time of
This is the present continous tense :
I am ( = I’m )
He/she/(it) ( = he’s etc.) driving
We/they/you ( = we’re etc.)

We use the present continuous when we talk about something wich is happening at the
time of speaking :
- Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying. (not ’I study’)
- ‘Where is Margaret?’ ‘She’s having a bath.’ (not ‘she has’)
- Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more.
- (at a party) Hello, Ann. Are you enjoying the party? (not ‘do you enjoy’)

b) We also use the present continuous when we talk about something wich is happening around
the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking. Study this example
situation :
- Tom and Ann are talking and drinking in a café. Tom says : ‘I’m reading an
interesting book at the moment. I’ll lend it to you when I’ve finished it.’
Tom is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has begun the book
and hasn’t finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Here are some more examples :
- Silvia is learning English at the moment. (not ‘learns’)
- Have you heard about Tom? He is building his own house. (not ‘builds’)
But perhaps Silvia and Tom are not doing these things exactly at the time of speaking.

c) We often use the present continuous when we talk about a period around the present. For
example : today, this season etc. :
- ‘You’re working hard today.’ ‘Yes, I have a lot to do.’
- Tom isn’t playing football this season. He wants to concentrate on his

d) We use the present continuous when we talk about changing situations :

- The population of the world is rising very fast. (not ‘rises’)
- Is your English getting better? (not ‘does … get’)
UNIT 1 Exercises
1.1 In his exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.
Examples : Please don’t make so much noise, I am studying (study).
Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining (not/rain) any more.
Listen to those people. What language are they speaking (not/speak)?

1. Please be quiet. I ……………………………. (try) to concentrate.

2. Look! It ……………………………… (snow).
3. Why …………………….. (you/look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong?
4. You …………………………… (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter?
5. Excuse me, I ……………………… (look) for a phone box. Is there one near here?
6. (in the cinema) it’s a good film, isn’t it? ……………………….. (you/enjoy) it?
7. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They ……………………… (shout) at
each other again.
8. Why ……………………….. (you/wear) your coat today? It’s very warm.
9. I …………………………. (not/work) this week. I’m on holiday.
10. I want to lose weight. I …………………………….. (not/eat) anything today.

1.2 Complete these sentences using one of these verbs :

Get become change rise improve fall increase
You don’t have to use all the verb and you can use some of them more than once.
Example : The population of the world is rising very fast.

1. The number of people without jobs ……………………… at the moment.

2. He is still ill but he ………………………… better slowly.
3. These days food …………………………. more and more expensive.
4. The world …………………………… . Things never stay the same.
5. The cost of living …………………………. . Every year things are dearer.
6. George has gone to work in Spain. When he arrived, his Spanish wasn’t very good but
now it …………………………….. .
7. The economic situation is already very bad and it ……………………. worse.

1.3 Read this conversation between Brian and Steve. Put each verb into the correct form. The
first one has already been done for you.

Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant :

Brian : Hello, Steve. I haven’t seen you for ages. What (1) are you doing (you/do)
these days?
Steve : I (2) ………………………. (train) to be a shop manager.
Brian : Really? (3) ……………………(you/enjoy) it?
Steve : Yes, it’s quite interesting. How about you?
Brian : Well, I (4) …………………… (not/work) at the moment, but I’m very busy.
I (5) ……………………….. (build) a house.
Steve : Really? (6) ………………………… (you/do) it alone?
UNIT 2 Present Simple (I do)
a) Study this example situation :

Alex is a bus driver. But now he is a sleep in bed.

So :
He is not driving a bus (he is a sleep)
But : He drives a bus.
This is the present simple tense :
I/we/you/they drive
He/she/(it) drives

We used the present simple to talk about things in general. We are not thinking only about
the present. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that
something is true in general. It is not important wether the action is happening at the time
of speaking : :
- The earth goes round the sun.
- Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
- In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m.
Remember that we say he/she/it – s. don’t forget the s :
- I work in bank. Barry works in a shop.

b) We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences :

Do I/we/you/they I/we/you/they don’t

Does he/she/it Work? he/she/it doesn’t Work

- Excuse me, do you speak English?

