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Batangas State University-Pablo Borbon

Readings in Philippine History
Reviewer: Points to Ponder

Readings in Philippine History

1. Reviewing is a form of checking. TRUE

2. Official government report is a good source of primary information. TRUE
3. A best friend narrative is highly reliable source of information. FALSE
4. Documentary evidence supporting a statement makes the data and information
truthful. TRUE
5. Time is one of the most essential elements to consider in studying history. TRUE
6. Historical revisionism is a form of fake knowledge and a criminal act in education and history.
7. Statements of a declared credible witness is a form of qualitative data. TRUE
8. The best way to study and understand Philippine history is by reading social media
messages. FALSE
9. Historians are individuals who devoted their time in carefully studying history. TRUE
10. An intelligent and good decision comes from close good friends. FALSE
11. A certified PSA birth certificate is an example of a primary source of
information. TRUE
12. Books, essay, and news are also considered primary source. FALSE
13. Reading is the best way to counter false beliefs history. TRUE
14. The primary purpose of studying Readings in Philippine History is to pass the subject. FALSE
15. Author’s background will provide you the information how credible and truthful
the literature. TRUE

Necessary Fiction
1. Noli Me Tangere was considered as the founding text of Philippine nationalism according
to Caroline Hau. TRUE
2. A literature is the manifestation of the living discourse of humanity. FALSE
3. For Caroline Hau, the reading of the two novels must be read with great prudence
and completely. TRUE
4. According to Hau, the readings of literary works of national heroes can shaped the national
character of the nation. TRUE
5. The word excess was used by Caroline Hau in analyzing and interpreting the various
complex elements and realities of the Philippine society. TRUE
6. It is law that made the readings of the two novels of Rizal mandatory. TRUE
7. Based on the analysis of the NOLI book, Rizal always mentioned the good character of
the Filipinos. TRUE
8. In the novel of Amado V. Hernadez “Ibong Mandaragit”, the best way to assess student’s
knowledge is through social awareness, political readiness, and moral worthiness. TRUE
9. Good reading provides freedom from old beliefs. TRUE

Early Peopling in the Philippines

1. According to Arenas et. al study in 2020, early people in the Philippines must have come
from Africa and Southern part of the country. TRUE
2. Due to long colonization, the genetics of the Filipinos were highly influenced by the
Spaniards. FALSE
3. Based on the latest genetic study of Larena et 2021 on early peopling in the Philippines,
early people are basically composed of multi-layered origins, but the nearest genetic similarity
comes from the people of Papua New Guinea and Australasians. TRUE
4. Mamanwa tribe is considered the first people in Mindanao and the same as Negritoes.
5. Early people in the Philippines are known be independent and loves to explore new
ideas. TRUE
6. Ethics is very important in research undertaking. TRUE

Description of Pre-colonial Philippines

1. Culture is the first and most important factor to understand man’s civilization. TRUE
2. Every action of man is a product of his culture and level of intelligence. TRUE
3. Sexual behaviors reflect societies morality and a good basis to determine civilization. TRUE
4. By the very nature, Filipinos are lovers of sex according to the Spaniards. TRUE
5. According to Spanish writer Miguel De Loarcas, the lack of punishment encouraged
early beautiful Filipinas to become adulterous and no shame when it comes to sex. TRUE
6. To refute this account, Dr. Rizal used superstitious beliefs as a defense for early
Filipinas. TRUE
7. Later, Rizal admitted that sexual behaviors of early Filipinos were undeniable based on his
own readings of various historical articles. TRUE
8. Pre-colonial communities are basically small in numbers and closed knitted. FALSE
9. According to Aguilar, early population of the Philippines is composed of lowlanders
and highlanders. TRUE
10. Slavery system is part of the early political structure of the pre-colonial
Philippines. TRUE
11. Early Filipinos were known to believers of the spirit world and paganism. TRUE

12. The Babaylan served as the protectorate of the community in the pre-colonial
life. FALSE

13. Women were the early priest in the pre-colonial world of the Filipinos. FALSE

14. Witchcraft is one of the early practices of the native Filipinos. TRUE
15. Albularyo is the first doctor in the pre-colonial Philippines. FALSE
16. War and violence is part of Filipino culture. TRUE
17. Local chieftains were the heads of the tribal communities. TRUE
18. The datu was the political title of the community leader. TRUE
19. To become a Datu or chieftain, an individual is possessed by a strong “Dungan spirit” calling
him the “Big Man”. TRUE
20. Rulership in the early Philippines was basically based on kinship and
hereditary. TRUE
21. The culture of having private goons is part of early Filipino leadership. FALSE
22. Paying tribute is part of early Philippine polity. TRUE
23. Early Philippines has no centralized ruler just like other kingdoms in the
world. FALSE
24. Barangay is the earliest form of governance in the Philippines. TRUE
25. Early economics is concentrated on sides of the streams. TRUE
26. As a sign of friendship with other community leaders, a Datu usually give his special slave.
27. The islanders gave a portion of their good harvest to their Datus known as alay and was
viewed as pre-colonial tax system by the Spaniards. FALSE
28. There is no prostitution in the early Philippines since sex is common to the islanders
or natives. TRUE
29. By the history, corruption is part of the Filipino culture due to ignorance and wrong beliefs.
30. For, Dr. Jose Rizal, Magellan was the most reliable source of description of early Filipinos.
31. According to Historian Aguilar, it was the Chinese who pushed the Negritoes to live in the
mountains. FALSE
32. The Babaylan served as the protectorate of the community in the pre-colonial life. FALSE
33. As a sign of friendship with other community leaders, a Datu usually give his special slave.
34. Datu’s services to his followers was seen as gifts which resulted to a socially recognized
debt that continues to be a practice today by Filipinos. TRUE
35. The islanders gave a portion of their good harvest to their Datus known as alay and was
viewed as pre-colonial tax system by the Spaniards. FALSE

