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7/13/23, 1:29 AM Assignment 10

Assignment 10
Due: 12:00pm on Friday, July 14, 2023
You will receive no credit for items you complete after the assignment is due. Grading Policy

Black Holes Tutorial

This tutorial will help you understand what a black hole is and the evidence for their existence.

Launch the Black Holes tutorial. Answer the ungraded questions in the tutorial and the graded follow-up questions below.

Part A
Consider three planets. All have the same mass as Earth, but with different radii (from largest to smallest: Planet 1, 2, 3). For which planet is the escape
velocity from the surface the largest?


Planet 1

Planet 2

Planet 3

The escape velocity is the same for each.


Part B
Black holes are objects for which

all light (but not matter) can escape.

only certain forms of light can escape (not visible light).

no light can escape.


Part C 1/19
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The event horizon for a 10Msun black hole is


larger than that of a 1Msun black hole.

smaller than that of a 1Msun black hole.

the same size as for a 1Msun black hole (because the escape velocity for both is the speed of light).


Part D
Some X-ray binaries are candidates for black holes because

hot, X-ray emitting accretion disks are only formed around black holes.

X-rays are energetic enough to escape from inside the event horizon, while visible light is not.

the object in the center of the accretion disk is too massive to be a neutron star.

most binary systems include black holes.


Part E
If you could measure the orbital speeds of particles in an accretion disk around a black hole, you would notice that:


All the particles are moving at about the same speed.

Particles farther from the center are moving the fastest.

Particles near the center are moving the fastest.


Part F
If Jupiter turned into a black hole,


Earth would eventually spiral and fall into it.

Earth would continue orbiting the Sun, unaffected by this event.

Earth would continue orbiting the Sun, but its orbit would no longer be circular.


Part G
What fraction of galaxies are believed to contain supermassive black holes at their center?
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None of them.

Some of them.

Most of them.


Part H
What evidence do we have that black holes exist?

I. The gravitational influence on the motion of objects in their vicinity.

II. A direct image of the material in the accretion disk around a black hole.
III. Detection of gravitational waves from mergers of black holes in binary systems.

I only





A message from your instructor...

Hints: Use the hints - they WILL help you. Random guessing will only frustrate you in questions where there are many more solutions than you can guess (multiple
select). Also: If you don't read what I have written between these assignments, it's your loss. I've given some important preliminary hints to these problems, but if
you don't read them, I can't make you ...

Sorting Task: The Bizarre Stellar Graveyard

Part A
Listed following are distinguishing characteristics of different end states of stars. Match these to the appropriate consequence of stellar death.

Hint 1. Description of a white dwarf

A white dwarf is the hot, compact corpse of a low-mass star, typically with a mass similar to the Sun compressed to a volume the size of the Earth.

Hint 2. Description of a neutron star

A neutron star is the compact corpse of a high-mass star left over after a supernova. It typically contains a mass comparable to the mass of the Sun in a
volume just a few kilometers in radius.

Hint 3. Description of a black hole

A black hole is an object in which gravity has overcome all sources of pressure support, causing it to collapse without end. Its event horizon is the place
from within which no information can leave the black hole. The Schwarzschild radius of the black hole essentially defines the “size” of the event horizon.

ANSWER: 3/19
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White dwarf Neutron star Black hole

has a mass no greater than 1.4 MSun

typically about the size (diameter) of

size defined by its Schwarzschild
Earth usually has a very strong magnetic

supported by electron degeneracy

viewed from afar, time stops at its
pressure sometimes appears as a pulsar
event horizon

in a binary system, it can explode as a



A message from your instructor...

The following tasks require you to reason carefully about the properties of white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes. Guessing answers without knowing anything
about these objects is unlikely to be very productive. Re-read Chapter 13.1-13.3. For the following Ranking Task, assume a "typical" white dwarf is 1.0 solar

Ranking Task: The Size of Planets, Stars, and Stellar Remnants

Part A
Listed following are several astronomical objects. Rank these objects based on their diameter, from largest to smallest. (Note that the neutron star and black
hole in this example have the same mass to make your comparison easier, but we generally expect black holes to have greater masses than neutron stars.)