- ‘Would you like a cigarette?’ ‘No, thanks. I don’t smoke.’
- What does this word mean? (not ‘What means this word?’)
- Rice doesn’t grow in Britain.
For questions see also Unit 49.

c) We use the present simple when we say how often we do things :

- I get up at 8 o’clock every morning. (not ‘am getting’)
- How often do you go to the dentist?
- Ann doesn’t often drink tea.
- In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.

d) Note thet we say ‘Where do you come from?’ ( = Where are you from?) :
- Where do you come from? (not ‘Where are you coming from?’)
- He comes from Japan. (not ‘He is coming from Japan.’)

e) When you make a suggestion, you can say Why don’t you …? :
- ‘I’m tired.’ ‘Why don’t you go to bed early
- UNIT 2 Exercises
2.1. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.
Examples : Water boils (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.
George doesn’t go (not/go) to the cinema very often.
How many languages do you speak (you/speak)?

1. The swimming bath …………………… (open) at 9.00 and ……………….. (close) at

18.30 every day.
2. What time ………………………….. (the banks / close) in Britain?
3. I have a car but I …………………… (not/use) it very often.
4. How many cigarettes …………………... (you/smoke) a day?
5. ‘What …………………………… (you/do)?’ ‘I’m an electrical engineer.’
6. ‘Where ………………………….. (your father / come) from?’ ‘He ………………..
(come) from Scotland.’
7. If you need money, why …………………….. (you/not/get) a job?
8. I …………………… (play) the piano, but I ……………….. (not/play) very well.
9. I don’t understand the word ‘decive’. What ……………….. (‘decive’/mean)?

2.2 This time you have to read some sentences and correct them. The Engkish is correct but
the information is wrong. Write two correct sentences each time.
Example : The sun goes round the earth. The sun doesn’t go round the earth.
The earth goes round the sun.

1. The sun rises in the west. ……………………………………………………………..

2. Mice catch cats. ……………………………………………………………………….
3. Carpenters make things from metal. ………………………………………………….
4. The river Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean. ……………………………………..

2.3 Now you have to use these sentences to make questions. Begin your question with the
Word(s) in brackets.
Examples : Tom plays tennis. (How often?) How often does Tom play tenis?
I get up in the morning. (What time/usually?) What time do you usually
get up?

1. Ann watches television. (How often?) How often ……………………………….......

2. I write to my parents. (How often?) ………………………………………………….
3. I have dinner in the evening? (What time / usually) ……….…………………………
4. Tom works. (Where?) …………………………………………………………………
5. I go to the cinema. (How often?) ……………………………………………………..
6. People do stupid things. (Why?) ……………………………………………………..
7. The car breaks down. (How often?) …………………………………………………..
UNIT 3 past simple (I did)
a) Study this example :
Tom : Look it’s raining again .
Ann : Oh no, not again. It rained all day yesterday too.
Rained is the past simple tense. We use the past simple to talk about actions or
situations in the past

- Ivery much enjoyed the party

- Mr. Edwards died teen years ago.
- When I live in Manchaster , Iworked in bank.
b) Very often the past simple ends in- ed :
- We invited them to our party but they decided not to come.
- The police stopped me on my way home last night
- She passed her examination because she studied very hard.

But many important verbs are irregular. This means that the past simple does not end in- ed
For example:
Leave --------left We all left the party at 11 o’clock
Go --------went Yesterday I went to London to see a friend of mine.
Cost----------cost This house cost £ 35,000 in 1980.

The past of the verb be (am/is/ are) is was /were:

I/ he /she /it was we you /they were

Iwas angry because Tom and Ann were late

c) Past simple questions and negatives we use did/ didn’t rain + the infinitive (do/open/rain

It rained did it rain? It didn’t rain

- Ann : Did you go out last night ,Tom?

- Tom : Yes I went to the cinema . But I didn’t enjoy the film.
- When did Mr,Edwards die ?
- What did you do at the week-end?
- We didn’t invite her to party, so she didn’t come.
- Why didn’t you phone me on Tuesday?
Note that we normally use did/ didn’t with have:
- Did you have time to write the letter?
- I didn’t have enough money to buy anything to eat.
But we do not use did with the verb be (was/ were):
- Why were you so angry?
- They weren’t able to come because they were very busy.
UNIT 3. Exercises
1.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence sbout the peresent and then write a sentence
about the past.
Example : Tom usually get up at 7.30 Yesterday ............................................................

