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rging the world to adopt

Earlier in the day, the
Prime Minister received the
G20 leaders and delegation
decisions in this direction
should be immediate and effec-
tive,” he said.
a GDP-centric approach, Modi
said India has expressed its
willingness to share its lunar

U a human-centric vision,
Prime Minister
Narendra Modi on Sunday
heads at New Delhi’s Rajghat.
They paid floral tributes to
Mahatma Gandhi, followed by
Modi described cyber
security and crypto currencies
as among the burning issues
mission data with everyone in
the interest of humanity. “It is
also a proof of our commit-
exhorted global leaders to a tree-plantation ceremony at affecting the present and future ment towards human-centric
resolve to meet the challenge of the G20 venue, Bharat of the world. growth.”
climate change through a green Mandapam. Cyber space has emerged He said the world needs to
development plan and work for Addressing global leaders as a new source of funding for go beyond the concept of “glob-
sustainability and stability. during the ‘One Future’ session terrorism and global cooper- al village” to make “global fam-
He also called for reforms of the G20 Summit, Modi ation and framework are nec- ily” a reality, calling for a future
in international bodies like the noted that sustainability and essary for securing it and in which not only the interests
United Nations (UN) and stability were as important as crypto currencies, he said. of the countries are aligned but
described cyber security and transformation to keep pace “This is a very important sub- also their hearts.
crypto currencies as among the with a fast-changing world. ject for every country’s secu- In a fast-changing world,
burning issues affecting the In this context, he urged rity and prosperity,” he added. sustainability and stability are
present and future of the world. the leaders to resolve to imple- “When we take care of the as much needed as transforma-
Making these assertions ment a Green Development security and sensitivity of tion, he said.
in his concluding remarks at Pact, Action Plan on every country, then the feeling Later, Modi posted on X,
the end of the two-day G20 Sustainable Development of ‘One Future’ will be “Simply having a GDP-centric
Summit, the Prime Minister Goals, high-level principles on strengthened,” he said. approach is outdated. Time
underlined that crypto curren- anti-corruption, digital infra- Noting that the world was has come to adopt a human-
cy is a new subject for social structure and Multilateral witnessing unimaginable scale centric vision of progress. India
order and monetary and finan- Development Bank (MDB) and speed in new generation has been making several efforts
cial stability and sought the reforms. technology, he cited Artificial in this regard, particularly in
development of global stan- Modi made a fresh push Intelligence (AI) as an example areas relating to data and tech-
dards to regulate it. for reforms in global bodies and said G20 countries need to nology. We must do whatever
He wrapped up the mega including the UN, saying go beyond the ‘Principles on we can to use AI for socio-eco-
event with “Swasti Astu despite the increase in member AI’ adopted by the bloc in 2019. nomic development.”
Vishwa” — a Sanskrit prayer for states of the world body, the ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXSdaX]VcWT³>]T5dcdaT´bTbbX^]^]cWTUX]P[SPh^UcWT6!Bd\\Xc!!"PccWT1WPaPc<P]SP_P\X]=Tf3T[WXBd]SPh?C8 “I suggest we establish a He added, “As we pursue
peace — as he handed over the number of permanent mem- framework for ‘responsible our development trajectories,
gavel of the G20 presidency to bers in the UN Security 200, Modi said. It is nature’s law, He said the world was been transformed. These new and they have proved to be human-centric AI governance’. we must keep our focus on sus-
the President of Brazil, Luiz Council (UNSC) has remained Modi said, that those who totally different when the UN realities should reflect in our effective. India will also give its sugges- tainability and stability. This
Inácio Lula da Silva. the same. don’t change with time lose was established. new global structure,” he said. Pitching for reforms, he tions. It will be our effort that will ensure empowerment of
Prime Minister Modi said He said the world’s “new their relevance. “Despite this, the number The UNSC has five permanent said that is why a historic ini- all countries get the benefits of the marginalised.”
in his closing remarks, “I realities” should be reflected in “It is necessary that global of permanent members in the members: The US, China, tiative was made on Saturday AI in areas like socio-econom- Modi noted that India’s
declare the end of the G20 the “new global structure.” The bodies reflect today’s realities to UNSC remains the same. The France, Britain and Russia. by making the African Union ic development, global work- presidency of G20 would offi-
Summit. Hoping the road map world was different when the lead the world towards a bet- world has since changed a lot Calling for reflection, the a member of the G20. force, and research and devel- cially continue till November
of ‘One Earth, One Family, One UN was founded with 51 mem- ter future,” Modi said citing the in every aspect. Be it transport, Prime Minister noted that “Similarly, we also need to opment,” he said. 30 and over two-and-half
Future’ will be joyful. Thank bers. Now the number of mem- UNSC as an example of a communication, health and many regional groupings have expand the mandate of multi- Highlighting his push for a months were left for its tenure
you!” ber states has risen to nearly global body needing change. education, every sector has emerged in the last many years lateral development banks. Our human-centric vision instead of as the head of the grouping.



344?0:970■ =4F34;78 plays, we can see what PM ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXWP]Sb^eTacWT6!_aTbXST]Rhc^cWT?aTbXST]c^U1aPiX[;dXi8]PRX^;d[PSPBX[ePPccWT
Modi, the digital initiative and R[^bX]VbTbbX^]^UcWT6!Bd\\Xc!!"PccWT1WPaPc<P]SP_P\X]=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh?C8
part from being hailed as technology can do — deliver-
A a gracious and perfect host
to global leaders like US
ing service to people in remote
corners of our nations,” a
President Joe Biden and UK source quoted British Prime ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824■ =4F decisions made at the leaders’ He said the Brazilian pres-
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Minister Rishi Sunak as saying 34;78 summit that concluded in the idency will hold G20 meetings
among others, Prime Minister at one of the meetings. national Capital on Sunday. in cities in each of the five
Narendra Modi also earned While Japanese Prime he G20 summit concluded “In the last two days, you regions of the South American
laurels from the dignitaries for
creating a G20 ‘culture corridor’
Minister Fumio Kishida hailed
Modi for providing “great lead-
T here on Sunday with Prime
Minister Narendra Modi hand-
have put forward your views,
given suggestions and a number
Outlining his priorities for
in the resplendent Bharat ership” to the G20, Russian ing over the customary gavel of of proposals have been put for- the Brazilian presidency, Lula
Mandapam. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov the G20 chair to Brazilian ward. It is our responsibility that said it would be his endeavour
The Who’s Who of the called for strengthening G20 President Luiz Inacio Lula da the suggestions that have come to make the political and finan-
political world, were charmed cooperation based on “the Silva. Modi also proposed a vir- forth are closely looked upon as cial tracks work in a coordinat-
by the nostalgia created by the foundation created by the tual summit by November to to how they can be speeded up,” ed and integrated manner.
historic items displayed during Indian presidency”, sources review the initiatives taken dur- Modi said. “There is no point in agreeing on
the two-day event, that con- said. ing the Indian presidency. Brazil “It is my proposal that we the best public policy if there are
cluded on Sunday. Turkiye’s President Recep will formally assume the G20 hold another session of the G20 no resources allocated for its
Certified original copies Tayyip Erdogan thanked Prime presidency on December 1 this virtually in November-end. In implementation,” he said.
of the US’ Charters of Freedom, Minister Modi for his hospital- year. The next summit will be that session, we can review the Lula said he would also
a rare copy of the Magna Carta ity and hoped that the Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in issues that have been agreed ensure that the civil society
from the UK, a ‘fahua’-lid jar would be a blessing for “the November 2024. upon during this summit. Our engagement groups get an
from China and Panini’s gram- form, was set up on the same months ago when all the G20 G20 member and invited coun- only world we have”. Geopolitical issues should teams will share the details of it opportunity to report recom-
mar treatise Ashtadhyayi, Rig floor where the leaders’ meet- member and invitee country try. At the end of the landmark Praising the G20 theme of not hijack the discussions at with you. I hope all of you will mendations and conclusions to
Veda were the historic items ings took place on Saturday and were requested to make sub- Summit, world leaders hailed ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, G20, the Brazilian President join this (session),” he said. the Government directly. He
displayed as part of the G20 Sunday. Sources said the digni- missions under four categories Modi for his “decisive leader- Bangladesh Prime Minister said after assuming the presiden- “With this, I declare the G20 congratulated Modi and
‘culture corridor’. There were taries walked through this cor- — physical object of cultural ship” and for championing the Sheikh Hasina said it upholds cy of the bloc of emerging and summit closed,” Modi said. thanked India for its efforts to
also Bhimbetka cave paintings ridor while moving in and out significance, iconic cultural voice of the Global South. the value of all lives and the developed economies. Addressing the closing cer- give a voice to the topics of inter-
from Madhya Pradesh, dating of the Summit room. masterpiece in digital format, They also hailed India’s hospi- importance of working togeth- Prime Minister Modi emony of the G20 Summit, est to emerging economies.
back to approximately 30,000 “India’s G20 presidency high-resolution digital content tality and praised the Prime er for a better future. Brazilian extended full support to Brazil Lula said the bloc was not inter- Lula also listed social inclu-
years, on display in digital for- theme was ‘Vasudhaiva depicting the intangible her- Minister for presiding over a President Luiz Inacio Lula da and expressed confidence that its ested in a “divided G20” and the sion, the fight against hunger,
mat. Kutumbakam’ and with this itage and natural heritage of successful Summit, while not- Silva thanked Prime Minister presidency would take forward challenges of the day could be energy transition and sustainable
What really caught the international project, we each of the countries. ing that the country’s message Modi and the Indian people for the shared goals of the G20 bloc. faced only through joint action. development as G20 priorities.
attention of the dignitaries was walked the talk. We displayed As an exhibition titled of ‘One Earth, One Family, One their competence in organising “India passes the gavel to “We need peace and coop- He said the UN Security
the G20 Digital Museum where cultural objects from all 20 ‘Mother of Democracy’ was Future’ resonated strongly with this event. Brazil. We have unwavering eration instead of conflict,” he Council (UNSC) needs new
anamorphic digital images of member nations and nine invit- also being hosted to mark the all the delegates. “I was touched emotional- faith that they will lead with ded- said soon after Modi passed the developing countries as per-
the 16th century Leonardo da ed countries as part of our G20 Summit, a fifth segment was “Under India’s leadership, ly today, when I went to pay ication, vision and will further gavel to him. manent, non-permanent mem-
Vinci masterpiece Mona Lisa legacy project,” a Ministry of added to the ‘culture corridor’ we have demonstrated that we homage to dear (Mahatma) global unity as well as prosper- “The path that will take us bers to regain political strength.
were among the several arte- Culture official said. project in which an “ancient can come together, at a time Gandhi. In my political life, ity,” Modi said. from New Delhi to Rio de “We want greater represen-
facts on show. Sources said the prepara- artefact related to democratic when it really matters. When Gandhi has great meaning. He proposed a virtual G20 Janeiro will require a lot of ded- tation for emerging countries at
The exhibition of artefacts, tions for creating this unique practices” in physical or digital you walk around in ‘Bharat Non-violence is a principle I Summit by November end to ication and commitment from the World Bank and the IMF,”
both in physical and digital corridor started about six format was sought from each Mandapam’ and see the dis- follow,” he said. take stock of the suggestions and everyone,” Lula said. the Brazilian President said.
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[TScc^RR^]bT]bdb^^] 8]SXP]_aXTbcPUcTaW^[SX]V
?C8Q 0<0A0E0C8 TDP official said in a post on
DZaPX]T)88]SXP´bBBWTa_P 2^\\d]X^]bTaeXRT ?C8Q =4F34;78?0=098 humble” and expressed his
gratitude for making time for
the party's official social media ?C8Q =4F34;78 icholas Dias, secretary for the prayers. He said Biden told

A fter a local court in

Vijayawada remanded
account on X. He added that
Chief Minister Y S Jagan
N the liturgy commission him about the influence of

TDP chief N Chandrababu

Naidu in judicial custody for 14
Mohan Reddy had deprived the
couple of their anniversary joy.
took over 200 hours of non-
negotiations by a team
Indian diplomats to deliver
for the Delhi Archdiocese, has
described US President Joe
Biden as a “very humble” per-
Christianity on him and his
closeness to Holy Father Pope
days in an alleged multi-crore The TDP chief informed a consensus on the G20 decla- son who expressed that his “We had a quick conversa-
corruption scam on Sunday, he the court that he was innocent. ration that was adopted at the grandmother was a great influ- tion where he shared how his
is being taken amid tight secu- Supreme Court lawyer Leaders' Summit here, India's ence in his life. grandmother was a great influ-
rity to Rajamahendravaram Siddharth Luthra, representing G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant said Father Dias met Biden dur- ence in his life and in his
Central Prison, 200 km away Naidu, argued that the CID on Sunday. ing a 30-minute holy commu- Catholic upbringing,” Fr Dias
from Vijayawada. Soon after needed to obtain the The team of diplomats, nion service for the US presi- said. The priest also shared
the court came out with the Governor's prior permission to including joint secretaries dent at a hotel where he was with him Bebinca, a Goan del-
order, the Telugu Desam Party was parked, at Gnanapuram in of C300 crore to the state gov- arrest the TDP chief. Eenam Gambhir and K Nagraj staying in New Delhi on icacy which he carried with
called for a statewide bandh on Nandyal. After an arrest saga of ernment, AP CID Chief N However the court agreed Naidu, held 300 bilateral meet- Naidu and Gambhir. India Saturday, ahead of the G20 him.
Monday in protest against the more than 36 hours, the ACB Sanjay said on Saturday. It with the government's counsel's ings and circulated 15 drafts managed to hammer out an summit. Before their meeting con-
arrest of its leader. Court gave the remand order turns out that it was on the counter on that, another advo- with their counterparts on the unexpected consensus among Talking to PTI, Fr Dias said cluded, Biden handed over a
In a pre-dawn operation on around 6.50 pm on Sunday wedding anniversary of Naidu cate who witnessed the court contentious Ukraine conflict to the G20 countries on the con- their conversation was around souvenir - the President's Seal
Saturday at Nandyal, officers evening. and his wide Nara proceedings said. Luthra also drive home a consensus that tentious issue with emerging faith, Goa and India. “I men- No 261 - to Fr Dias which he
knocked on the door of the car- “It is a clear case of fraud Bhuvaneswari that the TDP argued that the former CM was was clinched on the first day of economies such as Brazil, tioned to him about the origin said he will always cherish.
avan in which Naidu was sleep- involving C370 crore. The court chief, who served as the chief being falsely implicated in the the G20 Leaders Summit itself. South Africa and Indonesia of Christianity in India and The priest also mentioned
ing and arrested him for his accepted our arguments,” minister for 14 years, was case. “The most complex part of playing a leading role in reach- recalled that Indian Church is to Biden about the relics of St
alleged role in the Skill Ponnavolu Sudhakar Reddy, remanded. Meanwhile, senior YSRCP the entire G20 was to bring ing the breakthrough. as old as Christianity in the Francis Xavier at Old Goa and
Development Corporation AP Additional Advocate Since September 10 is the leader and advisor to AP gov- consensus on the geopolitical The G20 leaders' declara- world,” said the priest, who the decennial exposition sched-
scam. He was termed “princi- General told PTI. Naidu was wedding anniversary, it was ernment Sajjala Ramakrishna paras (Russia-Ukraine). This tion avoided mentioning the hails from Benaulim in Goa. uled to be held next year in the
pal conspirator” in the case. arrested in connection with an conspired to illegally arrest Reddy lashed out at Naidu, say- was done over 200 hours of Russian invasion of Ukraine The Delhi Archdiocese coastal state.
The former CM was arrested alleged fraud case involving Naidu on September 9 and ing that he and the opposition non-stop negotiations, 300 and made a general call to all priest prayed for the success of Fr Dias also told President
by the CID around 6 am on misappropriation of funds make him sit in the CID office party were behaving as if some- bilateral meetings, 15 drafts,” states to follow the principle of the G20 summit and of both Biden that St Francis Xavier
Saturday from outside a mar- from the Skill Development throughout the night, leaving thing untoward had happened Kant said. Kant said he was respecting each other's territo- India and the US. Fr Dias said was the inspiration behind his
riage hall, where his caravan Corporation, leading to a loss him and his wife sleepless, a to them. greatly assisted in the efforts by rial integrity and sovereignty. the US president was “very vocation.

8#!]VRUVcdcR]]jW`caR_UV^ZTWf_Udfaa`ce ³ATP[XbbdTbR^]RTa]X]V
0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 Health Ministers in 2024, said
the Delhi declaration docu-
comed the report on best prac-
tices from finance-health insti-
resilient, equitable, sustainable,
and inclusive health systems
approach. The leaders empha-
size the importance of facilitat- _T^_[T_[P]Tc\XbbX]V
he New Delhi G20 Leaders ment.The Pandemic Fund in tutional arrangements during geared toward achieving ing equitable access to medical
T Declaration released by
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
one year since its inception has
received around 350 Expressions
Covid-19. This report aims to
enhance joint finance-health
Universal Health Coverage.
Specific actions outlined include
countermeasures, especially in
Low- and Middle-income
has pitched for securing new of Interest (EoI) and 180 full sector readiness for future pan- the focus on strengthening pri- Countries (LMICs), LDCs, and
donors and co-investment for proposals in the first call with demics. mary healthcare, the health SIDS, while also supporting
the pandemic fund with an grant requests totalling more Additionally, they appreci- workforce, and essential health efforts for an ambitious, legally BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 coming together of academics,
enhanced collaboration between than USD 2.5 billion against an ated the report on mapping services within the next 2-3 binding WHO convention or social, and political and people’s
Finance and Health Ministries envelope of only USD 338 mil- pandemic response financing years. agreement on pandemic he Working Group on movement leaders, giving a clar-
under the Joint Finance and
Health Task Force (JFHTF). veillance, research, and better
It has approved India's USD
options and gaps, which was
developed by the World Health
Additionally, the G20 lead-
ers support a One Health-based
Preparedness, Prevention, and
Response (PPR) by May 2024.
T International Financial
Institutions, a voluntary organ-
ion call to stand up to the anti-
people policies of the G20, it
The fund was set up at the access to vaccines, among oth- 25-million proposal for Organization (WHO) and approach in alignment with the The document recognizes isation working on people’s said.
G20 Presidency of Indonesia last ers measures. The G20 leaders strengthening animal health World Bank. The document Quadripartite's One Health Joint the potential role of Traditional movement, has claimed that The declaration adopted by
year, in partnership with the at New Delhi also acknowledged security in the country for pan- highlights the G20 leaders' Plan of Action (2022-2026) and and Complementary Medicine real issues concerning people the Peoples’ Summit strongly
Pandemic Fund secretariat as a the conclusion of the first call for demic preparedness and strong commitment to rein- seek to enhance health system in health and advocates for the and the planet were missing decried the arbitrary action of
key part of the solution to proposals by the pandemic fund response under the supervision forcing the global health archi- resilience, promote climate- development of an interim med- from the G20 summit. the police to prevent people
reducing risks from epidemics and anticipate the second call for of the Union Ministry of tecture, with the WHO playing resilient, low-carbon health sys- ical countermeasures coordi- The Working Group also from exercising their democra-
and pandemics and is targeted proposals by 2023 end. The Fisheries, Animal Husbandry a central role. tems, and address the challenge nation mechanism and claimed that a meeting under tic right to assemble peacefully
at low-to middle-income coun- Task Force will provide a and Dairying. As per the docu- Their objectives encompass of Antimicrobial Resistance improved access to mental the banner “We20: A People’s and freely express their opinions.
tries to finance efforts like sur- progress report to Finance and ment, the G20 leaders also wel- the development of more (AMR) through a One Health health services. Summit on G20, organized last “This was in continuation with
month and attended by 70 the crackdown on civil society

organisations and attended by and stifling of voices of dissent

&\Z]]VUZ_]ZWeT`]]RadV 700 participants from 18 States

was forcefully stopped by the
perpetuated by this regime. This
was also done to prevent any
other narrative on the G20

Z_EYR_V+4ZgZT`WWZTZR] “The participants represent- except what was published and

ed the working class, Dalits, propagated by the government.
Adivasis, persons with disabili- Massive forced evictions
Thane: At least five persons ties, ethnic and religious minor- and wastage of public money on
were killed when a lift in a high- ity communities, farmers, fish- the promotion of the G20 have
rise located in Thane city of er-people, forest workers, hawk- been the hallmarks of the event
Maharashtra collapsed on B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q Ministers … this smacks of why she joined a party which ers, artisans, unorganized work- when the economy is at a his-
Sunday evening, a civic official :>;:0C0 something.” was organised in the name of ers, academicians, and members toric low,” it said. “The declara-
said. Yasin Tadvi, who heads the Chowdhury who was vis- President of Bharat — an act of the civil society, it said in a tion said that this informal
disaster management cell of ongress Lok Sabha leader iting R aninagar of of the central Government statement. group of rich and ‘emerging
Thane Municipal Corporation,
said the building where incident
occurred is located on
Ghodbunder Road. PTI
C Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
on Sunday hit out at Bengal
Murshidabad his home dis-
trict where two local leaders
which she had criticized bare-
ly 24 hours before… it simply
While the event was
stopped by the police, people
market economies’ has taken
policy decisions to serve the eco-
Chief Minister Mamata on Sunday joined the TMC — makes clear her disloyalty continued their discussions both nomic and political interests of
Banerjee for double-crossing a day after the workers of the towards the causes she some- offline and online. “The key corporations, advanced the
the people of Bengal by feign- two parties had a bloody face- times feigns to stand for … issues they deliberated upon neoliberal agenda promoted by
ing friendship with Indian off on Saturday — alleged who she will have to explain this.” included inequality, climate cri- international institutions such as
National Democratic Inclusive in Bengal Banerjee police The CPI(M) leader also sis, just energy transition, labour the World Bank, the
Alliance on one hand and force and her party men were alleged that the Chief rights, social protection, agricul- International Monetary Fund
breaking bread with BJP lead- forcing the Congressmen to Minister’s Delhi visit at a time ture and food security, attack on (IMF), the Asian Development
ers Amit Shah and Yogi join the TMC and in Delhi she when some of her senior party natural resources, and digital Bank (ADB) and the WTO, and
Adityanath on the other. was talking of alliance and leaders and even some of his data and surveillance,” it said. has repeatedly failed to address
Severely criticising the Adiytanath … but we do not expecting Congress’ support family members were on the The inaugural session of the the pressing concerns of people,”
Chief Minister for joining have information about what in the coming verge of arrest in the multi- We20 Summit witnessed the it added.
President Droupadi Murmu’s transpired there.” Wondering parliamentary elections. crore recruitment scam had
party and sharing the same as to “what urgency she had to Like Chowdhury the Left much more in it that met the
dinner table with Home
Minister Amit Shah and her
Uttar Pradesh counterpart
reach Delhi a day ahead of the
dinner and what urgency she
had to share the same table
which too is an INDIA con-
stituent also attacked Banerjee
for joining the presidential
bare eye.
“Top TMC leaders are
facing arrest in the recruit- 8]SXPfX[[QTaT]P\TS
Yogi Adityanath, the senior with top BJP leaders,” the dinner wondering how she ment scam … and at this
Congress leader asked “what Behrampore MP said, “she could join a party which she time she is seen in Delhi …
message she is trying to give was not obliged to join the had criticized a day before. she will have to explain it or
whom… what message she is Presidential dinner … no one Referring to Banerjee’s else the people will under-
leaving for the people of had placed a sword at her neck scathing attack on the BJP stand what they should,”
Bengal and what message she … still seemed more than Government for trying to Chakrabarty said. B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 Bengal it would pull down all
is carrying for the BJP leaders eager to join the party where divert attention from the TMC leader and MP the statues of the foreigners.
who she publicly criticizes.” C ongress president country’s burning issues by Shantanu Sen however put acking the BJP “When our party comes to
Chowdhury who is also
the Bengal Pradesh Congress
Mallikarjun Kharge, an
important constituent of the
raking up a controversy in the
name of renaming India as
“little importance” to what
“two parties with zero” seats in
B Government’s decision to
play up Bharat in place of
power in West Bengal, we will
remove all statues of foreigners
president said, “we have INDIA alliance was not invit- Bharat, CPI(M) central com- the State Assembly said. “Two India in the country’s diplomat- in Kolkata,” he said, reminding
reports that the Chief Minister ed … what urgency she had to mittee member Sujan zeroes make a bigger zero … ic engagements senior BJP the fate of such statues in
shared the same dinner table join a dinner which was Chakrabarty said “it is for hence it is better not to talk leader and MP Dilip Ghosh on Tripura. Incidentally, apart
with Amit Shah and Yogi avoided by many other Chief Mamata Banerjee to explain much about zero,” he said. Sunday said soon (read after from the world Marxist stal-
the Lok Sabha elections) “India warts like Karl Marx, Ho Chi

