Development of A Mathematical Model To Predict The Specific Growth Rate of Cancerous Tumor For Mammogram

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Development of a Mathematical Model to Predict the Specific

Growth Rate of Cancerous Tumor for Mammogram

Shwetha S V*, Dr. Dharmanna L, and Dr. Shridhar Allagi, Dr. Basavaraj S Anami

Abstract— Breast cancer is a disease with leading death rate on which stages of the tumor grow in a rapid rate. Size of the
among women as per the World Health Organization (WHO). tumor does not matter how fast tumor develops matters a lot
Many researchers had worked to detect cancerous (malignant) and helps the clinician to in order to take decision for the
and non-cancerous tumor (benign) in the breast. But the surgery. We have developed mathematical model to calculate
estimation of the tumor volume has not done till today. The tumor growth rate [x] and the specific growth rate is
identification of the malignant tumor is not a big challenge as
calculated using Gompertz equation [x]. The malignant tumor
growth rate estimation because it is not sufficient to cure and
avoid the cancer in advance. When tumor is in the higher stage cells get multiplied rapidly [x]. This chapter focuses on
there is a need of rigorous treatment for the curing of the specific growth rate estimation and how it differs with benign
disease. We carried out the research work to estimate the tumor and malignant tumor.
volume growth per day. Based on this we can not only classify as
benign or malignant, the stage of the tumor is also identified by Benign tumor have usual slow Tumor Growth Rate (TGR)
estimating the specific growth rate of tumor volume per day. and painful as compared to malignant. This tumor does not
The research work shows that the benign tumor will get doubled affect the neighboring cells and used have more circular in the
in 1200 days, malignant stage 1tumor takes 376 days, stage 2
nature whereas cancer tumor have no pains and TGR have
tumor doubles in 212 days and stage 3 tumor doubles in 45 days.
This work is carried out in three different phases,
higher effects on the surrounding cells. This kind of tumor has
phase1-enhancement of tumor region in ultrasound images. The low doubling Time (days) for example third stage of cancer
tumor is enhanced using novel Anistropic DiffuusionGabor tumor doubles in 45 days. Fig. 1(a) shows a benign tumor
Filter. In phase 2 tumor portions that are RoI is separated from initial screening with tumor 1.6 cm3 and Fig. 1(b) shows the
the rest of the image. In third phase the tumor volume is tumor with 2.5 cm3. Fig. 1(c) shows a malignant tumor with
estimated and specific growth rate per day also computed. 2.1 cm3 and Fig. 1(d) shows the tumor with 4.5 cm3.
Further the correlation developed specific growth rate versus
tumor volume doubling time for the fast estimation of the tumor