Hint 1. How large is a white dwarf?

A typical (one-solar-mass) white dwarf star is approximately the same size (diameter) as _____.

the Sun




a small asteroid

Hint 2. How large is a neutron star?

The diameter of a typical neutron star is __________.
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about the same as the diameter of the Sun

about the same as the diameter of Earth

about the same as the diameter of Pluto

about 20 kilometers

Hint 3. How large is the Moon?

The Moon’s diameter is __________.


larger than Earth’s diameter

about one-fourth the diameter of Earth

about 1 percent of the diameter of Earth


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Largest diameter Smallest diameter

The main-sequence star is obviously much larger than a planet such as Jupiter. A one-solar-mass white dwarf is about the size of Earth, which
makes it larger than the Moon. A neutron star will be larger than a black hole of the same mass, because while light can escape from a neutron star,
the same mass in a black hole must be more concentrated so that its gravity is strong enough to prevent light from escaping.

Part B
Listed following are several astronomical objects. Rank these objects based on their mass, from largest to smallest. (Be sure to notice that the main-sequence
star here has a different spectral type from the one in Part A.)

Hint 1. How massive is a neutron star?

True or False? A typical neutron star is less massive than the Sun.

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Hint 2. How massive is a typical black hole?

A black hole that forms when a star dies in a supernova must have a mass __________.


much less than that of the Sun

about the same as that of the Sun

greater than the neutron star limit of about 2 to 3 solar masses


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Largest mass Smallest mass

Note that while the rankings shown are correct for “typical” white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, each of these objects comes in a range of
masses and so there may be some exceptions.

Part C
Listed following are several astronomical objects. Rank these objects based on their density, from highest to lowest.

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Highest density Lowest density

The singularity of a black hole is a place where density approaches infinity, so it is clearly the most dense of the objects shown. Neutron stars are
much more dense than white dwarfs, which in turn are much more dense than main-sequence stars.

A message from your instructor...

In the following Extra Credit process of science task, it may be useful to know that neutron stars do not have to accrete material in order to emit radiation. The crust
of neutron stars emits thermal radiation, like anything else that is opaque and has a temperature greater than absolute zero. Like the task before this, this task will
be impossible if you have not read chapter 13.

Process of Science: Identifying Stellar Corpses

Learning Goal:
To understand how observations allow scientists to determine whether a compact object is a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole.

Part A
The following items describe observational characteristics that could indicate that an object is either a white dwarf or a neutron star. Match each characteristic
to the correct object.

Hint 1. What can cause an object to dim and brighten rapidly?

You observe an object that periodically dims and brightens at a rapid rate, such as once per second. A reasonable explanation for this dimming and
brightening is that the object is __________.

periodically passing in front of and behind an ordinary star, so that we see changes in brightness with these transits and eclipses

rapidly rotating so that we see a bright spot with each rotation

generating energy in its core by nuclear fusion, and rapid changes in the core temperature cause rapid changes in the fusion rate

Hint 2. What is the difference between a nova and an X-ray burst? 7/19
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According to current theory, both nova explosions and X-ray bursts occur in binary systems in which an ordinary star orbits either a white dwarf or a
neutron star. However, novae involve hydrogen fusion on the surface of a stellar corpse, while X-ray bursts involve helium fusion. What can you
conclude from this fact?

Novae must involve much higher temperatures than X-ray bursts.

Novae must occur much more frequently than X-ray bursts.

X-ray bursts must occur on objects with much stronger surface gravity than those that produce novae.

Hint 3. The white dwarf mass limit (Chandrasekhar limit)

Theoretical calculations show that the maximum possible mass for a white dwarf is 1.4 times the mass of the Sun (1.4 solar masses).


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White dwarf Neutron star

can have a mass of 1.5 solar masses
may be surrounded by a planetary
nebula may be in a binary system that
undergoes X-ray bursts
emits most strongly in visible and
ultraviolet may repeatedly dim and brighten
more than once per second
may be in a binary system that
undergoes nova explosions may be surrounded by a supernova

Be sure you understand why each of these observations goes with the indicated object. For example, white dwarfs may be surrounded by planetary
nebulae because they are the remains of low-mass stars, while neutron stars form only in supernovae.

