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Warm Saline Washes The warm incubation promotes
dissociation/removal of the auto-antibody from
the red cell if ever present and the warm washes
prevent the autoantibody from reattaching in
Cold Temperature Enhancement Since ABO antibodies are IgM nature which react
better with cold temperature, this method will
enhance the potential reactivity of ABO
Enhancement using Patient Plasma & Serum If the patient is an elderly,newborn or has weak
antibody production, increasing the plasma:cell
ratio or adding more plasma will potentioate or
enhance the reaction.
Saline Replacement Technique Purpose of this technique is to help us distinguish
True agglutination from Rouleaux formation
( which looks like a stack of coins under the
microscope). When the plasma is replaced with
saline the rouleaux is dispersed but true
agglutination remains.
Pre Warm Technique Pre warming will prevent the cold
reactive auto-antibodiesto react and and
onlyclnically significant antibodies will

react. 😊

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