Index Terms— Growth, SGR, Benign tumor, Malignant,

Benign Tumor, Tumor Volume, and Doubling Time

Fig.1. (a) benign tumor initial screening (b) Second Screeining-1300 (c)
I. INTRODUCTION Initial screening of malignant tumor-volume 2.1 cm3 (d) Second screening
after 45 days with tumor volume 4.5 cm3
The estimation of tumor growth rate plays a vital role in
providing various advantages to the pathologist in assessment In this section, the equation for the doubling time of the
of early diagnosis of cancer. In this the parameters like SGR, tumor, Specific Growth Rate Estimation of Breast Tumor and
aggressiveness of tumor, volume of the tumor are considered. Correlating SGR estimation and TVDT are presented in the
The detailed discussion about the tumor growth rate is further sections. The following section demonstrates the
presented in the section. derivation of tumor growth rate.
Section 1 presents the introduction of the tumor growth
The section focuses on breast tumor growth. To study on rate; section presents literature review done by various
breast tumor for benign and malignant is important to
authors. Section three presents mathematical model. Section 4
diagnose cancer tumor stages progression. The Doubling
presents the methodology and implementation. Section 5
Time (DT) of benign tumor ranges in between 1 year to 7
represents the results and discussion. The section 6 presents
years and for malignant tumor on an average the doubling
time is very much aggressive as compared to benign tumor. the conclusion followed by references.
The stages of progression of cancerous tumor increases, the
doubling time of the tumor decreases. Hence this section deals
In this section the work done by the various authors on the
Manuscript received XXX; revised XXX; accepted XXX. estimation of the growth rate is presented. Emma G et. al.
worked on “Radiological Audit of interval of breast cancer :
*Ms.Shwetha S V,Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, estimation of tumor growth rates”. In this work author had
KLEIT Hubballi, Karnataka, India developed the correlation between tumor volume doubling
Dr. Dharmanna L,Professor, School of Computation and Information
Technology, REVA University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India time and clinical pathological features such as age, grade, ER
Dr. Shridhar Allagi, Associate Professor, Department of Computer status, tumor types etc. In this study average time from
Science, KLEIT Hubballi, Karnataka, India screening to diagnose is 644 days. 19% of tumors diagnosed
in first twelve months 42%in next subsequent 12 months and
39% after the twelve months. In this study author presented small they differ in the samples contained in the datasets. The
overall doubling time of cancer was 167 days [10]. author arrived at the interesting results using these datasets.
Meryl Dahan et. al presented on “ Has tumor doubling time in
Su. Hyun Lee et. al. experimented on tumor growth rate of
breast cancer changed over the past 80 years”. The study
invasive breast cancer during wait times for surgery assessed
shows that total number of 151 publications is involved in the
by ultrasonography[7]. The author worked on estimation of
experiment and obtained the results in such a way that there is
tumor volume growth between first screening assessment and
no significant difference in the tumor doubling time from the
second screening assessment which is called wait time for
last 80 years. All cancerous tumor growth had been elevated
surgery of the tumor. The author also developed the tumor
by the Ki-67 protein. The study very clearly categorizes the
growth rate during the wait period as well as clinic
prognostic and predictive impact of breast cancer[10].
pathological features. For an example case the second
Alexander W and Pearl Man M D, presented a study on
screening estimation of the tumor was 15.6 mm and 1.6 mm3
“breast cancer -influence of growth rate on prognosis and
was the diameter. In the first screening the diameter and
treatment evaluation”. In this study growth rate has been
volume of the tumor is 14.7mm and 1.3 mm3. In 31 days the
estimated from patient history with good accuracy. The study
tumor had increased in the volume by 0.3 mm3 and diameter
shows that 50% of the samples in the dataset of tumor, there is
by 0.9 mm. The author had also shown that growth rate of
a rapid growth. All the tumors get double in 25 days. 33% of
various cancer tumors such as triple negative, hER2-+ve,
the tumors volume gets double in 26-75 days and remaining
luminol cancer. The triple negative tumor has highest growth
16% of tumor dataset het double in 75 and above days. If the
rate, the SGR is 1.002%/day, the HER2+ve is 0.85%/day, the
tumor gets double in 25 days the survival rate of the patient is
luminol cancer is 0.208%/day
less than 5 years and remaining are above 8 years [4].
Herald Weedon-Fekjaer et. al. demonstrated on “ breast
cancer tumor estimated through mammography screening III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
data “.This paper reveals the previous research work
conducted on small datasets and small experiments. This A. Tumor Growth rate (TGR)
work is performed on Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening
Program and tumor growth rate was estimated on large The Tumor Volume Doubling Time (TVDT) [9] is the time
datasets with no mathematical model. In this work to estimate required by the cells of the tumor to get doubled and volume if
the tumor growth likelihood based estimating procedure are the tumor grows in size by twice. There will be 109 cells in
adopted. In this study the patients of 50-69 years were 1cm of the tumor. The derivation for TVDT is as follows,
considered with 3,95,188. 5% of tumor taking less than 1.2 Assume kt=Number of cells derived from one cell
months taking to double 10mm to 20mm in diameter. And V0=Initial Volume of Tumor
remaining 55 of sample took approximately 6.3 years. Overall
time required to double the tumor diameter was 1.7 years. Vt  V0 k.t ...equation  (1)
Study shows that tumor volume increases with increase in the t
age[3]. k 2 tD
Esmaeil Mehrara et. al. presented a work on “quantitative because t
work on tumor growth rate and changes in tumor marker level Where t is the time period and tD is the doubling time
:Specific Growth rate v/s Doubling Time. The author had t

shown the limitations of calculating tumor doubling time over Vt  V0  2 ...equation  (2)

the specific growth rate. The tumor doubling time produced Expressing the above equation in terms of the diameter D of
incorrect estimations as well as uncertainty of the growth rate. the tumor
Also Tumor doubling time provides the over estimation result t
for the slower growth rate of the tumor. And underestimate
Dt  D0 2 t D ....equation  (3)
faster growth of the tumor. Whereas, the SGR overcomes all
the limitations of the estimation of the tumor doubling Apply log on both sides to solve the equation for tD
time[8].  t

