2004 Linazasoro Farmacos No Utiles PD

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Movement Disorders

Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004, pp. 743–754

© 2004 Movement Disorder Society

Research Review

Recent Failures of New Potential Symptomatic Treatments for

Parkinson’s Disease: Causes and Solutions

Gurutz Linazasoro, MD*

Centro de Neurologı́a y Neurocirugı́a funcional, Clı́nica Quirón, San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, Spain

Abstract: One major goal of current research in Parkinson’s of the working hypotheses and design of clinical trials, the
disease (PD) is the discovery of novel agents to improve validity of tools in current use to evaluate a specific effect, and
symptomatic management. The object of these new treatments the selectivity of the drugs used. All these factors may explain
should be to provide effective symptom control throughout the failure. This review focuses on pharmacological and surgical
course of the disease without the development of side effects treatments tested to improve the management of patients with
such as motor and psychiatric complications. Results of several motor fluctuations and dyskinesias. Some of the recent trials
clinical trials of new treatment options reported in the past 2 and possible reasons for their lack of success are critically
years have shown negative or unsatisfactory results. Most of analysed. Finally, some suggestions to avoid further failures
the drugs and surgical procedures used in these studies had and improve results are proposed. © 2004 Movement Disorder
been tested previously in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahy-
dropyridine (MPTP) monkeys as well as in the classic 6-hy-
Key words: Parkinson’s disease; motor complications; ani-
droxydopamine–lesioned rat model. They raise several ques-
tions about the true reliability of animal studies, the adequacy mal models; treatment alternatives

A major goal of current research in Parkinson’s dis- degenerative process is quite limited to the dopaminergic
ease (PD) is the discovery of novel agents to improve neurons localised in the pars compacta of the substantia
symptomatic management in the hope that new treat- nigra (SNpc), and damaging the nigrostriatal pathway at
ments will provide effective and sustained symptom con- different levels in animals reproduces the striatal dopa-
trol throughout the course of the disease, without induc- mine (L-dopa) deficiency characteristic of PD.2 Rodent
ing side effects such as motor and psychiatric models were the first available and proved very useful as
complications.1 To reach this objective, it is important to early screens in the development of antiparkinsonian
have relevant models of the disease in which new phar- therapy. The unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-
macological agents and surgical procedures could be lesioned rodent, through the ability to induce rotational
tested before clinical assessment. In some ways, PD has behaviour with apomorphine or amphetamine, has a high
been considered paradigmatic for other pathological con- predictive value to detect potential anti-parkinsonian
ditions, particularly neurodegenerative illness, and has agents.3 Because rotational behaviour does not resemble
the advantage of some unique features. For instance, the the motor abnormalities seen in PD, new methods have
been developed in recent years to better assess these and
also levodopa-induced dyskinesias.4,5
*Correspondence to: Dr. Gurutz Linazasoro, Centro de Neurologı́a y
Neurocirugı́a funcional, Clı́nica Quirón, Parque Alcolea s/n, 20012 San
The possibility of inducing parkinsonism in subhuman
Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, Spain. E-mail: glinazasoro@terra.es primates with the administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-
Received 14 September 2003; Revised 23 December 2003; Accepted 1,2,5,6-tetrahydropiridine (MPTP)6 led to the belief that
2 February 2004
Published online 21 April 2004 in Wiley InterScience (www. the predictability would be greatly improved because the
interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/mds.20120 evaluation of motor, and to some extent nonmotor, be-