1. Tom usually wakes up early.Yesterday morning............................................. .............

2. Tom usually walks to work . Yesterday.......................................................................
3. Tom is usually late for work. Yesterday.........................................................................
4. Tom usually has a sanwich for lunch . Yesterday....................................................
5. Tom usually goes out in the evening . Yesterday evening......................
6. Tom usually sleeps very well. Last night............................................

1.2 This time you have to put one of these verbs in each sentence:

hurt teach spend sel throw cacth buy cost

Example : Iwas hungry , so I .............bought...........something to eat in the shoop.

1. Tom’s father ........................ him how to drive when he was 17

2. Don......................down the stairs this morning and.............................his leg.
3. We needed some money so we...........................our car.
4. Ann...............................a lot of money yesterday . She ..............a dress
5. Jim,....................... the ball to sue who........................................it.

11.3 In this exercise you have to write questions . A friend has just come back from holiday and
you are asking him about it.
Example : where / go ?...........where did you go?.
Food / good?..........was food good?.
1. How long / stay here....................................................................................................
2. stay in a hotel...............................................................................................................
3. go alone?....................................................................................................................
4. how / travel...............................................................................................................
5. the weather / fine..........................................................
6. what / do in the evening?............................................................................
7. meet any interesting people..................................................................................

11.4 This time you have to put the verb into the correct form. All the sentences are past
Example :I .......................(not/ go to work yesterday because (not be very well)

1. Tom .........(not /eat ) this morning because he.......................................not have time

2. We,........(not /eat) anything because we..................................................(not/be) hungry
3. I.....(not/ be interested in the book because she.................................................................
4. She ......................(not. be) interseted in the book because she (not/understand) it....
You have to read the following text at home

Women in the Nuclear Family

The family is changing. In the past, grandparents, parents, and children used to live
together; in other words, they had an “extended family.” Sometimes two or more
brothers with their wives and children were part of this large family group. But
family structure is changing throughout the world. The “nuclear family” consists of
only one father, one mother and children; it is becoming the main family structure

The nuclear family offers married women some advantages: they have freedom
from their relatives, and husband does not have all the power of the family. Family
structure in most part of the world is still “patriarchal”; that is the father is the head
of the family and makes most of the important decisions. Studies show, however,
that in nuclear families, men and women usually make an equal number of
decisions about family life. Also, well-educated husbands and wives often prefer to
share the power.

But wives usually have to “pay” for the benefits of freedom and power. When
women lived in extended families, sisters, grandmothers, and aunts helped one
another with housework and childcare. In addition, older women in a large family
group had important positions. Wives in nuclear families do not often enjoy this
benefit, and they have another disadvantage, too; women generally live longer than
their husbands, so older women from nuclear families often have to live alone
Studies show that women are generally less satisfied with marriage than mean are. In
the past, mean worked outside the home and women worked inside. Housework and
childcare were a full-time job, and there was no time for anything else. Of course this
situation is changing. Women now work outside the home and have more freedom
than they did in the past. Why, then, are some women still discontent?

In most parts of the world today, women work because the family needs more
money. However, their outside jobs often give them less freedom, not more,
because they still have to do most of the housework. The women actually have two
full-time jobs- one outside the home and another inside- and not much free time.

The nuclear family will probably continue to be the main family form of the future.
Change, however, usually brings disadvantages along with benefits, and family
forms of the past had had many advantages. (Taken from INTERACTIONS, Kirn,

 Difficult Words
Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indonesian language.
1. grandparents = …………………………………………
2. to consists = …………………………………………
3. a decision = …………………………………………
4. freedom = …………………………………………
5. probably = …………………………………………


To check your understanding, answer the questions below in a separated paper!

1. What does the text talk about?
2. What advantages does the nuclear family offer women?
3. What are some disadvantages of the nuclear family for women?
4. Why are many women dissatisfied with marriage and nuclear family?
5. What does they in paragraph 2 line 1 refer to?
6. Do you live in nuclear family or extended family? What is the main family
structure in your neighborhood?
7. What do you think is good about nuclear family?
8. What is good about extended family?
9. What is your pinion about a married woman working outside the home?
Why or why not?
Most children have achieved remarkably sophisticated language capabilities by the
age of three. Their vocabularies have reached about 1000 words, and they can use
as many as five of those words in a single sentence. They make up new words, too.
They can speak about the past and future as well as the present. They understand
that some words have more than one meaning. They can duck when a ball is
coming or see a duck on lake. They have began to use negatives (“That’s not mine”)
and helping verbs (“I can do it myself”).