Part B
The following items describe observational characteristics that may indicate that an object is either a neutron star or a black hole. Match each characteristic to
the correct object; if the characteristic could apply to both types of object, choose the bin labeled "Both neutron stars and black holes."

Hint 1. What is an X-ray binary?

An X-ray binary is a binary star system in which gas from an ordinary star is accreting onto a compact object. The accreting gas emits X rays because it


consists mostly of hydrogen from the outer layers of the companion star

is very hot

it contains a great deal of mass 8/19
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Hint 2. What are X-ray bursts?

An X-ray burst is thought to occur when __________.


two stars collide and merge in a binary system

an accretion disk is hot enough to emit X rays

gas accreting onto the surface of a neutron star undergoes a sudden burst of fusion

Hint 3. What is a pulsar?

Pulsars were originally discovered when astronomers observed sources that emitted rapid pulses of radio waves. It was soon realized that all pulsars
are actually __________.

rapidly rotating neutron stars

highly magnetized black holes

neutron stars in binary systems

Hint 4. If black holes emit no light, how can we detect them?

No light can escape from a black hole. Therefore, to detect a black hole, we must observe __________.


radiation coming from hot gas that is falling toward a black hole

thermal radiation that peaks in the black part of the spectrum

a round, black disk in space

Hint 5. Is there a maximum mass for a black hole?

In principle, a black hole can have a mass __________.


of any amount

only up to 1.4 solar masses

only up to about 3 solar masses

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Neutron star only Black hole only Both neutron stars and black holes

may emit rapid pulses of radio waves can have a mass of 10 solar masses may be surrounded by a supernova

may be in a binary system that is detectable only if it is accreting gas

undergoes X-ray bursts from other objects may be located in an X-ray binary

Be sure you understand why each of these observations goes with the indicated object(s). For example, radio pulses and X-ray bursts cannot come
from black holes, because both are caused by events that happen on the surface of a compact object. Note also that the fact that two important
items go in the "Both" bin indicates that it can be more difficult to distinguish between neutron stars and black holes than between white dwarfs and
neutron stars.

You should now be ready to consider a "mystery object" to see how astronomers would determine its nature.

Part C
The Chandra X-Ray Observatory has detected X rays from a star system that contains a main-sequence star of spectral type B6. The X-ray emission is strong
and fairly steady, and no sudden bursts have been observed. Which of the following statements are reasonable conclusions about this system?

Check all that apply.

Hint 1. What is an X-ray binary?

An X-ray binary is a binary star system in which gas from an ordinary star is accreting onto a compact object. The accreting gas emits X rays because it

contains a great deal of mass

is very hot

consists mostly of hydrogen from the outer layers of the companion star

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The main-sequence star orbits either a neutron star or a black hole.

The main-sequence star is emitting X rays.

The main-sequence star must orbit a neutron star.

Some time in the next few decades, this system will undergo a nova explosion.

Gas from the main-sequence star makes an accretion disk around another object.

The main-sequence star must orbit a white dwarf.

The main-sequence star must orbit a black hole.

The main-sequence star orbits either a white dwarf or a neutron star.

The system is an X-ray binary, which means the companion to the main-sequence star can be either a neutron star or a black hole. The X rays come
from the hot accretion disk consisting of gas that the compact object’s gravity is pulling away from the main-sequence star.

Part D
What is the key observation needed to determine whether the compact object in Part C is a neutron star or a black hole?


Measure Doppler shifts in the spectrum of the main-sequence star so that you can determine the mass of the compact object.

Study the X-ray emission to determine the temperature of the gas in the accretion disk.

Obtain high-resolution images of the compact object, so that you can determine whether it emits any light.

The Doppler shifts will allow you to determine the speed (or at least the component of the speed that is in your line of sight) of the main-sequence
star as it orbits the compact object. You can then use this speed along with the known mass of the main-sequence star to determine the compact
object’s mass (or a lower limit on its mass). If this mass is greater than the neutron star limit of about 3 solar masses, then the object must be a black

Sorting Task: Distinguishing Massive Star and White Dwarf Supernovae

Learning Goal:
To distinguish between properties of the two major types of supernovae: massive star supernovae and white dwarf supernovae.
All supernovae represent the explosions of stars, but current understanding suggests there are two basic types of supernovae: one that occurs when a massive
star reaches the end of its life, and the other that occurs when a white dwarf star explodes because its mass has exceeded the white dwarf limit (also called the
Chandrasekhar limit) of 1.4 solar masses.