>R_deRSSVUe`UVReY 2P]PSXP]?<´bST_PacdaT
will be renamed as Bharat as Minh, Angels and Lenin there
there is no place of India in are many pictures of other
Bharat.” international personalities also
Furthering his party’s agen- like Roland Ross, Mother

SjUcf_\WcZV_UZ_5V]YZ ST[PhTSSdTc^_[P]Tb]PV da in Bengal Ghosh, a former

State president — credited with
the BJP’s rise in Bengal — said
Teresa et al.
Sources in the BJP howev-
er said that the statement made
BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 call centre in Noida. A PCR call ?C8Q =4F34;78 aircraft was experiencing tech- “It is just a matter of time … by Ghosh who leads the anti-
about the stabbing incident was nical issues. “Upon our depar- India will be renamed as Bharat group of Opposition Leader
25-year-old man was received at Kishangarh police anadian Prime Minister ture for the airport, we were … those who do not like Bharat Suvendu Adhikari said could
A stabbed to death by his
inebriated friend in south
station on Saturday, following
which a team was dispatched to
C Justin Trudeau's aircraft is
facing technical issues at the
made aware by the Canadian
Armed Forces that CFC001
may leave the country and go
to Britain because this was a
put a question mark on the lat-
ter’s strategy of bringing
Delhi's Kishangarh when he spot and accused was nabbed. Delhi airport due to which his was experiencing technical name given by the British colo- together — against the TMC —
tried to stop him from assault- “Jimmy is a resident of departure has been delayed, issues,” the channel quoted the nialists and we want the coun- the Leftist voters that account
ing his wife, police said on Manipur and belongs to the according to a source. statement from the prime min- try to come out of its colonial for a huge 30-35 percent in the
Sunday. The accused, identified Naga tribe,” a senior police offi- The source said the flight ister's office as saying. hangover.” Ghosh was prompt- State, thereby creating trouble
as Mingchang alias Jimmy, has cial said. The accused, his wife was scheduled to take off at 8 “These issues are not fix- ly supported by another former for Adhikari so to say.
been arrested, they added. and their two-year-old son were pm on Sunday, and due to tech- able overnight, our delegation State BJP president Rahul Sinha The senior BJP leadership
The incident took place staying with Robin at his house nical issues, the departure of will be staying in India until who said that a country could would not dwell on the issue.
around 4.30 am on Saturday at as there was no air-condition- the prime minister has been alternate arrangements are not be known by two names. TMC leadership however said
the house of the victim, Robin er at their home. “Jimmy, who delayed. Specific details could made,” it added. Trudeau Speaking at a 'Chai pe Charcha' that the leaders like Ghosh
Shrestha (25), a resident of is a nail artist, had consumed not be immediately ascer- arrived in the national capital programme at Kharagpur city, were day-dreaming as there
Munirka, who has been staying alcohol in house of victim and tained. Quoting a statement on Friday to attend the G20 theformer BJP national vice was not going to be any saffron
with his live-in partner for last started abusing and assaulting from Trudeau's office, Canada's Summit that concluded on president said that when his Government in Bengal for cen-
two years. Robin worked at a his wife. CTV News channel said the Sunday. party would come to power in turies to come.
=4F34;78k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!" "

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 accorded a traditional welcome. During his visit, the British wife graciously offered prayers try,” he said. “I was honoured
Ahead of the UK Prime Prime Minister was given an at our temple and it is a matter to have received the blessings of
ritish Prime Minister Rishi Minister’s visit, elaborate secu- overview of Swaminarayan of great honour for us to have His Holiness Mahant Swami
B Sunak and his wife Akshata
Murty visited the Akshardham
rity arrangements were put in
place in and around the temple.
Akshardham, a 100-acre spiri-
tual and cultural complex that
hosted them at this revered tem-
ple,” he said. A trustee of the
Maharaj conveyed to me this
morning, and I understand that
temple on Sunday and offered “Prime Minister Sunak and portrays the traditions and BAPS Swaminarayan Trust, UK His Holiness is inaugurating
prayers amid tight security. his wife Akshata Murty walked ancient architecture of India and and a volunteer from the another beautiful
Sunak was then greeted by barefoot in the temple premis- promotes the timeless Hindu Neasden temple in London Swaminarayan Akshardham
swamis, as well as senior lead- es even in rainy weather. From spiritual messages of faith, devo- accompanied Sunak and his temple in Robbinsville, USA
ers from the Akshardham the reception area to the main tion and harmony, a statement wife during their visit, said very soon. I would like to send
Mandir, who relayed a special temple complex, there is a dis- issued by BAPS said. another temple management my very best wishes to His
message on behalf of Mahant tance of about 150 metres and Inside the main temple official who was part of the Holiness and all the devotees of
Swami Maharaj, spiritual leader both of them walked barefoot complex, Sunak and his wife reception team. “My wife and I BAPS ahead of the opening,”
of the Bochasanwasi Akshar back and forth,” according to an paid their respects to the sacred were delighted to visit Sunak said. He was also offered
Purushottam Swaminarayan official. images and admired the art and Swaminarayan Akshardham for a model of the Akshardham
Sanstha (BAPS). The British “They first offered flower architecture. “The couple also darshan and puja this morning. temple as a gift.
Prime Minister spent almost 45 petals (pushparpan) to the gold- performed abhishek (ritual We were amazed and awed by Brahmavihari Swami, the
minutes at the temple and he en idol of Swaminarayan and pouring of water) on the ‘murti’ the beauty of this temple and its senior swami of the sanstha, said
visited every statue personally. then offered ‘aarti’, he said.”They of Nilkanth Varni Maharaj, and universal message of peace, it was an honour to welcome the
He also performed an aarti at also offered flower petals to idols offered prayers for world peace, harmony, and becoming a bet- British prime minister to
the temple, according to of Sita-Ram, Radha-Krishna, progress and harmony, the state- ter human being. “This is not Swaminarayan Akshardham
Akshardham Temple official Laxmi Narayana and Shiva- ment said. Sunak and his wife only a place of worship, but a and share Mahant Swami
Jyotindra Dave. Parvati in the temple complex. spent about 45 minutes at the landmark that also portrays Maharaj’s message of peace,
Sunak, who was dressed in The UK PM enquired about the Akshardham temple and offered India’s values, culture and con- unity and public service. The
a crisp white shirt and navy blue architecture of the temple and prayers. They were gifted a tributions to the world,” Sunak UK’s relationship with India is
trousers, and his wife, who its history,” the official said. marble elephant and a marble said. “We see today in Britain built on a bond of friendship
paired a beige kurta with a He also saw some of the peacock besides a special repli- these very same values and cul- and fostered by cultural
bright pink dupatta and loose sanctified items that belonged to ca of Akshardham, a senior ture through the positive con- exchanges as well as a vibrant
pants, reached the temple early Swaminarayan, such as shoes temple management said. tributions the British Indian Indian diaspora in the UK, he
morning at 6.30 am and were and a garland, the official added. “It rained but Sunak and his community makes to our coun- said.

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Bharat Mandapam. The party
pointed out that Rs 2,700 crores
he Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) were spent build Bharat
T and the Congress on Sunday
took a swipe at the Central
Mandapam to host world lead-
ers for the G20 Summit and BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F tions, the officers deputed to from the Lt Governor’s
Government over a video clip called the BJP’s claims of progress 34;78 the site sent before and after Secretariat, deployed for this
that showed water outside one of as “hollow”. pictures of the sites to the Lt purpose reported to him at
the halls at Pragati Maidan Addressing a rally in Niwai elhi Lt Governor Vinai Governor”, they added. regular intervals about the
where the G20 Summit was
in poll-bound Rajasthan’s Tonk
district, Congress general secre-
D Kumar Saxena activated
the rain contingency plan as it
“For waterlogging that
occurred at certain sites prone
problems being faced and the
steps taken to address those.
Calling the claim “exagger- tary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra began to pour during the din- to flooding, pumps were The exercise continued
ated,” Press Information Bureau’s took a swipe at Prime Minister ner for G20 leaders hosted by immediately put into action. throughout the night and the
fact-checking wing said the Narendra Modi over the water- President Droupadi Murmu. The water was drained with- most minute detail was looked
Bharat Mandapam area had logging. “Perhaps what the peo- According to a Raj Niwas in 15 minutes during the into with Saxena being updat-
“minor water-logging” and was clear out the water. Mandapam, the main venue for ple of our country are not able official, various Government night. Similarly, potted plants ed on the status over the
cleared of water-logging “with- However, the Public Works the G20 Summit at Pragati to say due to fear, God has said: departments and agencies had that tumbled due to the impact phone, said the official. Saxena
in 20 minutes”. Department (PWD) said there Maidan, following overnight Reduce your ego, this country formulated rain contingency Promotion Organisation of rain and wind were replaced also kept track of the arrival of
“This claim is exaggerated was heavy water logging but rain in the national Capital. has made you a leader, put it first plans in case of a downpour. (ITPO) officials reported to immediately and incidents of dignitaries at Rajghat early
and misleading. Minor water everything was smooth around Tagging a video showing and make the people supreme,” They added that Saxena Saxena at 5 am that water had trees falling in the NDMC area on Sunday.
logging in open area was swift- the VVIP routes and locations water accumulated inside the she said. Congress General has also thanked Delhi-NCR accumulated at the parking was addressed,” the official “The Lt Governor under-
ly cleared as pumps were pressed around the G20 area, Rajghat, Bharat Mandapam complex, Secretary Randeep Singh residents for making the G20 area near gate 5 of the ITPO said. lined that without their sup-
into action after overnight rains. Akshardham, and Ring Road. AAP leader Bharadwaj posted on Surjewala taking a swipe at the Summit a grand success. Complex — where the Bharat Similarly, the authorities port, enthusiasm and patience
No water logging at venue Another official said Rajghat X, “Resp @LtGovDelhi saab, government said, “Bharat “The Lt Governor under- Mandapam is located — due to swung into action to repair a in face of inconveniences, this
presently,” it said. and Ring Road witnessed light This is very serious. Even after Mandapam built at a cost of Rs lined that without their sup- the incessant overnight rain. water fountain that stopped international event could not
Visuals of water-logging at waterlogging Saturday night dur- ur 50+ inspections, if the very 3,000 crore was seen floating in port, enthusiasm and patience He was then informed at working due to a choked noz- have played out with the per-
Bharat Mandapam, the sprawl- ing the rain but it was immedi- main area around Mandapam is slightest rain. in face of inconveniences, this 6 am that the water had been zle, he added. fection that it did,” an official
ing venue for the G20 Summit in ately cleared using mechanical submerged in water, then heads “I pray to God that it does international event could not drained using the heavy duty “During the dinner host- said.
New Delhi’s Pragati Maidan, sweeping and pumps. must roll. I as Minister of Delhi not rain much during the day, have played out with the per- contingency pumps deployed ed by the President of Bharat, Saxena also thanked the
made rounds on social media on Delhi Urban Development don’t have control over this and that the G20 Summit is com- fection that it did,” an official for this purpose. it began to rain and Saxena “rain gods” who made the
Sunday. A video of the water-log- Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj Central Govt area, else would pleted safely.The Modi said. When the dignitaries activated the contingency plan stay of the visiting dignitaries
ging at the main area of Bharat Sunday questioned Lieutenant have assisted u sir.” Government has covered the Responding to waterlog- arrived at 10 am for the second put in place for such an even- all the more special by bring-
Mandapam was shared on X Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena The Congress, too, took to poor with a curtain, but no ging at Bharat Mandampam day’s session, the area was tuality,” said the official. ing down temperatures and
(formerly Twitter). The staff after waterlogging was reported X to express displeasure over the amount of showmanship can due to overnight rainfall, the clean, green and spruced up. Officers from different improving the Air Quality
could be seen using machines to inside the sprawling Bharat water-logging the main area of cover up its misdeeds.” Raj Niwas said India Trade Throughout these opera- departments, including those Index.


respect. The leaders stood
before wreaths placed around
UAE President Mohammed
bin Zayed Al Nahyan could

the memorial, which features not be seen.
head of participating in an eternal flame and was Later, Modi said in a post
A the concluding session of
the G20 Summit, focussed on
draped with orange and yellow
flowers marigold garlands.
on X that at the iconic Rajghat,
the G20 family paid homage to
‘One Future’, Prime Minister The Prime Minister was Gandhi — the beacon of
Narendra Modi led G20 lead- seen explaining to the leaders peace, service, compassion
ers to Rajghat to pay tribute to the significance of the ashram. and non-violence. “As diverse
Mahatma Gandhi on a rain- Among those who paid nations converge, Gandhi’s
drenched Sunday morning tribute to Gandhi include US timeless ideals guide our col-
Sunday. President Joe Biden, Italian lective vision for a harmo-
Modi received the leaders PM Georgia Meloni, French nious, inclusive and prosper-
one by one, welcoming them President Emmanuel Macron, ous global future,” he wrote.
at the memorial with a Khadi Brazilian President Lula De Visuals from Rajghat
angavastram or a stole, stand- Silva, and Japanese PM Fumio showed the venue decorated
ing against the backdrop of an Kishia, among others, besides with colourful flowers as the
image of Bapu Kuti. a host of leaders from inter- leaders reached there. Security
Gandhi’s Sabarmati Ashram in the background. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Sunak, German Chancellor national organisations such has also been stepped up in
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Maurya, where Biden was stay- Ashram which was his home United Nations Secretary- Hsien Loong were among the Olaf Scholz and last year’s as World Bank Chief Ajay parts of the national capital in
ing, at 9.30 am. from 1917 to 1930 and served General António Guterres, first to reach the venue this G20 host President Joko Banga. view of the G20 Summit.
However, Mohammed bin Necessary arrangements
an apparent breach of pro-
during the G20 Summit
New Delhi, a private cab des-
However, he arrived at the
Taj, as he had to drop a busi-
nessman, whom he had picked
as one of the main centres of
India’s freedom struggle and
explained about Sabarmati
IMF head Kristalina
Georgieva, Bangladesh Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina, and
Some leaders — including
British Prime Minister Rishi
Widodo of Indonesia —
walked to the memorial bare-
foot in a customary show of
Salman Al Saud, Prime
Minister of Saudi Arabia, and
were also made so as to keep
the traffic smooth.
ignated for use in US President up from the Lodhi Estate area,
Joe Biden’s motorcade, entered at the Taj. This deviation from

=2AfPZTbd_c^R^^[\^a]X]V " iUQb_\TcdQRRUTd_

a hotel in the city where UAE the original plan, however, was
President Mohamed bin Zayed not part of the protocol for the

Al Nahyan is staying, in an President’s convoy. The driver
attempt to drop off one of his said he was not aware of the
regular clients, before reporting protocol. BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Management Centre received

for duty. The driver claimed he was 70 complaints during the past
The security breach at unaware of the precise route he National Capital Region two days. Of these, 26 were
Hotel Taj on Saturday morning
initially sent the security agen-
and destination initially set
for him, believing that he was
T on Sunday woke up to a
cool, overcast Sunday morning
received late on Saturday while
the remaining poured in by 11 BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 clip - it is unclear how long the
cies into a frenzy. But after meant to arrive at the ITC after moderate rainfall and a am on Sunday. attack went on before it was
questioning the driver, they Maurya, where President Biden thunderstorm overnight. The issues reported includ-
found that he had decided to
ply his other customers before
was accommodated, at 9:30
The India Meteorological
Department (IMD) has pre-
ed incidents of minor water-
logging, fallen tree leaves and
a shocking incident a 20-
youth was stabbed
death on a busy lane in
caught on camera - the teen is
pushed to the side of the road,
and his bloodied shirt reveals
going to Biden’s hotel. He was Following a thorough dicted light showers or a driz- malfunctioning road lights, Delhi’s Sangam Vihar area on the multiple stab wounds.
freed later after questioning. questioning by security officers, zle even on Monday. The necessitating swift action. Saturday night. The Delhi “On receipt of the PCR
Sources revealed that the during which the misunder- Safdarjung weather station, Officials said 19 instances Police has arrested eight juve- call, a police team reached
incident transpired when one standing was clarified, the dri- which provides a marker for of waterlogging were prompt- nile in this regard. Majidia Hospital and found
of the vehicles in President ver was subsequently released the city, recorded 38.6 mm of ly resolved at crucial loca- Shocking CCTV visuals Dilshad was undergoing treat-
Biden’s convoy inadvertently from detention. rainfall from 8:30 am on tions, including Janpath, show the 20-year-old sur- ment in critical condition. He
entered the premises of the Taj Furthermore, the vehicle Saturday to 8:30 am on Sunday. Sikandra Road, C-Hexagon, rounded by his killers and had multiple stab injuries on
Hotel where the President of was promptly removed from The observatory at Palam C opernicus Marg, dragged down a narrow street his chest and other parts of his
the UAE, Mohammed bin the Presidential convoy. recorded 46 mm over the past Barakhamba Road, Harish as they stab and kick him in a body. He was on ventilator sup-
Zayed Al Nahyan, was staying, US President Joe Biden 24 hours, while Aya Nagar persistence of clouds over between 86 per cent and 100 Chander Mathur Lane and blind fury. The horrific assault port. Later he was referred to
as the G20 Summit is under- left for Vietnam after he and recorded the highest amount of entire NCT due to which the per cent. Kautilya Marg. continues for several seconds - Safdarjung hospital,” a senior
way in New Delhi. several other G20 leaders paid 57.8 mm. region saw light rainfall at a few The Municipal The accumulated water even as over half-a-dozen eye- police officer said.
The security officers at the homage at Mahatma Gandhi’s The rainfall at all these places in the early hours of the Corporation of Delhi received was removed through manu- witnesses, including several on “All the eight turned out to
spot flashed a message as the memorial Rajghat here on observatories falls within the day,” IMD said. reports of waterlogging from al efforts and super-sopper two-wheelers, stand by and do be juvenile. They were appre-
car bore several stickers. This Sunday morning. IMD’s ‘moderate’ category (15.6 According to IMD’s seven- five places and of trees being machines. Additionally, water nothing.As the minute-long hended. During interrogation,
unplanned detour was the On his first visit to India as mm to 64.4 mm). The showers day weekly forecast, along with uprooted from 16 locations. stagnating in potted plants at CCTV clip plays out, some of it came out that an altercation
result of a mix-up, as the con- the US President, Biden arrived also improved air quality in the light rain, the maximum and The public works department prominent areas was also the attackers break off and followed by minor fights that
voy was originally intended for in the national capital on Friday national capital. Delhi’s 24- minimum temperatures on received calls regarding water- removed. The G20 Summit watch as four of them drag took place near Jat
a different destination. to attend the two-day G20 hour Air Quality Index was in Monday are expected to hover logging from Mundka and venue and most of the hotels their victim back down the Dharamshala about a year ago.
Upon being questioned, summit and held talks with the ‘good’ category with a read- around 34°C and 24°C, respec- Narela, among others. The where the delegates stayed are street while continuing their Last night they again had a
the driver of the car said he was Prime Minister Narendra Modi ing of 45 on Sunday. tively. New Delhi Municipal Council’s in areas under the NDMC’s savage attack. fight in which Dilshad was
supposed to arrive at the ITC the same day. “Delhi Radar showed the Humidity levels oscillated (NDMC) Disaster jurisdiction. Thirty seconds into the murdered,” the police added.
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?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q cooperate in dealing with

ongress leader Rahul

=4F34;78 such threats, the MEA said in
a statement.
C Gandhi has hit out at the
BJP during an interaction with
rime Minister Narendra Asked about India’s con- students and academics in
P Modi on Sunday conveyed
to his Canadian counterpart
cerns over the increasing
activities of the Khalistani L auding Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s vision,
Paris, saying that the governing
party is out to get power at any rorise, harm people who are
Justin Trudeau India’s strong elements in Canada, Trudeau Defence Minister Rajnath cost and that there is "nothing weaker than you. So, this idea,
concerns about the continu- said at a press conference Singh on Sunday said India’s Hindu" about their actions. this word, Hindu nationalists,
ing anti-India activities of that his country will always G20 presidency has left an During the interaction at this is a wrong word. They're
extremist elements in Canada defend freedom of peaceful “indelible mark” on the world the Sciences PO University in not Hindu nationalists. They
that were promoting seces- protest but at the same time stage, and the consensus Paris, a leading social sciences have nothing to do with
sionism, inciting violence asserted that it will always reached on the declaration India’s remarkable ability to institution in France, the 53- Hinduism. They are out to get
against its diplomats and prevent violence and push marks a historic milestone in bring the nations closer and year-old Opposition leader power at any cost, and they will
threatening the Indian com- back against hatred. bridging the global trust deficit. transcend their differences for covered a broad range of top- do anything to get power…
munity there. “Canada will always He praised the Prime a common objective. ics such as his ‘Bharat Jodo They want dominance of a few
In his talks with Trudeau defend freedom of expression, Minister’s vision, and said he “The G20 India has Yatra', the Opposition alliance's people and that is what they are
on the sidelines of the G20 freedom of conscience, and successfully demonstrated launched the ‘India-Middle fight to defend India's democ- about. There is nothing Hindu
Summit, Modi also men- freedom of peaceful protest “Bharat’s prowess as both a East-Europe Economic ratic structures, changing glob- about them,” he said.
tioned that a relationship and it is extremely important Vishwa Guru and Vishwa Corridor’, enhancing India’s al order and other key issues. Asked about the cases of
based on “mutual respect and to us,” he said. “At the same Bandhu”. strategic involvement with the He stressed that the violence against the Dalit and
trust” is essential for the time, we are always there to “The historic G20 Summit Arabian Peninsula and Europe. Opposition was committed to other minority communities in
progress of the India-Canada prevent violence and to push in New Delhi has successfully This initiative presents a unique fighting for the "soul of India" the country, Gandhi said it
relationship, the Ministry of back against hatred. I think concluded. India’s Presidency opportunity for India to estab- and the country would "come requires “political imagina-
External Affairs (MEA) said. on the issue of the communi- under the visionary leader- lish long-lasting connectivity out just fine" from the current tion” to combat the issue “head
“ The Prime Minister ty, it is important to remem- ship of PM Narendra Modi has between India and Arabia,” he "turbulence". "I've read the on” and the Opposition is
highlighted that India- ber that the actions of the few left an indelible mark on the said. ‘Gita', I've read a number of the committed to that fight.
Canada relations are do not represent the entire world stage,” Rajnath said in a He also said the African Upanishads, I've read many "What the BJP and the
anchored in shared democra- community or Canada,” post on X. Union getting permanent Hindu books; there is nothing RSS are trying to do, the heart
tic values, respect for rule of Trudeau said. “The consensus reached membership of the Group is Hindu about what the BJP of what they're trying to do is
law and strong people-to- The Canadian PM said during the G20 Summit in “fostering inclusivity and deep- does, absolutely nothing,” said trying to stop the expression,
people ties,” it said. “He con- India is an important partner New Delhi marks a historic ening cooperation with Africa”. Rahul Gandhi, in response to the participation of lower
veyed our strong concerns of Canada in a range of sec- milestone in bridging the glob- “The admission of the a question about the rise of castes, other backward castes,
about continuing anti-India tors. “India is an extraordi- al trust deficit and cultivating African Union into the G20 is “Hindu nationalism” in the tribals and minority commu-
activities of extremist ele- narily important economy in global trust and confidence,” he a significant achievement for country at the interaction, a nities. And, for me, an India
ments in Canada. They are the world and an important said. PM Modi’s ‘Global South’ ini- video of which was released on where a Dalit person or a
promoting secessionism and partner to Canada on every- The defence minister said tiative. PM Narendra Modi Sunday. Muslim person, tribal person,
inciting violence against munity in Canada and their syndicates and human traf- thing from fighting climate the G20 Declaration, encom- has successfully demonstrated "I have not read anywhere, upper-caste person, anybody, is
Indian diplomats, damaging places of worship,” it said. ficking should be a concern change to creating growth passing a consensus statement Bharat’s prowess as both a in no Hindu book, from no being mistreated, is being
diplomatic premises, and The nexus of such forces for Canada as well. It is essen- and prosperity for the citi- on the Ukraine war and other ‘Vishwa Guru’ and ‘Vishwa learned Hindu person have I attacked, is not the India I
threatening the Indian com- with organised crime, drug tial for the two countries to zens,” he said. actionable tasks, demonstrates Bandhu’,” Rajnath said. ever heard that you should ter- want,” he said.

