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Year 37 No.

9 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green September 3, 2023


Fr. Vladimir Echalas, SOLT

O ur bodies are prone to seek of the chisel in the hands of the

what is pleasurable and to Master Sculptor. He chisels away
avoid pain. This is reflected in what is not necessary until the
the choices we make with regard masterpiece in us comes into life.
to our basic needs: good and Each blow entails pain, but it is
healthy food, beautiful clothing, needed to bring out the best in us.
comfortable shelter. But life is Pain is inevitable in life;
more than the pleasure we pain is a sign of growth. Our
seek because we are called to mothers experience the most
something greater than satisfying unimaginable physical pain when
the needs of our senses. It is they give birth to us. Pain is the
because we are not just pure antecedent to the birthing of
bodies. life. Since we needed a spiritual
Because of Peter’s profession rebirth, God like a mother would
that Jesus is the Christ, he is experience the worst pangs of
called by Jesus as “the rock” birth ever through the sufferings
and is given the keys of the of Jesus. That is the imperative of
Kingdom of Heaven. Peter may the cross. God gave birth to the
have professed that Jesus is the Church and to us on the cross;
Christ, but he never understands that is why as disciples of Jesus,
the meaning of his confession. we are all following a naked and
When Jesus explains that his suffering Christ.
messiahship would involve pain What is your cross at the
and suffering which would lead moment? Even if it seems eternity
to his death, Peter rebukes him. for some, it is not the end of
He cannot believe that his Christ everything but a channel to
would suffer such horrible death something greater than all our
on the cross. Jesus says, “Get sufferings. Our mothers can tell
behind me, Satan.” The name us the unexplainable joy after
“satan” comes from the Greek the pain of giving birth when
word satanas which means they see the beautiful baby in us.
tempter. Before Jesus embarked It is very hard for us to
on his public ministry, the devil appreciate our crosses in life,
first tempted him with what we but they are our way leading us
may call as “three shortcuts to to the fullness of our being. We
glory.” Jesus called the devil are reborn in every moment of
“Satan” precisely because he them his impending death. Peter our life until we come to the full
was tempted by the latter to tempts Jesus not to go to the cross stature that God has envisioned
achieve glory without the cross. just like what the devil did. for us. Like a mother, God is also
As his public ministry is about We are all masterpieces in in pain with us because God
to end, Jesus starts to prepare becoming! Like a piece of marble continually gives birth to us until
his disciples by explaining to we have to endure every blow we are born to eternal life.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria is my message; the word of the
Lord has brought me derision
All — Glory to God in the and reproach all the day.
Entrance Antiphon highest, and on earth peace
(Cf. Ps 86 [85]: 3, 5) I say to myself, I will not
(Recited when there is no opening song.) to people of good will. We mention him, I will speak in
praise you, we bless you, we his name no more. But then it
Have mercy on me, O Lord, adore you, we glorify you, we becomes like fire burning in
for I cry to you all the day give you thanks for your great my heart, imprisoned in my
long. O Lord, you are good glory, Lord God, heavenly King,
and forgiving, full of mercy bones; I grow weary holding
to all who call to you. O God, almighty Father. Lord it in, I cannot endure it.
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten — The word of the Lord.
Greeting Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, All—Thanks be to God.
(The sign of the cross is made here.) Son of the Father, you take
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus away the sins of the world, have Responsorial Psalm (Ps 63)
Christ, and the love of God, and mercy on us; you take away the
R—My soul is thirsting for
the communion of the Holy sins of the world, receive our you, O Lord my God.
Spirit be with you all. prayer; you are seated at the
All—And with your spirit. right hand of the Father, have Sr. M.C.A. Parco, fsp