haviour would be closer to that of humans.7,8 The use- beneficial effects against parkinsonism and L-dopa–
fulness of these models has been reviewed recently.3,6 induced dyskinesias.
With the help of these models, further insights into the
pathophysiology of parkinsonism and dyskinesia have Dopaminergic Agents
significantly contributed to the formulation of more ac- Several new dopaminergic drugs are in advanced clin-
curate hypotheses as starting points to develop new treat- ical development and will soon be released to the market:
ment approaches.3,6 Despite high hopes of discovering sumanirole, rotigotine, L-dopa methylester and ethyl-
more effective pharmacological and surgical approaches, ester, and the triple combination of L-dopa/carbidopa/
the results of several clinical trials reported in the past 2 entacapone. Piribedil, which has been in use in France
years do not uphold such expectations. Indeed, most of for more than 2 decades, will become available in other
them have shown negative or at best unsatisfactory re- countries, and new drugs designed to improve the dopa-
sults when tried in PD patients (Table 1). Most of the minergic transmission to produce a better clinical re-
drugs and surgical procedures used in these studies had sponse are in the pipeline.
been tested previously in MPTP monkeys as well as the
classic 6-OHDA–lesioned rat model. The results of all Drugs Acting at the Dopamine Transporter Level.
these studies raise several questions about the true reli- These drugs increase the synaptic levels of dopamine
ability and validity of animal data, the adequacy of the by blocking the action of the synaptic dopamine trans-
current working hypotheses, and the presently used tools porter.11 The higher the levels of dopamine in the syn-
to evaluate a specific effect. apse, the longer and stronger the antiparkinsonian effect.
Brasofensine is one of these drugs, producing a potenti-
NEW PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS ation of the effects of L-dopa in MPTP-lesioned monkeys
FOR MOTOR FLUCTUATIONS AND without inducing dyskinesia.12 In 8 patients receiving the
LEVODOPA-INDUCED DYSKINESIAS: drug, an initial improvement over a 4-week period was
RECENT CLINICAL TRIALS observed, but this improvement has been lost by the end
This article focuses on pharmacological and surgi- of the study, and no significant differences were shown
cal treatments to improve the management of patients against placebo. A possible explanation of this may be
already suffering from motor fluctuations and dyski- that the metabolism of brasofensine in human beings is
nesia. New concepts on the organization of the basal different from that in monkeys, invalidating all preclin-
ganglia and the influence of different neurotransmit- ical toxicological investigations.12 Other drugs with the
ters and neuromodulators on motor function9,10 have same mechanism of action, such as NS2330, are now
led to the development of new drugs with potentially being developed.

TABLE 1. Treatment strategies with symptomatic potential in complicated PD:

Comparison between animal and human data
Animal data Human data
Park LID Park LID
Dopamine uptake blockers (brasofensine) ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ - ??
D1 receptor agonists ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ -
Partial D2 agonists ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹/⫺ ⫹/⫺
Adenosine A2a antagonists ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹ ⫹/⫺
Alfa 2 antagonists - ⫹⫹⫹ - ⫹/⫺
GABAergic ??? ??? ⫹/⫺ ⫹/⫺
Antiserotoninergic drugs (5HT2c) ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ?? ??
Serotoninergic drugs (5-HT1a) - ⫹⫹⫹ - ⫹⫹⫹
Glutamate antagonists ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹/⫺ ⫹/⫺
Cannabinoid agonists ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ - ⫹⫹
Cannabinoid antagonists - ⫹⫹⫹ ?? ??
Opioid antagonists - ⫹⫹⫹ - -
Opioid agonists ⫹⫹ - - -
Functional surgery ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
Fetal transplantation ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹/⫺ -

Park, parkinsonism; LID, levodopa-induced dyskinesias; ⫹⫹⫹, good effect; ⫹⫹, moder-
ate effect; ⫹/⫺, slight effect; -, no effect; PD, Parkinson’s disease.