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?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q A0:4B7B8=67Q =4F34;78 convince all the parties to
=4F34;78 agree to the wordings on the
ussia on Sunday said the Ukraine conflict.

?=BQ =4F34;78
R I ndia and France reviewed the
entire gamut of their bilater-
G20 (now G21) Summit
under India’s presidency was
“Concerning the war in
Ukraine, while recalling the
al ties here on Sunday during a “breakthrough” conclave in discussion in Bali, we reiter-
uropean Commission talks between Prime Minister many ways as its outcomes ated our national positions
E President Ursula von der
Leyen on Sunday said Europe
Narendra Modi and President
Emmanuel Macron. The two
showed a path to the world to
move forward on a range of
and resolutions adopted at
the UN Security Council and
and its partners should devel- leaders reiterated their unwa- challenges and demonstrated the UN General Assembly
op a new global framework for vering commitment to collec- the strength and importance and underscored that all states
artificial intelligence risks to tively serve as a force of good, of the Global South. must act in a manner consis-
avert systemic societal risks and carrying the message of In a press briefing here, On challenges emanating tent with the Purposes and
foster investments in safe and ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ i.e. Russian Foreign Minister from climate change, the Principles of the UN Charter
responsible AI systems. ‘one earth, one family, one Sergey Lavrov thanked India Russian foreign minister said in its entirety,” the text on
Addressing the “One and responsible AI systems at future’, during tumultuous times a stable multi-polar world, both of the International Solar saying New Delhi played an the Western powers have done Ukraine read.
Future” session of the G20 the same time,” she said. reshaping the global order. leaders emphasised the need to Alliance, launched by India important role in “preventing nothing on its promise of “Today’s era must not be
Summit here, the European “At the global level, we A joint statement released expand their collaboration to and France, and the Coalition the West” from taking forward providing USD 100 billion of war…We call on all states
Commission President assert- eventually need to reach the after the lunch meeting between address regional and global for Disaster Resilient their approach on many annually to developing nations to uphold the principles of
ed that one thing seems clear broader community of the the two leaders on the sidelines challenges, the statement said. Infrastructure, the statement issues, including Ukraine. to deal with climate change. international law including
that the future will be digital. United Nations. We would of the G20 summit said Modi With the ‘Horizon 2047’ said. The summit declaration Thanking India for “pre- territorial integrity and sov-
“Today, I want to focus on need a body similar to the and Macron discussed, assessed Roadmap, the Indo-Pacific President Macron congrat- clearly sent across a message venting attempts to politi- ereignty, international human-
AI and digital infrastructure. IPCC for climate, and here we and reviewed the progress in Roadmap and other outcomes ulated Prime Minister Modi on that military conflicts in the cise” the G20 Summit, Lavrov itarian law, and the multilat-
As it has been described, AI has need additional outreach to the bilateral relations since their last during Prime Minister India’s success of Mission world must be resolved said, “We were able to prevent eral system that safeguards
risks but also offers tremendous scientists, entrepreneurs and meeting in July in Paris. They Narendra Modi’s visit serving as Chandrayaan 3. The two lead- according to the UN Charter the West’s attempts to peace and stability. The peace-
opportunities. The crucial innovators,” she said, adding, also exchanged views on impor- recent points of reference, the ers recalled six decades of and that the Western powers ‘Ukrainize’ the summit agen- ful resolution of conflicts, and
question is how to harness a they need to provide the tant international and region- two leaders discussed overall India-France Space cooperation will not be able to press ahead da.” efforts to address crises as well
rapidly changing technology,” knowledge on the risks posed al developments. progress and next steps on the and reviewed the progress since with their concepts of resolu- Lavrov said, “The active as diplomacy and dialogue are
she highlighted. by AI as well as the potential President Macron’s visit to implementation of the new and holding of the first Strategic tion of various crises. role of the Indian presidency critical.”
It is telling that even the benefits for humanity. India comes after the historic ambitious goals for cooperation Space Dialogue in June 2023. “It is a breakthrough sum- has genuinely consolidated “…We will unite in our
makers and inventors of AI are The European visit of Prime Minister Modi to in areas of defense, space, They acknowledged the mit in many ways. It provides the G20 countries from the endeavour to address the
calling on political leaders to Commission President further Paris on July 13-14 as the Guest nuclear energy, digital public strong India-France civil us a way forward to move Global South for the first adverse impact of the war on
regulate it, she added. said digital public infrastruc- of Honour on the occasion of infrastructure, critical technol- nuclear ties, good progress in ahead in many issues,” he time in history…It is a break- the global economy and wel-
“In the EU, in 2020, we pre- tures can be a real booster to French National Day on 14 July ogy, climate change, educa- the discussion for the Jaitapur added. through summit in many come all relevant and con-
sented the first ever law on arti- emerging economies. India has 2023, commemorating the 25th tion, and people-to-people con- nuclear plant project and wel- The G20 Summit in New ways. It provides us a way for- structive initiatives,” the dec-
ficial intelligence. We want to achieved remarkable success in anniversary of the India-France tacts. comed the continuing engage- Delhi provided a direction ward to move ahead in many laration read.
facilitate innovation while rolling out its digital public strategic partnership. They also carried forward ment of both sides to expand towards fairness in global issues.” Despite the sanctions
building trust. But we need infrastructures, she com- Acknowledging the their discussions on India- bilateral cooperation to estab- governance and global finance He said, “Our BRICS part- against Moscow due to the
more. What the world does mended New Delhi. strength of India France part- France partnership in the Indo lish a partnership for co-devel- as well, Lavrov noted. ners- Brazil, India, China, Ukraine conflict and resultant
now will shape our future. I “We heard the Prime nership, founded in deep trust, Pacific region and Africa, oping SMR and AMR tech- “I want to express my and South Africa have been payment difficulties, Lavrov
believe that Europe — and its Minister and we very much shared values, belief in sover- including in infrastructure, nologies as well as the forth- gratitude to India for pre- particularly active and thanks also said Russian arms con-
partners — should develop a support his initiative. The pos- eignty and strategic autonomy, connectivity, energy, biodiver- coming signature of a dedicat- venting attempts to politicise to these consolidated positions tracts with India remain in
new global framework for AI sibilities are huge, the invest- a resolute commitment to inter- sity, sustainability and industrial ed declaration of intent. France the G20,” he said, adding the taken by the Global South force.
risks,” von der Leyen said. ments small. The trick is to national law and principles projects. They underlined their reiterated its steadfast and West will not be able to countries to uphold and pro- Lavrov also said that India
“It should protect us build public digital infrastruc- enshrined in the UN Charter, role of providers of solutions for unwavering support for India’s remain a “hegemony” as we tect their legitimate interests.” will offer Moscow options to
against systemic societal risks ture that is interoperable, open an abiding faith in multilater- the Indo-Pacific through their membership in the Nuclear see new centres of power India managed to pull off invest the billions in rupees it
and foster investments in safe to all and trusted,” she added. alism and a mutual pursuit of cooperation in the framework Suppliers Group. coming up in the world. a diplomatic fine balance to has accumulated for exports.


344?0::D?A4C8Q ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q
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eat-sharing for the Lok ven if the countries stick to

Sabha seats between the
Dal-Secular (JDS) and
E goals set out in the Paris cli-
mate agreement, half the plan-
Saidurgery done at various
stages of adolescence can
sight recovery in children
the BJP for the coming Lok et’s glaciers will have melted by born with dense bilateral
Sabha seats will be decided 2100, according to new cataracts.
after former Karnataka Chief research that warns the scale The operation alters the
Minister H D Kumaraswamy and impacts of glacial loss are brain’s specific visual path-
meets Prime Minister greater than previously ways, allowing patients to dis-
Narendra Modi at the nation- thought. criminate between pictures The team, which included
al Capital. At least half of that loss will continued under the current 2015 to 2100, but with 2.7C of and recognise faces. a researcher at the Indian
There is no decision on the happen in the next 30 years, scenario of 2.7C of warming, warming, glacial melt would The sensitive period for Institute of Technology in
number of seats to be shared by BJP had won 25 of 28 seats. regional party which has been which means a rise in sea losses would be more signifi- lead to around 115mm of sea visual development closes New Delhi, found that the
the two parties in Karnataka JDS party national presi- targeted (by Congress) to be level, threatening the supply of cant, with 68 per cent of glaci- level rise. These scenarios are around 5 to 7 years, so the patients were able to distin-
which has 28 Lok Sabha con- dent and former Prime finished. water of up to 2 billion people, ers disappearing, according to up to 23 per cent more than conventional wisdom has guish pictures of faces from
stituencies ,sources said. Minister H D Deve Gowda “We have decided on it and increasing the risk of nat- the paper, published in Science. previous models had estimat- been that surgery during ado- non-face stimuli. Patients who
JDS is expecting more than while announcing the pre- (alliance with BJP) and a final ural hazards such as flooding. There would be almost no ed. lescence can only offer limit- had operations at a younger
4 Lok Sabha seats which it ear- poll “understanding” between meeting between my son For example, in India and glaciers left in central Europe, Commenting on the study ed benefits for congenital age experienced greater
lier reported to have been the two parties at Bengaluru Kumaraswamy and prime China, the Himalayan glaciers western Canada and the US by and its findings, David Rounce, cataracts. improvements in perfor-
offered to it by the BJP. clarified the seat sharing for- minister Narendra Modi will are crucial for many important the end of the next century if a civil and environmental engi- To investigate this, scien- mance.
The third main political mula will be decided between decide on how many seats will rivers and the vanishing of glac- this happened. neer at Carnegie Mellon tists followed 19 cataract The researchers linked
force in Karnataka after the rul- his son and former two time be given to us,” said Gowda. iers will bring a serious liveli- The study looked at all University and the University patients aged 7 to 16 who behavioural improvements in
ing Congress and the main Chief Minister Gowda claimed that both hood crisis to billions of people. glacial land ice except for of Alaska, Fairbanks and the received surgery. They found visual perception to underly-
opposition the BJP, the JDS Kumaraswamy and Prime the parties are on equal foot- Researchers found 49 per Greenland and Antarctic ice lead author, said in a statement, that surgery improved early ing neuroanatomical changes,
is seeking 6 Lok Sabha seats to Minister Modi. ing and neither the JD(S) nor cent of glaciers would disap- sheets. If temperature increas- “This is the first time we have parts of the visual system. The such as the plasticity of white
contest in Karnataka, accord- “The decision has been BJP can be discounted in pear under the most optimistic es are limited to 1.5C of warm- isolated the number of glaciers majority of this improvement matter — made of nerve fibres
ing to sources. taken to save our party, to terms of their vote strength scenario of 1.5C of warming. ing, average sea levels would that will be lost – before it was occurred in the first few days such as axons — in the two late
In 2019 Lok Sabha poll ensure the survival of a across the State. However, if global heating increase by 90mm (3.5in) from the total mass loss.” after surgery. visual pathways of the brain.
=4F34;78 k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!" ]PcX^]$


?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824QE0A0=0B8 eputy Chief Minister

ivisional Railway Manager

D Brajesh Pathak who visit-
ed Prayagraj, inspected the
D (DRM) of North Eastern
Railway (Varanasi Division)
newly constructed 100-bed
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Vineet Kumar Srivastava con- Hospital in Bhagwatpur along
ducted the window-trailing with district magistrate and
safety inspection of Varanasi chief medical officer here on
City-Chhapra Junction rail- Sunday.
way section and reviewed the After inspecting the hospi-
progress of works being done tal, the Deputy CM said this
under Amrit Bharat Station hospital has been prepared
Scheme (ABSS) at Ghazipur with the resources of the 2019
City and Ballia railway stations Kumbh Mela. He said rain
on Saturday. proofing work is currently
After reaching Ghazipur going on in the hospital after
City railway station, along with which all the equipment will be
senior Varanasi Division (NER) installed.
officers, the DRM thoroughly He said 16 doctors have
inspected the progress of ongo- been deployed here. The hos-
ing state-of-the-art develop- pital has been provided all
ment works being done there permissible equipment.
at a cost of Rs 22.88 crore under Currently, patients are getting
ABSS and directed the con- OPD facility here. He claimed
cerned officers to complete all that within 10 days patients will
the work with quality within start getting all the facilities in
the stipulated time limit. Then, the hospital. The Deputy CM 3h2<1aPYTbW?PcWPZQTX]VfT[R^\TSQh3aB?BX]VW?aX]RX_P[BA=7^b_XcP[
the DRM inspected station has instructed DM Navneet
building, platforms, foot over 3A<E:BaXePbcPePX]b_TRcX]VPbcPcX^]^UEPaP]PbX3XeXbX^]^U=4A^]BPcdaSPh Singh Chahal to get all the
bridge (FOB), food and vend- work of the hospital complet- On Akhilesh Yadav’s link- Health department is working intensified in districts where
ing stalls, waiting room, circu- After reaching Ballia by at this station apart from its escalators each. ed under his supervision. ing of G-20 with Ghosi by-elec- with caution. malaria and dengue patients
lating area, entry and exit inspection by special train, the progress, improvement of the Then the DRM inspected Deputy CM said after the full tion, he said such statements Deputy CM said high qual- are found more. After inspect-
routes, cleanliness and mainte- DRM also inspected the beau- approach road to the station, Ballia station and its security operation of the hospital starts, and comments have no mean- ity treatment will be provided ing the hospital and holding a
nance etc. Besides, Srivastava tification and redevelopment façade and platform numbers related equipment. During his patients here will not have to go ing. While reacting to the to patients. All medicines are review meeting with health
also checked the security relat- works being done at Ballia 2 and 3, construction of toilets, inspection, Senior Divisional to the city for treatment. poster of ‘Tiger Abhi Zinda available in hospitals. Complete officials regarding medical
ed relay room, IPS room, railway station with the cost of renovation work of booking Engineer II Satyam Singh, Responding to the inclu- Hai’ put up at the SP office, he arrangements for platelets is facilities, Pathak left for
points crossing, key transfer, Rs 41 crore under ABSS. and parcel office, construc- Assistant Commercial Manager sion of African Union during said the people of the state also available. The Health Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh.
maintenance register, fire extin- During the visit to Ballia sta- tion work of 12 metres wide Ajay Kumar Suman, Public the G20 conference, Pathak know all the truth. It is note- department is identifying CMO Dr Ashu Pandey
guishing equipment and vari- tion, he held a formal meeting FOB, passenger parking etc. Relations Officer Ashok Kumar said this is a big achievement worthy that a poster of Tiger dengue patients. For this the said that complete prepara-
ous maintenance registers and with local MP Virendra Singh They also have a detailed and other senior supervisors for India. He said under the Abhi Zinda Hai has been put scope of testing has also been tions have been made here.
directed to strictly follow the ‘Mast’ to discuss about con- discussion on the work plans and station employees were leadership and guidance of up at the SP office regarding SP expanded. Along with increas- This hospital will soon become
safety rules. struction of second entry gate for installing four lifts and also present. PM Narendra Modi, India has leader Shivpal Singh Yadav. ing the scope of testing, there operational for patients.
been successful in hoisting the He said that there is no is special vigil in Ghaziabad, Doctors, pharmacists and other

flag of Mother India in the panic situation regarding Noida, Lucknow and Prayagraj. paramedical staff have been
world. dengue right now. But the The campaign has also been deployed here.


F or the convenience of pas-

gers to reach Somnath
Jyotirlinga Temple and Gir
National Park directly as their
However, the regular 12946
Banaras-Veraval Express will
Dhandhuka at 12.11 pm, Botad
at 1.16 pm, Dhola at 1.55 pm,
Lathi at 2.30 pm, Khijadiya 2.42 '"&defUV_edRhRcUVUUVXcVVd
sengers, the Railway admin- distances from Veraval railway depart from Banaras at 7.30 am pm, Chital at 2.53 pm, Kukaav
istration has decided to run station are 6.8 km and 63.7 km on every Wednesday from at 3.21 pm, Wadiya Deoli at
12945/12946 Veraval-Banaras- respectively. September 13 and depart from 3.51 pm, Jetalsar at 4.15 pm,
Veraval Weekly Express. Its The inaugural special train Prayagraj Jn at 10 am and Junagadh at 4.40 pm and will
inaugural special train (02945 (02945 Veraval-Banaras) will passing through the same inau- reach Veraval at 6.45 pm.
Veraval-Banaras Express) will depart from Veraval at 4.15 am gural route depart from Similarly, the regular 12945
run from Veraval on Monday on Monday and after halting at Govindpuri at 12.55 pm, Veraval-Banaras Express will ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q?A0H06A09
(September 11). However, the Junagadh. Jetalsar, Wadiya Etawah at 2.25 pm, Agra Fort depart from Veraval at 4.15 am
regular operation of 12946 Deoli, Kukavav, Chital, at 5 pm, Gangapur City at 8 on ever y Monday from s many as 615 students got
from Banaras will be started
from September 13, while
Khijadiya, Lathi, Dhola, Botad,
Dhandhuka, Sarkhej,
pm, Kota at 10.40 pm,
Shamgarh at 12.15 am next day,
September 18 and arrive at 12
noon next day at Banaras. This
A awarded degrees at the
18th convocation of Indian
12945 from Veraval on Ahmedabad, Nadiad, Anand, Nagda at 2.10 am, Ratlam at train consists of 24 coaches Institute of Information
September 18. It will run on Chhayapuri, Godhra, Ratlam, 2.45 am, Godhra at 5.45 am, including one air-conditioned Technology, Allahabad, (IIIT-
every Wednesday from Banaras Nagda, Shamgarh, Kota, Chhayapuri ( a station of (AC)-I, two AC-II, six AC-III, A) held on Saturday evening.
and on Monday. Veraval is a Gangapur City, Agra Fort, Vadodara city) at 6.35 am, eight sleeper class, four ordi- Harish S Mehta, founder
city and the headquarters of Gir Etawah and Govindpuri Anand at 7.14 am, Nadiad at nary second class, one pantry Chairman, NASSCOM deliv-
Somnath district in Gujarat and arrive Prayagraj Jn at 12 noon 7.31 am, Ahmedabad at 9.15 car and two Seating and ering the convocation address
this train will help the passen- next day and Banaras at 2.35 am, Sarkhej at 10.36 am, Luggage Rakes (SLRs). as the chief guest gave a clari-
on call to the passing out stu-

dents that they have the unique
opportunity to shape India
into a “Soney Ki Chidiya 2.0.’
Mehta said the IT/BPM
revolution that NASSCOM

