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Improving the Positive Behavior in Classroom of 7-NA1

Action Research Plan

Field Study 2

(Participating and Teaching Assistantship)

I. Context and Rationale

Positive behavior strategies are evidence-based, proactive approaches to changing

challenging student behavior. Some examples of positive behavior strategies are pre-
correcting and prompting and nonverbal signals. There’s a lot to think about when it
comes to teaching. You plan and deliver lessons to cover the curriculum. You adjust
your lesson plans to meet your students’ needs. On top of it all, you manage student

II. Action Research Questions

1. What are the factors that can improve positive behavior of the students?
2. What are the possible advantages of positive behavior of the students?
3. How can I assist student’s positive behavior?

III. Proposed Innovation and Intervention Strategy

The strategy that I can utilize first is to be consistent with rules because it
can be helpful to let the students write some of their own class rules then
students then use peer pressure to keep them. Next is to get the students full
attention before telling them anything because If a student is not focused on
you, they will not be listening, so spend a couple of minutes gaining their
attention. Better this than repeating your instructions to every student again.
Third is to use positive language and body language because positive
language will encourage your students to use their own positive language.
Fourth is to established mutual respect because if you want to be shown
respect you have to role model the behavior to your students. Lastly, is to
know your students because there is no better tool available to the teacher
than knowing your students. Take time to get to know them, their likes and
dislikes. If you can plan a lesson on what the student is interested in, you will
find them easier to engage.

IV. Action Research Method

A. Participation/Other resource data
B. Data Gathering Method
C. Data Analysis Plan
The target participants of this Action research are the students of 7-NA1 and
the subject teacher. The Data Gathering Method used in this action research
is observation. The data collected in this action research will be recorded
through written.

V. Action Research Work Plan

Target Activities Person Timeline Cost

1st week Ask permission to Personnel 1 week 1,000

the personnel in
charge in the school.

2nd Week Observed the class Students and 1 week 1,000

of 7-NA1. Teachers

3rd Week Collect and write all Researcher 1 week 1,500

the data that

4th Week Evaluate All data Researcher 1 week 1,500

VI. Cost Estimate
The total cost is Php. 5,000
VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization
To disseminate the result of action research is through presenting it to the
VIII. Reference

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