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A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The earliest rulers of the Delhi Sultanate were the Slaves.
2. Qutb-ud-din Aibak served as a general under Mohammad Ghori
3. The orthodox Muslims opposed the sijdah,
4. The youngest son of Iltutmish was Nasir-ud-din Mahmud
5. The governor of Sirhind who revolted against Razia was Altuniya

B. Match the following:

1. Sijdah Balban's court
2. Chalisa 'Group of Forty' nobles
3. Qutb-ud-din Aibak Lakh Baksh
4. Balban Blood and Iron policy
5. Jalaluddin Khalji murdered Balban's grandson

C.Write (T) for true and (F) for false.

1. Mohammad Ghori was succeeded by Qutb-ud-din. T
2. Iltutmish started the construction of the Qutb Minar. F
3. The Chalisa helped Iltutmish's son come to power. T
4. Iltutmish followed the policy of 'Blood and Iron'. F
5. Razia Sultana was married to Yakut. F

D. Name the following:

1. Three buildings built by Qutb-ud-din Aibak- Outb Mira, Qubbat-ul-Islam, Arhai Din
Ka Jhonpra
2. Three rulers of the Slave dynasty - Qutb-ud-din Aibak, Iltutmish, Balban
3. The person who was appointed as the Governor of Bengal by Balban- Bughra Khan
4. The daughter of lltutmish – Razia Sultana
5. Prime Minister of Nasir-ud-din - Balban

E. Answer the following questions.

1. Why are the first few rulers of the Delhi Sultanate called the rulers of the
Slave dynasty?

Answer: The first few rulers of the Delhi Sultanate called the rulers of the
Slave dynasty because Qutb-ud-din, Iltutmish and Balban were originally slaves.

2. Who laid the foundation of the Slave dynasty?

Answer: Qutub-ud-din Aibak

3. How did Iltutmish avoid the invasion of the Mongols in India?

Answer: Iltutmish avoid the invasion of the Mongols in India by refusing to give shelter to
the Shah of Persia, which pleased Genghis Khan and he went back without attacking.

4. How did Razia Sultana become the ruler after Iltutmish?

Answer: Before his death, he nominated his daughter, Razia Sultana, as his successor to the
throne, since none of his sons possessed the qualities necessary to become his worthy
successor. However, the nobles refused to be ruled by a woman and so, they raised his son,
Ruknuddin to the throne. However, he proved to be unworthy of their trust which prompted
the nobles to remove him and allow Razia to occupy the throne in 1236 CE.

5. What measures were taken by Balban to consolidate his empire?


• In order to ward off the threat of Mongol invasion,he constructed strong forts along the
north-west frontier and repaired the old ones. He kept strong and well-equipped forces.
• He made his son, the governor of the frontier province of Multan.
• He adopted what is known as the 'Blood and Iron' policy to control the rebels and the

6. What were the common problems faced by the rulers of the Slave dynasty?

Answer: The common problems faced by the rulers of the Slave dynasty were internal
rebellions by nobles and external threat of Mongols.

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