kickstarted in the late 1980s has
brought us to the doorstep of
a new revolution led by Al.
With advancements in come to be a key parameter to jects, centres to this effect that ates, one dual degree BTech and
Artificial Intelligence, machine describe a generation. engage students in converting MTech , seven dual degree
learning and their integration In any technology conver- knowledge into solutions. MTech and PhD and 14
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824QE0A0=0B8 with other cutting-edge tech- sation today, the terms data sci- “It is no surprise that the research scholars were award-
nologies, we can now solve ence, Artificial Intelligence students of the institute were ed Ph D at the 18th convoca-
pecial Secretary, Livestock complex problems faster and (Al), and Machine Learning well placed and most of them tion. A total of 130 girls
and Nodal Officer of
Division and
more efficiently than ever
(ML) have become integral.
As electricity have trans-
got jobs through campus place-
ment. As you move ahead in
received degrees this time.
Vishesh Mittal (IEC2019057)
Vindhyachal Division “Generative artificial intel- formed the way we live at one your career, I encourage you to was awarded the Chairman’s
Devendra Kumar Pandey has ligence (GenAI) is already time, so has Al in the most stay aware of the community Gold Medal for the Year –2023
alerted the district in view of helping automate mundane recent times. We should of and do your bit to make the for his overall academic perfor-
the lumpy skin disease and tasks. Al too will bring more course note that advancements world a better place. We will mance. The Institute’s Gold
directed the officers concerned new age industries to the fore”, through Al need to be tem- have the opportunity to make Medal for BTech( IT) was
to reserve a temporary shelter he added. pered with the wisdom and India the world’s leading coun- given to Prince Kumar, silver to
home for cows. Union Minister of State for compassion of individual try – economically, scientifical- Aditya Agarwal and Bronze to
Reviewing the schemes Education Dr Subhas Sarkar in members driving the process, ly and socially. Divy Agrwal while for BTech
and departmental works run by his recorded message appealed in the absence of these essen- “We cannot predict what is ECE Gold Medal to Vishesh
the government for livestock to students to come forward in tial human qualities, Al by coming in this fast-changing Mittal, silver to Mohit Garg
farmers at a meeting held on realisation of digital India as itself scares people and there- world it is those who can learn and bronze to Chaitnya Joshi.
Saturday in the Circuit House desired by the prime minister. fore it is important that while and evolve will succeed. If Bonny Thomos K was award-
here, Pandey took stock of The country has achieved sev- we contribute to the Al revolu- there is one message that I want ed gold , Meghal Sethi - silver
preparations of vaccination eral milestones in the field of tion, we are also guided by an to leave with you, that would be and Ayesha Shamim bronze for
being done by the surveillance science and technology espe- ethical and moral compass. to become a continuous learn- getting highest marks in MBA.
teams related to lumpy skin dis- cially, like Chandrayan 3, Dr Anand Deshpande, er, learn how you learn and Akanksha Lal received the gold
ease and works being done in Aditya Mission etc. Chairman, Board of learn all the time”, he added. medal, Riya Kalara- silver and
case of spread of the disease. Prof Sunil S Bhagwat, Governors, IIIT Allahabad, Prof Mukul Sharad Neha Vishwanath Sarnaik
Cases of lumpy skin disease Director, IISER, Pune, who said when knowledge benefits Sutaone, Director, IIIT-A, said Bronze for securing top posi-
have been received in adjoin- was the guest of honour said common man and provides that we take pride in stepping tions in MTech (IT). In
ing districts of Varanasi and in that if there’s been one thing solutions that address societal into an enviable position of MTech (ECE) Gold Medal was
view of this, Pandey alerted the year and Pandey stressed the OURED: Dr Gaurav Singh, University (BHU). Prof that is constant about technol- issues, it is considered valuable. excellence. given to Pawan Sahu, silver to
Varanasi district to make it’s need to further promote it noted diabetes expert of Sankhwar is also the Chief ogy, it is change. In fact, tech- He was happy to note that IIIT- A total of 387 undergrad- Manoj Kumar Singh and
surveillance in its block and among the farmers. Varanasi, has been honoured Medical Superintendent (CMS) nology and connectivity have A has several initiatives, pro- uate students, 206 post gradu- bronze to Aayushi Bansal.
immediately report to the head A total of 6 mobile veteri- with the Fellowship of Indian of KGMU. He has vast admin-

office in case any case of lumpy nary units are being operated Society of Hypertension. He is istrative experience and is
disease is reported. in the district, out of which four the youngest doctor honoured known for his medical and aca-
Reserve a temporary cow are being run on fixed routes with this prestigious fellowship. demic accomplishments. His
shelter in case of lumpy skin and two are being run on In its national convention areas of expertise are general
disease to be found in destitute emergency basis. He directed held in Lucknow, the Indian urology, male infertility,
cattle in all the development that the departmental work Society of Hypertension hon- endourology and female urol- &255(6321'(17Q 0,5=$385 out of 12 three cases were informer the police started Rajendra Prasad Srivastava and
blocks of the district, he direct- should be taken from the vehi- oured Dr Gaurav Singh, Senior ogy. At KGMU, he has been solved on the spot. For the rest vehicle checking and intercept- Presiding Officer Motor
ed, adding that appreciating the cles being used even in emer- Advisor to Upendra Medical contributing in various acade- he Thana Samadhan Diwas teams were formed and the ed a Bolero and searched it. Accident Claims Tribunal
ongoing vaccination for lumpy
skin disease in the district. He
gency and all vehicles should
have kits for artificial insemi-
Hospital of Varanasi and noted
diabetes expert of the district,
mic and administrative capac-
ities. The process of appoint-
T was organised on Saturday
at all 18 police stations of the
DIG directed to them to dis-
pose of the cases on merit. The
The police recovered 675 bot-
tles of liquor worth Rs 10 lakh,
(MACT). A fine of Rs 19.65
lakh was recovered and a com-
directed that all necessary facil- nation. with its Fellowship. The ambu- ment of Director, IMS, was district. Out of 148 applications DIG inspected the police sta- he added. While the driver of pensation of Rs 2.75 crore was
ities should be available at the He said that under the latory blood pressure monitor- recently concluded at Banaras only 39 were disposed of on the tion and directed the staff con- the vehicle managed to flee awarded. Principal Judge
cow shelters operated in the National Livestock Mission, ing device has been installed in Hindu University. Currently spot and for the rest teams were cerned to keep all records as from spot, Faiyaz and Kundan Family Court succeeded in
district and no destitute cattle four beneficiaries of the district the hospital for those patients Dean, Faculty of Medicine, formed for disposal. At all well registers updated and Raj of Rohtas, Bihar, were making 27 couples to agree to
should be found roaming on have applied for Goat Scheme on whom the antihypertensive IMS, is officiating as the police stations grievances of properly maintained. The cops arrested and sent to jail. The live together. The presiding
the streets. In such a situation, and Sheep Scheme and direct- medicines are not effective, Director of the Institute. Prof applicants were heard by offi- were directed to keep a close vehicle was seized under the officer MACT decided 62
immediate action should be ed the officers to get them ver- Dr Gaurav informed. Sankhwar will have a tenure of cers. Superintendent of Police watch on outlaws and stay Motor Vehicles Act. cases. At the initiative of ADM
taken and all the cows were ified soon and benefit from the SANKHWAR NEW IMS five years as Director. IMS (SP) Abhinandan heard the updated on land disputes. LOK ADALAT: As many (F&R) and Nodal Officer of
protected in shelters, he direct- scheme. BHU DIRECTOR: Renowned BHU, is an AIIMS like institu- complaints at Chunar police ARRESTED: Under the as 28,586 cases were disposed Lok Adalat Shiv Pratap Shukla
ed further. The Additional Director of urologist and Head of the tion and is in the process of station. He was accompanied joint operation of SOG and of in the National Lok Adalat 21,951 revenue cases were
During the review of arti- Varanasi Division Dr RK Singh, Department of Urology, Kings upgrading its infrastructure, by sub-divisional magistrate Kachhawaan police station, the held on Saturday. The pro- decided. ADJ Rachna Arora
ficial insemination being done Chief Veterinary Officer Dr VK George Medical University medical and research facilities (SDM) Navneet Sehra and police arrested two persons gramme started with the light- decided one case, Special Judge
using sex-sorted cement, it Singh and departmental offi- (KGMU), Lucknow, Prof SN and patient care. The institute Additional Superintendent of and recovered liquor worth ing of the ceremonial lamp and SC/ST Baljor Singh decided
was found that the percentage cers from Ghazipur and Sankhwar has been appointed is expected to get a fillip in its Police (ASP/Operation) OP Rs 10 lakh on Saturday. Giving garlanding of the portrait of two cases, Special Judge
of artificial insemination being Chandauli districts were also the new Director of the ongoing efforts of excellence Singh. At Chilh police station details Circle Officer (CO), Goddess Saraswati jointly by POCSO Santosh Tripathi nine
done using sex-sorted cement present in the meeting. Institute of Medical Sciences under the leadership of Prof the DIG RP Singh heard the Sadar, Shailendra Tripathi said District Judge Anmol Pal, cases and Special Judge EC Act
in the district is better than last DR GAURAV HON- (IMS), Banaras Hindu Sankhwar. problems of the aggrieved and on being tipped off by an Principal Judge Family Court Vayu Nandan Mishra 12 cases.
=4F34;78k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!"


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in the world between any two
guardianship of the two holiest
WKH86WKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQDQG*FRXQWULHVDQG by Pakistan i.e., Islamabad desper-
GLOXWHVWKHFULWLFLVPRI5XVVLD ately needs financial support,
somebody to defend the oil-rich
VLYHQHVV7KHGHFLVLRQWRH[SDQGWKH*LQWR* to a mutually gratifying equation
that can be packaged under the
DWHVWDPHQWWRWKHFRPPLWPHQWRISDUWLFLSDWLQJQDWLRQV even flew sorties to thwart Yemini worst-kept secret of the drones and rockets. Taking on tively picking the battles in
WRDGGUHVVWKHFKDOOHQJHVRIRXULQWHUFRQQHFWHGZRUOGFROOHFWLYHO\:KLOHWKH*KDV aggression on Saudi Arabia in the Pakistani Military to be a the likes of Houthis or other which they would want to par-
late 60s, posted over 15,000 sol- ‘State within a State’, the Army groups inimical to these take may not continue, going
EHHQDQLQIOXHQWLDOSODWIRUPLWZDVORQJRYHUGXHIRUPRUHVXEVWDQWLDOUHSUHVHQWDWLRQIURP diers in the 80s and even during Chief shared details about Sheikhdoms requires physical forward. On their part, the
WKHQHJOHFWHG$IULFDQFRQWLQHQW7KHLPSRUWDQFHRI$IULFD VSRVLWLRQLVXQGHQLDEOH,WKDV the Gulf War. They jointly creat- assurances given to him by the troops in battleground – who Pakistanis know that the
DEXUJHRQLQJSRSXODWLRQYDVWQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVDQGLPPHQVHSRWHQWLDOIRUHFRQRPLF ed the Afghan mujaheddin. Saudi Arabian Prince, are better than the financially Chinese investments have
JURZWK%ULQJLQJ$IULFDLQWRWKH*LVDUHFRJQLWLRQRIWKHFRQWLQHQW VVLJQLILFDQFHDQG Today the former Pakistani Army Mohammad Bin Salman desperate Pakistanis? been realistically maximised
Chief, Raheel Sharif, leads the (MBS), regarding investments To put numbers in per- and banked. Equally, the IMF
DQDFNQRZOHGJPHQWWKDWWKHVHFRXQWULHV FKDOOHQJHVUHTXLUHJOREDODWWHQWLRQDQGFRO Riyadh-based multination mili- up to $25 billion via Special spective, the annual defence conditionalities are so stringent
ODERUDWLYHVROXWLRQV,WLQGHHGJRHVWRWKHFUHGLWRI3ULPH0LQLVWHU0RGLWREULQJLWWR tary alliance under the aegis of the Investment Facilitation budget (for 2023) of Saudi and unpopular, that accepting
IUXLWLRQ7KHWZRGD\VXPPLWZRXOGDOVRDOVRUHPHPEHUHGIRUWKHDEVHQFHRI&KLQHVH Islamic Military Counter Council (SIFC). The surreal Arabia and UAE is approxi- their terms invariably makes
3UHVLGHQW;L-LQSLQJDQG5XVVLDQ3UHVLGHQW9ODGLPLU3XWLQDQGWKHUHVHUYDWLRQRIWKHLU Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC). details shared by the Pakistani mately $70 billion and $15 bil- the government even more
However, it is the Saudi-funded Chief included a specific lion, respectively (which for unpopular.
FRXQWULHVWRWKHPHQWLRQRI8NUDLQHDQG´9DVXGKDLYDNXWXPEDNDP7KHLUDEVHQFHQRWZLWK and Pakistan-developed ‘Islamic request to set aside $10 billion India is about $69 billion). For So, the Sheikhdoms are the
VWDQGLQJWKH1HZ'HOKL*6XPPLWKDVDFKLHYHGLWVSXUSRVHLQEXLOGLQJFRQVHQVXV Bomb’ project that personifies the to tide over the depleted for- B>C74 these cash-flush Sheikhdoms only money lenders left and
security afforded by the Pakistanis
eign exchange issues – and
similarly so, with his meetings
B748:73><B to reallocate financial ‘support’
towards Pakistan in return
the Pakistani Army Chief is the
only viable ‘businessman’ in
that ensures the regular Saudi with United Arab Emirate 0A4C74>=;H for security guarantees, does Pakistan who does have some-
doles to sustain Islamabad’s falter- rulers. As if on cue, he assured not seem implausible, or even thing of value to offer i.e., secu-
LQJ$IULFDQGHYHORSPHQWLVVXHV7KRXJKWKH\VD\QHYHUWKHWZDLQVKDOOPHHW,QGLD ing economy. the audience of such largesse <>=4H impractical. Given that the rity wherewithal.
divides within all Pakistani polit-
from other Sheikhdoms like
Qatar and Kuwait, additional-
;4=34AB;45C latest threat perceptions of
the Sheikhdoms do not neces-
All other platitudes of
Arab capitals buying Pakistani
ical parties (even counting other ly. Whether it was optimistic 0=3C74 sarily come from Israel any- cotton, machines, or basic
?82D1<; institutions like the Pakistani
Military or even the clergy) with-
grandstanding or even gen-
uinely confirmed investments ?0:8BC0=8
more or even from the tradi-
tional sectarian rival and sanc-
food items in exchange for
money lent or repayment in
in Pakistan, relations with Saudi
Arabia remain robust. Pew
towards the beleaguered
Pakistanis, one thing is clear
0A<H278458B tion-hit Iran, but instead come
from societal dissonances
‘rupees’, are pure diplomatese.
Sheikhdom money is the only
Research Centre survey records the only worthwhile thing that C74>=;H within e.g., ‘Arab Spring’, or money that comes without
the most favourable perception (9 the Pakistani Army Chief can from armed militias like strings attached and everyone
out of 10) of the Saudis, amongst offer to these Sheikhdoms in E801;4 Houthis, ISIL, Hezbollah etc., from General Asim Munir, the
Pakistanis. The life-sustaining
financial doles from Saudi have
exchange, is even more
enhanced security imperatives
²1DB8=4BB<0=³ all of which require conven-
tional soldering responses on-
Sheikhdoms, and even
Washington DC, knows that.
assumed even more significance, and guarantees. 8=?0:8BC0= ground. Such a quid pro quo This arrangement will enable
as the freefall of Pakistan seems Beyond a point, no will need the Pakistanis to Islamabad to posit its religious
imminent, otherwise. amount of arms purchased by F7>3>4B overcome the hesitation of diplomacy and duty confi-
In the uniquely Pakistani
narrative of the extra-constitu-
these Sheikhdoms can replace
boots on the ground. The rag-
70E4 committing themselves to
some sectarian issues e.g., they
dently, yet potentially tide over
its financial mess.
tional mandate assumed by the tag Yemeni Houthi militias had B><4C78=6>5 had earlier refused to commit (The writer, a military
Pakistani ‘establishment’ (read, made a mockery of the multi- troops to aid Saudis against veteran, is a former Lt
Military), the Pakistani Chief, billion dollar worth of the E0;D4C>>554A Yemeni Houthis in 2015, fear- Governor of Andaman &
General Asim Munir held a four- supposedly impregnable ing backlash in their backyard, Nicobar Islands and
hour meeting with Pakistani THAAD and Patriots systems, given that 25% of Pakistanis, Puducherry. The views
businessmen! Confirming the with their relatively crude are Shias. The luxury of selec- expressed are personal)


Sir —The attack on Sanatan dharma has
once again become aggressive. Individuals
have claimed that Sanatan dharma is com- VaP]Sb[P\c^da]P\T]cA^WP]1^_P]]PXbcWT

parable to mosquitoes and should be erad-
icated. The mastermind behind the 2G c^ aTcXaT PUcTa cWT DB >_T] FT WPS
scam has even gone further, likening it to AP\P]PcWP]:aXbW]P]P]SAP\TbW:aXbW]P]
;E=1B274;;0??0= AIDS and arguing for its eradication. It is _TaU^a\X]VfT[[PbFX\Q[TS^]Yd]X^aRWP\
worth noting that these opinions come _X^]b0\aXcaPY\PSTbXV]XUXRP]cR^]caXQdcX^]b
women participate in temple visits and [TeT[
DQGWKHQHJDWLYHLPSDFWLWKDVKDGRQWKH'UDYLGLDQVRFLHW\ conduct prayers with priests in their 0[cW^dVW cT]]Xb T]Y^hb _^_d[PaXch X]
homes. Either the cine star does not com- 8]SXPcWTaTXbRdaaT]c[hPbW^acPVT^Uf^a[S

hings are going out of Supreme Court that it may als. The State, once a haven of municate with his mother or chooses to WTV^[ST]TaP^U8]SXP]cT]]XbWPbR^\T R[Pbb _[PhTab FT S^ ]^c bTT ]Tf _[PhTab

T control in Tamil Nadu

as the duel between
those who want to annihilate
not be possible to release the
stipulated quantity of water as
ordered by the latter because
small and medium-scale
industries, has lost its sheen
as the MSME sector feels
ignore her beliefs.
However, history has shown that both
the Mughals and the British attempted to
\T]c Ua^\ _a^UTbbX^]P[ cT]]Xb 7T
Sanatan dharma and its sav- of severe drought conditions that it is not possible to con- suppress Sanatan dharma but failed. X] cWT UX]P[ \PcRW Pc cWT DB >_T] 8c f^d[S cT]]Xb [TVT]Sb U^a QaX]VX]V aTR^V]XcX^] P]S
iours has reached a flash in the upper riparian State. tinue in Tamil Nadu to man- Hinduism and Sanatan dharma have WPeTQTT]PUXccX]VUPaTfT[[c^PVaTPccT]]Xb UP\Tc^^da]PcX^]X]cWTf^a[S^Ub_^acb
point with a far-reaching This is a cause of worry to ufacture goods at compatible endured for millions of years and will con- _[PhTaXUWTWPSf^]cWTUX]P[\PcRW^UcWXb 2:AP\P]PcWP] | 6WPiXPQPS
impact on national politics. It farmers in Tamil Nadu as rates. The state of affairs in tinue to outlast other religions. The indi-
all started last Saturday as water for irrigation and drink- engineering colleges in Tamil viduals spreading such views are nothing
Tamil Nadu’s minister for ing purposes will not materi- Nadu is equally disturbing. more than insignificant distractions. That,' 'Like That Only,' 'CEO Cartoons,' 1=9H54217
sports and youth affairs hence the statement that those alise from Kaveri. Out of the 1,60, 780 seats Sanatan dharma will persist, while they and 'Wits End,' not only brought laugh- Sir — I am writing to address the recent
Udhayanidhi Stalin, who is who believe in Sanatan dhar- R V Giri, past president of spread across 446 engineering will fade away. It is concerning that a state ter to viewers but also prompted them to bypoll results, often described as "A
the heir apparent to chief ma are illiterate and idiots. A the Consortium of Indian colleges, nearly 55,000 seats with a significant number of Hindu devo- think and act responsibly. A source of Mixed Bag." It is important to exercise cau-
minister M K Stalin exhort- Raja went one step further Farmers Association (CIFA) remain unfilled as students tees allows such venomous rhetoric with- inspiration for younger generation car- tion in drawing concrete conclusions
ed the people in the State to and declared that the and a farmer himself, is of the have opted to move out of the out consequences. The people of Tamil toonists, Ninan was known for his impar- from these results, as they were contest-
eradicate and annihilate Sanatana dharma is more view that the Government of State. Nadu should consider removing these tiality, sparing no politician, whether ed on entirely different issues compared
Sanatan dharma which he dangerous than HIV and lep- Tamil Nadu was wasting its The State has started wel- individuals from power in the next elec- from the ruling or opposition parties. His to general elections. General elections, as
alleged was more dangerous rosy. Raja is struggling to time and energy to divert the coming LTTE extremists. tion. Breaking down the walls of division cartoons addressing social issues bore a we know are different.
than dengue, malaria and curry favour with the attention of the people from Tulasi Amaran, a former and fostering unity should be our goal. resemblance to R.K. Laxman's style, using However, it is worth noting that there
cholera. Karunanidhi clan. its failure to address the water LTTE leader masquerading as Inclusivity means accepting past pains cre- gentle yet impactful satire and humor to is reason for the opposition bloc in India
The first reaction came Since Saturday, the only woes. “This is nothing but a a social activist, visited the ated by humans and working together to convey important messages. to find encouragement in these bypoll
from a Sanatana zealot in issue being discussed in Tamil ridiculous view. Neither the Rajiv Gandhi memorial at defend ourselves against external threats. Those who grew up in the 1980s will results. They have secured victories in four
Uttar Pradesh who “offered” Nadu is 'Sanatan dharma' DMK nor its family are going Sriperumbudur where the Alternatively, stakeholders could come to fondly remember his comic strip, out of seven contested seats. Notably, one
Rs 10 crore to Udhayanidhi ’s and the need to destroy it to make any gains out of the former prime minister was an understanding, set aside personal dif- 'Detective Moochhwala and His Dog seat in West Bengal, Dhupguri, which was
head, an ideal example of hate from Dravidian society. The unwanted controversy. assassinated by the extremist ferences, and resolve the current crisis, Pooch,' which featured in the renowned previously held by the BJP, has now been
speech. Police in Tamil Nadu controversy is getting bal- Farmers in the State are group on 21 May 1991. addressing issues amicably later. Are we detective comic series published in Target won by the TMC. These four wins should
have registered a criminal looned by the hour while spending sleepless nights over Amaran said that he visited ready for unity? Sanatan dharma aims for magazine during the 1980s. Ninan had a serve as a cue for India's opposition. These
case against the hotheaded pressing issues concerning the failure of the DMK the site to pay floral tributes eternal peace and harmony as we strive for unique ability to simplify complex issues include discussions on seat sharing, the
monk. But despite this action, the State have been taken Government to get the Kaveri to Dhanu, the human bomb tranquility. into thought-provoking visuals, infused articulation of their vision for the coun-
a DMK leader ridiculed peo- backstage. The dispute water released from that caused the RDX explo- MR Jayanthi | Mumbai with sharp humor. Throughout his 40-year try to the voters, and the announcement
ple in UP and Bihar for being between Karnataka and Tamil Karnataka,” said Giri. Not sion that killed Rajiv Gandhi. career, his works graced publications . As of their Prime Ministerial candidate.
illiterate and idiots. Nadu over the sharing of the Kaveri water alone. While playing cheap politics 1495E=1CD5B31BD??>9CD the proud recipient of the Barton Lifetime Taking proactive measures in these areas
Constantine Ravindran, who Kaveri River water rages on Entrepreneurs from Tamil and the one-upmanship Sir —The passing of the master cartoon- Achievement Award and many others, will undoubtedly aid their preparations
had crossed over to the DMK despite the apex court order Nadu are planning to leave game, politicians are ignoring ist Ajit Ninan has left an irreplaceable void Ninan's creations will continue to inspire leading up to the 2024 elections.
from the Vijayakant-led demanding Karnataka to the State en masse because of the interests of Tamil Nadu. in the world of cartoons. He was a class generations, emphasizing that cartoons are Bal Govind | Noida
DMDK in search of greener release 5000 cusec water daily pressure tactics employed by (The writer is a special apart, known for his unique humor and not just for
pastures, wanted to be more for the next 15 days. But DMK politicians to exploit correspondent for The insightful cartoons. His works, including M Pradyu | Kunnur BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
loyal than his masters and Karnataka has told the them for money and materi- Pioneer, views are personal) 'Centrestage,' 'Ninan's World,' 'Just Like [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!"