Shristi Bhapttarai et. al., a work on machine learning based ln Dt   ln D0 2
 tD ...equation  (4)
 
prediction of breast cancer growth rate in vivo. The author  
developed the experiment to predict the growth rate of the
ln Dt   ln D0   ln 2...equation  (5)
tumor using a new unique coherent model for breast cancer
patients. In the model two serial mammograms visible in the tD
diagnosis and second one is missed one in the first screening
ln Dt   ln D0   ln 2...equation  (6)
assessment. The developed model is called SM-INVIGOR
stratified discovery. This model predicts breast cancer tumor tD
growth rate in pre predictor stage and offers various useful
D   t 
applications[10]. ln  t     ln 2...equation  (7)
Anne Talkington & Rick Durrett presented a work on  D0   t D 
estimating tumor growth rate in vivo. The author worked on
t  ln 2
TGE fitted four mathematical models such as PowerLaw , tD  ...equation  (8)
exponential, Gompertz and Spratts. These four mathematical  Dt 
models adapted for five datasets such as Nakamura, ln 
Laasonen, Heuser, Saito, Nakajima. Though the datasets are  D0 
Assuming t=∆t=t2-t1
t  ln 2 BTVDT  1.517e  0.6t 2  0.004582t  5.218...eq.  (19)
tD  ...equation  (9)
The tumor volume doubling time for the benign tumor sets in
t  t ln 2 ...equation  (10)
TVDT  2 1 quadratic equation and is represented in the Fig. 2.
V 
ln  t 
 V0 
t D  t 2  t1 
ln 2
...equation  (11)
 Vt 
ln  
 V0 

B. SGR-Specific Growth rate

The specific growth rate is defined as the growth of the tumor

in a day that measures the increase in volume of tumor per
Fig.2. The equation for benign tumor volume doubling time
Vt  V0 e rt ...equation  (12 ) E. Equations for Estimations of the Tumor Volume with
Apply log on both sides Different Shapes
ln Vt  ln V0  rt  ln e...equation  (13)
The tumor will not always perfect circular in shape. The
V  various shapes of the tumor are spherical, ellipsoid, irregular
ln  t   rt  (14) etc. The equations for the estimation of the tumor volume with
 V0  different shapes is presented as below[x],
V 
ln  t  1) Tumor of Spherical Shape
r   0  ...equation  (15)
t The Breast Tumor Volume (BTV) is computed through the
Let r=SGR and t=tt-t0 following formula, assuming the tumor is in spherical shape

V  4  b  1
ln  t  BTV      a  b   a    ...equation  (20)
SGR   0  ...equation  (16)
V 3  2  8
tt  t 0 Where , a-denotes the longest TD-Tumor diameter
b-denotes the shortest Tumor diameter (TD)
C. SGR v/s TGR
2) Tumor of Ellipsoid Shape
The TVDT is the tumor volume doubling time and SGR is the
growth rate of tumor per day, these two can be correlated, The breast tumor shape is assumed as ellipsoid. So in this case
higher the SGR lesser will be the doubling time of the cancer the height of the tumor is equal to its width.
tumor and is as given below, V  l  w  w...equation  (21)
tt  t0   ln 2 ...equation  (17) 2
Breast tumor defined for ball/spherical shape is given below
V 
ln  t  4
 V0  BTV   3.14  a 3 ...equation  (22)
ln 2 Where a indicates the maximum radius of the tumor
TVDT  ...equation  (18)
SGR 3) Tumor of Irregular Shape

The TVDT is given by the equation (17) and the equation (16) The breast tumor shape is cylindrical where a is the length of
specifies SGR. The equation (18) represents the expressing the tumor and r is the radius of the tumor,
TVDT in terms of SGR.
D.Benign Tumor Growth a 2
BTV   r ...equation  (23)
The benign tumor growth rate is estimated using proposed 2
mathematical model. The model for this tumor fits in the
polynomial equation and is quadratic in nature for benign F. Malignant Tumor Growth with Stages
tumor and is given by the equation (19)
The malignant tumor is found in stage-I, stage-II and stage
–III of the cancer. The polynomial equation for tumor
doubling time fits in quadratic equation for stage-III cancer t
and is given by the equation (24) Vt  V0  2 td
...equation  (28)

Vt  1.949 e  05t 2  0.01088 t  1.664 ...eq.  (24 ) Where Vt= Volume at specific time, V0=Volume at initial
time, td=doubling time if tumor, t=a random time in terms of
The polynomial equation for tumor doubling time fits in
quadratic equation for stage-II cancer and is given by the
The equation for td in terms of SGR is given as,
equation (25)

ln 2
Vt  5.658 e  05t 2  0.03632 t  5.895 ...eq.  (25) td  ...equation  (29)
The polynomial equation for tumor doubling time fits in linear
equation for stage-I cancer and is given by the equation (26)
Substitute equation (16) in equation (18) for tD
Vt  0.0432t  3.508...equation  (26)
ln 2
1) Different Volume Size of Malignant Tumor with the Vt  V0  2 SGR