Over the next two years, their vocabulary will more than double. They will begin to
play with words, to repeat silly sounds, to try out “toilet” words or even swear
words, just to elicit an adult’s reaction. Newly aware of the power of words, they
will begin to argue, and they will start to tell jokes.

This language play carries on a process of experimentation that began when child
was an infant, first encountering language. At one time, experts thought children
learned language simply by imitating adults. Nowadays, most linguists agree that
children learn primarily by experimenting- by listening and thinking about what
they hear, by making their own sounds, and then by observing the way others react.

Language comes first as a great garble of sound. Slowly, children learn to hear
individual sound patterns, or words. They try out sounds. For example babies

babble “da da” and from adult’s responses (“yes, that’s daddy”), learn which sounds
enable them to communicate effectively. (Taken from TOEFL Prep Book, Lin
Lougheed, 1992)

 Difficult Words
Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indoensian language.
1. sophisticated = …………………………………………
2. to make up = …………………………………………
3. silly = …………………………………………
4. infant = …………………………………………
5. babble = …………………………………………


To check your understanding, answer the questions below in a separated paper!

1. What is the best title for the passage?
2. What age can children tell their past experience?
3. At the age of five, what do the children begin to experiment with?
4. How does an infant learn a language?
5. What does the passage tell us about the child’s first recognition of words?:
6. Write Your experience when you were still a child
Thinking Skills

Many teachers today believe that they teach thinking skills. In most instances,
however, what they actually do involves putting students into situations where they
are simply made to think and expected to do is as best they can. Most methods
teachers customarily use to “teach” thinking are indirect, rather than direct. These
methods are based on the questionable assumption that by doing thinking,
students automatically learn how to engage in such thinking.

Educational researchers have pointed out time and again that learning to think is
not an automatic by-product of studying certain subjects, assimilating the products
of someone else’s thinking, or simply being asked to think about a subject or topic.
Nor do youngsters learn how to engage in critical thinking effectively by
themselves. There is little reason to believe that competence in critical thinking can
be an incidental outcome of instruction directed, or that appears to be directed, at
other ends. By concentrating on the detail of the subject mater being studied, most
common approaches to teaching critical thinking so obscure the skills of how to
engage in thinking that students fail to master them.

If we want to improve student proficiency in thinking, we must use more direct

methods of instruction than we now use. First, we must establish as explicit goals of
instruction, the attitude, skill, and knowledge components of critical thinking.
Second, we must employ direct, systematic instruction in these skills prior to,
during, and following student introduction to and use of these skills in our
classrooms. (Taken from TOEFL Prep Book, Lin Lougheed, 1992)

 Difficult Words

Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indoensian language.
1. an instance = …………………………………………
2. to assimilate = …………………………………………
3. an outcome = …………………………………………
4. proficiency = …………………………………………
5. to employ = …………………………………………

To check your understanding, answer the questions below in a separated paper!

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
2. Why does the author believe that teaching of thinking is inadequate today?
3. How many steps does the author suggest to teach thinking?
4. What does the second they in line 2 refer to?
5. What does the word engage in line 6 mostly mean?
Food Personalities

People express their personalities in their clothes, their cars, and their homes. A
study shows that our diets are also an expression of our personalities. Perhaps we
don’t choose foods only for taste and nutrition. We might choose them because
they “tell” people something about us. For example, some people mainly eat
gourmet foods, such as caviar and lobster, and they eat only in expensive
restaurants (never in cafeterias or snack bars). They might want to “tell” the world
that they know about the “the better things in life.”

Human beings can eat many different kinds of foods, but some people choose not
to eat meat. These vegetarians often have more in common than just their diet.
Their personalities might be similar, too. For example, vegetarians in the United
States may be creative people, and they might not enjoy competitive sports or jobs.
They worry about their health of the world, and they probably don’t believe in war.

