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Name : Nadia Salma Annisa

Class : 1B

NIM : P17410213094

Writing Task

Topics :

“Instagram is the main cause of consumptive behavior among youths”

Pro (Reason)

1. Many teenagers imitate the consumptive behavior of several artists / public figures on Instagram
2. There are fashion trends or certain items that cause them to want to buy these things to be
recognized by their friends
3. And also the development of an online shop on Instagram, making it easier for them to buy the
things they want

Pro (Evidence)

1. In this 4.0 era, almost all teenagers must use gadgets and also the internet and also not far from an
application called Instagram. Here, many public figures have accounts as a medium to
communicate with their fans. But this is not always good where public figures are examples for
some of the surrounding communities but instead behave consumptively, indeed they have money
to buy all their needs and that is a right but for some teenagers who follow their accounts, they can
see what the public figures have done. For example, a public figure has just bought a bag worth 20
million with a striking motif, surely the teenagers who see it will be interested in owning the bag so
they flock to buy from a brand or from certain stores that sell bags with the same motif.
2. From several boutiques or online stores that are on Instagram at the time of the new year
launching brands with new trends, this makes teenagers compete with each other to get these
items to be recognized or only used as a show off. If the item is no longer trending, it will be
abandoned and replaced with a new one. this causes the purchased items to be redundant and
only makes them wasteful.
3. here the online shop is not an absolute mistake because this media is used by the seller to make it
easier for buyers so they don't have to go all the way to the store to buy an item. However, this is
often misused, with the convenience of buying things, teenagers including my friends often buy
things outside of their needs. Lack of parental supervision also makes them more arbitrary. For
example, my friend wanted to buy a book at an online store and after looking in it he found a
unique pencil with a pony engraving, this made my friend interested in buying it just because the
carving was unique, not because he needed the pencil. From this we can see that my friend is not
wise enough to buy something because he doesn't think that it is really needed by him, he also
forgets the original purpose of wanting to buy a book but instead buys a pencil that is good to look

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