The speed of the breast cancer growth rate (BCG) was Vt  V0  2 ln 2
...equation  (30 )
estimated by the doubling rate of cancer cells. The doubling
time (DT) model was used to compute the growth rate. The This is generalized equation for the volume of tumor at time t.
growth rate of the tumor can be calculated through the For the Stage-3, the doubling time is 77 days and
specific growth rate. It is defined as the rate of increase of SGR=9x10-3, therefore the Vt is given by,
breast tumor cancer cell population per day.
910 3 t
Breast Tumor volumes are often measured in centimeters Vt  V0  2 ...equation  (31)
ln 2

(cm). Generally, food items are often measured in centimeters

(cm). The tumor sizes are mapped with food item size like Similarly for Stage -2, SGR=3x10-3, Vt is given by,
size of peanut, lime, grape etc. The size of food items will be
applied to showcase the breast tumor size in centimeters 310 3 t
includes is given in the table 1. Vt  V0  2 ln 2
...equation  (32)

Table 1. Tumor size in centimeters mapped to food items Similarly for Stage -1, SGR=2x10-3, Vt is given by,

Sl. No. Item Name Size in cm 210 3 t

Vt  V0  2 ln 2
...equation  (33)
1 A Pea 1
2 Peanut 2 Similarly for Benign stage, SGR=3x10-4, Vt is given by,
3 Grape 3
310 4 t
4 Walnut 4 Vt  V0  2 ln 2
...equation  (34)
5 Lime 5
G.Tumor Enhancement
6 An egg 6
7 Peach 8 The extracted tumor is enhanced with the filtering technique
of Modified Gabor Filter.
8 Grapefruit 10
The computation of growth of cancer tumor can lead to H. Tumor Localization
diagnose the early stage cancer detection. Benign tumor
roughly doubles in 120 days to 7 years and mean time is 2100 In order to automatically locate the tumor three features are
days. The stage-1 malignant tumor doubles in 347 days with considered like Super Pixel saliency map, Blackness ratio and
SGR 2x10-3. The stage-2 tumor doubles in 212 days with SGR Intensity.
3X10-3, whereas stage-3 tumor doubles in 77 days with SGR
9x10-3. Even cancerous tumor are detected at the early stage I. Tumor Segmentation
with tumor size of 0.1 mm [62]
The Segmentation of the extracted tumor is performed
The doubling time for the tumor of stage-3, stage-2, stage-1 through the Region Growing & Merging Algorithm.
and benign are 77 days, 212 days, 347 days and 2100 days.
The equation for the tumor (Vt) is given by,

The work of the tumor growth rate estimation is implemented

in MATLAB R2020a. The one of the case study of breast
cancer detection is presented and as follows. The ultrasound
The section presents the methodology of implementation of imaging is done for woman of 53 years old. On the first day of
the estimation of tumor growth rate. The methodology is screening the tumor volume was 2.56 cm3 and after 21 days
presented as shown in Fig. 3. Stage 1: This is the input stage the tumor was found of the size 2.58 cm3.The SGR is 0.045%
where all samples of first screening ultrasound images and indicating the patient has stage-3 cancer as shown in the
second screening of images of same patient had been stored Fig.4 and of a 32 year old woman in Fig.5.
with time intervals first and second screening. The stage has
huge dataset which was collected from various hospitals.

Image acquisition: The first stage is the process of the

acquisition of the image from the several instruments. The
image is in the form of the mammograms and ultrasound
images. The mammograms and ultrasound images are

