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Water Care

Producto Integrador
Alexia Judith Vargas Mares 4°D T/M
Freshwater concept
Freshwater is water that occurs naturally on the Earth's
surface in ice sheets, ice fields, glaciers, icebergs,
wetlands, ponds, lakes, rivers, below the surface as
groundwater, in aquifers, groundwater streams, and in
the drinking water distribution network built by human
Why is water important in life?

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In agriculture, water is Water represents 80% of the it plays an important role in
irreplaceable. It is the composition of most the photosynthesis of plants
industry that uses the most organisms and intervenes and serves as a habitat for
water worldwide and this massively and decisively in a large part of living beings.
not only for the production of the performance of their
food for people but also for metabolic processes.
the animals that will be used
for human consumption.
Why is water important
in human life?
● Cleanses the kidneys of toxic
● Provides moisture to the mouth
and eyes.
● Maintains body temperatura
● It transports, through the blood,
oxygen and food.
● keeps you hydrated
Water availability
The natural availability of water depends fundamentally
on the balance between the water that enters the system
through precipitation and what is lost through
evaporation in water bodies and through plant
evapotranspiration. The difference between what rains
and what evaporates can run off the surface (in streams
and rivers), be stored in surface water bodies, or reach
the subsoil and recharge aquifers.
What is the availability of water on Earth?

The average annual availability of

water in the world is approximately
1,386 million km3, of which 97% is
salt water, 3%, that is 35 million km3,
is fresh water and of this almost
70% is not available for human
consumption because it is in the
form of glaciers, snow or ice.
Why is water availability important?
Water is the most important element for life. It is of vital
importance for the human being, as well as for the rest of
the animals and living beings that accompany us on
planet Earth. Water is essential for the global functioning
of the planet
What affects water availability?

Pollution. Uncontrolled use of water.
We refer both to Due to the climatic Both on a large scale, in
freshwater pollution and emergency, the appearance
or development of droughts is
factories, and on a small
to land or air pollution, as scale, in our own homes,
enhanced, which means that
pollution can leach into there is no rain for a long time, sometimes we waste water
the water and can also thus causing water scarcity and do not remember that it
affect the air. both for human consumption is a scarce resource.
and for crops or industry.
Top solutions to global freshwater crisis

Store the water Take care of the

you need environment.

Take care of Wastewater

Take advantage
the water reuse
of other sources
of supply

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