Movement Disorders, Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004


Selective Dopamine Receptor Agonists. higher than full agonists mainly in patients with L-dopa–
D1 receptors have been repeatedly involved in the induced dyskinesia or psychiatric disturbances. Ter-
origin of L-dopa–induced dyskinesia,13,14 and selective guride is an example of a partial D2 agonist exhibiting
D1 receptors agonists have been shown to be highly both antiparkinsonian and antidyskinetic effects in
effective in MPTP monkeys, producing a natural motor MPTP-treated monkeys,23 but when administered to pa-
response without dyskinesia. Even more, D1 agonist did tients with motor complications the results were incon-
not produce dyskinesias in parkinsonian monkeys al- sistent. In some cases, terguride reduced dyskinesia with-
ready primed to develop dyskinesias,15 and this change out worsening parkinsonism, but in others, it worsened
occurring after a short period of administration might be both dyskinesia and PD.24
interpreted as a reversal of the underlying mechanism.
Some confusion still exists about the real motor effect of Miscellaneous.
D1 agonists due to the previous use of drugs without a Other drugs acting at the dopaminergic system
full D1 profile, such as CY 20824316 and SKF 38393. through varied mechanisms of action are being explored,
Dihydrexidine was the first high-affinity full D1 agonist although none of them have as yet been tested in humans.
tested in both animals17 and humans,18 and it produced a Among these drugs are dopamine stabilisers (such as
dramatic reduction of parkinsonian signs in severely OSU-6162), which are drugs with a weak D2 receptor
afflicted MPTP-treated monkeys17; in the only clinical antagonistic capacity, depending on the dopaminergic
trial reported, 4 patients received the drug intravenous- tone,25 D3, D4, and D5 agonists, D3 antagonists, and so
ly18: three of them suffered severe postural hypotension on. Recent data indicate the existence of a linear increase
and were withdrawn from the study; the remaining pa- of the expression of D3 receptors in relation to the
tient showed a 70% improvement in UPDRS score. The severity of dyskinesia in MPTP monkeys receiving L-do-
significant drop in blood pressure precluded human stud- pa.26 Dyskinesia was alleviated with BP 897, a partial
ies. agonist at the D3 receptor, when, importantly, the ben-
ABT-431 (along with isochromans A77636 and eficial therapeutic response to L-dopa was not affected.26
A86930), similar in structure and pharmacological prop- In contrast, full D3 antagonists, either nonselective or
erties to dihydrexidine and from which a comparable highly selective, also improved dyskinesia but at the
effect might be expected, were the next D1 agonists expense of a worsening of parkinsonism.26 While these
investigated. These agents had been used in MPTP mon- results support the use of D3 partial agonists in combi-
keys with good effect against parkinsonism and dyski- nation with L-dopa in patients with L-dopa–induced dys-
nesia.19 However, ABT-431, as with dihydrexidine, had kinesia, other studies have shown that D3 antagonists
poor oral bioavailability, although it was tolerated better may exert antiparkinsonian effects by their own.27 Such
than the latter. When tested in humans with PD and contradictions in animal models add confusion to the
motor complications, ABT-431 had a similar action to expected effects when these drugs are eventually tested
L-dopa, but without significant modification of dyskine- on patients.
sia.20,21 These results were somewhat disappointing, be-
cause expectation had been high, particularly concerning NONDOPAMINERGIC STRATEGIES
its potential antidyskinetic effect. Isochromans have not
Adenosine A2a Receptor Antagonists
been tested in PD patients; they do not have the problems
of bioavailability reported with dihydrexidine and ABT- Adenosine A2a receptors are localised to striatal cho-
431 but can cause severe side effects and behavioural linergic interneurons and also to the cell bodies of striatal
tolerance. Dinapsoline (DAR-201) has good oral avail- ␥-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons, which orig-
ability, does not induce tolerance, and has been shown to inate the indirect pathway28; they are, therefore, colo-
be efficacious in rats and marmosets with parkinson- calised with D2 receptors.28 Through this selective lo-
ism.22 calisation, A2a receptors can influence both striatal
GABA and acetylcholine release.
Partial Agonists. Adenosine A2a agonists stimulate the indirect path-
This class of compounds that may act either as ago- way, increasing GABA release in the external globus
nists or antagonists, depending on the sensitivity of do- pallidus (GPe), whereas antagonists lead to a reduction in
pamine receptors: they exert agonist activity at dener- the levels of GABA in the GPe. Overactivity of the
vated supersensitive sites and competitively inhibit indirect pathway is one of the hallmarks of parkinson-
complete agonists at fully innervated normosensitive re- ism,9,10 so A2a antagonists could be beneficial in motor
ceptors. Thus, their therapeutic window appears to be symptoms. As these receptors are apparently absent in

