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Globalization it affects all the living things and it reflect the

action of every people on how they handle communication and
globalization. Communication is a part of globalization they use it
as a tool connect every person to understand each other.
Globalization makes international communication and business
management easier and efficient for the world trade.

And it connects business and customer across the world. For

me it's part of the economy and society because we need this
things to improved our knowledge and make people understand
things in a much easier way. It helps the world to improved and
make advancement to our economy and daily lives.

As we all know every country has different languages and it

create and languages Barrier that forcing us deny the fact that
there are ways on how we can express ourselves verbally, visually
to those around us. Globalization and communication proves that
it impact the people on a global scale by bringing everyone
together despite every country have different languages.

John Lawrence Bongolto

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