Part A
Match the items below with the correct type of supernova.

Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins.

Hint 1. The ages of stars that explode as supernovae

One key to sorting the items correctly is to keep in mind that the two types of supernovae involve stars of very different ages:

Massive star supernovae always involve young stars, because massive stars live short lives of only a few million years.
White dwarf supernovae always involve old stars, because white dwarfs are the remains of low-mass stars that live billions of years before
they even become white dwarfs.

These facts should allow you to sort the items relating to the kinds of star clusters and galaxies in which the two types of supernovae can occur.

Hint 2. What are the masses of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes? 11/19
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Rank the items representing the three types of compact object by their maximum masses.
Rank the mass of the objects from lowest to highest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.


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Lowest mass Highest mass

white dwarf neutron star black hole

Hint 3. What can make a white dwarf's mass rise above the white-dwarf limit?
A white dwarf explodes as a supernova when its mass exceeds the white-dwarf limit of 1.4 solar masses. How does this happen?

A star that ends its life leaves behind a compact object with a mass greater than 1.4 solar masses.

White dwarfs increase in density as they age, so they can eventually exceed the limit.

Mass transfer from or merger with a companion star can raise a white dwarf's mass above the limit.

Hint 4. What are white dwarfs made of?

White dwarfs are made mostly of __________.


carbon and oxygen


hydrogen and helium

Hint 5. Supernova light curves

The following figure contrasts the typical light curves of massive-star and white-dwarf supernovae. You can use this figure to determine which
supernova type has the higher peak luminosity. 12/19
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White dwarf supernova Massive star supernova

Can only occur in a binary system

Spectra always lack strong hydrogen

lines. Can only occur in a galaxy with
ongoing star formation
Can occur in a very old star cluster

Star explodes completely, leaving no Black hole or neutron star left behind
compact object behind.

Has a brighter peak luminosity

Think carefully about the reasons behind these answers, so that you are prepared to complete Part B.

Part B
Each item below describes an observation of a hypothetical supernova. Classify each observation as either "Not surprising" if it fits in with our current
understanding of supernovae, or "Surprising" if the observation would cause us to rethink our understanding of supernovae.
Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins.

Hint 1. The ages of stars that explode as supernovae

One key to sorting the items correctly is to keep in mind that the two types of supernovae involve stars of very different ages:

Massive star supernovae always involve young stars, because massive stars live short lives of only a few million years.
White dwarf supernovae always involve old stars, because white dwarfs are the remains of low-mass stars that live billions of years before
they even become white dwarfs.

These facts should allow you to sort the items relating to the kinds of star clusters and galaxies in which the two types of supernovae can occur.

Hint 2. How do we detect black holes?

In general, we can detect a black hole left behind by a dead star __________.

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only if mass is being transferred to it by another star

in all cases

as long as its mass is greater than about 3 solar masses


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Not surprising Surprising

A massive star in a binary system
An isolated star like our Sun explodes
Two massive star supernovae occur in
as a white dwarf supernova.
the same young star cluster.
A massive star supernova leaves
A young (5 million years) star
behind no detectable compact object.
explodes as a white dwarf supernova.
A white dwarf supernova in a galaxy of
only old stars

Note that either of the two "Surprising" observations would force us to reconsider our ideas about supernovae if we actually witnessed them (we

Vocabulary in Context: White Dwarfs

Part A
Match the words in the left-hand column to the appropriate blank in the sentences in the right-hand column. Use each word only once.

Hint 1. The definition of electron degeneracy pressure

The electron degeneracy pressure is a type of pressure that arises when electrons are packed as tightly as the laws of quantum physics allow. Unlike
ordinary (thermal) pressure, the strength of electron degeneracy pressure does not depend on an object’s temperature.