Fig. 4 A 53-year-woman with an invasive ductal carcinoma in the left breast

of US image at first screening (a) 17.1 mm diameter (b) 2.56 cm 3 vol. after
Preprocessing : Stage 2 is image enhancement stage. The 21 days at second screening, tumor diameter was 18.5 mm (c) Volume was
USB are involved much of speckle noise. The USB are 2.58 cm3 (d) The specific growth rate had been computed i.e. 0.045 and as it
involved much of speckle noise. Speckle noise is introduced exceeds minimum SGR of stage-3 i.e 1.3, hence it is stage-3 cancer
during ultrasound image acquisition with implementation of
Environmental sound waves. This noise occurs due to low
level luminance images. This noise also called as
multiplicative noise. The reducing speckle noise is essential
because clear visibility of tumor area in order to extract
cancer tumor to measure its volume and diameter. This noise
reduced by placing the homogeneity of the surrounding
region of the tumor to remove the noise. We developed hybrid
approach called anisotropic diffusion Gabor filter namely
(ADGF). The result of this hybrid approach is that it improves
the clear edges of the tumor area. Fig. 5 A 32 year woman’s ultrasound breast right tumors taken for the case
study with initial measurement of tumor diameter and volume were 17.8 mm
Tumor Segmentation by RGM: The segmentation of the and 2.53 cm3. In the second screening after 40 days, the volume and diameter
of the tumor were found as 23.3 mm and 4.70 cm 3. The SGR was estimated
tumor is carried out by the RGM segmentation technique for
as 1.552%/day and is of grade-III cancer
the extraction of the tumor from the mammogram and
ultrasound images. The table 2 presents the initial volume (V0) at the time of the
first screening and the (Vt), the volume at the time of second
Feature extraction of RoI: The geometrical and physical screening. The volume of the tumor is expressed in terms of
features of the tumor are extracted from the segmented tumor the weight of the tumor (in milligrams), Also the tumor
by which the area, volume and major axis etc. are detected. volume Doubling Time (DT) is specified in terms of months
and the Specific Growth Rate (SGR) is mentioned in terms of
Tumor diameter and Volume Computation: The extracted percentage per month.
features aids to the computation of the diameter and volume
of the tumor The spread of the tumor in the other parts is described as
follows, T stands for the tumor size, N stands for spread of the
tumor in nearby lymph node and M stands for the spread of
the tumor in nearby parts i.e. T- Tumor size, N-Node status,
M-Metastasis. The description of the different tumor size is
presented in table 3. The details of the different stages of the
cancer and the TNM criteria for each stage are tabulated in
table 4.
This study investigated the breast cancer growth rate and
found that it varies from fast growing to slow growing breast
tumors by a factor of 19. The Ki-67 protein increases and the
cell get prepared to split into another cell. This was
Fig.3. Dataflow diagram
investigated to be the robust univariate growth rate predictor.
Table 2 Tumor estimation T3, N1, M0 or
Sl PI Stg V0 in W0 in Vt Wt in DT( SGR (% T3, N2, M0
.N D . cm3 mgs in mgs Mon /mon.) T4, N0, M0 or
o cm3 ths)
6 Stage IIIB T4, N1, M0 or
1 3 II 1.3 1300 2.6 2600 3.97 17.46
T4, N2, M0
2 7 III 1.9 1900 5.69 5690 5.67 12.22
3 8 III 2.43 2430 4.76 4760 1.14 60.80 7 Stage IIIC any T, N3, M0
4 9 III 1.73 1730 2.48 24 3.37 20.57
5 11 III 2.7 2785 3.48 3480 1.58 43.87 The computed average Tumor Volume Doubling Time
6 15 III 3.63 3630 7.28 7280 2.66 26.06
7 17 II 1.2 1200 2.12 2500 3.64 19.04
(TVDT) of first stage cancer was 347 days and the second
8 18 III 3.92 3920 7.46 7460 2.04 33.98 stage breast cancer doubling time was 212 days and third
9 20 III 4.17 4170 8.09 8090 2.33 29.75 stage tumor doubling time was just 47 days, whereas the
10 21 I 0.8 800 1.67 1670 6.29 11.02 benign tumor doubling time was 2012 days, very slow
11 22 II 0.7 2700 1.53 3530 5.12 13.54 progress rate and as well as harmless to the patient. The
12 25 III 3.27 3270 7.21 7210 2.88 24.3
patient age, secondary lymph node contribution and
13 10 Be 2.3 2300 2.8 2800 60.8 6.60
1 n. advancement in TNM have been presented to correlate with
TVDT. In this chapter the estimation of specific growth per
