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Circular Resolution Pengangkatan

Kembali Pengurus Perseroan

PT [----] (the “Company”)

The shareholders of PT [----] (the “Company”) being:

1. [----], a limited liability company established and existing under
and by virtue of the laws of [----], and having its legal domicile in
[----], as holder and registered owner of [----] issued shares of the
Company; and-------------------------------------------------------------------
2. [----], a limited liability company established and existing under
and by virtue of the laws of [----], and having its legal domicile in
[----], as holder and registered owner of [----] issued shares of the
Company; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
([----] and [----] constitute all of the shareholders of the Company and
hereinafter are collectively referred to as the “Shareholders”). -----------
In accordance with Article [---] paragraph [---] of the Company's Articles of
Association, the Shareholders hereby confirm that the proposal of the
Resolutions below has been notified to us in writing in the form of a draft
of this Circular Resolutions, and we have agreed with this proposal, and
hereby unanimously adopt and approve the following resolutions: ----------
1. To approve and ratify Mr. [----] as Director of the Company effective
as of [----] for the term of 1 year which ended on [----] and ratify any
activity taken by him in his term in office, provided that such
activities are reflected in the Annual Report approved, and in
accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company and
prevailing laws and regulations. ------------------------------------------------
2. To approve the reappointment of Mr. [----] as Director of the
Company effective as of [----] for the term of 1 year until [----]. -----
3. To approve and ratify Mr. [----] as Commissioner of the Company
effective as of [----] for the term of 1 year until [----] and ratify any
activity taken by him in his term in office, provided that such
activities are reflected in the Annual Report approved, and in
accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company and
prevailing laws and regulations.
4. To approve the reappointment of Mr. [---] as Commissioner of the
Company effective as of [----] for the term of 1 year until [----].
5. -Based on the resolutions mentioned above to approve and
confirm that the composition of the Board of Directors and the
Board of Commissioners of the Company will be as follows:

Kumpulan Contoh Akta Notaris & Surat Kontrak | 1
Director :
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: ------------------------------------------------
Commissioner :
4. To authorize the Director of the Company, with the right of substitution,
to have these resolutions translated into the Indonesian language and to
have them restated in a Notarial deed, (including to restate and confirm
all these resolutions for the purpose of renewing this Circular
Resolutions and/or restating and/or confirming the resolutions made
by the shareholders of the Company pursuant to this Circular
Resolutions (if necessary and/or required to comply with the law)), and
for such purposes to appear before an Indonesian notary, or any
Indonesian government department or agency, to provide statements
and information regarding the resolutions, to make the necessary
notification to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (if required by law
and/or regulation), to make the necessary registration with the relevant
Company Registration Office maintained by the Ministry of Trade, to
make the necessary report with the Capital Investment Coordinating
Board (BKPM), to make and complete, to sign or to cause to sign the
necessary documents application forms and, letters in relation thereto,
and further to do anything or to take all steps necessary or desirable to
achieve these purposes. --------------------------------------------------------------
This document may be executed in any number of counterparts and all
counterparts taken together will be deemed to constitute one and the
same document. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The foregoing Resolutions will become effective on the date last signed by
a shareholder of the Company. ----------------------------------------------------------

The Shareholders:

___________________________ _________________________
Name : Name :
Title : Title :
Date : Date :

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