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa

%5,&6H[SDQVLRQ 1C8G1>9<07090=

he recently concluded summit



of five countries was held in
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Prime Minister of India
Narendra Modi, President of China Xi


Ramaphosa participated in person at the
are in BRICS; It was also decided to
OLWWOHIUHH Arabia, Ethiopia and Egypt.
Though BRIC formally came into exis-
DW WKH VDPH WLPH FUHDWH D PL[ RI DFWLYLWLHV WKDW FDWHU WR LQGLYLGXDO place; the discussions to form such a group
forming groups of countries, BRICS is
LVWKHSXUSRVHRIRXUOLYLQJ more than a group of countries.
Whereas, till now America and the
countries of the West dominated the
global system, this is a group of those
countries, which have been challenging
their economic clout. From the diplo-
matic point of view, whether it is coop- 'SWIFT' system coming into tic currencies have been going on Dilemma of BRICS countries
eration or mutual tussle between differ- Europe's sphere of influence. in BRICS for some time now. Not There was a time when the
ent countries, it is expressed in a very At the same time, Europe and only this, the exercise to start a new world was bipolar. America on one
diplomatic manner. It is worth noting the USA banned the release of reserve currency in the name of side and the Soviet Union on the
that at present the five countries which Russian funds to Russia held with BRICS currency is also going on other. The world was divided into
are included in the BRICS, have been their central banks and other among the BRICS countries. The two such camps, supporters of the
growing rapidly in terms of their GDP. banks. In such a situation, most of advantage of this new BRICS cur- USA and supporters of the Soviet
Generally, the rate of growth in these the developing countries of the rency is that it would increase trade Union. Many countries, including
countries has been significantly high, world are now apprehensive of the among BRICS countries and also India, were non-aligned to these
while the growth of developed countries USA and Europe. The developing avoid the high cost of conversion groupings and were known as the
has come to almost a standstill. This is countries, which have been striv- to dollars. However, the decision non-aligned nation. After the col-
the reason why the share of these five ing hard to remove their poverty about BRICS currency is not going lapse of the Soviet Union, the
BRICS countries in the global GDP, 05C4AC74 and tread on the path of develop- to be an easy task. However, ini- world became unipolar. But at pre-
which was only 20.51 per cent in the year ment, are trying to find ways and tially, BRICS countries are show- sent a multi-polar world is emerg-
2011, has increased to 26.62 per cent by 2>;;0?B4>5 means to reduce the influence and ing great willingness to trade in ing due to the decline in the influ-
the year 2023.
It is noteworthy that before the forma-
C74B>E84C hegemony of the developed
domestic currencies among them-
selves. There are reports that dur-
ence of the USA on the one hand
and the rising power of India,
tion of BRICS, there was hardly any effec- D=8>=C74 It’s interesting to understand ing this Summit, BRICS countries China and some other developing
tive global platform to raise the voice of how BRICS and its expanded have finally decided to make inter- countries on the other.
SODFH\RXKDYHWROLYHµ7DNLQJDPLQXWHIRU\RXUVHOIFDQEHWKH the developing world. After the formation F>A;31420<4 form will meet the expectations of national trade payments in their But some countries are still
JDPH FKDQJHU IRU ZHOOEHLQJ (QJDJLQJ LQ DFWLYLWLHV VXFK DV GHHS of BRICS, the issues of developing coun- D=8?>;0A1DC the developing world. Significantly, local currencies. India, South seen standing behind some big
EUHDWKLQJRUPLQGIXOEUHDWKLQJFDQKHOSUHGXFHVWUHVVFDOPWKHPLQG tries started getting some voice. Perhaps, except China and Russia, all other Africa and Brazil, especially, have powers. Although the BRICS
DQGLQFUHDVHPLQGIXOQHVVVWUHWFKLQJDQGTXLFNH[HUFLVHVFDQHQKDQFH that is why now more and more develop- 0C?A4B4=C0 countries have been facing the taken steps towards trading in group appears to be emerging as
ing countries are keen to join BRICS. This problem of trade deficit, resulting domestic currencies. Although a powerful group, free from
conference, where it has been decided to <D;C8?>;0A in continuous devaluation of their India has also initiated some European and American influ-
include 6 more countries in BRICS,
needs to be understood what are the
F>A;38B respective currencies. Not only
this, while struggling with trade
amount of trade payments with
Russia in Rupees.
ence, some of these six countries
that have been included in BRICS
UDWKHUWUHDWLQJWKHVHULWXDOVDVOLWWOHJLIWVWRVHOIFDQKDYHDELJLPSDFW implications of this expansion of BRICS. 4<4A68=63D4 and payment deficits, these coun- The expansion of BRICS will till recently, were under US influ-
RQRYHUDOOZHOOEHLQJ,W·VDKDUGFRUHWUXWKERPEWKDWQRLQGLYLGXDO After the inclusion of 6 countries, the tries have also been facing prob- give impetus to payments in inter- ence, but some countries were ear-
RQWKLVSODQHWFDQPDNHWLPHIRUVHOIFDUH2QHQHHGVWRSULRULWLVH enlarged group will represent 29.6 per cent C>C74342;8=4 lems with payments many times. national trade in domestic curren- lier under the influence of
global population.
8=C74 This balance of payments
problem can be solved to some
cies. This will help reduce the
monopoly of the dollar. Not only
America, but now they are no
longer under the influence of
Groups like BRICS try to protect the 8=5;D4=24>5 extent by settlement of internation- this, since most of the BRICS USA, because in the changing
interests of developing countries. al trade in domestic currencies. countries are struggling with the times, the allegiance of these
WRWDNHFDUHRIWKHIDPLO\DVZHOO Significantly, at present countries like the C74DB0 However, India has moved towards problems of balance of payments, countries has shifted away from
1RZDGD\VLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRPDNHPHQWDOKHDOWKDSULRULW\7KH USA and Europe try to impose their con- settlement of international trade in this can help them to get rid of the America. On the other hand, the
PRPHQWZKHQDQLQGLYLGXDOWKLQNVWKH\GRQ·WKDYHWLPHWRWDNHFDUH ditions on developing countries. But at the rupees and has made significant imperative of dollars and the prob- influence of China has also
RIWKHPVHOYHVLVWKHH[DFWPRPHQWWKH\KDYHWRWDNHFDUHRIWKHP same time, developing countries are also progress in this regard with banks lems of balance of payments to a increased in the world and some
VHOYHV(YHU\LQGLYLGXDOGHVHUYHVWRIHHOJRRGDQGSULRULWLVHWKHLUZHOO striving to find solutions for themselves. of 19 countries opening Vostro great extent. Not only this, the eco- countries are also seen coming
EHLQJ 6XUURXQGLQJ \RXUVHOI ZLWK HQHUJ\ JLYHUV DQG QRW GUDLQHUV Recently, after the beginning of the accounts to accept rupee pay- nomic growth of these countries under the influence of China.
Russia-Ukraine conflict, Europe and the ments. However, developing coun- can also get a boost due to an Doubts are also being raised about
FKRRVLQJWKRVHZKRXSOLIWDQGLQVSLUHDQGVHWWLQJERXQGDULHVZLWK USA imposed sanctions on Russia, mean- tries at large have largely not been increase in mutual trade among how the BRICS grouping will be
QHJDWLYLW\DUHDIHZVWHSVWKDWFDQEHWDNHQIRUZDUGWRZDUGVVHOI ing thereby, Russia wouldn’t be able to (The writer is a able to achieve much success con- BRICS countries. It can be helpful able to work cohesively due to dif-
FDUH5HPHPEHUHYHU\VHDVRQKDVDSXUSRVH7KHXQNQRZQDQGXQID receive payments from the countries Professor, at PGDAV cerning international payments to a great extent in increasing ferent countries having different
PLOLDUPLJKWMXVWEHH[DFWO\ZKDWRQHQHHGV engaged in trade relations with Russia. In College, University of in domestic currencies. Talks on mutual relations and cooperation allegiances, with India and China
7KHZULWHULVDQHGXFDWRUYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO essence, they will be excluded from the Delhi) international payments in domes- among developing countries. having bitter relations.

adakh is both a loved for cattle and the dry waste is that waste management is gen- Rigzin Chondol, a sanitation challenges. These can manifest regions like West Bengal, Uttar

L and exploited tourist

destination in India.
The huge amount of
waste generated in
Leh during the peak months of
May and August can be attrib-
uted to the increasing attrac-
either burnt or buried. In
semi-urban areas, Project
Tsangda takes charge of keep-
ing the surroundings clean.
The project was started by the
Leh District administration
in 2017 for waste management
dered at multiple levels, both
in the homes and in the mar-
ket. Based on this insight, let's
explore the waste manage-
ment system in Choglamsar,
Ladakh from a gender stand-
point. A distinct gender-based
worker, shares that she is
proud of her work because she
is doing it in the service of the
community by making it clean
and habitable.
Despite the pride that they
associate with their work, the
as symptoms such as eye irri-
tation, itchiness, and respira-
tory issues akin to the com-
mon cold. Another issue that
women face is discrimination
about their regular engage-
ment with waste. Additionally,
Pradesh, Delhi, etc. The
administration has taken steps
to integrate informal workers
into the formal system under
the Swachh Bharat Mission.
However, it was not successful.
The situation of informal
tion of tourists to the region. in semi-urban areas. The term division of labour is evident women workers express the female workers have reported workers is even more concern-
During this time, Leh is bur- ‘Tsangda’ or ‘Stangda’ refers to within Project Tsangda's work- lack of sanitation facilities at experiencing rude behaviour ing, with no safety equipment,
dened with 16-18 tonnes of cleanliness in the Bothi/Bodhi force. Men collect the waste the MRF as a major challenge from male taxi drivers while regular pay, social security,
waste, which reduces to 3-4 (Ladakhi) language. Under from households and do the However, the pattern of gen- opportunities, as compared that they have to face daily. requesting that they dispose of sanitation facilities, and formal
tonnes during the lean season. this Project, waste is collected physically demanding work of der-based work allows one to to men. It is easier for men to Waste workers are susceptible waste properly. Some workers recognition.
The influx of tourists has also from households and brought loading and unloading. On the see the institutional nature of find higher-paying jobs in to various diseases due to the also experience mixed reac- When asked about their
restructured the economy and to the Material Recovery other hand, women are often this division. other sectors than women. nature of their work, despite tions and behaviours from needs by the people and
culture of the area. Facility (MRF) for segregation. burdened with more tedious The systematic gendering This becomes a major reason receiving early vaccination people. Lastly, the discussion administration, the women
To tackle this issue, the The project received a lot of and time-consuming labour, of waste management can be for women opting to work in and precautionary measures. on waste management cannot workers share the need to be
administration has initiated media attention and limelight, like street sweeping and waste observed in the fact that Project Tsangda. However, it is They often face difficulties be done only in the context of respected for their work. They
programs like Project Tsangda given its impact on waste sorting and segregation at the although all sanitation work- crucial to note that women wearing the provided kits as a formal waste management want the administration to
to manage waste sustainably. In treatment in Leh. However, MRF. While all the workers at ers are financially vulnerable sanitation workers cannot only they often feel congested. system. Parallel to this exists an issue them ID Cards, which
Ladakh, the waste manage- one aspect of the waste man- MRF are women, they are and lack formal education; be seen as the victims of the Given that Ladakh is a region informal economy of waste would provide them formal
ment in urban areas is the agement cycle that is often managed by two male super- women hold a different posi- society and economic system, characterized by a harsh and management in Choglamsar, recognition in society.
responsibility of the municipal overlooked is its gendered visors. One might assume that tion. Apart from being eco- who are pushed into this work. arid climate, the local inhabi- having more than 40 sanitation (Stanzin Dothon is a climate
committee; while in rural nature. this division of labour is based nomically vulnerable, women Many workers associate pride tants, including the workers, workers (commonly called as change activist from Ladakh;
areas, the wet waste is utilised It is widely established on one’s skills and preferences. have limited access to job with managing the waste. may encounter certain health ragpickers) from various Charkha Features)
=4F34;78k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!" f^a[S'

0?Q 70=>8 taking place,” Biden explained chuckled in response. Vietnam and other countries
last month about Vietnam. Earlier Sunday, Jon Finer, with similar ties to Russia to
resident Joe Biden opened “We have an opportunity, if Biden’s chief deputy national try to limit their interactions
P a brief visit to Vietnam on
Sunday by telling the country’s
we’re smart, to change the
dynamic.”Biden was welcomed
security adviser, said the elevat-
ed status represents Vietnam’s
with a nation the US accuses of
committing war crimes and
leadership that the two nations with a pomp-filled ceremony highest tier of international violating international law with 0?Q :H8E the Ukrainian military by iden-
have a chance to shape the outside the mustard-coloured partnership. its aggression in Ukraine. tifying key targets. A drone
Indo-Pacific for decades to Presidential Palace. Scores of “It’s important to make US trade with Vietnam ussian authorities on strike in the early hours of
come. Biden said he hoped
progress could be made on cli-
schoolchildren lined the steps
waving small US and Vietnam
clear that this is more than
words,” Finer told reporters
has already accelerated since
2019. But there are limits to
R Sunday reported multiple
attempts to sabotage voting in
Sunday destroyed one polling
station in the Zaporizhzhia
mate, the economy and other flags and Biden watched from aboard Biden’s flight to Hanoi. how much further it can local elections taking place in province, deputy chairman of
issues during his 24-hour visit. an elevated review stand as “In a system like Vietnam, it’s progress without improve- occupied areas of Ukraine. Russia’s Central Election
“Vietnam and the US are crit- high-stepping members of the a signal to their entire govern- ments to the country’s infra- Votes are taking place this Commission Nikolai Bulaev
ical partners at what I would military marched past. The ment, their entire bureaucracy structure, its workers’ skills and weekend in 79 regions of told reporters. He said no staff
argue is a very critical time,” president waved to the children about the depth and coopera- its governance. Nor has Russia, with ballots for gover- were at the station at the time
Biden told Nguyen Phu Trong, before he got into his limou- tion and alignment with increased trade automatically nors, regional legislatures, city of the attack.
general secretar y of the sine to go to Communist Party another country that is possi- put the Vietnamese economy and municipal councils, as well A Russian-appointed offi-
Communist Party of Vietnam, headquarters to meet with ble.”Finer noted a five-decade on an upward trajectory. as in the four Ukrainian regions cial in the neighbouring
during the public portion of Trong. arc in US-Vietnam relations, Commerce Secretary Gina Moscow annexed illegally last Kherson region said that a live
their meeting at party head- The president and Trong from conflict during the Raimondo said the CEOs she year — the Donetsk, Kherson, grenade was discovered on
quarters.Trong agreed that ignation to include China and and can choose its own part- expressed mutual happiness Vietnam War to normalisation talks with rank Vietnam high- Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia Saturday near a polling station
their meeting presented an Russia. Elevating the US to the ners. The president decided to over seeing each other again and Vietnam’s status as a top ly as a place to diversify sup- provinces — and on the there. Marina Zakharova said
“excellent opportunity“ to same status suggests that tack a visit to Vietnam on to his after last meeting some eight trading partner that also shares ply chains that before the pan- Crimean peninsula, which the the grenade was hidden in
expand bilateral ties. He Vietnam wants to hedge its trip to India for the Group of years ago in Washington, said Washington’s concerns over demic had been overly depen- Kremlin annexed in 2014. bushes outside the station, and
thanked Biden for inviting friendships as US and 20 summit that wrapped up Biden, who was vice president security in the South China dent on China. Raimondo has Balloting in the occupied that voting had to be halted
him to visit Washington soon. European companies look for Sunday. at the time. Trong sought to Sea. “We will be deepening that been trying to broaden those areas of Ukraine has been while emergency services dis-
Vietnam is elevating its alternatives to Chinese facto- With China’s economic flatter Biden, who faces persis- relationship through this visit,” supply chains through the denounced by Kyiv and the posed of it.
relationship with the US to the ries.\Biden, who arrived in slowdown and President Xi tent questions at home about he added.Finer also addressed Indo-Pacific Economic West as a sham and a violation Moscow has partially occu-
status of being a comprehen- Hanoi on Sunday afternoon, Jinping’s consolidation of polit- being 80 years old and running reports that Vietnam was pur- Framework, an initiative Biden of international law. pied Kherson and
sive strategic partner, which said last month at a fundrais- ical power, Biden sees an for reelection next year. suing a deal to buy weapons launched last year. Russian electoral officials Zaporizhzhia since early in
one of Biden’s top national er in Salt Lake City that opportunity to bring more “You have nary aged a from Russia, even as it sought “Whether it’s Vietnam or on Sunday reported attempts to the war. Ukrainian forces have
security advisers said repre- Vietnam doesn’t want a nations - including Vietnam day, and I would say you look deeper ties to the United States. Malaysia, Indonesia, India, sabotage voting in the occupied since retaken Kherson’s name-
sents Vietnam’s highest tier of defence alliance with the US, and Cambodia - into America’s even better than before,” Trong Finer acknowledged Vietnam’s companies are really taking a regions, where guerrilla forces sake local capital, and are press-
international partnership. “but they want relationships orbit.“We find ourselves in a said. “I would say every feature lengthy military relationship hard look at those countries as loyal to Kyiv had previously ing a counteroffensive in
Other countries that because they want China to situation where all of these of you Mr President is comple- with Russia and said the US places to do more business,” killed pro-Moscow officials, Zaporizhzhia that has been
Vietnam has extended the des- know that they’re not alone” changes around the world are menting your image.” Biden continues to work with Raimondo said. blown up bridges and helped making slow progress.

U^aRTbU^a\X[XcPahX]cTaeT]cX^]PUcTaR^d_ A AdbbXP]bcaXZTb
0?Q <>B2>F head of the Carnegie Russia are dated, their enormous size
Eurasia Centre. would offer the Russian mili-
fter a year and a half of Shoigu became the first tary a potential key lifeline
ZX[[!X]DZaPX]T fighting in Ukraine, Russia
needs to replenish its supplies
Russian defense chief to visit
North Korea since the 1991 col-
amid Europe’s largest land con-
flict since World War II.
0?Q 01D90 cles in countries like Ivory of ammunition for what could lapse of the Soviet Union. Hong Min, an analyst at 0?Q :H8E
Coast, Senegal and Benin for be a long war of attrition. Images of him at a massive Seoul’s Korea Institute for
iger’s new military leaders such an aggression, a claim that Along with ramping up its military parade in the capital of National Unification, said wo foreign aid workers were
N accused France of amass-
ing forces for a possible military
The Associated Press couldn’t
independently verify.
domestic arms production,
Moscow is turning to an old
Pyongyang in July, alongside
Kim and the medal-laden
Russia could seek to establish
North Korea as a “rear base” for
T reportedly killed in eastern
Ukraine on Sunday as Russian
intervention in the country “This is why the National ally with a vast arsenal — North Korean military brass, its war efforts, providing a shelling hit a van carrying a
following the coup in July. Council for the Protection of North Korea.Estimates say the was a strong sign of a vigorous massive flow of munitions. team of four working with a
French President Emmanuel the Fatherland and the transi- reclusive and isolated Asian effort by Moscow to reach out “Russia is hoping that Ukrainian NGO, while dozens
Macron said Sunday that he tional government launch a country has tens of millions of to the North. Shoigu said joint North Korea could swiftly of Russian drones targeted Kyiv
would only take action at the solemn appeal to the great artillery shells and rockets that military drills were possible. establish support channels to and wounded at least one civil-
demand of deposed Nigerien people of Niger to be vigilant could give a huge boost to the Asked about a possible provide it with war materials ian. The four volunteers from
leader Mohamed Bazoum. and never to demobilize until Russian army. visit by Kim and a deal that like ammunition, bombs and the Road to Relief NGO, which
Niger’s junta spokesman, the inevitable departure of United States officials would see North Korean arms other supplies,” Hong said. helps evacuate wounded people
Maj. Amadou Abdramane, said French troops from our terri- expect North Korean leader supplies to Russia, Kremlin The US said North Korea from front-line areas, were
that France is also considering tory,” he said. Kim Jong Un to visit Russia in spokesperson Dmitry Peskov sold some munitions to Russia’s trapped inside the van as it
collaborating in such an inter- “If we redeploy anything, it will the population — asking the French military spokesper- the coming days to seal a pos- refused to comment. private military contractor, flipped over and caught fire after
vention with the Economic only be at the demand of French ambassador and troops son Col. Pierre Gaudilliere, sible deal on munitions trans- But he emphasised that Wagner, in November. being struck by shells near the
Community of West African Bazoum and in coordination to leave — to shore up its sup- meanwhile, said Thursday that fer with President Vladimir Moscow cherishes ties with Both Russian and North town of Chasiv Yar, the organ-
States, a regional bloc known as with him, not with those peo- port in resistance to regional there is now “a little less” than Putin. That would be a remark- Pyongyang, adding: “North Korean officials have denied isation said on its Instagram
ECOWAS. ple who are holding a president and international pressure to its 1,500 troops in Niger who able reversal from the 1950-53 Korea is our neighbor, and we that Pyongyang has shipped page. Road to Relief said
“France continues to hostage,” he said. reinstate the president. had been working with Korean War, when the Soviet will further develop our rela- any weapons or munitions to Canadian Anthony Ihnat died
deploy its forces in several Macron, however, added The country had been a Nigerien security forces to beat Union provided the commu- tions without looking back at Russia or intends to do so. in the attack, while German
ECOWAS countries as part of that France “fully” supports the strategic partner of France and back the jihadi violence. All nist North with weapons and other countries’ opinion.” US officials have cast medical volunteer Ruben
preparations for an aggression position of ECOWAS, which the West in the fight against French activities have been ammunition. Kim made his first visit to Moscow’s reach for North Mawick and Swedish volunteer
against Niger,” Abdramane said has said it’s considering a mil- growing jihadi violence in the suspended since the coup, “We know that Russian Russia in 2019 and held talks Korean weapons as a reflection Johan Mathias Thyr were seri-
late Saturday in a statement itary intervention as an option conflict-ridden Sahel region, “therefore, declarations that Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu with Putin that included of Russian military problems. ously injured. Road to Relief
broadcast on state television. to reinstate Bazoum as presi- the arid expanse below the have been made (earlier by the has visited recently for artillery pledges of closer cooperation White House national added that it could not trace the
Macron said he wouldn’t dent. Since toppling Bazoum, Sahara Desert. French) are about exploring shells predominantly, and most but weren’t followed by any vis- security adviser Jake Sullivan whereabouts of the van’s fourth
directly respond to the junta’s the junta in Niger, a former The junta spokesman said what we’re going to do with likely that will be discussed ible breakthroughs. said the quality of North passenger, Emma Igual, a
claim when asked about it French colony, has leveraged that France has deployed mil- these capabilities,” Gaudilliere between Putin and Kim Jong While the bulk of the Korean weapons was an “open Spanish national who was the
after the Group of 20 summit. anti-French sentiment among itary aircraft and armored vehi- said. Un,” said Alexander Gabuev, Korean People’s Army arsenals question.” organisation’s director.