day and the correlated specific growth rate and tumor volume
Table 3 TNM class and description
doubling time is presented. The SGR ranges for III stage
Sl.No. TNM cancer from 1.3 to 2.49 , for II stage BC from 0.05 to 0.41
Criteria mm, for I stage cancer from 0.05 to 0.27, whereas for the
1 T0 No tumor benign tumor was very slow SGR that is 0.0003 to 0.0057 as
2 T1a Carcinoma depicted in table 3. The table 4 gives cancer TNM details.
3 T1 Tumor size less than 2 cm
4 T1m1c Micro-invasion 0.1 cm or less This also presents the derivation of the TVDT estimation,
5 T1a In range of 0.1 to 0.5 cm SGR and correlation of SGR and TVDT. Hence doctor need
6 T1b In range of 0.5 to 1 cm not wait for longer time of 10 to 15 days to decide which stage
7 T1c In range of 1 to 2 cm tumor it is and can predict the nature of the tumor growth.
8 T2 In range of 2 to 5 cm
The assumption of an exponential growth rate Vt=V0.2t/td with
9 T3 In range of 5cm
fixed doubling process authenticated to give a better
10 Size immaterial and tumor
computation of BC [8] growth. This model didn’t differ much
T4 spread across chest wall and
from the GM (Gompertz equation) and hypothesizes the
tumor to appear during early stage (<25 mm) will TGR and
11 Spread across Chest wall
T4a usually generated with the cells reproductive proceed of the
excluding pectoral muscle
breast tumor tissues. One issue with Gompertz model is, it
12 T4b Skin nodule
didn’t set upper limit and lower limits, representing a bounded
13 T4c 4a and 4b growth. Whereas our work had shown the upper limit and
14 T4d Inflammatory carcinoma lower limit of the tumor growth, the study found that growth
15 Regional lymph nodes difficult rate of BC varies from fast growing to slow growing and that
to surgery GR associated with Histological Grade (HG), Patient Age
16 N0 Metastasis (PA), secondary lymph node involvement and Ki-67 protein
17 N1 Movable metastasis expression. Finally, TVDT incorporated in the multiple
18 Secondary lymph nodes. biomarkers that clearly help the doctors to take the clinical
( N2b) treatment strategies immediately. The overall results of
19 Internal mammary lymph enhancement, segmentation, characterization, classification,
nodes stage detection through mitotic cells and tumor growth rate
20 Distant metastasis difficult to estimation are presented in results and discussion chapter.
21 M0 No distant metastasis The section presents the results obtained by processing
22 M1 Distant metastasis mammogram and ultrasound images. In this process benign
and malignant tumor were extracted through region growing
Table 4 Breast cancer-TNM details and merging algorithm. In this stage benign images were
Sl. Breast cancer Classification criteria based processed .The malignant tumor US images were also
No. stages on TNM processed. The result infers that area of the malignant tumor
1 Stage 0 Tis, N0, M0
doubles for 77 days in third stage of breast cancer, tumor
2 Stage I T1, N0, M0
doubles in 212 days for 2nd stage and 342 days for first stage
T0, N1, M0 or
3 Stage II A T1, N1, M0 or malignant tumor in general. But benign tumor had roughly
T2, N0, M0 taken 2100 days to double the tumor and does not lead to
T2, N1, M0 or mortality.
4 Stage II B
T3, N0, M0
Fig. 6 depicts the tumor in woman of 67 years old with mass
T0, N2, M0 or
size of 2.4 cm in the initial sonographic screening. The size of
5 Stage IIIA T1, N2, M0 or
T2, N2, M0 or the mass rose to 5.8 cm2 in the second screening (60 days).
The tumor doubling time was estimated to be 47 days and removed by image filtering technique; we can observe label
depicted in Fig. 7. and artifacts removed object in Fig. 6 (b). Fig. 6 (c) shows the
contrast enhancement. This process adjusts the relative
brightness and darkness of breast tumor object in the
ultrasound image in order to improve their visibility. The
contrast of the US image will be changed by mapping the gray
scales in the image to new data points through a gray-scale
transformation. The Fig. 6 (d) Image sharpening is important
step in US image processing. This technique will restore some
of the sharpness lost in tumor object of US. Similarly the same
process had carried out in Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig.9.
Fig. 6 Result of Ultrasound Imaging-initial stage