Hint 2. The definition of the white dwarf limit

The white dwarf limit is its maximum possible mass, which is about 1.4 MSun . It is sometimes called the Chandrasekhar limit, after the man who first
calculated it. For an object with mass above this limit, gravity is too strong to be resisted by electron degeneracy pressure.

Hint 3. The definition of an accretion disk

An accretion disk is a rapidly rotating disk of material, which gradually falls inward as it orbits a star-like object (e.g., white dwarf, neutron star, or black

Hint 4. The definition of a nova 14/19
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A nova is the dramatic brightening of a star, which lasts for a few weeks and then subsides. It occurs when a burst of hydrogen fusion ignites in a shell
on the surface of an accreting white dwarf in a binary star system.

Hint 5. The definition of a white dwarf supernova

A white dwarf supernova occurs when an accreting white dwarf reaches the white dwarf limit, ignites runaway carbon fusion, and explodes like a bomb.
It is often called a Type Ia supernova.

Hint 6. The definition of a massive star supernova

A massive star supernova occurs when a massive star dies, initiated by the catastrophic collapse of its iron core. It is often called a Type II supernova.


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1. The radius of a white dwarf is determined by a balance between the inward force of gravity and the

outward push of electron degeneracy pressure .

2. A white dwarf in a close binary system will explode as a supernova if it gains enough mass to

exceed the white dwarf limit (1.4 solar masses) .

3. A(n) accretion disk consists of hot, swirling gas captured by a white dwarf (or neutron star or

black hole) from a binary companion star.

4. A(n) nova occurs when hydrogen fusion ignites on the surface of a white dwarf in a binary


5. A(n) white dwarf supernova can occur only in a binary system, and all such events are thought

to have about the same luminosity.

6. A(n) massive star supernova occurs when fusion creates iron in the core of a star.


Visual Activity: Exploring Radial Free-Fall Toward a Black Hole

Click on the image below to launch the video: Exploring Radial Free-Fall Toward a Black Hole. Once you have watched the entire video, answer the graded follow-
up questions on the right. You can watch the video again at any point.

Part A 15/19
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From the viewpoint of an observer in the orbiting rocket, what happens to time on the other rocket as it falls toward the event horizon of the black hole?

Hint 1. Is the orbiting rocket view similar to the view of a distant, stationary observer?

True or False? The view from the orbiting rocket will be similar to the view seen by a distant, stationary observer.




Time runs increasingly faster as the rocket approaches the black hole.

Time runs increasingly slower as the rocket approaches the black hole.

Time is always the same on both rockets.

In this video, your view is similar to the view from the orbiting rocket. Notice that the clock on the falling rocket ticks more slowly as it approaches the
black hole, indicating that time is slowing down.

Part B
As the falling rocket plunges toward the event horizon, an observer in the orbiting rocket would see that the falling rocket __________.

Hint 1. As seen by a very distant observer, how does the falling rocket appear to move?

True or False? A very distant observer would see the falling rocket speeding up as it falls toward the event horizon.





slows down as it approaches the event horizon and never actually crosses the event horizon

slows down near the event horizon so that it crosses the event horizon at a low speed

moves at constant speed as it approaches and crosses the event horizon

accelerates as it falls and crosses the event horizon at high speed

Viewed from afar, time comes to a stop at the event horizon of a black hole, so falling objects never appear to cross the event horizon.

Part C
From Part B, you know that from afar you’ll never see the in-falling rocket cross the event horizon, yet it will still eventually disappear from view. Why?

Hint 1. Why do the colors on the clock change as the rocket approaches the event horizon?

In the video, notice that the clock changes color on the rocket falling toward the event horizon. This represents the fact that __________.

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light from an object becomes redshifted as the object approaches the event horizon

the blackness of the black hole gradually consumes the different colors of the rainbow

time stops at the event horizon


Even though you won’t see it cross the event horizon, it does cross it, and that means you can no longer see it.

Its light will become so redshifted that it will be undetectable.

The black hole’s blackness will drown out the light of the rocket.

Tidal forces will squeeze the in-falling rocket to an undetectably thin line.

