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Final Mark : 113 % Instructions: 1, READ ALL QUESTIONS CAREFULLY! 2. All questions should be answered on this paper 3. You may use a periodic table provided, your formula sheet, and Rule Sheet CONSTANTS ‘Avogadro's # = 6.02 x10" Part A: Short Answer/Fill in the blank. Use numbers, symbols or words to complete the following tables and questions 1, Complete the following table on sub-atomic particles (6 marks) type of particle charge (+, -, 0) location (nucleus or orbit) Electron a } Orbit Proton wf Orbit Neutron ry MuctieuS 2. Use your periodic table to complete the following sub-atomic quantities table (6 marks) element | symbol atomic mass protons | electrons | neutrons number number. Li tt 3 69 2 2 & zn? 30 | 65 20 #0) | 35 H+ 4 4 A 1 3 Scanned with CamScanner Part B: Drawings Use proper, full diagrams to show the following structures 1. Draw Bohr-Rutherford diagrams and Lewis Dot diagrams for the following elements (12 marks) Element Bohr Rutherford diagram Lewis Dot diagram ely Lithium (Li) ce Fluorine (F) ¥ & IP: = 2. Draw the following organic structures (4 marks) a) 2-pentene Cs Mio by 2,3,S-trimethythexane c | | \ 1 | —€=—C=C—¢-—e=—| C—C—C—e~c=¢ | | Dull \ | G c ©) 2-methyl-4-nonene 4) 1,1,2,2-tetramethyleyelopentane c Cita FO eo ! La Cc Cer 6 Ve Scanned with CamScanner 3. Drawand label a pH scale showing where the following substances could be found on the scale (10 marks) pio pay pita pop (acid or base?) windex (acid or base?) distilled water vinegar (acid or base?) O.1M HCE (pit = -log (11+) = 4 industrial cleaner (acid or base?) (pies substance with a 0.000035 molarity (pH = -log (H+]) = Gq 45 AC) Nipsgam PoP a Sulystance ASK hed Wateg windex indlustaalcleaurr Scanned with CamScanner

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