Fig. 7 Result of Ultrasound Imaging-After 60 days

Fig.10 Sharpening of image

A general sharpening method subtracts a fraction of
neighboring pixel from each pixel elements as explained in
Fig.10. The black thin line curve in the lower section of image
Fig. 8 Result of 52 years old woman first UltraSound
is the input to the sharpening method. The two blue curves are
the reflections of the input, minimized in amplitude and
shifted by the distance of + or – 2 pixel intensities. This
distance is referred as sharpening radius Rs. The result of
sharpening process can be seen as a brighter image in Fig.7
(d). The breast US image is embossed in which each pixel of
an image is replaced either a shadow or highlight based on
light boundaries on the original input US image. This
technique also helps to diagnose the tumor part in breast
image. This is shown in Fig. 9.(e). The Fig. 9.(f) represents
the final segmentation of the tumor with area of 3.27 cm3 and
this result is approximately very closer to the pathologist
measured value in the laboratory with hardly two percentage
Fig. 9 Result of 52 years old woman second UltraSound
error rate. Similarly process has been carried out for the Fig. 9
In Fig. 8, a woman of 52 years-old with tumor on the first
but 56 days later. The tumor size has doubled and this
ultrasound image assessment is depicted. The diameters were
technique can be used by the doctor as an additional benefit to
estimated in two directions using the larger plane of the tumor
detect the disease in automatic process. The same process is
(14X9 mm). Then the volume of tumor was computed by
carried out for 67 years old woman in Fig.5 & Fig.6 after 60
using ellipsoid formula (approximately 3.27 cm3). After 56
days second ultrasound image assessment, the volume of
tumor rose to 6.93 cm3 and the tumor doubling time was Table 5 SGR and days values of Stage-I, Stage-II and Stage-III samples
calculated to be 52 days (third stage) and depicted in Fig.9. Stage-I samples with SGR and days
The more discussion on Fig. 8 is illustrated as the overall SGR Days SGR Days
process of tumor area estimation at given point of time. In 0.19 367 0.26 269
order to extract region of the tumor grown in breast ultrasound 0.27 254 0.05 300
is a series of challenging process. Fig. 6 (a) is the original
0.19 368
ultrasound image that was extracted by the skilled technician
Stage-II samples with SGR and days
in the laboratory and approximately dimension measured
SGR Days SGR Days
major x-axis and y-axis which we can observed limes over the
0.89 78 0.75 93
US image, but these line makes the disturbance for the
automatic estimation of the tumor size. Hence, these can be 0.53 132 0.33 213
0.72 96 0.91 76 1.33 52 1.71 41
0.95 73 0.98 71 2.06 34 1.76 39
1 69 0.578 122 1.51 46 1.75 40
1.09 64 1.11 62 1.61 43 1.46 47
1.16 60 0.19 368 1.76 39 1.33 52
0.86 1.19 0.58 0.89 1.79 39 1.89 37
1.01 68 0.8 87 1.67 42 1.65 42
0.74 93 0.78 88 1.96 35 1.98 35
1.18 59 1.01 69 1.67 42 1.58 44
0.52 132 1.03 67 1.33 52 1.76 39
0.99 70 1.27 54 1.5 46 1.79 39
1.1 63 0.81 85 1.31 53 1.72 40
0.95 73 1.04 67 2.06 34 2.3 30
1.02 68 1.08 64 2.49 28 2.12 33
1.3 6 0.98 71 1.76 39 1.52 46
1.08 64 0.98 71 1.32 53 1.79 39
0.47 148 0.91 76 1.47 47 1.81 38
1.1 63 1.01 69 1.5 46 1.67 42
0.95 73 1.01 69 1.4 49 1.75 40
0.99 70 0.86 81 1.79 39 1.69 41
0.57 122 0.8 87 1.89 37 1.4 50
0.3 230 0.91 76 1.91 36 1.4 50
0.92 75 0.82 85 1.91 36 2.06 34
1.11 62 1.26 55 1.5 46 1.41 49
0.75 92 1.29 54 1.68 41 1.69 41
1.28 54 0.41 171 1.62 43 1.5 46
0.46 152 0.69 100 1.93 36 1.38 50
0.81 85 1.23 56 1.72 40 1.38 50
0.9 77 0.73 95 1.42 49 2.03 34
0.69 100 1.02 68 1.69 41 2.36 29
1.12 62 0.05 300 1.62 43 1.66 41
1.41 49 0.28 244 1.49 46 1.33 52
0.78 0.94 1.15 60 1.35 52 1.56 44
0.37 188 1.25 56 2.3 30 1.64 42
0.7 99 0.8 84 1.3 53 1.58 44
0.86 81 1.14 61 1.35 51 1.62 43
0.27 254 0.44 159 1.96 35 1.57 44
1.15 61 0.36 194
1.19 58 1.09 63 Table 5 is the data set values for the tumor growth rate in
1.17 59 1.13 61 terms of SGR and days required for doubling the tumor. For
0.37 188 1.05 66 stage II, 120 samples and stage III, 80 samples and stage-I, 6
0.55 126 1.01 69 samples. Actually, the computation is done for 1200 samples,
0.93 74 1.17 59 but here only 200 samples has been displayed for visual
0.83 83 1.04 66 convenience and also summarized with seven statistics
1.17 59 1.09 64 features have detailed description is given in further sections.
1.2 58 0.92 76 The seven statistical features have been computed for the
0.54 129 0.47 148 Stage-I, Stage-II and Stage-III breast tumor for the computed