Movement Disorders, Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004


the striatal neurons, which initiate the direct pathway and dyskinesias was observed. Thus, results are contradictory
in other dopaminergic pathways, these drugs could be and several explanations can be offered: different actions
free of the major side effects of other antiparkinsonian of L-dopa and apomorphine, and distinct neural mecha-
drugs.28 This hypothesis has been proved in 6-OHDA nisms underlying dyskinesia induced by L-dopa or apo-
rats and MPTP monkeys when the animals experienced a morphine.38 A prospective multicentric study including a
more natural motor response than with L-dopa.28 KW- large sample of fluctuating PD patients has been stopped
6002, VER-11135, SCH-58261, and SCH-63390 are because of a lack of efficacy in an interim analysis. What
some A2a antagonists tested that did not induce dyski- is clear from these small studies is that tolerability,
nesia even in primed animals. particularly regarding cardiovascular side effects, should
The expectations raised by these preclinical studies be improved, and animal studies heightened this expec-
have been only partially confirmed in two small clinical tation.
trials with KW-6002 in humans.29,30 Eighty-three PD Mirtazapine is a special case because it acts on the
patients with motor fluctuations and dyskinesia were noradrenergic and serotoninergic transmission. A few
included in a double-blind randomized study with three observations in patients have suggested that it might
arms (placebo, 20 mg/d KW6002, and 40 mg/d alleviate tremor and dyskinesia by a still unknown mech-
KW6002).29 The number of hours per day off were anism,39 but this benefit may be due to the antidepressant
slightly reduced (0.5–1.5 hours); dyskinesia remained and sedative effects of this drug.
unchanged throughout the study. Nausea was the most
common side effect, and 7% of those participating ex- GABAergic Drugs
perienced an increase in lipase level for no known rea- The pathophysiological basis of motor complications
son.29 In another study of 16 parkinsonian patients with is still a matter for debate. It has been suggested that
motor complications, a 40% potentiation of the L-dopa chronic and pulsatile administration of L-dopa might
effect was observed, with no increase in dyskinesia30; in result in an imbalance between the direct and indirect
this study, L-dopa was administered as an infusion. pathways connecting the striatum to the internal segment
The case of theophylline is confusing: like caffeine, it of the globus pallidus (GPi), leading to the appearance of
is not a specific adenosine antagonist. Open-label studies motor fluctuations and dyskinesia.1 GABA is the main
have shown that it could ameliorate PD symptoms with- neurotransmitter of both the indirect and direct striato-
out worsening dyskinesia.31 However, these results have pallidal pathways: numerous GABAergic neurons are
not been confirmed in a double blind study.32 found in the human basal ganglia as well as GABAa and
GABAb receptors. GABAa receptors upregulation in the
Alfa2 Noradrenergic Receptor Antagonists GPi correlates with the development of dyskinesias in-
The role of noradrenaline and adrenaline in motor duced by L-dopa or dopamine agonists in monkeys40,41
function is far from clear: even the distribution and role and PD patients.42,43 Also, direct injection of muscimol
of adrenergic receptors within the basal ganglia nuclei is (a GABA agonist) on the thalamus, GPi, and subthalamic
not totally known. Despite this background of uncer- nucleus (STN) in patients mimics the therapeutic effects
tainty, it was found that idazoxan, a selective alfa2 re- of lesions or deep brain stimulation (DBS) of these
ceptor antagonist, extended the motor action of a dose of nuclei.44 However, the influence of orally administered
L-dopa in MPTP-lesioned monkeys and reduced L-dopa– GABAergic drugs on parkinsonian motor disability is
induced dyskinesia.33 Similar effects have been reported contradictory. While early morning dystonia can be im-
recently with JP-173034 and yohimbine,35 and it has been proved by baclofen,45 other GABAergic compounds
suggested that these effects are mediated through an have shown no efficacy or have worsened PD symp-
action on the indirect pathway. Two clinical trials have toms.46 – 48 Gabapentin increases the synthesis and re-
been conducted to date36,37: in the first one, the effect of lease of GABA and may induce motor side effects, such
idazoxan on an apomorphine challenge was assessed in 8 as chorea and dystonia,49 suggesting that it may act on
patients with PD and motor complications.36 Four of the circuitry involved in motor control. We have shown
them experienced severe side effects, such as headache, that gabapentin improves the basal off motor score,
nausea, vomiting, and hypotension and did not complete thereby reducing the strength of the motor response after
the study. In the remaining 4 patients, a nonsignificant an L-dopa dose50 but other clinical and pharmacological
effect was found in both, duration of the motor benefit parameters are not improved and the overall clinical
and dyskinesias. In the other study, 18 patients with PD situation of patients remains unchanged. Previous studies
were assessed by using a L-dopa challenge.37 In this also suggested a moderate beneficial effect of gabapentin
study, the on time did not change but a benefit against in PD.51,52 To further complicate this scenario, it has