Europe and Spain Colonialism

1. The growth of learning in Europe led to the decline of Pope’s power and influence in the
world and customs and traditional beliefs. TRUE
2. By history, Europeans are more conservative to the Filipinos when it comes to sex. FALSE
3. Rediscovery of the Philippines was one the impacts of massive transformation of Europe
civilization. TRUE
4. All countries in Europe supports the Roman Catholic Church. TRUE
5. Spain is the only country in Europe who is not supportive to the Pope.
6. According to Bolivian Revolutionary General and later President Simon Bolivar of Columbia
in Latin America during colonization, natives were highly prone to vices and independence.
7. The natives were passive recipient Spanish colonization. TRUE
8. Excessive pomp, pageantry, festivals, processions, and rituals kept the Indios/native Filipinos
in the state of fascination that they failed to understand the reality of colonial exploitation.
9. The Filipino natives were the first to used and believe the power of holy water. TRUE
10. Prostitution was encouraged by the Spaniards in the Philippines when they arrived seeing
the lustful natives. TRUE
11. The Spanish Friars were the protectors of prostitution during the Spanish colonization.
12. The Spanish Gov. General became the main competitor of the Datu on the influence
and control of the native communities. TRUE
13. The King’s residual power that led to the union of the church and
state. TRUE
14. Filipinos were considered a willing victim. TRUE
15. The power of the Datu in the community diminishes due to poor leadership according
to historian Aguilar. TRUE
15. Early Filipinos were described like a child who were amazed on the arrival of Spaniards.
16. Indolence is one of the natures of the early Filipinos according to the Spaniards. TRUE
17. According to the article of historian Aguilar, Ilustrado means rich Filipinos. FALSE
18. According to Historian Renato Constantino, it was the educated Filipinos who converted
the term Filipino into a “class concept” of people in society rather than national identity in
becoming a nation. TRUE
19. According to Father John Schumacher, it was the Christianized Filipinos who
discriminated other groups of Filipinos. FALSE
20. During the Spanish colonization, many Filipinos did not want to be called Filipinos
and preferred to be identified with the upper member of the class system based on wealth.
21. Based on history, it can be said that Filipinos have a culture of fanaticisms and blind
obedience. TRUE
22. The geographical space of Rizal’s novel represents Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao to
dramatize the country’s social and political condition under the Spanish rule. TRUE
23. Many Chinese were attracted to settle in Manila because Spain and China were closed
allies. FALSE
24. There were three economies in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization. These are
Spanish, Mexico, and Natives. FALSE
25. The friars served as the link between western economy and local economy. TRUE
26. What were the three social classes established by the Spaniards in the

27. Champoy is a Spanish term to a Chinese born in the Philippines. FALSE

28. The Spaniards had found out that just like the Indios, the Chinese were also
submissive. FALSE
29. The natives/indios were taxed heavier by the Spaniards. TRUE
30. Native rebels were usually exempted from paying taxes during the Spanish
colonization. FALSE
31. Spaniards pay the lowest tribute during the Spanish colonization. TRUE
32. The Indio and Chinese mestizo were required to attend church procession every year by
the Spanish authorities. TRUE
33. Spanish and American writers in the late 19 century identified agrarian unrest as one of the

main causes of Philippine Revolution in 1896. TRUE

34. The Jesuits were the largest religious group landlords in the 19 century. FALSE

35. The Spanish law on land grants allowed Conquistadores to occupy both inhabited and
not inhabited. FALSE
36. The Spanish friars used religiously endowed funds in mortgage. TRUE
37. Kabesa was the name given by the Spaniards to the former local chiefs and headmen of
the community. FALSE
38. Some Spaniards donated some of their lands to religious orders seeking protection
for spiritual benefits. TRUE
39. The Filipino natives were the first to used and believe the power of holy water. TRUE
40. Prostitution was encouraged by the Spaniards in the Philippines when they arrived seeing
the lustful natives. FALSE
41. The Spanish Friars were the protectors of prostitution during the Spanish
colonization. FALSE
42. The Spanish Gov. General became the main competitor of the Datu on the influence
and control of the native communities. TRUE

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