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hle United Nations special

reached a stalemate Syrian
government reclaimed large
swathes of lost territory with
ing to restart stalled talks to
reach a political settlement in
Syria — including Syrian gov-
SXbRaX\X]PcX^]QX[[ ?C8Q 2>;><1>
by a former Attorney General
that the whole attack was a con-
extremist group National
Thawheed Jamaat (NTJ) linked
T envoy for Syria Sunday
urged donors not to reduce
the help of its key allies in
Russia and Iran in recent years.
ernment representatives rewrit-
ing a constitution with a dele-
spiracy and there is a master- to ISIS carried out a series of their funding as the war-torn With international donor gation representing opposition
Washington (PTI): Scores of ri Lankan President Ranil mind behind the attacks. The devastating blasts that tore country’s economic crisis spi- support dwindling, UN agen- groups.Now with the econom-
Indian Americans held a peace-
ful protest rally in the State
S Wickremesinghe on Sunday
announced that he will appoint
two reports would then be
presented in parliament for
through three Catholic church-
es and as many luxury hotels
rals. Syrian President Bashar
Assad’s decision last month to
cies have been cutting pro-
grams due to budget cuts for
ic crisis and current revived
relations Syria has established
Capital of Sacramento urging a probe panel to investigate the final action. on April 21, 2019, killing near- double public sector wages years. with Arab countries — that led
California Governor Gavin allegations made by a British Sri Lanka’s Defence ly 270 people, including 11 and pensions further skyrock- The UN estimates that to restoring its membership to
Newsom to veto the anti-caste channel on the 2019 Easter ter- Ministry on Saturday defend- Indians, and injuring over 500. eted inflation and fuelled ongo- some 300,000 civilians died the Arab League which was
discrimination bill, recently ror attacks by an Islamist ed the country’s intelligence The attacks led to a signif- ing protests that shook the during the first decade of the suspended in 2011 for the gov-
passed by the State Assembly, extremist group on churches chief, saying it “vehemently icant political change in Sri southern Druze-majority uprising, while half of the pre- ernment’s brutal crackdown
which they asserted is discrim- and posh hotels that killed 270 denounces the accusation of Lanka. It emerged that the province of Sweida and nearby war population of 23 million on protesters — has renewed
inatory and targets the Indians people, including 11 orchestrating the attack and then authorities had ignored Daraa. were displaced. talks on ways to overcome the
in general and Hindus in partic- Indians.UK’s Channel 4 televi- assisting the bombers against a prior intelligence on the attack Initially sparked by deep- “The situation inside of political impasse.“For Syria
ular. sion station on Tuesday aired a Rajapaksa brothers. dedicated senior military offi- by Indian intelligence agencies. ening economic misery, angry Syria has become even worse without addressing the politi-
If signed into law by documentary titled ‘Sri Lanka’s On Sunday, an official cer who has served the nation Then President residents in greater numbers than it was economically dur- cal consequences of this crisis,
Governor Newsom, California Easter Bombings – Dispatches’ statement said a committee for 36 years.” Maithripala Sirisena and the began to call for the fall of ing the height of the conflict,” the deep economic crisis and
would become the first State in alleging the involvement and chaired by a retired Supreme The move came two days entire top police brass were Assad, similar to that of the UN special envoy for Syria, humanitarian suffering will
the United States and the first complicity of certain govern- Court judge would be appoint- after ousted former President ordered to pay compensation country’s 2011 uprising that Geir Pedersen, told reporters in also continue,” Pedersen said.
jurisdiction outside India to ment officials, including intel- ed to inquire into the allega- Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s denial of by court during a hearing of turned into an all-out civil Damascus following a meeting Syria’s ongoing talks with
outlaw discrimination based on ligence service chief Major tions that accused the country’s Major General Sallay’s involve- fundamental rights petitions war. The UN estimates that 90 with Syrian Foreign Minister the oil-rich kingdom of Saudi
caste. The legislation revises General Suresh Sallay, in intelligence chief of plotting the ment in the bombings and filed by the victims’ relatives. per ceny of Syrians in govern- Faisal Mekdad. Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt
California’s Unruh Civil Rights orchestrating the 2019 Easter 2019 Easter bombings. that he had benefited from the The head of the Catholic ment-held areas live in pover- “We cannot accept that to address refugees, the blos-
Act by adding caste as a protect- suicide bombings. Wickremesinghe also attacks to win the presidential minority Cardinal Malcolm ty and that over half the coun- funding for Syria is going down soming illegal amphetamine
ed category under “ancestry”. It called the attacks a “craft- pledged to appoint a parlia- election in November 2019. Ranjith has alleged that all try’s population struggles to put while the humanitarian needs Captagon, as well as the polit-
“We ask Governor Newsom ed act” aimed at forcing a mentary select committee to Nine suicide bombers investigations thus far have food on the table. As the con- are increasing,” Pedersen said. ical and humanitarian crisis,
to Veto SB403 so history political change in favour of the investigate allegations levelled belonging to the local Islamist been political cover-ups. flict, now in its 13th year, For years, the UN has been try- have been slow.
remembers that you said no to
discrimination against Indian
Americans and said no to racial-
ly profiling our community!”
Samir Kalra of the Hindu
?`UbQdY_^d_UhdbQSd1]UbYSQ^ 6PiPUP\X[XTbfPXcTSU^ahTPabc^\^eTX]c^]TfW^\Tb
American Foundation told the
gathering of Indian Americans
in front of the State Capitol in
bUcUQbSXUbVb_]SQfUQTfQ^SUc 0?Q 60I028CH said.A sputtering economy
weakened by an Israeli-
Sacramento on Saturday. 0?Q C0B4;8?;0C40D 03:24 local time (GMT+3). At sraeli fighter jets bombed the Egyptian blockade, Hamas’
Displaying posters and ban-
ners, the protestors, most of
CDAA:4H this stage, he will set out again
after resting and having the
Zorob family’s two-story
in the Gaza Strip in
international isolation and a
lack of funding from the
whom had gathered from vari- escue teams on Sunday in necessary treatments,” the 2019, leaving nothing but a pile fatigued international com-
ous parts of the State, urged the
Governor not to sign the bill into
R Turkey successfully carried
an American researcher up
Speleological Federation of
Turkey wrote on its official
of debris and despair.Four
years later, the 10-member
munity have all combined to
hinder reconstruction
law as this would end up in dis- from the depth of a cave at 1040 account on X, formerly known family lives in a 20-square- efforts.But looming behind all
crimination against the Hindu metres (3412.07 feet) to the as Twitter. metre (215-square-foot) hut of these problems has been the
community. Much worse is that 700-metre (2296.59 feet) mark Turkish authorities said covered with nylon sheets as ongoing rivalr y between
the bill amounts to racial profil- where he will rest at a base there are 190 personnel from they wait to move into a per- Hamas and the Palestinian
ing of the Hindu community, camp before they continue the eight countries taking part in manent home. Authority.In 2007, Hamas, an
they argued. taxing journey to the surface. the operation, 153 of them A sprawling housing pro- Islamic militant group that
Hindu American An experienced caver, doctors, paramedics and expe- search and rescue experts. The ject, part of a USD 500-million opposes Israel’s existence,
Foundation has said that it is Mark Dickey, 40, started vom- rienced cavers from across most challenging part of the Egyptian-funded renewal how to apply for one, as Gaza’s don’t care about us.” The seized control of Gaza from the
exploring every option to pro- iting on Sept 2 because of Europe rushing to help. rescue operation is widening effort in Gaza, has raised hopes Hamas rulers and the rival, Zorobs are among an estimat- PA a year after winning parlia-
tect the rights of Hindu stomach bleeding while on an They set up small medical the narrow cave passages to for hundreds of needy families internationally recognised ed 2,000 families, or roughly mentary elections.
Californians and is planning to expedition with a handful of base camps at various levels allow stretcher lines to pass like the Zorobs who have lost Palestinian Authority bicker 12,000 people, whose homes The violent takeover left
file a lawsuit against this. others in the Morca cave in along the shaft, providing through at low depths, Yusuf their homes in the conflict with over who will be in charge. “No have been destroyed in fight- the PA in control only of semi-
The bill was introduced by southern Turkey’s Taurus Dickey an opportunity to rest Ogrenecek of the speleological Israel.But weeks before the one cares,” said 31-year-old ing with Israel in recent years, autonomous areas of the
Senator Aisha Wahab, the first Mountains, one of the deepest during the slow and arduous federation previously said. spotless white buildings are set Mohammed Zorob, blaming according to Gaza’s Housing Israeli-occupied West Bank,
Muslim and Afghan-American in the world, according to extrication. The extraction is expected to be completed, there is no both sides for the delays. “They Ministry.An additional 90,000 even as it claims to be the legit-
woman elected to the state leg- experts. A rescue operation “Mark was delivered to the to take up to 10 days depend- word on who qualifies for the are sitting under air condition- people live in damaged homes imate international representa-
islature, in February. began Saturday afternoon with campsite at -700 metres as of ing on his condition. 1,400 apartments — or even ers with their children and they that have not been repaired, it tive of both areas.
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0?Q <>D;0H1A078<

he ground shook with a

their rubble sliding down hills.
“We felt a huge shake like
it was doomsday,” resident
implored Saturday. “Please save
us.” The town also is in need of
food and tents for people who
T force few had ever felt,
thundering through the remote
Ayoub Toudite said. “Ten sec-
onds and everything was gone.”
have no place to go but the
streets, he said. The bulk of the
Moroccan village in the dark of Others, like 19-year-old town’s economy depends on 0?Q 2>;><1> have this kind of a lead against trade — and China’s influence
night. When the earthquake student Abdelfattah El Akari, agriculture and tourism. Time Ibu (Ibrahim Mohamed — across Asia, Africa and
was over late Friday, the town said the quake felt much longer, will tell how soon visitors will aldivians will return to Solih),” said Azim Zahir, a Europe. Mohamed Shareef, a
car ved into the Atlas
Mountains lay in devastation,
seeming to go on more than a
minute. “The ground moved
return to a place that stood for
centuries. Moulay Brahim is
M the polls on Sept 30 to
vote in a runoff election
political science and interna-
tional relations lecturer at the
senior official for Muiz’s party,
told The Associated Press that
with possibly dozens dead, and homes cracked,” he said. named after a Moroccan Sufi between the top two candidates University of Western the removal of Indian military
scores of homes crumpled and Chaos and terror followed saint who practiced a form of in the country’s presidential Australia. “This is a major personnel was a “non-nego-
walls reduced to rubble. Soon as frightened villagers sought Islam valuing peace, love and race after neither secured more blow (to Solih) and one could tiable” position for the party.
crews were listening for desper- safety in the streets. When tolerance, emphasizing inward than 50% in the first round, the read it even as a rejection of his He said the number of Indian
ate sounds of life within the they returned to their neigh- meditation to reach a connec- elections commission said government,” said Zahir. troops and their activities are
ruins of Moulay Brahim. bourhoods, some used bare tion with God. The town’s peo- Sunday. Muiz had only three weeks hidden from Maldivians and
A village of fewer than hands to clear debris and start ple speak a combination of Main opposition candidate to campaign and did not have that they have near-exclusive
3,000 people, Moulay Brahim pulling out bodies, one after expectations with warnings tery. According to Islamic cus- Arabic and Tachelhit, Mohamed Muiz managed a the advantage of a sitting pres- use of certain ports and air-
attracted tourists and outdoor another. People gathered and that many areas remained too tom, burial should happen Morocco’s most widely spoken surprise lead with more than ident, Zahir said. He said ports in the country. Both
enthusiasts with its stunning cried outside a community fragile to enter while there quickly after death. indigenous language. 46% of votes, while the incum- Muiz’s strong stand against the India and China are vying for
vistas and proximity to health center as news trickled were still risks of aftershocks Distraught parents sobbed Hassan Ait Belhaj, who bent President Ibrahim presence of Indian troops in the influence in the small state
Marrakech. Streets brimmed in of more deaths. that could collapse whatever into phones to tell loved ones owns several rental properties Mohamed Solih, who was seen Maldives could have been a sig- made up of some 1,200 coral
with small hotels and cafes Search crews peered into remained standing. A minaret about losing their children. in Moulay Brahim, said the as the favourite, got only 39%. nificant factor in the election. islands in the Indian Ocean. It
overlooking gorges and green crevices looking for more casu- looming above Moulay Brahim Villagers erected a large tent in buildings weren’t designed for The election on Saturday has Solih is seeking a second lies on the main shipping route
valleys. But after the 6.8-mag- alties or people in need of res- was severely damaged and the square, traditionally used such violent quakes and won- shaped up as a virtual referen- term and is battling allegations between the East and the West.
nitude earthquake that killed cue following the biggest earth- appeared at risk of toppling if for joyous occasions like wed- dered how long it would take dum over which regional by Muiz that he had allowed Muiz seems to have taken
more than 2,000 across quake to hit the North African nudged by another tremor. dings. In the coming days, the for the area to recover. power — India or China — will India an unchecked presence in advantage of a split in Solih’s
Morocco, the scene in the vil- country in 120 years. The Hours after the tragedy, space will serve a much more The Moroccan military have the biggest influence in the country. Muiz promised Maldivian Democratic Party
lage is bleak. People in the poor majority of the deaths, at least with sunlight exposing the somber role as a shelter for deployed aircraft, helicopters the Indian Ocean archipelago that if he wins, he will remove that led Mohamed Nasheed, a
rural community about 45 2,012 as of Saturday night, extent of the damage, a proces- those who no longer have and drones. Emergency ser- state. The vote was to choose Indian troops stationed in the charismatic former president,
kilometers (28 miles) northeast were in Marrakech and five sion of hundreds accompa- homes. Toudite and other vil- vices mobilized aid efforts to the country’s fifth freely elect- Maldives and balance the coun- to break away and field his own
of the quake epicenter live in provinces near the epicenter, nied more than a dozen blan- lagers appealed for help. the hardest-hit areas, but roads ed president since Maldives try’s trade relations, which he candidate. Nasheed’s candi-
homes made of clay brick and with at least 2,059 more people ket-covered bodies to the town “People are suffering here leading to the mountain region became a multiparty democra- said are heavily in India’s date, Ilyas Labeeb, secured 7%
cinder block, many of which injured, including 1,404 criti- square. Men knelt on rugs and very much. We are in dire need around the epicenter were cy in 2008. Solih is perceived as favour. He however has of the vote. The “India Out”
are no longer standing or safe cally, the Interior Ministry prayed for the dead during a of ambulances. Please send us jammed with vehicles and pro-India, facing off against his promised to continue friendly campaign — spearheaded by
to inhabit. Fallen walls exposed reported. Authorities in brief funeral before carrying ambulances to Moulay Brahim. blocked with fallen rocks, slow- main rival Muiz, who is seen as and balanced relations with the Muiz’s party — has been ubiq-
the innards of damaged homes, Moulay Brahim tempered the deceased to a hillside ceme- The matter is urgent,” Toudite ing rescue efforts. pro-China. The result is seen a Maldives’ closest neighbour. uitous on social media in the
remarkable achievement for The People’s National runup to the election and

Muiz, who was only a late selec- Congress, Muiz’s party, is almost all candidates except
tion as a candidate by his party viewed as heavily pro-China. Solih adopted the “India vs the
after its leader, former While its leader Abdullah rest” rhetoric, said Zahir.

VKRRWRXWZLWKPLOLWDQWV President Abdullah Yameen, Yameen was president from Solih was widely credited

was blocked from running by 2013-2018, he made the with having brought stability to
the Supreme Court. He is serv- Maldives a part of China’s Belt the country and adeptly han-
Islamabad (AP): A Pakistani Pakistani soldiers and 12 mil- ing a prison term for corrup- and Road initiative. The initia- dling the COVID pandemic,
soldier was killed in an itants. Scores of trucks loaded tion and money laundering. tive envisages building ports, which was expected to help
overnight shootout with mili- with goods, many carrying “I did not expect Muiz to railways and roads to expand him gain support.
0?Q 208A> Sudan has been rocked by turned them into operational tants in the country’s north- perishable items including veg-
violence since mid-April, bases. The military responded west, near the border with etables and fruits, were still
drone attack Sunday on an when tensions between the by bombing residential areas, Afghanistan, the military said. lined up on both sides of the
A open market south of
Sudan’s capital, Khartoum,
country’s military, led by Gen.
Abdel Fattah Burhan, and the
rights groups and activists say.
In the western Darfur
A military statement late
Saturday said the shootout
Torkham border point Sunday,
waiting for the crossing to
killed at least 43 people, paramilitary Rapid Support region — the scene of a geno- took place in Mir Ali, a major reopen. Torkham witnessed
activists and a medical group Forces, commanded by Gen cidal campaign in the early town of North Waziristan that previous clashes in February
said, as the military and a Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, 2000s — the conflict has mor- served as a safe haven for mil- and the town remained closed
powerful rival paramilitary burst into open fighting. The phed into ethnic violence, itants for decades. It said the for several days after the two
group battle for control of the RSF blamed the military’s air with the RSF and allied Arab military had been searching for sides accused each other of try-
country. force for Sunday’s attack, militias attacking ethnic terrorists there. The shootout ing to build new posts along the
More than 55 others were though it was not immediate- African groups, according to took place days after Pakistan border. Ziaul Haq Sarhadi, a
wounded in the attack in ly possible to independently rights groups and the United closed the key northwestern senior official of Pakistan-
Khartoum’s May neighbour- verify the claim. Nations. The conflict has killed Torkham border crossing with Afghanistan Joint Chamber of
hood, where paramilitary Indiscriminate shelling and more than 4,000 people, Afghanistan after border Commerce and Industry, urged
forces battling the military airstrikes by both factions are according to August figures guards from the two sides authorities to prioritize solving
were heavily deployed, the not uncommon in Sudan’s from the United Nations. exchanged fire Wednesday. the border issue as traders
Sudan Doctors’ Union said in war, which has reduced the However, the real toll is almost Clashes that same day in the stand to lose millions of dollars
a statement. The causalities Greater Khartoum area to a certainly much higher, doctors northwestern Chitral district in perishable goods if Torkham
were taken to the Bashair battleground. and activists say. near the border killed four is not opened soon.
University Hospital for treat- The conflict has since The number of internally
ment. The Resistance
Committees, an activist group
spread to several parts of the
countr y. In the Greater
displaced persons has nearly
doubled since mid-April to DZi\Z]]VU&!Yfce
that helps organize humanitar-
ian assistance, posted footage
Khartoum area, which
includes the cities of
reach at least 7.1 million peo-
ple, according to the UN Z_SfdRTTZUV_eZ_
on social media showing bod-
ies wrapped in white sheets in
Khartoum, Omdurman and
Bahri, RSF troops have com-
refugee agency. Another 1.1
million are refugees in neigh- AR\ZdeR_¶dAf_[RS
an open yard at the hospital. mandeered civilian homes and bouring countries. Lahore (PTI): An overloaded
speeding bus carrying Christian

pilgrims for a religious gather-
ing overturned while taking a
turn in Pakistan’s Punjab
province on Sunday, killing at

least six people and injuring 50
The accident took place in
Sheikhupura, some 50 km from
?C8Q ;07>A4 the roof of a house under thrown the pages in the street. Lahore. According to rescue
which they were found. I However, only Kiran and her officials, the bus was carrying
Pakistani Christian couple knocked on the door and a husband have been booked
A has been arrested on blas-
phemy charges after ‘torn pages
woman named Kiran Masih
opened the door. I showed her
under 295 B of PPC,” he said.
A police source told PTI
Christian pilgrims to the reli-
gious gathering at the National
Marian Shrine in Mariamabad
of Quran’ were recovered from the torn pages of the Quran to that Shaukat Masih was not at when it overturned while tak-
the rooftop of their house and her. She responded that her home when the complainant ing a turn at Khanka Dogran,
in the street in Lahore, police minor daughters — Sundas accused Kiran of blasphemy on Shiekhupura.
said on Sunday. The couple — and Rubi, and son Sabir — Friday midnight. He said that Police and rescue officials
Shaukat Masih and Kiran might have thrown the pages. when complainant Taimur reached the spot and shifted the
Masih — are facing life impris- Taimur went to the rooftop of accused the Christian family, injured to the hospital. They
onment as they have been the house and found a pink the area people gathered there said that six passengers died on
booked under section 295-B of colour bag with more pages of and police were called in which the spot while the condition of
the Pakistan Penal Code (PPP) the Quran,” the FIR says. controlled the situation and five is stated to be critical. The
which carries a life sentence for The complainant then immediately arrested Kiran. officials said the bus carrying 60
the desecration of the holy informed the police on the Shaukat Masih was arrested passengers was overloaded.
book. emergency number after which later in the day, he said. They said that the driver
The case has been regis- the North Cantonment police Last month, a mob of over lost control of the speeding
tered against the Christian cou- Station reached and arrested 6,000 led by the radical Islamist vehicle while negotiating a turn.
ple of Docage Town, Rangers the suspects. Police officer party, Tehreek-i-Labbaik Punjab’s caretaker chief minis-
Headquarters, Harbanspura Mahmood Ahmad told PTI on Pakistan (TLP), attacked scores ter Mohsin Naqvi expressed
Lahore on the complaint of a Sunday that the police regis- of churches and houses of grief over the loss of life in the
Muslim man, Mohammad tered the blasphemy case Christians over blasphemy alle- accident and directed health
Taimur, of the same area. against the Christian couple gations in Jaranwala town of authorities to provide the best
According to the FIR, Taimur after the “torn pages of holy Faisalabad district, 130 km treatment to the injured. The
said he was standing at a food Quran” were found at their from Punjab’s provincial capi- National Marian Shrine in
shop of Docage Town Street on home and in the street. tal Lahore. At least 21 church- Mariamabad has been the site
Friday when he found some “The couple’s three chil- es and 86 homes of Christians of an annual pilgrimage for the
pages of the Muslim holy book dren could have also been were burnt down by the violent feast of the Nativity of Mary
there. “It appeared that the booked after their mother mob, however, no casualties since 1949. Mariamabad is also
pages had been thrown from alleged that they might have were reported. known as the ‘City of Mary.’

0?Q 10=HDF0=68 bat exercises in Banyuwangi, a US Army’s 25th Infantry Chinese coast guard vessels and
coastal district in East Java Division, told The Associated fishing boats in the area have
housands of soldiers from province which began Press in an interview Saturday unnerved Jakarta, prompting
T the United States, Indonesia,
Australia and other allied forces
September 1. It will include live-
fire drills. It was the first time
that the introduction of armor
capability in the large-scale
Indonesia’s navy to conduct a
large drill in July 2020 in waters
demonstrated their armour Australia deployed battle tanks drills would give the allied around Natuna. Evans refused to
capabilities on Sunday in com- outside its territory since the forces and defense partners a comment on China’s long-stand-
bat drills on the Indonesian Vietnam war. The Garuda chance to test their weaponry in ing opposition to US-led mili-
island of Java at a time of Shield drills have been held combat training as they finetune tary drills in Asia.
increased Chinese aggression in annually between American their military readiness. Garuda Asked whether there are
the region. and Indonesian soldiers since Shield is being held in several plans by the US military to carry
President Joe Biden’s 2009. Last year’s participants — places, including in waters out jointnaval patrols with allies
administration has been Australia, Japan and Singapore around Natuna at the southern like Japan and the Philippines in
strengthening an arc of military — joined again Sunday and the portion of the South China or near contested waters, Evans
alliances in the Indo-Pacific to list expanded to include the Sea. Indonesia and China enjoy said that “it is important that we
reassure allies alarmed by United Kingdom and France generally positive ties, but maintain a continuous engage-
Beijing’s increasingly provoca- bringing the total number of Jakarta has expressed concern ment with our regional partners
tive actions in the disputed troops taking part in the drills about what it sees as Chinese and allies from a military per-
South China Sea, which has to 5,000. China sees the expand- encroachment on its exclusive spective, because, that, again,
become a battleground for US- ed drills as a threat, accusing the economic zone in the South enhances our overall readiness.”
Chinese rivalries. During the US of building an Indo-Pacific China Sea. The edge of the “I think it continues to show
drills, Australian forces alliance similar to NATO to exclusive economic zone over- a sign of our commitment to
deployed five M1A1 Abrams limit China’s growing military laps with Beijing’s unilaterally regional partners and allies,” said
battle tanks and the Indonesian and diplomatic influence in the declared “nine-dash line” Evans, who is also Senior
military, deployed two Leopard- region. Maj Gen Marcus Evans, demarking its claims there. Commander of US Army
2 tanks for the two-week com- Commanding General of the Increased activities by Hawaii.
=4F34;78k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!"