Movement Disorders, Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004


been shown that flumazenil, a GABA antagonist, may exogenous L-dopa, may affect the response alterations
improve features of PD.53 This was an open study in complicating L-dopa treatment of PD. Sarizotan is a
which 8 patients received an acute, intravenous dose of selective 5-HT1a agonist, which showed a potent anti-
flumazenil. These confusing results illustrate the diffi- dyskinetic effect without affecting parkinsonism in ani-
culty in predicting the consequences of the manipulation mal studies.62 Peak dose choreiform dyskinesias were
of the GABA system. It is the main inhibitory neuro- reduced by more than 90%.62 These results have been
transmitter in the central nervous system and GABA replicated in 17 patients,63 but long-term studies are
receptors are found in virtually all the basal ganglia needed.
nuclei. Therefore, a presumed positive effect derived
from the action on GABA receptors located in a given Glutamate Antagonists
nucleus may be hampered by the action on the same Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in
receptor located in a different nucleus. Consequently the brain.64 – 66 Two major types of glutamate receptors
until more specific GABA drugs are synthesised, no firm have been identified: ionotropic and metabotropic. Iono-
conclusion about efficacy and mechanism of action can tropic are coupled to ion channels and can be divided in
be made. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), AMPA, and kainate re-
ceptors. Metabotropic receptors are coupled to G pro-
Drugs Acting on Serotoninergic Transmission teins. All these types of receptors are composed of mul-
The basal ganglia, mainly the striatum and the GPi/ tiple subtypes (NR1 and NR2 belong to the NMDA
substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) complex, receive a family, mGluR1 to mGluR8 belong to the metabotropic
dense serotoninergic innervation mainly from the brain- family, etc.). The precise location and function of many
stem raphe nucleus. Among the different subtypes of of these subtypes are not totally known, most of them are
these receptors, 5HT2c is the most interesting for PD.54 distributed in various nuclei of the basal ganglia and in
This receptor is located at its highest concentration in the other brain structures, and there is a lack of drugs with an
GPi and SNpr, and it has been shown that its binding is adequate selectivity profile for a given receptor. Thus,
increased in postmortem brain tissue of parkinsonian the resultant effects of any glutamate antagonist may be
patients.54 Thus, targeting this receptor may be of benefit absolutely different if administered locally in a nucleus
in PD as can be inferred from the 5HT2c knockout rat, or systemically.64 – 66 In addition, this lack of precision
which displays spontaneous hyperlocomotion55 and has may produce severe side effects. This finding emphasises
been also shown in lesioned rats.56 At present, no selec- the difficulties in attributing an effect to a glutamate
tive 5HT2c antagonists are marketed and no human data antagonist and explains the possibility of obtaining con-
are available, although some atypical neuroleptics with tradictory results. Finally, glutamate has two faces: it is
this action, such as clozapine, are less prone to induce essential to the normal development and function of the
parkinsonism. In line with this, actions on this same brain, participating in key functions such as memory
receptor but located in the STN have been claimed to be formation and many others, but in certain circumstances,
responsible for oral dyskinesias, which were reverted it may be deleterious. But too little is as harmful as too
with a selective antagonist drug.57 Ritanserin, a selective much, because it participates actively in the natural re-
5HT2 antagonist, significantly ameliorated L-dopa–in- covery process after a lesion as has been shown in
duced dyskinesias in a single-blind, placebo-controlled, stroke.67 Caution is needed before using these drugs in
study performed in 10 patients,58 but this result has not clinical trials.
been replicated. There is a large amount of evidence supporting the
After Durif and colleagues59 noted that fluoxetine active role played by glutamate in the origin of parkin-
could improve L-dopa–induced dyskinesia, other sub- sonism and L-dopa–induced dyskinesia.68 For instance,
types of serotonin receptors (striatal 5HT1a receptors) the changes in the phosphorylation state of glutamate
have been implicated in the appearance of dyskinesia. receptors as a result of the denervation and the pulsatile
However, this single study was short and open, and the treatment with L-dopa seem to be critical in the origin of
effect of fluoxetine could be related to its tendency of L-dopa–induced dyskinesia.68 As with other classes of
worsening parkinsonism.60 In a recent open label study, drugs, the antiparkinsonian and antidyskinetic profile of
more than 400 parkinsonian patients with depression this type of compounds has been demonstrated elegantly
were given sertraline and neither parkinsonism nor L- in MPTP-treated monkeys,64 – 66 where these effects have
dopa–induced dyskinesia were modified.61 Conceivably, been shown with a large number of agents acting quite
serotoninergic 5-HT1a autoreceptors, by regulating the selectively at NR2B,69 NR2A, AMPA, and mGluR570
release of serotonin as well as dopamine formed from receptor site. But many of these compounds cannot be

