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Secuencia Didáctica

Pronunciation of “ed”

Inicio Desarrollo Cierre

- Introduce subject - Allow students to - In pairs, ask
to students listen to audio clips students to make
- give students a involving the flash cards so that
brief text involving different “ed” they can practice
“ed” vocabulary vocabulary for future test.
- students will be pronunciations. - Have students
asked to highlight - Students will individually do a
the words that practice drilling controlled activity
have the suffix in activities with with fill in the table
common. teacher on “ed” pronunciation
pronunciation, then words.
do it together as a
group without
teacher guidance,
to finally be asked
individually how it
is pronounced
Vocabulary words ending with “ed”

Javi: Hi Liz. What did you do yesterday?

Liz: Well, I had a busy day. I exercised in the morning, then I cooked for my
family, cleaned the apartment, studied for an hour and finally I listened to
music to fall asleep.

Javi: Wow, that's a lot.

Liz: Yeah, and what did you do yesterday?

Javi: Oh well, I just visited my grandfather and watched tv at his house.

Liz: That sounds nice.

Fill up the table with “ed” correct pronunciation vocabulary

/id/ /t/ /d/

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