Some people eat mostly “fast food”. One study shows that many fast food-eaters
have a lot in common with each other, but they are very much different from
vegetarians. They are competitive and good at business. They are also in hurry.
Many fast food eaters might not agree with this description of their personalities,
but it is a common picture of them.
Some people also believe that people of the same astrological sign have similar food
personalities. Arians (born under the sign of Aries, between March 21 and April 19)
usually like spicy food, with a lot of onions and pepper. People with the sign of
Taurus (April 20 to may 20) prefer healthful fruits and vegetables to other food, but
they often eat too much. Sagittarians (November 22 to December 21) like ethnic
foods from many different countries. Aquarians (January 20 to February 18) can
eat as much meat and fish as they want, but sugar and cholesterol are sometimes
problems for them. (Taken from Mozaic, Wegmann & Kenezevic, 1985)

 Difficult Words

Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indoensian language.
1. a diet = …………………………………………
2. nutrition = …………………………………………
3. a vegetarian = …………………………………………
4. to agree = …………………………………………
5. pepper = …………………………………………


To check your understanding, answer the questions below in a separated paper!

1. What do them and they in line 3 refer to?
2. Why do we choose certain foods?
3. Why do some people eat mainly gourmet foods?
4. What do vegetarians have in common besides their diet?
5. What are two examples of personality characteristics?


With your partner in your class, write your ideas orally based on the text you
have read
1. What kinds of foods do you like and dislike? Why?
2. What kind of food do you eat most often? Why? Does this kind of
food express your personality?
3. Do you know gourmet eaters? Vegetarians? Fast-food eaters? In your
opinion, what kind of people are they?
4. Do you believe the information in this reading? Why or why not?

What will we expect from computers in the near future?

Trends in hardware development are helping students with disabilities gain greater
independence and integration into society. Speech recognition systems, electronic
communications, personal computers, robots, and artificial intelligence are making
a difference. The movement towards miniaturization, use of lighter materials, and
high-capacity information processing are making devices more transparent.
Devices such as wrist-watch computers will provide students with unobtrusive
support. Peripheral devices are becoming more adaptable to multimodalities.
Computers that are activated by voice and have synthesized speech are assisting
students who are physically handicapped, blind, and at risk. Captions and
enhanced narration of TV programs are also helping students who have physical
and language disabilities. Distance education, telecommunications, expert systems,
and artificial intelligence are projected to become more prevalent and especially
valuable to the special education populace. (Taken from Computers in Education
by Merrill, at al.)

 Difficult Words

Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indoensian language.
1. hardware = …………………………………………
2. society = …………………………………………
3. a device = …………………………………………
4. to assist = …………………………………………
5. populace = …………………………………………


To check your understanding, answer the questions below in a separated paper!

1. What does the passage talk about?
2. What are the benefits of the computer in the near future?
3. The word transparent in line 6 nearly means ………
4. The word unobtrusive in line 7 means …………
5. The word prevalent in the last line most nearly means…….

6. How is the development of the current computer different from

computers in the near future?
7. Ask your friends the benefits of computers in the near future especially
for students who are physically handicapped, blind, and at risk.
How has a computer application influenced our attitudes?

Attitudes are associated with almost every learning activity. An attitude is an

internal state that affects our tendency to respond in a certain way. People
generally have a positive or negative emotional reaction to any learning situation.
That emotional reaction influences our attitudes about what we have learned. Our
attitudes influence how we respond with respect to our knowledge and skills.
Attitudes are involved in choices made about smoking cigarettes, attendening an
opera, studying, following safety procedures, and obeying traffic laws. Attitudes can
be influenced and changed through the use of classical condition, reinforcement,
and human modeling.

Any computer application will have some influence on student attitudes. If the
program is designed to adapt to individual needs, then the student will experience
success and have a positive emotional reaction. If the program is too easy or too
difficult, the student will become bored or frustrated, which leads to negative
attitudes. If appropriate gaming elements are incorporated into the application,
then the students will be motivated to continue to interact with the program. When
students have a choice, they will engage in those learning activities that are
enjoyable and relevant to their interests. Computer-based videodisc applications
can be used to demonstrate or model appropriate choice behaviors. (Taken from
Computers in Education by Merrill, et al.)
 Difficult Words

Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indoensian language.
1. An attitude = …………………………………………
2. knowledge = …………………………………………
3. reinforcment = …………………………………………
4. to adapt = …………………………………………
5. enjoyable = …………………………………………


 With your partner in your class, translate the text you have read
 With your partner in your class, writing your ideas orally based on the text
you have read
Menjelaskan Grafik dalam Bahasa Inggris

 I am Lutfi and work for .......company as a .................