Movement Disorders, Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004


used in humans, because of side effects, or when tested, which produces different compensatory modifications in
have produced poor results. For instance, ifenprodil and distinct nuclei.
Ro 25-6981 behaved remarkably in MPTP monkeys, but We have shown that the systemic administration of the
ifenprodil was not efficacious in PD patients.71 Remace- CB1 agonist WIN55512 to parkinsonian rats produced a
mide was able to potentiate the effects of L-dopa in decrease in the firing rate of STN neurons, which was
animal models,72 but when used in PD patients already abolished by injection of the antagonist SR141716A.85
taking L-dopa, no significant effect was seen in parkin- An opposite effect was observed in intact rats, a finding
sonism or dyskinesia.73 Riluzole is another NMDA an- also obtained with dopamine agonists.85,86 Moreover,
tagonist that has been given for motor complications WIN55512 did not alter the neurophysiological charac-
after showing good effect in animals,74 and a 30% re- teristics of nigral dopaminergic neurons. These data sug-
duction in dyskinesia in a small trial of 6 parkinsonian gest that CB1 agonists may exert antiparkinsonian ac-
patients,75 but a large, prospective multicenter trial has tions, whereas antagonists may ameliorate L-dopa–
been discontinued because lack of efficacy was detected induced dyskinesia. By contrast, results of other
in an interim analysis. Dextromethorphan has produced experiments81 and of the only clinical trial to date, failed
confusing results in humans, in part due to its narrow to support our data.87 In this study, nabilone, a cannabi-
therapeutic window,76 lamotrigine was ineffective in a noid agonist was given to 9 patients with L-dopa–induced
double-blind trial77 but amantadine has been shown to dyskinesia in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-con-
ameliorate L-dopa–induced dyskinesia in acute and long- trolled, crossover study.87 Nabilone produced a mean
term studies,78,79 an effect that has been attributed to its 20% reduction in the dyskinesia score without modifying
antiglutamatergic properties, although amantadine is a parkinsonian symptoms and signs; it was particularly
“dirty” drug with many other actions. effective in reducing diphasic dyskinesia and, to a lesser
New antiglutamatergic agents are at a very early extent, off period dyskinesia. A possible explanation of
stages of development, but they have to overcome all the these contradictory results is that the antidyskinetic ef-
problems already mentioned before coming into clinical fect of nabilone might be related to an action on the GPe
use. To solve these problems, we have to increase our CB1 receptors.81,87 Again, the apparently consistent re-
knowledge at the molecular level about the involvement sults obtained in animals could not be replicated in
of glutamate in the pathophysiology of parkinsonism and humans; clearly further hypotheses need to be formu-
dyskinesia, which would led to the development of se- lated and ideally tested on animals before continuing
lective drugs with a positive risk/benefit profile. with clinical studies.

Opioid Receptor Agonists and Antagonists

Cannabinoids Agonists and Antagonists
Opioid peptides are involved in many aspects of basal
The levels of cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1) in the ganglia function, as can be inferred from the wide dis-
basal ganglia are the highest in the brain, comparable to tribution of opioid receptors within these structures.
dopamine receptors.80,81 This distribution of receptors is Changes in the expression of striatal opioids (enkephalin
consistent with their profound effects on motor function, and dynorphin) colocalised with dopamine receptors on
besides their well known involvement in other functions, the GABAergic projection neurons occur in very early
such as cognition and pain. Their main effect is to inhibit phases of PD and further changes are induced by the
the release of the neurotransmitter, by blocking the up- treatment with L-dopa.88 But problems mentioned for
take of GABA.80,81 The motor effects of cannabinoids other systems are applicable here: there are different
are complex.80 – 83 Cannabinoids activate movement opioid receptor types located on different nuclei, of
when microinjected into the striatum or into the SNpr, which stimulation or blockade result in variable effects
and movement is inhibited when they are injected di- on motor behaviour. Opioids act as neuromodulators
rectly into the STN or the GPe. Recent studies in animal influencing the activity of dopamine and GABA neurons
models suggest that CB1 receptor antagonists could in different directions, depending on the nucleus and
prove useful in the treatment of parkinsonian symptoms receptor involved (reviewed in Henry and Brotchie89).
and L-dopa–induced dyskinesia and cannabinoid agonists Immunocytochemical and PET studies have demon-
may be of great value as antidyskinetic agents.80,81,84 strated increased opioid neuropeptide transmission in
This suggestion has to be accepted with great caution animals and patients with PD and L-dopa–induced dys-
because the final effect of a systemically administered kinesia.88 –90 Thus, opioid receptor antagonists have been
CB1 agonist or antagonist will depend on the clinical studied as potential new treatment for dyskinesia.89 Mu
situation (not treated vs chronically treated patients), (cyprodime) and delta (naltrindole) selective receptor