1.17 59 1.23 57 values of SGR and days. It gives average days for SGR for
1.26 55 0.48 145 Stage-I, Stage-II and Stage-III cancerous tumor.
0.19 367 0.85 82 In the table 6, the mean value for the Stage-I is SGR-0.20 and
days -304.5, for Stage-II, 0.87 and 95.33 days whereas for
0.39 180 0.26 269
Stage-III, 1.7 and 41.77 days. It can be observed that stage 3
1.28 54 0.67 103
SGR is 9 times higher than the stage 1. Hence tumor doubling
0.7 100 1.15 60
time is 42 days for Stage III tumor. It is essential to
0.8 87 0.3 227
recommend for the rigorous treatment of BC.
0.82 84 0.69 101 The Standard Deviation (SD) feature describes over the
1.19 58 1.27 54 dataset elements, Mean variance to the mean value as
0.86 81 0.81 85 described above. SD for days in Stage I, Stage II, and Stage
Stage –III samples with SGR and days III are (51.02, 0.08), (58.94, 0.30) and (6.55, 0.28). It can be
SGR Days SGR Days inferred that if the third stage day’s duration to double the
2.33 30 2.25 31 tumor is very less, hence, there is consistency in the SGR
value. So the time in the third stage get doubled immediately
in a short span of time. Whereas the Stage I tumor
demonstrate that sometimes gets doubled in 365 or 250 days,
where as some may take 1412 days also to get doubled. Stage
II doubling time is moderate and as shown in the table 6.
The minimum number of days required to double the tumor in
Stage1, Stage2, Stage3 are as follows 254 days, 169 days, 28
days respectively and SGR value is 0.05, 0.05, 1.3.The
maximum number of days for the doubling of tumor is 1412
days,368 days, 53 days and SGR values 0.27, 0.41,2.49
Fig.11 Graph of Tumor growth rate SGR V/s Days
The median value describes the given dataset elements either
odd number of elements or even number of elements. In case
of odd number elements the middle element is the median
whereas in even number elements the average of middle two
numbers is taken. As we can observe that the median value is
304.5 days, 95.33 days, 41.77 days and SGR is 0.225, 0.925,
The mode as defined over the given dataset element which
occurs with the highest frequency that is mode of n elements.
If two elements occur with the same frequency so that it is
called as bimodal, three elements occur that is called trimodal. Fig.12 Graph of Tumor growth rate SGR V/s Days-stage1
In our experiment mode values for stage 1, stage2 and stage3
are 269 days, 54 days, 39 days and SGR is 0.19, 1.01, and
1.33 respectively.
It can be inferred that the range for the 25 days shows that the
tumor got doubled in the third stage, 362 days for the stage2
tumor to get doubled and 1158 days i.e. at least three years for
stage 1 tumor to get doubled.
The Fig. 11 graph –SGR & days is drawn for the above
statistics and depicted in below table 5. The data reading in
red color shows the aggressive growth rate over the number of
days. The blue color readings indicate stage2 of the tumor
Fig.13 Graph of Tumor growth rate SGR V/s Days-stage2
growth rate and the green color depicts the tumor growth rate
of stage 1 tumors. The data fittings for stage 1, stage2, stage3
has been demonstrated as an equation and estimated that for
stage3 it is linear equation expression has been satisfied with
coefficient. y= 0.0432x+3.508 and for the stage2 equation on
data points are cubic given by equation
y=5.546e-08x3+5.108e-05x2-0.01578x+1.866 and have been
satisfied. Whereas for the stage1 data points depicted is
quadratic equation and given by
y=5.658e-05x2-0.03632x+5.895.All these are depicted in the
Fig. 11, Fig.12, Fig 13.and Fig. 14. Fig.14 Graph of Tumor growth rate SGR v/s Days-Stage3
Table 6. SGR & Days –Mean and Median value

Stat.Par. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 VI. CONCLUSION

SGR Days SGR Days SGR Days
Min 0.05 254 0.05 169 1.3 28 The estimation of the tumor growth rate is computed with the
Max 0.27 368 1.41 368 2.49 53 size of the volume of the tumor and SGR. The estimation
Mean 0.20 304.5 0.86 95.33 1.71 41.77 assists the oncologist in the determination of the stages of
SD 0.08 51.02 0.31 58.94 0.29 6.56 cancer. The Mathematical model helps in the estimation of
Median 0.22 284.5 0.92 74.5 1.67 42 the tumor growth rate from the initial screening and second
Mode 0.19 269 1.01 54 1.33 39 screening and can detect the stage of the tumor, thereby the
Range 0.22 114 1.36 362 1.19 25 decision of the treatment can be taken in the right manner.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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