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Tarea 1 - Planificación, gestión y prácticas en el diseño de cadenas logísticas


Julián Camilo Restrepo Ángel

Grupo 212049_50


Leonardo Favio Bravo

Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias básicas tecnología e ingeniería

Diseño de cadenas logísticas

Ingeniería industrial

20 de septiembre del 2023

Resumen de los objetivos de la planeación logística:

Logistics planning is a crucial function in supply chain management that focuses on

optimizing processes and resources to ensure efficiency in the delivery of products
or services. Its main objectives are multiple and cover various areas of business
First, logistics planning seeks to improve operational efficiency. This involves
optimizing transportation routes, reducing waiting times and minimizing costs
associated with product storage and distribution. By doing so, we seek to ensure
that products reach their destination at the right time and in the right conditions.
Another important objective of logistics planning is effective inventory
management. This includes minimizing obsolete inventory and maximizing stock
turns to reduce storage costs and free up capital. Additionally, logistics planning
focuses on ensuring product availability to meet customer demand. This involves
forecasting future demand and ensuring that there is sufficient production and
supply capacity to meet it.
Logistics planning also seeks to improve supply chain visibility, enabling more

informed decision-making and a more agile response to unexpected events, such

as transportation delays or changes in market demand.

Resumen de las actividades generales de la planeación logística:

Logistics planning is a fundamental part of supply chain management and is

responsible for coordinating and optimizing all activities related to the flow of
products and services, from their origin to their final destination. The general
activities of logistics planning can be summarized in several key aspects.

First, logistics planning involves demand forecasting. This involves analyzing

historical data and market trends to anticipate how many products or services will
be required in the future. This information is essential for making informed
decisions about production, procurement, and inventory storage.
Another crucial activity is inventory management. This involves determining how
many products should be kept in stock and where they should be located to ensure
they are available when needed, without incurring excessive storage costs.
Logistics planning also includes demand management, which means managing
customer orders and ensuring they are delivered on time and in the right quantity.
Logistics planning is concerned with designing efficient transportation routes and
selecting the most appropriate modes of transportation to move products in a cost-
effective and timely manner. It is also responsible for coordinating reverse logistics,
which covers the management of product returns and recycling.

Paso 2 – construcción del Juego

Referencias bibliográficas.

Pagina web.

Mecalux. (s/f). Planificación logística: cómo puede implementarse con éxito. Recuperado el 20 de septiembre de 2023, de

Pagina web.
Noega Systems. (2016, noviembre 17). Logística y cadena de suministro. Noega

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