 I am honored to have the opportunity to present .....................
 Take a look at the graph. The vertical axis shows the volume of our sales, while the
horizontal axis represents the years or periods of sales.
 As you see from the graph, the sales in 2011 dropped from 500 to 300......
 In 2012, the company experienced a sharp rise. This is due to .................................
 The drop in our sales in 2011 was due to several causes.
 Last year, product A sales rocketed to 4,000,000 units. For this year, we hope the sales
will go up to 4,500,000 or at lease remain the same as last year.

Berikut adalah daftar kata-kata baik kata benda, kata kerja atau kata sifat yang sering digunakan
dalam menjelaskan grafik.

 Increase = naik atau kenaikan (kata kerja dan kata benda)

 Decrease = turun (kata kerja dan kata benda)
 Drop = jatuh, turun drastis (kata kerja dan kata benda)
 Sharp = tajam (kata sifat)
 Slight = sedikit (kata sifat)
 Rocket = naik tajam
 Go up = naik
 Go down = turun

Fill the blank Question bellow based on Chart

Laboratory Users

60% 50%
40% 25%
20% 20% 15%
January April July August Oct Desember

 I am honored to have the opportunity to present Graph about ……………

 Take a look at the graph. The vertical line shows……… , while the horizontal Line represents
 As you see from the graph, the users start from ……in ….. ,
 The users …..into….. In April
 ….. the Users …… into …...in July
 after that the users……into….in August
 ……the users …….into…... in October
 ….. the users…….into……. in December

To have better life 2

A: …. you just …. here?

B: Yes, I just …. here.
A: Do you like it …. so … ?
B: I …. it …..
A: Where … you come ….. ?
B: I ….. from …….
A: Why'd you move?
B: I want to …. a life for …...
A: Is that …. to do ….. ?
B: It's….. to make a …. life there.
A: So, was it …. for you to ……. ?
B: It wasn't …… , but things will …. out …… for me …...

To have better life 3

A: Are you …. here?

B: I moved here a …. weeks …..
A: What do you …. of it ….?
B: I like it here. It's …… …… .
A: Where were you ….. before?
B: I was living in …… .
A: Why'd you leave?
B: I wanted to start a …. life for ….. here.
A: You …… do that there?
B: It's not ,,,, to do well …..
A: It must've …. hard for…. to …. .
B: I miss …. , but I'm …. to start a …. life …..
What to Do in the Neighborhood 1

A: I just ….. moved into the ……..

B: Is that …. ? How recently?
A: Just….. week.
B: What kinds of …. have you ….. doing out …. ?
A: I haven't been …. much.
B: Why not?
A: I …. know what to ….
B: There's all sorts of …. to do.
A: Like what?
B: How about ….., or …..a movie, or even ….. to the ….?
A: That's ….. than I've been ….
B: …….. are …. of things to ….out her

What to Do in the Neighborhood 3

A: …. recently moved into …..

B: ….. did you …. in?
A: I've …. here for …… a …...
B: What have you ….. doing this …. week?
A: I haven't …. much of ….. .
B: Why is that?
A: I ….. know what …. is to do.
B: You … do ….. of things.
A: Tell ….. what …. is to …..
B: You can go ……., go to the ….., or even see a ….
A: I …. know what to ….
B: There's a lot to do if you just …
"I Choose You"

Let the bough break, let it come down …..

