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Chapter 2

This chapter presents the result of reviewing of some theories that are

Relevant to the problem. These reviews are expected to serve important

Background information to support the study and the discussion of findings.

This chapter, furthermore can aid the readers to have an supporting literature

to assure the study’s information valid.

English is widely used around the world to communicate whether it is

spoken or written. In Indonesia, English is still known as a foreign language. In

order to master English language, students have to master four skills and three

language components. The four language skills are listening, reading,

speaking, and writing. One of those important skills is reading. There are some

factors must be concerned by a teacher as the students are doing reading test.

If students are not familiar with the topic or they don’t have the background

knowledge, it will be harder for them to comprehend the text. In addition, the

purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a positive correlation

between content schemata and reading comprehension of English Department

students or not. In this study, the writer used quantitative approach. The

method used in this study was correlation methodology which has relation

between two variables. The instrument used were questionnaire and reading

comprehension test. After giving the test and questionnaire to the subjects, the

writer calculated the mean of each score and correlated it using Pearson

Product Moment formula. Based on this analysis, it is known that the

correlation between content schemata and reading comprehension is 0,71

which means that Null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and Alternative hypothesis

(H1) is accepted. As a result, it can be concluded that there is a positive, strong

correlation between content schemata and reading comprehension. The result

showed that the more background knowledge the students own and the more

familiar the text is for the students, the higher reading comprehension result or

scores they could earn. (Santoso, 2019)

The use of KWL charts as Know, Want, and Learned (what is known, what is

known, and what has been learned) in enhancing students’ comprehension of

reading scientific texts in Senior High School students. KWL charts can be

used by teachers to make learning English more enjoyable. The use of this

KWL chart is used as a solution for teachers to solve students’ problems in

reading texts, especially scientific forsenior high school students. KWL charts

helps the teachers in teaching reading scientific text more interesting, so that it

will motivate students to comprehend the text. Giving a table consisting of 3

columns, K, W, and L, which column K is for background knowledge, column

W for something unknown or form of a question for the child, and column L for

conclusion about what the student has learned or questioned earlier in column

W of the scientific text given. These methods or KWL charts are suitable for

application in high school to all classes. (Muhammad Satria, An Fauzia Rozani

Syafei Journal of English Language Teaching 8 (4), 484-495, 2019).

Reading comprehension is one of the most complex behaviors in which

humans engage. Reading theorists have grappled with how to comprehensively

and meaningfully portray reading comprehension and many different

theoretical models have been proposed in recent decades (McNamara &

Magliano, 2009; Perfetti & Stafura, 2014).

According to Fletcher Janzen et. Al., (2013) as cited by Almutairi (2018),

students must be able to comprehend what they are reading while participating

in reading activities. Reading comprehension is a critical component of reading

that must be mastered. It demands students to progress beyond decoding

specific words and phrases to developing a thorough knowledge of the material

as a whole. Comprehension is a complicated process that needs a collaborative

effort between students’ prior knowledge of the context, the goal of the reading

material, and the degree of vocabulary and language used by the writers to

convey meaning in a book.

Reading comprehension requires the coordination of multiple linguistic and

cognitive processes including, but not limited to, word reading ability, working

memory, inference generation, comprehension monitoring, vocabulary, and

prior knowledge (Perfetti, Landi, & Oakhill, 2005). The multifaceted nature of

reading comprehension is reflected in component models that consider

subcomponents of comprehension.
Reading theorists have grappled with how to comprehensively and

meaningfully portray reading comprehension and many different theoretical

models have been proposed in recent decades (McNamara & Magliano, 2009;

Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). These models range from broad theoretical models

depicting the relationships and interactions among comprehension

subcomponents to models of specific comprehension processes. We review

different frameworks and models that have significantly impacted theory

development, reading comprehension research, and instruction.

Nowadays, online research and reading comprehension skills are among the

prominent concepts. It is not possible to deny the effects of the internet on

students’ daily and academic lives. In the study, a scale was developed to be

used in order to reveal the level of internet use of middle school students in

their research processes and to determine the level of online research and

reading comprehension skills. In the development of the scale, the relevant

literature and curriculum were examined, the findings obtained from the

interviews and observations with the students were used, and the opinions of

the field experts were taken. As a result of all these operations, an item pool

and a draft scale form were created for the instrument (International Online

Journal of Primary Education 9 (2), 288-301, 2020).

The effective way in teaching reading comprehension through Note-Taking

technique. Reading is an important skill in learning a language besides

listening, speaking, and writing. It is an effort to increase our knowledge and

achievement. Everyone should have the ability to read, especially in English

because the fact shows that most of the scientific books are written in English.

This research applied Classroom Action Research method by using four stages,

such as; planning, implementation of action, observation, and reflection. This

research conducted in two cycles. They were first and second cycle. Each cycle

comprises the series of activities which relates each other. The realization of

the second cycle was continued and improved based on the evaluation of the

first cycle. The results of this research can be explained that note taking

technique increase students’ reading comprehension. In this research, the

researcher applied note-taking technique to increase students’ reading

comprehension ability because by using note-taking technique the students

are easier to make note and easy to answer the questions. They can explain

about the keywords or the main ideas of the text, and absolutely they can

comprehend the text. The result of the students is increasing by looking their

score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. Their mean score in cycle 1 only 51 and cycle 2

the score develops to be 76. It means that the student’s reading comprehension

was increased. (IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning,

Linguistics and Literature 7 (2), 2019).

Reading is a vital language skill not only in English, but also at all educational

levels. In teaching reading, there are several things that must be done to

improve students’ reading comprehension. The teacher must be able to be a

facilitator for students in learning activities in a classroom. Many students are

easy to get bored in facing English, especially toward reading. The story

mapping is expected to be able to help students on their reading

comprehension. (Fadilla, 2022).

English is still known as a foreign language. In order to master English

language, students have to master four skills and three language components.

The four language skills are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. One of

those important skills is reading. There are some factors must be concerned by

a teacher as the students are doing reading test. If students are not familiar

with the topic or they don’t have the background knowledge, it will be harder

for them to comprehend the text. (Santoso 2019)

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the method to be used in the study. It also describes the

subjects of the study, The instruments used, The procedure of data gathering

and the statistical of the data.

Research Design

Research design is a strategy for conducting the research. In this section, the

type of research design will be identified and described. It presents the

explanation in adopting or developing a particular research design.

Researchers have to choose the most appropriate design. The researchers used

experimental research design to determine the “Positive impact of reading

comprehension towards This grade 7 St.Vincent Academy inc.

Locale of the study

This study is conducted within the Saint Vincent's Academy Inc. School in

Kauswagan lanao del norte

The respondents

The respondents of this study is from Saint Vincent's Academy Inc. School, the
researchers choose only 25 Boys and 25 Girls from grade 7 students

Sampling procedure

The researcher have use purposive sampling. The said sampling was pertain in

the study to gather the student’s score in their pre-test and post-test to show

the effects of reading intervention

Data gathering procedure

This study is using survey test questionnaires, a story printed in the paper to

see the effect of reading comprehension post-test and pre-test to gather data.

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