As the video shows, viewed from afar the light of the in-falling rocket becomes increasingly redshifted. As it approaches the event horizon, the
redshift approaches infinity, meaning all its light is stretched to such enormous wavelengths that no detector could see it, even in principle.

Part D
If you were inside the rocket that falls toward the event horizon, you would notice your own clock to be running __________.


increasingly faster as you approach the event horizon

at a constant, normal rate as you approach the event horizon

increasingly slower as you approach the event horizon

All motion is relative, and you will always consider your own clock to be running at a normal rate.

Part E
If you were inside the rocket that falls toward the event horizon, from your own viewpoint you would __________.


slow down and come to a stop at the event horizon

slow down and cross the event horizon at low speed

accelerate as you fall and cross the event horizon completely unhindered

From your point of view, time runs normally in your spaceship and gravity must accelerate you as you fall toward the black hole. There is no physical
barrier at the event horizon, so you cross it unhindered.

A message from your instructor...

For the following ranking task, I have two hints for you: (1) the heavy element abundance we measure in stars is the abundance we see in the photosphere. This
abundance you can assume remains the same over the lifespan of the star -- the abundances in the photosphere are the same as the abundances in the
protostellar cloud. (2), all of the stars in a cluster of stars are born at the same time, from the same protostellar cloud.

Problem 18.61 17/19
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Part A
Suppose a neutron star with a mass of about 1.5MSun and a radius of 10 kilometers suddenly appeared in your hometown. How thick a layer would Earth
form as it wraps around the neutron star's surface? Assume that the layer formed by Earth has the same average density as the neutron star. (Hint: Consider
the mass of Earth to be distributed in a spherical shell over the surface of the neutron star and then calculate the thickness of such a shell with the same mass
as Earth. The volume of a spherical shell is approximately its surface area times its thickness: Vshell = 4πr2 × h . Because the shell will be thin, you can
assume that its radius is the radius of the neutron star.)

Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.

h = 6.6 mm


Problem 18.53

You've just discovered another new x-ray binary, which we will call Hyp-X2 ("Hyp" for hypothetical). The system Hyp-X2 contains a bright, G2 main-sequence star
orbiting an unseen companion. The separation of the stars is estimated to be 13 million kilometers, and the orbital period of the visible star is 4.7 days.

Part A
Use Newton's version of Kepler's third law to calculate the sum of the masses of the two stars in the system.
Express your answer using two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


M1 + M2 = 7.9×1030 kg

Answer Requested

Part B
Calculate the sum of the masses of the two stars in solar masses. (MSun = 2 × 10 kg .)
Express your answer in solar masses to two significant figures.


M1 + M2 = 3.9 MSun


Part C
Determine the mass of the unseen companion. (Hint: A G2 main-sequence star has a mass of 1MSun .)

Munseen = 2.9 MSun


Part D
Is the unseen component of the system a neutron star or a black hole, and why?
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The unseen component is a neutron star. It has mass greater than the 1MSun of its companion on the main-sequence.

The unseen component is a neutron star. It has mass greater than 1.4MSun , but less than 3MSun .

The unseen component is a black hole. It has mass less than neutron stars' limit of 3MSun .

The unseen component is a black hole. It has mass greater than the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4MSun .


Problem 18.60

Models indicate that the gravitational-wave signal came from the merger of two black holes with masses of 28 MSun and 35 MSun , a merger that resulted in a
single black hole with a mass of 62 MSun . The difference in total mass between the start and finish of the merger corresponds to the amount of energy carried
away in the form of gravitational waves.

Part A
Use Einstein's formula E = mc to calculate this amount of energy.
Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.

E merger = 1.8×1047 J


Part B

Compare your answer to the energy released by a supernova (approximately 6 × 1046 J).
Express your answer using two significant figures.


E merger
= 3.0
E supernova


Part C
Compare your answer to the energy released by the Sun during its entire main-sequence life. (Hint: The luminosity of the Sun is
3.83 × 10 W . Assume that the Sun's main-sequence life is 10 billion years.)

Express your answer using two significant figures.


E merger
= 1500
E Sun total


Score Summary:
Your score on this assignment is 107%.
You received 22.64 out of a possible total of 24 points, plus 3 points of extra credit. 19/19

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