Let the sun fade out to a ….. Sky
I can't say I'd even … it was absent "100 Years"
Cause I could live by the light in your ….
I'm …. for a moment
I'll unfold …. you Caught in between … and …
What I've strung together And I'm just ….
The very first words Counting the ways to where you are
Of a …….. love letter
I'm …for a moment
Tell the world that we …… got it all right And she feels … than ever
I choose you And we're on fire
I will become …. and you will become …. Making our way back from …
I choose you
I choose you … there's still time for you
(Yeah) Time to buy and time to ….
15, there's never a wish …. than …
There was a ….. when I would have ….. them When you only got a hundred years to live
If they told me you ….. not come true
Just love's …. I'm …. for a moment
But then you found me and ….. changed Still the man, but you see I'm a "they"
And I believe in ….. again A kid on the way, babe.
A … on my mind
My …. heart
Will be yours forever I'm .. for a moment
This is a …. start The … is high
To a ….. love letter And I'm heading into a ….
Chasing the years of my ….
Tell the world that we …… got it all right
I choose you 15 there's still time for you
I will become … and you will become ….I choose Time to buy and time to … yourself
you Within a …. star
I choose you
15 I'm all right with you
We are not ….. 15, there's never a … better than …
We'll learn from our ….. When you only got a hundred years to live
And as long as it takes
I will ….. my love to you Half … goes by
Suddenly you’re wise
I am not scared of the …… Another blink of … eye
I am under-prepared, but I am … 67 is …
And even better The sun is getting high
I get to be the other …. of you We're ….. …

Tell the world that we …. got it all right I'm … for a moment
I choose you And dying for just …. moment
Yeah And I'm just dreaming
I will become …. and you will become …. Counting the ways to where you are

15 there's still time for you

… I feel her too
… you’re on your way
Every day's a … day
The Laser

Since the laser is an intense, highly directional source of light, some of its energy
will be absorbed by the material it strikes. This absorption can result in a
temperature increase of the surface and/or the interior of the object. If the object
placed in the path of the laser is the human body, then extra precautions should be

The eye is much more vulnerable to injury from laser radiation than the skin. When
a laser beam directly hits the eye, visible light is transmitted through the cornea
and lens and is focused to a small spot on the retina. This is true for direct viewing
(looking into the laser) as well as specular reflections of the beam (reflection off
mirror like surfaces).

Both Class I and II Helium-Neon lasers can be used for classroom demonstrations
because of the low potential for injury to the user or viewer. However, the Laser
Institute of America lists the following safety precautions when operating Class II
Do not permit a person to stare into the laser.
Do not point the laser at a person’s eye.
Keep beam paths above or well below either sitting or standing eye level.
Permit only experienced personal to operate the laser, and do not leave an
operable laser unattended.

Eliminate unnecessary specular surfaces from the vicinity of the beam path.
(Taken from TOEFL Prep Book, Lin Lougheed, 1992)

 Difficult Words

Provide the possible meanings of the following words in the Indoensian language.
1. intense = …………………………………………
2. to result in = …………………………………………
3. specular = …………………………………………
4. precautions = …………………………………………
5. injury = …………………………………………

To check your understanding, answer the questions below in a separated paper!

1. What is the main topic of the passage?
2. What is actually the laser?
3. What happens if the laser hits your eyes?
4. What laser is safe to be used for classroom demonstrations
5. What is interesting for you about the laser?
6. What other lights do you think dangerous for our eyes?
7. What do you do with your eyes if the dangerous light hits your eyes?
Social media

Social media is a medium to socialize with each other and be done online that allows humans to
interact with each other without being limited by time and space.
Social media can be grouped into several major sections, namely:
1. Social Networks, social media to socialize and interact (Facebook, myspace, hi5, Linked in,
bebo, etc.)
2. Discuss, social media that facilitates a group of people to chat and discuss (google talk, yahoo!
M, skype, phorum, etc.)
3. Share, social media that facilitates us to share files, videos, music, etc. (youtube, slideshare,
feedback, flickr, crowdstorm, etc.)
4. Publish, (wordpredss, wikipedia, blog, wikia, digg, etc.)
5. Social games, social media in the form of games that can be done or played together
(koongregate, doof, pogo, cafe.com, etc.)
6. MMO (kartrider, warcraft, neopets, conan, etc.)
7. Virtual worlds (habbo, imvu, starday, etc.)
8. Livecast (y! Live, tv blog, justin tv, listream tv, livecastr, etc.)
9. Livestream (socializr, froendsfreed, socialthings !, etc.)
10. Micro blog (twitter, plurk, pownce, twirxr, plazes, tweets, etc.)