Movement Disorders, Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004


antagonists, have been shown to be efficacious in im- preferable to live without basal ganglia than with abnor-
proving dyskinesia in primed MPTP-lesioned primates.89 mally functioning basal ganglia (“No news is better than
Very little effect has been observed in the few patients bad news”). This is a clear example of adaptation to new
who have been treated with naloxone91 and naltrexone.92 experimental data; further adaptations will be needed to
Enadoline, a kappa opioid agonist, has been demon- explain new findings. (2) Surgical techniques do not
strated to exert an anti-akinetic action and to potentiate produce cognitive adverse effects. This idea relies on the
the motoric effects of L-dopa in reserpinized rats.93 To well-demonstrated segregation of functions across the
date, the only data on human beings were obtained with basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuits.9,10,95 Usually, as-
spiradoline, a kappa agonist with lower specificity and sociative and limbic functions of nuclei conforming the
potency than enadoline (see Hughes and colleagues93). basal ganglia are related to the activity of neurons lo-
No antiparkinsonian effects were found in this study, but cated on their ventral part, which are connected with
the interpretation of the results were difficult because cortical areas functionally related to cognitive and emo-
dose-limiting behavioural abnormalities appeared. Thus, tional functions. Because lesions and electrodes are
as is the case with many of the drugs reviewed, a better placed on motor portions of these nuclei, only motor
understanding of the function of the opioid system and effects are expected. And, in fact, the motor effects of
the synthesis of more selective compounds is needed. these procedures are dramatic.94 However, their impact
on cognitive and emotional functions are controversial:
SURGICAL TREATMENTS FOR PD PATIENTS whereas some authors have failed to find major effects,
WITH MOTOR COMPLICATIONS others have found concerning adverse effects.96 Some
factors seem to influence the appearance of these adverse
Pallidotomy and Deep Brain Stimulation effects, such as the age of patients, the existence of prior
Current surgical procedures are based on the existence subclinical cognitive disturbances, or abnormalities on
of hyperactivity at the level of the subthalamopallidal magnetic resonance imaging.97 Cognitive and emotional
pathway,9,10 a feature that is considered to be the phys- functions have not been adequately addressed in the
iological hallmark of the parkinsonian state. Abolition of larger studies conducted to date and the true frequency of
this hyperactivity by lesioning or inhibiting neural activ- cognitive and emotional disturbances may be underesti-
ity by implanting electrodes in the STN or the GPi results mated.98
in a dramatic improvement of parkinsonism in animal
models of the disease.9,10 Lesioning procedures, such as Transplantation
pallidotomy and, to a lesser extent subthalamotomy, and The success of cell replacement for the treatment of
pallidal and subthalamic DBS have been used in parkin- PD is based on two hypotheses: first, the predominant
sonian patients,94 and as predicted, major improvements symptoms develop because of the dysfunction or loss of
in motor function have been obtained. However, several the dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway;
aspects are not totally understood: (1) pallidal surgery second, dopaminergic neurons grafted into the dopam-
abolishes L-dopa–induced dyskinesias. This finding is ine-deficient striatum can replace the neurons lost as a
probably the most striking effect of any type of surgical result of the disease process and can reverse, at least in
procedure into the GPi and is hard to reconcile with part, the major symptoms of the disease.99 Extensive
previous models of the organization of the basal ganglia- animal studies have demonstrated that immature dopa-
thalamo-cortical circuits in which only firing rate data mine neurons survive, re-establish dopaminergic inner-
were considered.9 According to these models, any type vation when grafted into the denervated striatum, and
of dyskinesia is associated with a reduction in the activ- restore baseline dopamine synthesis and release.99 Re-
ity of the subthalamopallidal pathway, and a further sults of a series of small open-label trials with carefully
reduction of this activity will lead to the appearance or selected patients indicated that human fetal dopaminer-
worsening of such dyskinesias, a finding that is not gic neurons can survive and function in the striatum of
compatible with surgical experience. New models have patients with PD and most of these patients showed a
incorporated changes in the pattern of neuronal activity remarkable and long-lasting clinical improvement. Nev-
and neuronal synchronization as crucial features of the ertheless, two double-blind sham-surgery controlled tri-
organization of these circuits.95 Thus, abolition of abnor- als have failed to reproduce predicted results; there has
mal neuronal patterns and “normalisation” of existent been only modest efficacy and a significant number of
abnormal rhythms in these nuclei in PD patients with patients have developed severe off-state dyskinesias after
dyskinesias can be the underlying basis of the improve- transplantation.100,101 Paradoxically, experiments in
ment in L-dopa–induced dyskinesia. In one sense, it is 6-OHDA–lesioned rats with L-dopa–induced dyskinesia