RWeVcUZdTfddZ`_dhZeY_ReZ`_d+@WWZTZR] DWPRGHVWVD\V)0 ?C8Q =4F34;78 vice payments' (both principal
and interest) to 'external cur-
?C8Q =4F34;78 “bare minimum” regulation tems, unlike that in the stock rent receipts', which indicates

ndia will decide on imple-

that the IMF-FSB paper has
market.” The purpose of regu-
lation is that the risk is well
I2023ndia's external debt of USD
624.7 billion at March-end
with a debt-service ratio
the extent of pre-emption of
forex reserves for the purpos-
menting cryptocurrency reg-
after extensive dis-
“If you want to ban it
(cryptocurrency), go ahead
managed. Any country which
feels they have more risk can
of 5.3 per cent is within the
comfort zone and modest from
es of repayment of principal
and interest out of the stock of
cussions with other countries, and ban it. But if the rest of the make their regulation more a cross-country perspective, foreign debt.
a senior official said on Sunday, countries are not banning it, it restrictive,” the official said, Finance Minister Nirmala The increase in gross exter-
virtually ruling out a ban on will be extremely difficult for adding if all countries agree on Sitharaman has said. nal debt service payments dur-
such assets. one country to ban it. Now that the same regulation there will In her foreword to 'India's Middle-Income Countries ing 2022-23 was due to the
Ahead of G20 leaders' discussion, we have to take up be no arbitrage. External Debt: A Status Report (LMICs) as measured by select combined impact of an
summit, the IMF and the and try to build a consensus on The IMF-FSB in its paper 2022-23' released earlier this vulnerability indicators, such as increase in debt service pay-
Financial Stability Board (FSB) regulation. Then we gradually had said that its proposed reg- month, Sitharaman said the share of short-term debt in total ments under commercial bor-
had last week made a strong decide on our own system. The ulation apply the principle of ratio of external debt to GDP external debt, external debt to rowings, including through
case for a coordinated global official said. “Now G20 leaders take a call,” the official said. discussion will happen now in “same activity, same risk, same declined to 18.9 per cent at GNI (Gross National Income), multilateral and bilateral
policy action to deal with risks have endorsed it (FSB recom- India has been pressing for our system. It is not an easy regulation”, establish a mini- March-end 2022-23 from 20 forex reserves to external debt sources (16.7 per cent), exter-
posed by cryptocurrencies and mendations) and now minis- a global regulation on cryp- one,” the official said. mum baseline that jurisdictions per cent a year ago. and external debt to exports,” nal assistance (17.2 per cent)
said that there should not be ters and governments will dis- tocurrencies to tackle tax eva- The fourth meeting of G20 should meet, and aim to The long-term debt con- the minister noted. and an increase under NRI
any blanket ban. cuss it and take it forward. We sion and round tripping of finance ministers and central address the set of issues com- stituted 79.4 per cent of total The report said the debt deposits (31.7 per cent), the
The IMF-FSB recommen- expect a lot of discussion to funds. India's central bank RBI bank governors is scheduled to mon across majority of juris- external debt, while short-term service ratio during 2022-23 report said.
dations laid out a “roadmap” happen on how to implement has been asked for a complete take place in Marrakech, dictions. debt, which is 20.6 per cent of has increased marginally to India's external debt at
and suggested “bare minimum” it faster, swifter and in a com- ban on cryptocurrencies, like Morocco, on the sidelines of the The New Delhi declaration the total external borrowing, is 5.3 per cent from 5.2 per cent USD 624.7 billion as of March-
regulations that every country prehensive manner. Bitcoin and Ether, saying they 2023 annual meetings of World issued at the end of the first day basically incurred to finance during the previous year, main- end 2023 is marginally higher
should have on cryptocurren- We have a good framework are akin to gambling. Bank and IMF from October 9- of G20 leaders' summit had imports, enhancing the stabil- ly due to a rise in debt service by 0.9 per cent or USD 5.6 bil-
cies. If any country wants to to decide our own way forward. The official said it would be 15. The official said there are said that the countries will ity aspects of the total external payments from USD 41.6 bil- lion over the previous year.
have a more stricter regulation, The foundation is ready, difficult for one country to ban risks associated with cryp- continue to closely monitor the debt, she said. “From a cross- lion in 2021-22 to USD 49.2 Foreign exchange reserves cov-
it can frame a more restrictive beyond that how much we cryptocurrencies and globally tocurrencies as there are the risks of fast-paced develop- country perspective, India's billion in 2022-23. The 'debt ered 92.6 per cent of the exter-
regulation depending on the want to go it is for us to decide a consensus has to be reached same set of entities who act as ments in the cryptoasset external debt position is better service ratio' is measured by the nal debt at March-end 2023, it
risk it sees from cryptos, the in coming months and then that all countries follow the depository and clearing sys- ecosystem. than most of the Low and proportion of 'gross debt ser- added.

A18)5aXRcX^][TbbRaTSXcX]XcXPcXeTb[PbWTb :_UZRdXc`heYe`SV_VWZeWc`^2dZRd 3Z`WfV]R]]ZR_TVTR_

^_TaPcX^]P[R^bcbU^a[T]STabQh& ^R_fWRTefcZ_X+6T`_`^Zde8c`fa XV_VcReV&!!S_
?C8Q <D<108 tionless credit to farmers has customer acquisition with this ?C8Q =4F34;78 ine some of the world's most
helped reduce operational costs model of lending. The platform pressing issues. Economist
he frictionless credit initia- for lenders by more than 70 per was created by the Reserve ndia is well placed to bene- Impact uses a range of method-
T tive being piloted by the
Reserve Bank is helping lenders
cent, while for the farmer, the
saving is 6 per cent of the loan
Bank Innovation Hub, an inde-
pendent subsidiary of the cen-
fit from geopolitical and eco-
trends that are driving
ologies to conduct original
research, which powers fresh
slash their customer acquisition amount, Ajay Kumar tral bank, enabling seamless the diversification of Asia's content to inform and engage
cost by a whopping 70 per Choudhary, an executive direc- flow of necessary information to manufacturing supply chain, target audiences. In a recent
cent, while for borrowers the tor and head of the fintech lenders. This in turn will help in and it is also the country's interaction before the G20
saving is 6 per cent of the loan department at the RBI, said here disbursing frictionless credit. “manufacturing moment”, Summit, Upasana Dutt said
amount, a senior central bank over the weekend while address- On April 17, the RBI rolled according to The Economist India is emerging to take a
official has said. ing the three-day global fintech out a pilot project for pure retail Group. to boost domestic manufac- stronger position on the glob-
The pilot started with an festival. products such as kisan credit While emphasising that turing activities in different sec- al stage.
all-digital KCC (kisan credit Moreover, there is massive card loans up to Rs 1.6 lakh per India has a strong growth story, tors.Last month, Economist “This transformative
card) lending, developed by savings in opportunity cost, as borrower, dairy loans, un-col- Upasana Dutt, Head of India at Impact, which is an official development signifies a depar-
the RBI Innovation Hub on the earlier a farmer had to make six lateralised MSME loans, per- The Economist Group, also network partner to the B20, ture from convention; it
public tech platform, in Tamil to eight weekly rounds to the sonal loans, and home loans, in said that policy reforms are hosted a forum in the nation- endows us with the opportu-
Nadu and Madhya Pradesh this bank which has come down to Madhya Pradesh and Tamil making it easier to do business al capital on 'Navigating new nity to exert substantial influ-
April. a maximum of 0 minutes now, Nadu. in the country. India is the globalisation, innovation for ence over global discourse,” she
The pilot has been extend- Choudhary said. The platform is an open world's fastest-growing major progress'. said and added that supply
ed to four more states — Choudhary further said this architecture, based on open economy and clocked a growth Economist Impact is a divi- chain restructuring and glob- ?C8Q =4F34;78 of renewable energy in their
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, has also reduced traditional application programming inter- of 7.8 per cent in the June quar- sion of The Economist Group. al investment in resources that energy mix. India significant-
Karnataka, Gujarat (for dairy charges that banks used to levy faces (APIs) and standards plat- ter. The government has also It works with various partners, are critical to future industries iofuel alliance can generate ly increased its share of renew-
farmers) from August 17 this
year. The pilot launch of the
from borrowers, as with all
documents available digitally,
form where all financial sector
players can connect seamlessly
come out with various initia-
tives, including Production
including major multinationals,
multilateral institutions and
as well as the green transition
will create opportunities for
B opportunities worth USD
500 billion in the next three
able energy in the overall ener-
gy mix and grew at a CAGR of
public tech platform for fric- there is effectively no cost in in a plug and play model. Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes private foundations, to exam- countries like India. years for G20 countries, roughly 22 per cent in the last
according to Indian Biogas six years.
Association (IBA). India has ramped-up solar

=TcP]hPWdWPX[b8]SXP<XSS[T4Pbc A18c^bcPac2T]caP[1P]Z Biofuel alliance can be a

win-win situation for G20
countries and the environ-
energy 20-fold in the last
decade. During this period,
solar energy and wind energy

4da^_T4R^]^\XR2^aaXS^a 3XVXcP[2daaT]Rh_X[^cU^a
ment, IBA said. According to a roughly grew at a CAGR of 38
study by the IBA, the biofuel per cent and 30 per cent,
alliance can generate opportu- respectively.

nities worth USD 500 billion in It stated that an initial
8<42[PaVTbc an ambitious project launched
by Chinese President Xi
the next three years for G20
investment of USD 100 billion
in financial support will be
R^^_TaPcX^]_a^YTRc Jinping, which has also drawn
criticism about its debt sus- New Delhi: The Reserve Bank
The findings of the study
assume significance as India is
required to trigger the biofuel
industry, five billion for each
X]WXbc^ah)8baPT[?< tainability, especially from is likely to launch the pilot of currently hosting the G20 lead- G20 partner in the next three

smaller countries. Central Bank Digital Currency ers' Summit in New Delhi. years.
Xi unveiled the BRI in (CBDC) for transactions for Biogas can generate an oppor- This anchor investment
?C8Q 94ADB0;4< 2013 with an aim to link China, interbank borrowing or call tunity of USD 200 billion, con- will have further multiplier

ailing the announcement

the global manufacturing giant,
with Southeast Asia, Central
money market by October,
central bank Executive Director
C ";RRaXX]\
\PaZTc sidering the least investment
required, compared to other
effects on private investments
and the production of biofuels,
H of the ambitious India-
Middle East-Europe Economic
Arabia, the UAE and the
European Union, as well as
Asia, the Gulf region, Africa
and Europe with a network of
Ajay Kumar Choudhary said
on Sunday.
7352 energy generation options and
easy availability of raw materi-
especially biogas. Creating a
favorable regulatory environ-
Corridor (IMEC) as a “major
news” for Israelis, Prime
France, Italy and Germany,”
Netanyahu said. “A good week
land and sea routes. The
announcement of the IMEC
The pilot of the wholesale
CBDC, known as the Digital 1P]ZQQXVVTbcVVPX]Ta als, it stated.
Bioenergy/Biogas, in prin-
ment in the G20 countries and
sharing technological advance-
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to you, citizens of Israel. This comes amid discussions Rupee-Wholesale (e-W), was HSBC — for its pilot project for ciple, has the potential to ments will be key to the success
has said the “largest coopera- evening, I am pleased to inform around the normalisation of launched on November 1, wholesale CBDC. Besides, the ?C8Q =4F34;78 replace fossil fuels completely, of this biofuel alliance, it stat-
tion project in our history” will you (of) some major news,” the ties between Israel and Saudi 2022, with the use case being central bank has already rolled especially to decarbonize the ed. Promoting international
change the face of the Middle Israeli Prime Minister said. Arabia. limited to the settlement of sec- out a pilot in the retail version he combined market valu- transport sector, it pointed out. cooperation through best prac-
East, Israel, and will benefit the
entire world.
His message came as hun-
dreds of thousands of Israelis
The two countries do not
have diplomatic relations but
ondary market transactions in
government securities.
of the CBDC (e-R) on
December 1, 2022. The e-R is
T ation of the top 10 valued
firms climbed Rs 1.30 lakh
In 2016, the G20 adopted a vol-
untary action plan on renew-
tices followed across G20
nations will be key to the suc-
The new economic corri- protested on the streets against the Gulf kingdom has been “The RBI will introduce in the form of a digital token crore last week, with HDFC able energy, which committed cess of biofuel alliance, it
dor, which many see as an alter- the government's judicial over- seen to be recently softening its the wholesale CBDC in the call that represents legal tender. Bank emerging as the biggest members to increase the share opined.
native to China's controversial haul plan they think will under- position towards Israel by market either this month or It is being issued in the gainer amid an overall positive

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), mine the authority of the judi- allowing Israeli airlines to use next month,” Choudhary said same denominations as the trend in equities. Last week, the
was jointly announced on ciary. its air space. It is said to have on the sidelines of the G20 paper currency and coins. It is BSE benchmark jumped 878.4
Saturday by the leaders of the “Israel is at the focus of an also demanded, as per media Leaders' Summit here. being distributed through points or 1.34 per cent.
US, India, Saudi Arabia, the unprecedented international reports, several concessions The introduction of financial intermediaries like The market valuation of

United Arab Emirates, France, project that will link infra- from the United States for the CBDC was announced in the banks. Users can transact with HDFC Bank jumped by Rs
Germany, Italy and the structure from Asia to Europe. normalisation of ties with the Union Budget 2022-23 by e-R through a digital wallet 37,262.86 crore to Rs
European Union on the side- This link will also realise a Jewish state, some very con- Finance Minister Nirmala offered by the participating 12,30,015.05 crore, the most
lines of the G20 summit in New multi-year vision that will tentious ones. Sitharaman and necessary banks. among the top 10 firms.

Delhi. change the face of the Middle “They announced the amendments to the relevant The RBI is showcasing var- Reliance Industries added Rs
In a video message released East, and Israel, and will affect launch of a pioneering initiative section of the RBI Act, 1934, ious digital initiatives in the 24,356.24 crore taking its val-
late Saturday evening, the entire world,” he said. to develop an economic corri- were made with the passage of financial sector at the exhibi- uation to Rs 16,56,934.23 crore.
Netanyahu said that Israel is at “This vision starts in India, dor from India, through the the Finance Bill 2022. tion pavilion during the G20 The valuation of Tata
the focus of an unprecedented passes through the United Arab Middle East, to Europe. I am The RBI picked nine banks Summit. These include Public Consultancy Services (TCS)
international project that will Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, pleased to inform you, citizens —State Bank of India, Bank of Tech Platform (PTP) for rallied Rs 23,436.22 crore to Rs New Delhi: The National
link infrastructure from Asia to Jordan and Israel before reach- of Israel, that our country, the Baroda, Union Bank of India, Frictionless Credit, CBDC, UPI 12,59,902.86 crore and that of Company Law Appellate
Europe. “I welcome the state- ing Europe,” Netanyahu said. State of Israel, will be a central HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, One World, RuPay On-The-Go State Bank of India zoomed Rs Tribunal has dismissed an
ment that was released today by The initiative is seen as a junction in this economic cor- Kotak Mahindra Bank, YES and Bharat Bill Payment 12,271.34 crore to Rs operational creditor's petition
the United States, India, Saudi potential alternative to the BRI, ridor,” Netanyahu said. Bank, IDFC First Bank and System. PTI 5,20,706.48 crore. to initiate insolvency proceed-
ings against Wipro Ltd.
A two-member Chennai

bench of the appellate tribunal
held earlier that there was a
pre-existing dispute over the Panels' before the appellate
payment between Wipro and body NCLAT. However, the
?C8Q =4F34;78 kets, she said. Observing that new Global Sovereign Debt expect that something will the petitioner and observed NCLAT also dismissed it after
global recovery from the Roundtable,” she said. come out.” This is one of the that the Insolvency and observing, “We are satisfied
MF Managing Director Covid-19 pandemic is slow To make the global econ- priorities under the India Bankruptcy Code was not that a ‘dispute' truly existed for
Kristalina Georgieva on
said global recovery is
and uneven, she said, all coun-
tries should pursue sound poli-
omy stronger and more
resilient in a more shock-prone
Presidency and quota reforms
agenda is expected to come up
framed for being a “mere
recovery legislation for credi-
the Respondent Company
(Wipro) to have withheld 3 per
slow and uneven and under- cies to support economic and world, she said, it is vital to in Marrakesh, Morocco meet- tors”. cent of the total invoice
scored the need to pursue financial stability and growth- reach an agreement to increase ing of the finance ministers and The National Company amount”.
sound policies for financial oriented structural reforms IMF's quota resources before Central Bank Governors next Law Appellate Tribunal Under the IBC, the insol-
stability and growth-oriented against this background. the end of the year and secure month, the official said. (NCLAT) has upheld the order vency process against any cor-
structural reforms. This is especially important the needed resources for the To build a prosperous of the NCLT. Earlier, the porate debtor is generally ini-
Speaking at G20 Leaders' in emerging and developing Fund's interest-free support to future, Georgieva said the Bengaluru Bench of the tiated only in clear cases where
Summit here, Georgieva said, countries, where such reforms the poorest countries through world needs to harness the National Company Law a real dispute between the par-
G20 members must lead by can boost output by up to 8 per the Poverty Reduction and potential of digital technology Tribunal (NCLT), on January ties as to the debt owed did not
example in delivering on the cent over 4 years, she said. “We Growth Trust. and India's achievement in 16, 2020, dismissed the plea by exist. The dispute is related to
promises of USD 100 billion (IMF) has secured over USD 40 mobilize domestic resources to also need to further invest in During the India developing top-tier digital pub- Tricolite Electrical Industries in the supply of goods for a gov-
per year for climate finance, billion to support vulnerable finance and manage the green international cooperation. This Presidency a, lot of work has lic infrastructure (DPI) stands the capacity of operational ernment project implemented
supported by strengthening countries through its Resilience transition through tax reforms, implies swiftly addressing debt been done on MDB reforms, a as a beacon for others. “More creditor. The order was chal- by Wipro, where it was award-
Multilateral Development and Sustainability Trust (RST) effective and efficient public problems where they arise, government official said, work lies ahead, including in lenged by the Delhi-based ed the work of design, manu-
Banks (MDBs). The to build climate resilience, she spending, strong fiscal institu- including through the G20 adding, “quota reforms are the realm of digital money operational creditor, a manu- facture, supply and installation
International Monetary Fund said. Countries also need to tions, and deep local debt mar- Common Framework and the under discussion and we do and crypto assets. facturer of 'LT/ HT Electric of MV Panels. PTI
=4F34;78k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!"

sary of when the 1973 U.S. Gauff only needed 13 winners
Open became the first major to accumulate 83 points.
sports event to pay women and “Sometimes, I can get emo-

0ah]PBPQP[T]ZP!%%" men equal prize money; the

person who led that effort, Hall
of Fame player and rights advo-
tional,” Sabalenka said. “Today
on the court, I was overthink-
ing and I was missing ... Balls
%!X]cWaX[[X]VUX]P[\PcRW cate Billie Jean King, was on
hand Saturday.
“Thank you, Billie," Gauff
I shouldn't be missing.”
When Sabalenka has
everything calibrated just right,
said, "for fighting for this.” it's difficult for any foe to han-
?C8■ =4FH>A: Sabalenka in the final at Arthur Sabalenka came in 23-2 at dle it — even someone as
Ashe Stadium, delighting a majors in 2023, including a title speedy, smart and instinctive as
oco Gauff is still a raucous crowd that backed her at the Australian Open. The 25- Gauff, whose get-to-every-ball

C teenager, after all, and so

it should surprise no
one that she was on her phone
from start to finish.
When Gauff walked into
her news conference — phone
year-old from Belarus already
was assured of rising from No.
2 to No. 1 in the rankings next
court coverage kept points
Sabalenka credited Gauff 's
in the locker room, scrolling in hand, of course — she week (Gauff will be No. 3 in superb defense — “definitely,
through social media, right up noticed that a large screen on singles, No. 1 in doubles). she was moving just unbeliev-
until 10 minutes before head- the back wall was rotating pic- That ranking milestone is able” and "I always had to play
ing out on court for the U.S. tures of her from the match. So “why I'm not super depressed like an extra ball" — but also
Open final. she tucked her new silver tro- right now,” Sabalenka said, thought many mistakes were
What the 19-year-old from phy under one arm and used then joked: “I'm definitely “more about me than her. I lost
Florida was reading, she would the other hand to snap a selfie going to be. I'm definitely this match.”
say later, were various com- with those photos in the back- going for a drink tonight — if When Sabalenka was on-
ments, negative ones, “saying I ground. I'm allowed to say that.” target early, she dominated.
wasn't going to win today; that “Right now I'm just feeling She was reduced to the role During a four-game run to
just put the fire in me.” happiness and a very, very of foil by the fans in 23,000- close the opening set, one
As a pro athlete from a small bit of relief,” she capacity arena. Setting the tone, thrilling point had the audience
young age, as someone of explained. “Because honestly, at Gauff 's pre-match TV inter- making noise before it was
whom greatness has been this point, I was doing it for view, shown in the arena, was over. Gauff scrambled to get
expected by some and doubt- myself and not for other peo- including former President trophy, and I watched her the did it Saturday by withstanding for Gauff. Didn't take long for drowned out by the sound of Sabalenka's strokes back,
ed by others, Gauff has always ple.” Barack Obama, who was whole time," Gauff recalled. "I the power displayed by her to close it out, then drop to applause and yells reverberat- including somehow deflecting
taken it all in and kept moving Gauff, who is from Florida, among those sending congrat- said, I'm not going to take my Sabalenka on nearly every her back on the court, before ing off the closed retractable a booming overhead, before a
forward, trying to learn from is the first American teenager ulatory wishes on Saturday. eyes off her, because I want to swing of her racket, eventual- climbing into the stands to find roof. second, unreachable overhead
each setback. to win the country's major Gauff burst onto the scene feel what that felt like for her.'” ly getting accustomed to it her parents. Winners by Gauff were bounced into the seats.
And now, at a tournament tennis tournament since Serena at 15 by becoming the youngest Another down moment and managing to get back shot “You did it!” Gauff 's mom celebrated as if the match were Sabalenka raised her left
she used to visit as a kid to see Williams in 1999. If last year's qualifier in Wimbledon histo- came this July at the All after shot. told her, both in tears. over. So were Sabalenka's mis- hand and wagged her fingers,
her idols, Serena and Venus U.S. Open was all about saying ry and making it to the fourth England Club, where she exit- Gauff broke to begin the In addition to her trophy, cues. When Sabalenka heard telling spectators to give her
Williams, Gauff is a Grand goodbye to Williams as she round in her Grand Slam debut ed in the first round. Since third set on one such point, Gauff was handed an envelope cheers during the post-match some love.
Slam champion herself and a competed for the final time, in 2019. She reached her initial then, she has won 18 of 19 tracking down every ball hit with the champion's $3 million ceremony, she joked: “You guys But soon, Gauff was play-
certified star. this year's two weeks in New major final at last year's French matches, and now 12 in a row, her way until eventually smack- paycheck, the same amount could have supported (me) ing better, Sabalenka was off-
Setting aside a so-so start York turned into a “Welcome to Open, finishing as the runner- while working with a new ing a putaway volley that she Novak Djokovic or Daniil like this during the match.” target more, and the love was
Saturday, Gauff surged to a 2- the big time!” moment for up to Iga Swiatek, a loss that coaching pair of Brad Gilbert punctuated with a fist pump Medvedev will get after the By the end, she had 46 being showered only on one of
6, 6-3, 6-2 victory over the Gauff. Famous people were stung. and Pere Riba. and a scream of “Come on!” men's final Sunday. unforced errors, Gauff 19. them, the sport's newest Grand
soon-to-be-No. 1 Ar yna coming to watch her play, “I watched Iga lift up that The No. 6-seeded Gauff Soon it was 4-0 in that set This is the 50th anniver- Here's another way to view it: Slam champion.