mercy on us. For you alone are

A Bm
Introduction the Holy One, you alone are          
(These [or similar words] may be used the Lord, you alone are the
to address the assembly.) My soul is thirs ting for
Most High, Jesus Christ, with
P—In the Gospel, Peter judges the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
4 A E7 A
by worldly standards when he God the Father. Amen.        
objects to Jesus’ announcement Collect you, O Lord my God.
that the latter is going to
Jerusalem to suffer, die, and P—Let us pray. (Pause) 1. O God, you are my God
rise again. Jesus replies that he God of might, giver of every whom I seek;/ for you my flesh
and his followers must embrace good gift, put into our hearts pines and my soul thirsts/ like
the inseparable mysteries of the the love of your name, so that, the earth, parched, lifeless and
by deepening our sense of without water. (R)
cross and the resurrection. Let reverence, you may nurture in
us pray for the faith to accept us what is good and, by your 2. Thus have I gazed toward
the cross as a part of our life in watchful care, keep safe what you in the sanctuary/ to see
following Jesus who saved the you have nurtured. your power and your glory,/
world by his passion, death, Through our Lord Jesus for your kindness is a greater
and resurrection. Christ, your Son, who lives good than life;/ my lips shall
and reigns with you in the
Penitential Act glorify you. (R)
unity of the Holy Spirit,
P —Brethren (brothers and God, for ever and ever. 3. Thus will I bless you while
sisters), let us acknowledge All—Amen. I live;/ lifting up my hands, I
our sins, and so prepare THE LITURGY will call upon your name./ As
ourselves to celebrate the OF THE WORd with the riches of a banquet
sacred mysteries. (Pause) shall my soul be satisfied,/ and
First Reading (Jer 20:7–9) (Sit) with exultant lips my mouth
P—You were sent to heal the
The prophet Jeremiah describes the shall praise you. (R)
contrite of heart: Lord, have
mercy. derision he endures for the word of 4. You are my help,/ and in
All—Lord, have mercy. the Lord; still, the prophet chooses to the shadow of your wings I
P—You came to call sinners: continue doing God’s work despite shout for joy./ My soul clings
Christ, have mercy. the suffering it entails. fast to you;/ your right hand
All—Christ, have mercy. upholds me. (R)
A reading from the Book of
P — You are seated at the the Prophet Jeremiah Second Reading
right hand of the Father to (Rom 12:1–2)
intercede for us: Lord, have YOU DUPED ME, O L ord ,
mercy. and I let myself be duped; you
Paul exhorts Christians to give God the
All—Lord, have mercy. were too strong for me, and
spiritual worship of a life conformed
P—May almighty God you triumphed. All the day
to Christ who, by his obedience, offered
have mercy on us, forgive I am an object of laughter;
a perfect sacrifice to the Father.
us our sins, and bring us to everyone mocks me.
everlasting life. Whenever I speak, I must A reading from the Letter of
All—Amen. cry out, violence and outrage Saint Paul to the Romans
I URGE YOU, brothers and All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus in our time: Lord, keep your
sisters, by the mercies of Christ. word always burning in their
God, to offer your bodies hearts, that it may be their
as a living sacrifice, holy Homily (Sit)
inspiration and strength. We
and pleasing to God, your pray: (R)
spiritual worship. Do not Profession of Faith (Stand)
conform yourselves to this All — I believe in one God, C—For government leaders:
age but be transformed by the Father almighty, maker of Lord, help them see and
the renewal of your mind, heaven and earth, of all things judge things in the light of
that you may discern what is visible and invisible. your truth, so that they may
the will of God, what is good I believe in one Lord Jesus not be snared by the lure of
and pleasing and perfect. Christ, the Only Begotten Son power, popularity, and instant
—The word of the Lord. of God, born of the Father gratification. We pray: (R)
All—Thanks be to God. before all ages. God from God,
Light from Light, true God C—For all of us: Lord, help
Alleluia (Cf. Eph 1:17–18) (Stand) from true God, begotten, not us live simply and selflessly
made, consubstantial with the so that we can become good
All—Alleluia, alleluia. May Father; through him all things stewards and thus make holy
the Father of our Lord Jesus were made. For us men and for your creation. We pray: (R)
Christ enlighten the eyes of our salvation he came down
our hearts, that we may know from heaven, (At the words that C —For those who render
what is the hope that belongs follow up to and including and service to family members,
became man, all bow.)and by the relatives, and other people in
to our call. Alleluia, alleluia.
Holy Spirit was incarnate of the need: Lord, be their strength
Gospel (Mt 16:21–27) Virgin Mary, and became man. and reward, especially in
Fo r o u r s a k e h e wa s
P—A reading from the holy moments of fatigue and
crucified under Pontius Pilate,
Gospel according to Matthew he suffered death and was discouragement. We pray: (R)
All—Glory to you, O Lord. buried, and rose again on the C—For the sick, the oppressed,
JESUS BEGAN to show his third day in accordance with the heavily burdened, and the
the Scriptures. He ascended
disciples that he must go to dying: Lord, make them feel
into heaven and is seated at
Jerusalem and suffer greatly the right hand of the Father. that you are with them in their
from the elders, the chief He will come again in glory struggle. We pray: (R)
priests, and the scribes, and to judge the living and the C —Let us pray for the urgent
be killed and on the third day dead and his kingdom will concerns of our community
be raised. Then Peter took Jesus have no end. and our personal intentions
aside and began to rebuke I believe in the Holy Spirit, (pause). We pray: (R)
him, “God forbid, Lord! No the Lord, the giver of life,
such thing shall ever happen who proceeds from the Father P — Heavenly Father, Jesus
to you.” He turned and said to and the Son, who with the
secures our faith through Peter
Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! Father and the Son is adored
and glorified, who has spoken and his successors. Give us the
You are an obstacle to me. You grace to keep and cherish our
through the prophets.
are thinking not as God does, I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y, unity of faith in your Church.
but as human beings do.” catholic, and apostolic Church. We ask this through Christ
Then Jesus said to his I confess one Baptism for the our Lord.
disciples, “Whoever wishes forgiveness of sins and I look All—Amen.
to come after me must deny forward to the resurrection
himself, take up his cross, and of the dead and the life of the THE LITURGY OF
follow me. For whoever wishes world to come. Amen. THE EUCHARIST
to save his life will lose it, but Prayer of the Faithful Presentation of the Gifts
whoever loses his life for my (Stand)
sake will find it. What profit P—Let us pray to our
heavenly Father that through P—Pray, brethren…
would there be for one to gain
the cross of Christ his Son, All—May the Lord accept the
the whole world and forfeit his he may bring us to the glory sacrifice at your hands for the
life? Or what can one give in of his kingdom. Full of praise and glory of his name,
exchange for his life? For the confidence,we pray: for our good, and the good of
Son of Man will come with all his holy Church.
his angels in his Father’s glory, R—Father, hear our prayer.
and then he will repay all Prayer over the Offerings
according to his conduct.” C —For the Pope, bishops,
priests, deacons, and the P—May this sacred offering,
— The Gospel of the Lord. proclaimers of God’s word O Lord, confer on us always
the blessing of salvation, that
what it celebrates in mystery
it may accomplish in power.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface (Ordinary Time III)

