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Portfolio Activity - How Do I Make


Reflect on the following questions and place your reflection and your jot notes in
your Portfolio:

1. Why is it important to develop your decision-making skills? How can they

help you achieve your goals?

So that when you're in a tough situation you can make the right decisions,
and lead you down the right path.

2. Have you ever made a decision that a friend or caring adult did not
approve of? How did you cope with that?

Yes but I stand by what I did, and tried not to argue with them about it.



1. What impact will automation and the rise of advanced technologies, such
as artificial intelligence (AI), have on the future of work?

The impact it might have is causing downturn in employes, companies

want to automate harder jobs so that they dont need to pay for more
expereinced people which will save them money.

2. What role do transferable skills such as creativity, collaboration and

technological fluency play in an increasingly automated workplace?

Being able to work around and with the machines to be more efficient.

3. Based on what you heard in the above video, why might innovation and
creativity be important in the workplace?


Why is it helpful to seek different perspectives before making a decision?

Its helpful because you could gain a whole new perspective on the
question, which could help you adapt to your situation and ake a good

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