Movement Disorders, Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004


have shown that grafting dopaminergic fetal cells into apy. For instance, the demonstration of the existence of
the striatum produced an improvement in motor behav- a neuronal hyperactivity in the STN and GPi/SNpr in
iour, including dyskinesia, which was accompanied by a experimental models of PD led to the hypothesis that
reversal of the molecular mechanisms theoretically re- reducing or abolishing this activity would result in an
sponsible for dyskinesia.4 Once again, a substantial dis- improvement of parkinsonian cardinal symptoms and
cordance between animal data and human reality is ev- signs. And this strategy was the origin of current DBS
ident. For this reason, it would be interesting to perform techniques, which have changed the quality of life of
transplantation experiments in animals with dyskinesias many patients with advanced PD. However, attempts to
before clinical studies. Curiously, transplantation of test other hypotheses have failed. Hence, limitations of
other type of cells such as human pigmentary epithelial the models, problems of current understanding of func-
retinal cells102 or the direct striatal infusion of trophic tional organization of basal ganglia, and questions re-
factors, such as glial-derived neurotrophic factor lated to the pharmacological properties of the drugs
(GDNF),103 have led to remarkable improvements in a tested can explain recent pitfalls (see Table 2). For in-
few PD patients. As was the case with fetal neural stance, current animal models are usually models of an
transplantation, clinical benefit is accompanied by incre- acute dopaminergic deficit, although more chronic intox-
ments in the uptake of fluorodopa in PET studies. No off ication protocols have been developed.2,6,104 Of interest,
period dyskinesias have been reported in these patients,
the effects of certain drugs are quite different in monkeys
but many questions still remain about the exact mecha-
with acute or chronic MPTP parkinsonism.105 However,
nism of action and long-term effects of these procedures,
they are not totally comparable with PD, which is a
and double-blind, sham-controlled studies with these
chronic, slowly progressive, and “more than dopaminer-
cells and GDNF are now planned.
gic” disease. At present, there is no evidence to show that
SOME CLUES TO UNDERSTANDING chronic administration of low dose of any toxic sub-
THERAPEUTIC FAILURES stance mimics the progressive degenerative nature of PD.
What are the main reasons for these pitfalls and con- Therefore, animal models offer a static rather than a
tradictory results? Likely, this is a multifactorial prob- dynamic perspective of the disease. Moreover, the to-
lem. Both the 6-OHDA rat and the MPTP primate are pography of neuronal loss within the SNpc is different in
quite adequate models of the disease.3,6 In fact, all do- animals acutely lesioned or intoxicated from that in
paminomimetic drugs exert very stereotyped effects in PD,106,107 a difference less marked in chronic animal
these models that can be easily reproduced and that models of PD.2,104 Finally, the clinical picture of PD
predict their later effectiveness. Nonetheless, it should be varies greatly from patient to patient, whereas the behav-
recognized that these models are not perfect, and these iour of parkinsonian rats or monkeys is very homoge-
imperfections could explain some recent failures. More- neous.
over, currently, we have an incomplete understanding of The effects of L-dopa and other antiparkinsonian drugs
basal ganglia functional organization on which to base may be totally different, depending on the severity of
preclinical investigation of new treatments.9,10,94,95 Nev- nigrostriatal denervation. Rodent and primate models of
ertheless, it has produced some major advances in ther- moderate striatal dopaminergic deficiency are avail-

TABLE 2. Some problems with current methods

A) Related to animal models and assessment methods.
Animals are models of an acute, stable, severe, and pure dopaminergic deficiency.
Animals display a homogeneous behavioural disturbance.
Genetic factors, aging-related factors, etc., cannot be properly addressed in animals.
Cognitive, emotional and other nondopaminergic signs are difficult to evaluate in animals.
B) Related to limited knowledge of basal ganglia function.
Incomplete knowledge of the distribution and function of many receptors (and, perhaps, neurotransmitter systems) within the basal ganglia.
C) Related to treatment strategies.
Incomplete knowledge of the mechanism of action of certain drugs (i.e., levodopa).
Lack of drugs with complete selectivity for a given receptor in a given localization.
Action of drugs on receptors located outside the basal ganglia and involved in motor control or other functions.
Interactions between different neurotransmitters at the molecular level after the action of a drug.
Partial or dual effects of a drug are very difficult to evaluate.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of tested drugs.
Incomplete understanding of the mechanism of action of surgical therapies.

Movement Disorders, Vol. 19, No. 7, 2004


able.2,6,86,104 Partial lesion protocols provide ideal mod- To improve current symptomatic treatments with new
els to evaluate and predict the effects of some therapies drugs, cell lines in which test the effects of drugs on the
on the prevention of the development of motor compli- molecular mechanisms underlying parkinsonism and
cations and dyskinesia. For instance, working with the dyskinesia can be developed so that drugs can be tested
triple combination of L-dopa/carbidopa/entacapone, it before conducting the “motor” experiments in ani-
has been shown that q.i.d administration to marmosets mals.115 Finally, new technologies such as DNA mi-
with severe dopamine deficiency produces a maximal croarrays,116 RNA silencing or RNA interference and
antiparkinsonian benefit with minimal dyskinesia com- high-throughput screening of drugs may provide new
pared to L-dopa/carbidopa alone,108 but the difference is tools to develop more selective antiparkinsonian drugs
not so evident when the same drug regimens are admin- and to refine current models.
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