P—The Lord be with you.

All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
For when your children
were scattered afar by sin,
through the Blood of your Son
and the power of the Spirit, Invitation to Peace Prayer over the People
you gathered them again Invitation to Communion P—Bow down for the blessing.
to yourself, that a people, (Kneel) (Pause)
formed as one by the unity Lord God, from the
of the Trinity, made the body P—Behold the Lamb of God, abundance of your mercies
of Christ and the temple of the behold him who takes away provide for your servants and
Holy Spirit, might, to the praise the sins of the world. Blessed ensure their safety, so that,
of your manifold wisdom, be are those called to the supper strengthened by your blessings,
manifest as the Church. of the Lamb. they may at all times abound
And so, in company with All—Lord, I am not worthy in thanksgiving and bless you
the choirs of Angels, we that you should enter under with unending exultation.
praise you, and with joy we my roof, but only say the Through Christ our Lord.
proclaim: word and my soul shall be All—Amen.
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord P—And may the blessing of
Communion Antiphon almighty God, the Father,
God of hosts. Heaven and
(Ps 31 [30]:20) and the Son, (†) and the Holy
earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest. How great is the goodness, Spirit, come down on you
Blessed is he who comes in Lord, that you keep for those and remain with you for ever.
the name of the Lord. Hosanna who fear you. All—Amen.
in the highest. (Kneel) Dismissal
Prayer after Communion
Acclamation (Stand) (Stand)
P—The Mass has been offered.
P—Let us pray. (Pause) Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
All—When we eat this Bread
Renewed by this bread by your life.
and drink this Cup, we
from the heavenly table, All—Thanks be to God.
proclaim your Death, O Lord,
we beseech you, Lord, that,
until you come again.
being the food of charity,
it may confirm our hearts SUBSCRIBE TO OUR
THE COMMUNION RITE and stir us to serve you in SAMBUHAY
The Lord’s Prayer Through Christ our Lord. For inquiries and orders:
All—Our Father… All—Amen. FACEBOOK: Sambuhay Missalette
All—For the kingdom, the
TEL: (02) 8895-9701
power and the glory are yours, P—The Lord be with you.
now and for ever. All—And with your spirit.

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