<P]YdfX]bV^[STPa]b =^<TbbX]^_a^Q[T\)2P\_P]P
²QTbcf^\P]Q^gTa³cXc[T bR^aTbcfXRTU^a8]cTa<XP\X
?C8■ =4F34;78 narrowly went down in the 0?■ 5>AC;0D34A30;4 with the team. Miami was win- Spanish. “We are capable of
final to Sweden's Hadi Hadrous 5;>A830 less in 11 straight before Messi's winning any type of match.
anju Rani outpunched 1-2. debut on July 21. That said — for a group of play-
M Afghanistan's Sadia
Bromand 3-0 in the final as
In the men's 63kg catego-
ry, Manish Kaushik dominat- W ith Lionel Messi out of
the lineup to play in a
“Like I said (Friday), Leo's
absence was going to be felt,”
ers which works very hard and
are teammates of the best play-
India finished with nine gold ed his bout, triumphing over pair of World Cup qualifiers for Campana said in Spanish. “But er in the world, when he does-
and a sliver medal in the 21st Palestinian Mohammed Soud reigning champion Argentina, he has instilled so much con- n't play it is uplifting for them
Mustafa Hajrulahovic 3-0. Inter Miami got two goals fidence among the players. We knowing they can win.”
Memorial Tournament in India's dominance contin- from Leonardo Campana to believe now and know what we The lack of Messi was evi-

DYRc^RYR_XdZ_e` Sarajevo, Bosnia

Herzegovina on Sunday.

The Indian boxer's skills in

ued in the men's 92kg catego-
ry, where Naveen Kumar
emerged victorious in a nail-
beat Sporting Kansas City 3-2
on Saturday night.
Facundo Farias added the
are capable of. Very happy
with the result and the three
dent in the stands. Although
the crowd at DRV PNK
Stadium sang throughout the

the ring also earned her the title biting encounter, edging out third goal for Miami (8-14-4), Messi scored the winning match and cheered loudly after
of the 'Best Woman Boxer'. Mateusz Bereznicki of Poland which remains 14th in the goal in Argentina's 1-0 victory each goal, there were noticeable
In men's 51kg category, with a 2-1 scoreline. Eastern Conference table. over Ecuador on Thursday and return to Miami for its next pockets of empty seats.

Barun Singh Shagolshem Jyoti, Shashi, Jigyasa, The match was a test for has another national team league match at Atlanta FC In addition to Messi, seven
defeated Poland's Jakub Vinakshi and Satish Kumar Miami, which is 11-0-1 in cup commitment against Bolivia next Saturday. other Miami players were
Slominsk 3-0, while in the were also declared winners and MLS matches since Messi's on Tuesday. “We all know that when he called by their national teams
men's 57kg category, Akash after their opponents did not arrival with the club. He already The seven-time Ballon is here, we are all better,” Miami for qualifiers and missed the
logged the best-ever result by Kumar fought valiantly but play the finals. has 11 goals and eight assists d'Or winner is scheduled to coach Tata Martino said in match.
?C8■ :8;30A48A4;0=3 an Indian at the Open in July
at T-8, fought back. He birdied

<X]YTT;TTbc^a\bc^!bW^c;?60[TPSX]2X]RX]]PcX :_UZR]`dV!"
ndia's Shubhankar Sharma the 10th, before giving away
endured a testing mid-round two shot on the 12th and the
to salvage the day with a
two-over 74 that kept him in
13th. He birdied the 17th and
closed at 74. e`=VSR_`_Z_
the hunt for his first DP World
Tour title since 2018.
Long will take a one stroke
lead into the final round with 0?■ 28=28==0C8 final group. Chien is making the green on the par-3 11th, <Z_Xd4fa
Sharma, who led after the past champion and World her 140th start on the LPGA hitting a flop shot up a steep
first round and co-led after the Number Two Rory McIlroy wo-time major champion Tour and had her first 36-hole slope to a few feet away from
second, dropped to T-4 at 10-
under with a birdie on the last
just two shots back.
Long, of Germany, carded
T Minjee Lee opened with
three straight birdies, made up
lead. It was gone by the turn.
Chien started with a dou-
the back pin. She hit wedge to
5 feet on the 16th for birdie, ?C8■ 2780=6<08C708;0=3
hole. a two under par round of 70 on a six-shot deficit at the turn and ble bogey, answered with two added another on the 17th with
He trailed the leader Hurly the Palmer North Course at posted a 7-under 65 on straight birdied but then lost a 15-foot birdie from the fringe entre-back A Kassem El
Long of Germany by three
shots with halfway co-leader
the 2006 Ryder Cup venue,
with a birdie at the last taking
Saturday to take a two-shot
lead into the final round of the
ground with three bogeys over
four holes to close out the front
and was one behind.
But her approach to the
C Zein's late strike off a
bicycle kick guided Lebanon
Jordan Smith (73) in second at him to 13 under par, one Kroger Queen City nine. That included a three- 18th bounced hard and rolled to a 1-0 win over India in the
12-under and four-time Major stroke ahead of England's Championship. putt bogey on No. 9 that put over the green. She used put- third-place match of the
winner Rory McIlroy (66) in Jordan Smith, who also birdied Lee played bogey-free on a her one shot behind for the first ter to get it about 5 feet from King's Cup football tourna-
third at 11-under. the 18th to sign for a one-over Kenwood Country Club course time all day. the hole and missed it on the ment here on Sunday.
India's other challenger par 73. that was so firm that even some Lee never really slowed high side. After a goalless first half,
this week, Manu Gandas Four-time Major shots with wedge had a hard after her fast start. She went in Morgane Metraux of El Zein scored in the 77th
missed the cut. Sharma shared Champion McIlroy started the time staying on the greens. She front with a delicate flop shot Switzerland birdied the 18th for minute to help his team fin-
the fourth spot with Kiwi Ryan day eight strokes off the pace leaned on her putter, closing from below the green on the a 70 and was three shots ish third and win the bronze
Fox (66), Frenchman Julien but carded a six under par 66 out her round with a 12-foot reachable par-4 10th, the ball behind. Metraux came into medal in the tournament.
Brun (69), Scottish pair of to post an early clubhouse par save. rolling out to a few feet for the tournament at No. 107 in After an excellent save by
Grant Forrest (69) and Calum target of 11 under par at The That gave her a two-shot birdie. She made a 15-foot year. She had a three-shot lead “Laughed it off and birdied the Race to CME Globe and is India goalkeeper Gurpreet
Hill (72) and England's Ross K Club, the same venue where lead over Charley Hull of birdie on the next hole and at at the Founders Cup earlier this the next couple,” Hull said of running out of tournaments to Singh Sandhu off a header, the
Fisher (74). Sharma, starting he claimed a famous Irish England and Peiyun Chien of one point was three shots clear. summer, only for Jin Young Ko her start. “It was quite windy, get into the top 80 who have rebound fell on the path of Al
the day in the final group and Open victory in 2016. Taiwan, who rallied from a “Having that momentum to rally to beat her. quite tricky. Patches of them full status for next year. Zein, who found the back of
at 13-under, opened with five McIlroy will go in search rough start to get back to even really helps, especially when Lee began to pull away (the greens) are firm, other Ruoning Yin of China, the net to give Lebanon the
pars before he dropped a dou- of a third victory on the 2023 par for the day only to go long you can save your par putts,” with a two-putt birdie on the patches are spinning. It's tricky, who needs to finish solo fourth lead.
ble bogey on the Par-4 sixth. Race to Dubai, with Long over the 18th green and miss a Lee said. “That's the key for par-5 15th, followed by a wedge which I quite like. It plays into or better to reach No. 1 in the India were robbed of
Another bogey followed on the seeking a maiden title and 5-foot par putt. momentum. Making birdies into 12 feet for birdie on the my hands.” women's world ranking, began victory following a debat-
eighth and he turned in 3-over Smith hunting a third DP Hull bounced back from a is nice, but key par putts are 16th. Chien drove into a bunker her round with three straight able penalty in the semifinal
with no birdies. World Tour crown, following triple bogey to start the third important, too.” Hull tried to keep pace and got up-and-down for bogeys. She got two of those against Iraq, which they
On the back nine, the two- on from his win at last year's round with seven birdies, post- Lee was at 15-under 201 as with three birdies over his last birdie on the 10th and made a shots back and had a 73, leav- lost 4-5 in the penalty
time DPWT winner, who Portugal Masters. ing a 68 that gets her in the she goes for her first win this six holes. great par save from well behind ing her six shots behind. shootout.

VLOYHUDW:RUOG&XS)LQDO9HUPD$GLWL-\RWKLIDOWHU <>70;8B4? ?C8 "The talented left-footed
youngster is a popular name in
?C8■ 74A<>B8;;><4G82> an early lead after the Indian 20- Dutch heavyweight 149-148. inate host nation representative unjab FC has added four the Goan football circuit, hav-
year-old dropped one point in Schloesser, however, man- Miguel Becerra 149-141 in the P Indian players to their ing turned up for the youth

Irunndian compound archer

Prathamesh Jawkar's dream
in his maiden 'World Cup
the opening round of their final
clash, here late on Saturday.
Trailing 89-90 at the mid-
aged to bring his A-game in the
bronze medal playoff, when he
denied India a second medal
quarterfinal. It's only in the
penultimate round that the
Indian missed the centre once
squad ahead of the 2023-24
domestic football season.
The players Punjab FC has
teams of FC Goa, Dempo SC
and Sporting Club de Goa," the
club said.
Final' ended with a silver medal way mark, Jawkar brought the defeating veteran Abhishek from 15 arrows in an otherwise signed are midfielder Sweden Having spent some part of
after he lost to Denmark's final on an even keel when he Verma 150-149. perfect display. Fernandes, goalkeeper the last season with the
Mathias Fullerton by the nar- shot 30 points out of a possible Verma was eyeing a sec- The win set up Jawkar's Shibinraj Kunniyil and defend- NorthEast United FC, Shereef
rowest of margins in an intense 30 to make it 119-all going into ond World Cup Final bronze, semifinal clash against the Dutch ers Nongmeikapam Suresh has joined Punjab FC on one-
shoot-off finish.Shanghai World the last round.But in the desig- when he made his way superstar Schloesser for a second Meitei and Mashoor Shereef. year contract.
Cup winner Jawkar, who nated final end, both the archers through to the third-place time in four months. The 23-year-old Fernandes "He started his profession-
stunned the world No 1 and shot identical scores of 29 each playoff defeating Sawyer Women compound archers has been signed on loan for the al career at Chennai City before
reigning champion Mike to take it to shootoff. Sullivan of the USA 146-146 disappoint India, 2023-24 season from the moving to NorthEast in
Schloesser for a second time in The tiebreaker also saw a 150 out of a possible 150 Final' (2016, 2019, 2021 and (10-9) in the quarterfinals. however, disappointed in the Indian Super League team October 2020," the release said.
four months to storm into the stalemate as the Indian missed points to pip Schloesser by 2022). In the semifinal, Verma lost women's compound section Chennaiyin FC, the club said Shereef has made 37
final, lost 148-148 (10-10*) to Fullerton's arrow by narrowest one point (150-149). It was Jawkar's second win to eventual champion Fullerton with the duo of Aditi Swami and in a statement. appearances for the club across
Fullerton, who was adjudged the of margins. The win also denied the over the 'Mr Perfectionist' in four 147-150. Jyothi Surekha Vennam return- Last season, Fernandes had three seasons.
winner by virtue of his arrow In the semifinal, the Dutchman a hattrick of World months. At the final of the Jawkar started off in an ing empty-handed after losing played 15 matches for the In March 2021, the defend-
being closer to the centre. Maharashtra archer dished Cup Final titles. Schloesser is a Shanghai World Cup in May, ominous fashion when he their respective opening round NEROCA FC on loan, scoring er also made his debut for India
The Denmark archer took out a flawless shooting of winner of four 'World Cup Jawakar had prevailed over the dropped just one point to elim- matches. three goals and one assist. against UAE.
=4F34;78k<>=30H kB4?C4<14A !!"
b_^ac !

URjRdcRZ_a]Rjdda`Z]da`ceRXRZ_ O
?C8■ 2>;><1> keeping, squatting down every
ball, you require a lot of
vercoming the mental bar- strength in your quads and you
rier was the biggest chal- need it to support you. You
lenge India wicketkeeper KL need your body to support you
Rahul faced while rehabilitat- and be pain free."
?C8■ 2>;><1> ing after suffering a serious Rahul expressed his grati-
quadricep injury that laid him tude towards the physios who
ntermittent rain pushed the low for nearly four months. guided him through the tough
marquee Asia Cup clash
India and Pakistan to
Rahul had suffered the
debilitating injury during the
"And once you get through
a reserve day here on Sunday. IPL, which later necessitated that (pain free), and that can
India were 147 ffor two in surgery in London. only happen when you take
24.1 overs when rain lashed the The 31-year-old under- things step by step. And, like I
Premadasa Stadium here. Play went rehabilitation at the said, I was in the hands of some
will resume at 3 pm local time National Cricket Academy really good physios and train-
on Monday. (NCA) in Bengaluru to get fit er at the NCA. So, they really
The activation of reserve for the Asia Cup. But a "niggle" guided me and they knew
day also means that in less than resulted in him missing the first when to push me, when to step
24 hours of completion of the two group matches of the tour- back."
Pakistan game, India will meet nament in Sri Lanka. The cricketer added that it
Sri Lanka in their next Super However, he was assessed was quite a simple chase that
Four encounter on Tuesday. again on September 4 and strength in the quads and the resulted in the injury, and that
Before the weather played cleared to join Team India in biggest "question mark" in his he initially felt it would get bet-
spoilsport, Virat Kohli and K L Kandy for the continental tour- mind while rehabilitating was ter in a couple of weeks.
Rahul were batting on 8 and 17 nament. He also figures in the how he would convince himself "I just tried to chase the ball
respectively after openers Rohit provisional squad for the World to don the role again after such and my tendon snap. I had a
Sharma (56) and Shubman Gill Cup in India. a big surgery. full-fledged tear, my tendon
(58) struck fine half-centuries. "A lot of times, it's also like "The big thing was to feel ripped apart from my quadri-
India's Asia Cup opener you fight a big mental battle confident in my own body ceps. So, when it happened,
against Pakistan was called off where you're always thinking at and be pain free in move- obviously me, my family, the
due to rain. the back of your head that, ments that require a lot of franchise, the team, everybody
The weather has been a okay, I might feel pain. And intensity. Especially, I knew had their fingers crossed hop-
subject of intense debate when you are in that mindset, coming back, I'll have to keep ing that wasn't a big tear... It was
through the Sri Lanka leg of you can't really start focusing wicket as well. a small strain or I could get bet-
Asia Cup. Rain is expected in on skills," said Rahul in a video "And that was one of the ter in a couple of weeks.
the Sri Lankan capital through- posted by BCCI on Sunday. big concerns for physios and "But once we did the scans
out the tournament. "So, the biggest challenge me, a big question mark in my in a couple of days, we knew it
Asian Cricket was to get rid of that fear and head that the biggest challenge was a full tear and there was
Council's decision to keep a get rid of that pain aspect of for me coming back will be quite clear that in terms of how
reserve day only for Sunday's things." wicket-keeping because of the I can get better from this injury
game and the final also trig- He added that wicket- quadricep injury. was to go under the knife and
gered a controversy. keeping requires a lot of "When you are wicket- do surgery.

HRc_Vc=RSfdTYRX_V =iSbYdYSYc]_V2339gQcQR_eddYS[UdY^W
?C8■ =4F34;78 even IPL franchises have been I had tweeted about tickets, it ticketing and scheduling," he since he hasn't been a part of
in ODIs against banned as well. looked mixed up. My criticism said, clarifying his position. system for sometime, he has
0?■ 1;>4<5>=C48=B>DC7 South Africa. he BCCI could have han- "Since in my other tweets, for BCCI was clear about the Many in BCCI believe that been angry?
05A820 Labuschagne came in as
part of the lineup, not as a con-
T dled the scheduling and
ticketing process of the World
uick-fire centuries by cussion substitute as he was in Cup in a better way, says for-
Q David Warner and
Marnus Labuschagne set up yet
his match-winning turn on
Thursday. He went after spin-
mer India pacer Venkatesh
Prasad, who insisted that his
another big win by Australia ners Aiden Markram and outburst on social media on the
against South Africa and a 2- Shamsi. His first fifty took 54 issue is in no way a tirade
0 lead in their one-day interna- balls but the second only 26. against any individual.
tional series on Saturday. His two ODI hundreds have The ICC in consultation
Australia racked up 392-8, both been against South Africa. with hosts BCCI rescheduled as
its third highest ODI total, and He and Warner combined many as nine games, including
bowled out South Africa for for 151, which ended when the marquee India vs Pakistan
269 with 8.1 overs to spare. Warner tried to pull and was match, which was originally of an otherwise non-corrupt
The Australians won by bowled by Andile scheduled on October 15 in organisation and spoil the rep-
123 runs, after a three-wicket Phehlukwayo, who was playing Ahmedabad but had to be utation of an entire organisa-
win on Thursday, and it follows his first ODI since October. advanced by a day on account tion & the impact isn't just
a sweep of the Twenty20 series. Warner made 106 off 93 of Navratri celebrations. micro but at a macro level. This
They can also clinch this balls. Josh Inglis smacked a 37- Prasad has often taken to is true in every field, be it pol-
series on Tuesday on the same ball 50 but Australia lost its last social media platform 'X' (for- itics, sports, journalism, corpo-
ground. five wickets in 27 balls, includ- merly twitter) to share his rate." While he did not mention
Travis Head took a liking ing Labuschagne for 124 off 99 opinion. any name, there were conjec-
to Marco Jansen and Kagiso with 19 fours and one six, and However, one of his tweets tures on social media on who
Rabada in the power play, in was kept under 400. on Saturday that caught atten- could have been Prasad's target
which Australia reached 102 Shamsi took 4-61. tion was: "It takes one corrupt, of ire.
without loss. South Africa needed a arrogant guy to take away the "Nothing personal, just
Head hit 64 off 36 balls record chase and got a good hardwork of an organisation observation," Prasad told PTI
before falling to Tabraiz start from Quinton de Kock that is generally non-corrupt when asked if it was meant
Shamsi, who also got Mitch and captain Temba Bavuma. and get a stamp of corruption towards any particular offi-
Marsh on review. De Kock was dropped on the whole leadership, not cial.
The baton was picked up before he scored and, on 24, the just on micro level but at a large So were you misinterpret-
by Warner, who got to his fifty ball rolled onto his stumps but level." ed?
off 52 balls. Warner took only didn't dislodge the bails. He On Sunday morning he "100 percent. That (cor-
33 more balls to get his hun- was bowled by Nathan Ellis, modified the tweet to say:"It rupt) I meant generally in all
dred, his fifth against South who took the pace off to bag de takes one corrupt, arrogant aspects of life. Be it airline
Africa, tying Sachin Tendulkar Kock for 45 off 30. guy to take away the hardwork industry, banking industry,

?C8■ <430=8=3>=4B80 world No 50 Kiran defeated
veteran Tommy Sugiarto 23-21,
ising Indian shuttler Kiran 16-21, 21-8, while getting the
R George claimed his second
BWF World Tour super 100
better of Thailand's
Panitchaphon Teeraratsakul,
title, lifting the Indonesia Japan's Takuma Obayashi,
Masters trophy with a hard- Singapore's Jia Wei Joel Koh
fought straight game win over and Chinese Taipei's Huang Yu
Japan's Koo Takahashi in men's Kai in the earlier rounds.
singles final here on Sunday. "He has been playing well
The 23-year-old from for a while now and I really feel
Kochi, who had won his maid- Kiran, Mithun they are the next
en title at Odisha Open last line of players. They needed to
year, beat the world No 82 make a breakthrough by beat-
Takahashi 21-19, 22-20 in a 56- ing good players and it is a
minute battle. good sign that they are doing
"It is an excellent win, it is well," Vimal said. "I feel once
about converting these chances the seniors like HS Prannoy
and consistently playing well. and Kidambi Sriknath go out,
Other players are young and they can be replaced by them."
equally good, so I'm quite Kiran, son of former
pleased with him," Vimal national champion George
Kumar, the director of Prakash the start of the match but engaged in a close battle, mov- Thomas, had won the the
Padukone Badminton slowly caught up with ing together till 6-6 when Kiran Odisha Open and Polish Open,
Academy (PPBA) and former Takahashi at 8-8 before gaining slowly managed to move while finishing runner-up at
chief national coach, told PTI. a two-point lead at the interval. away16-11. Takahashi, howev- Denmark Masters last year.
"Now it is about not to A tight fight ensued before the er, kept breathing down his Kiran, who reached a
relax but continue his prepara- Indian jumped to an 18-15 neck and managed to draw career high ranking of No 43 in
tion as he is travelling to Hong lead. parity at 19-19. January this year, showed his
Kong. He has nothing to lose, Takahashi slowly reduced But Kiran kept his nerves prowess when he had defeated
so he should look to create the deficit to 19-20 before the to convert his second game top Chinese players Shi Yuqi
upsets." Indian sealed the opening point after squandering the and Weng Hongyang at
Kiran, who trains at PPBA game. After the change of first. Thailand Open in May-June
in Bangalore, fell 1-4 behind at sides, the duo once again On way to the final, the this year.


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