Social media removes human boundaries to socialize, space and time constraints, with social
media, it is possible for humans to communicate with each other wherever they differ and
whenever, no matter how far they are, and no matter day or night.

Social media has a big impact on our lives today. Someone who is originally "small" can
instantly become big with social media, and vice versa, "big" people can become "small" in a
second with social media.

If we can use social media, there are many benefits that we can, as a medium of marketing,
trading, looking for connections, expanding friendships, etc. But if we are used by social media
either directly or indirectly, there are also a few disadvantages that will be obtained such as
addiction, difficult to get along in the real world, autism, etc.).

Smart people can use social media to make life easier, make it easier for them to learn, find
work, send assignments, find information, shop, etc.
Social media adds a new dictionary in our treasury, that is, besides knowing the real world, we
also now know "cyberspace". Unlimited free world that contains people from the real world.
Everyone can be anything and anyone in cyberspace. A person can be very different in life
between the real world and cyberspace, this is seen especially in social networks.

1. Translate the text above individually
2. Work in group and make the riset about differences positive and negative things in social
media (fscebook.twitter, and instagram)
In job interviews, everyone must be required to introduce themselves as best as possible so that it is
memorable for the agency who wants to receive the workers. Generally, in job interviews it is used in two
languages, Indonesian and English. However, for jobs in an institution whose rates are quite high, usually
introductions in job interviews are required to use English, then Squline will try work interviews with
English can sometimes make you discouraged and insecure. Although only asked to introduce themselves
in English. Many feel that their English proficiency is inadequate so applicants are reluctant to try to
apply. though actually to introduce yourself to the agency when the job interview was just as easy as you
introduce yourself in front of the class while still sitting on the school bench first.

The most fundamental difference in the introduction of English during an interview with the introduction
of English in front of the class during school is only to whom we introduce ourselves.this means this,
when you introduce yourself in front of the class during English lessons, if you speak wrong words in
english, maybe you will only get comments from the teacher. However, when you introduce in English
during an interview in front of the agency, if you are wrong in speaking words in English, the impact is
not accepted at the proposed agency. For that, to avoid things that are not desired when introducing
yourself In English during job interviews, here we will describe some tips for preparing yourself to be
fluent in introducing yourself using English during a job interview.

 Say greetings.

 Put a friendly smile.

 Mention all the skills we have to support the work we are applying for.

 Express all the reasons that make us want to work in the agency.

 Describe all the things and plans that we will do if we are later accepted at work.
Tell the question if it is permissible to ask.
 Every introduction essentially requires a systematic path so that the interviewer feels aware of
what we say and we introduce.
 The main key to introducing in English when this job interview is certainly calm.

Yes, we have seen so many failures that occur only because people are not calm enough to respond and
face something that is ahead. Therefore, calm must basically be trained and highlighted in facing any


Afika: Excuse me Sir. May I come in?

Dudit: Yes please, have a seat.
Your name is Afika, isn’t it?
Afika: Yes Sir. I was called by phone yesterday in order to have interview today.
Dudit: Yes. I have read your application and your curriculum vitae and the owner of this company aks me
to call you and have you in an interview. First I want to know you. Please tell me about yourself.
Afika: Of course Sir. My complete name is Mariana Afika. I am 24 years old. I was graduated from a state
University in Jakarta. I took Financial Accounting as my major and graduated with 3.57 GPA. I was
graduated 3 monts ago Sir.
Dudit: And you apply for the vice of Chief Financial Division. What make you sure you can work as the
vice of Chief Financial Division, since you are a fresh graduated. You don’t have working experience.
Afika: I think this is the perfect job for me Sir. I have learnt about financial for four years, I have done my
apprentice in a big company and pass with A grade. I can work individually or in team.
Dudit: Yes, I see. I have read it in your application. I think you are good enough for this position. I also
want to know your weakness also.
Afika: Honestly I am afraid of height.
Dudit: Hahaha, you’re so funny. It doesn’t have any relation with financial tasks. Well, financial deal with
money. This is a big company which means with big money. This job require a honest, full of
responsibility, carefull, and full of agility. Can you do all of them?
Afika: I will do my best Sir.
Dudit: Ok. I have finished. We will call you back if you were accepted.
Afika: Thank you very much Sir. I have a big dream that I can work here. Good Morning Sir

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