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Arranged to fulfill the task:

Major: Teaching English as Foreign Language

Lecture: Kalayo Hasibuan,M.Ed


Name :Ni’matuzzakiyah

NIM : 211890





Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT, who has bestowed His grace and guidance,
so that the author can complete the paper in good health. Sholawat and salam continuously
poured out to prophet Muhammad SAW, who brought people from the darkness of the times
to Addinul Islam.

This paper was prepared to fulfill the Teaching English as Foreign Language course
assignments. In addition, this paper aims to add insight into How to Be a Good EFLL

Our thanks go to Mr. Kalayo Hasibuan,M.Ed who has provided knowledge, which
hopefully will be useful for the author and the author's friends in arms.

The author apologizes, if there are many shortcomings in the paper, because the paper
is still far from perfect, and for that, the author asks for constructive criticism and suggestions
from all readers.

Tanjung Pinang,

June, 11st 2023



PROLOGUE........................................................................................................................ 1

TABLE CONTENT.............................................................................................................2

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................... 3

A...Background of Paper............................................................................................... 3
B...Formulation of the Problem.....................................................................................3

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...............................................................................................4

A...Reasons why we should be good EFL teachers. .....................................................4

B...Principles for becoming a good EFL teacher.......................................................... 5
C...Methods for becoming a good EFL teacher. .......................................................... 7

CHAPTER III CLOSING....................................................................................................10

A...Conclusion............................................................................................................... 10



A. Background of Paper

Teaching is an activity that occurs between teachers and their students. Teachers
provide learning activities by preparing learning materials consisting of knowledge,
experience, and skills. The three developments that teachers need to do are: Character
development, namely fostering the personality of hablum mina Allah, namely the feeling of
loving Allah SWT and presenting Him in every action and then becoming hablu minan annas,
namely human relations in business and society and also hablu mina Alam by doing good to
nature. Development of science, namely world sciences such as physics, biology, and
mathematics. Skill development, namely the cytometer aspect so that students have passion
and master their skills.

It is expected that learners can develop character, knowledge and acquire skills. The
goal is for students to have noble character, knowledge and skills that are useful for their
lives. Which of course in terms of foreign languages, namely English. So in this paper, the
author will present methods and techniques on how to become a good English teacher.

B. Formulation of the Problem

1. Reasons why we should be good EFL teachers.

2. Principles for becoming a good EFL teacher.

3. Methods for becoming a good EFL teacher.



A. Reasons why we should be good EFL teachers.

Learning and teaching are two different but interrelated things. In school, we
recognize teaching by the teacher in class as a facilitator and get homework so that later we
can evaluate personally at home. In terms of learning and teaching, it is one of human nature,
to learn new things during his life. And someday the knowledge gained can be practiced and
taught to others. As for the job of being a teacher is a noble job.

There are three purposes why English is leaned an instructed: EGP (English for
General Purposes), -ESP (English for Specific Purposes), and EAP (English for Academic

1. EGP (English for General Purposes)

Including teaching fundamentals of grammar, expression and phonetics
and Provide a stronger or weaker basis for possible later language studies. This
The subjects taught ensure that learners can communicate easily on a variety
of topics; from directions to shopping for clothes, and even Order a meal at a
restaurant. Learning activities are contextualized, Students practice different
oral situations.
2. ESP (English for Specific Purposes)
Refers to the language of instruction Specific purposes defined
differently The professional/occupational, social and other needs of the learner.
English for specific purposes including special programs designed therefor
develop the communicative use of English in special scientific fields, work or
technology. It's not like that when you can talk about professional topics.
Enough to understand general vocabulary.
3. EAP (English for Academic Purposes)
Including language courses Educated people use and need to be
economically successful in society. Learners are usually trained in the use of
the foreign language at universities language for learning. Academic language

includes cognitive, Linguistic and social/psychological components. some
aspects of it Components can be taught; others are less useful others may
Teaching backfires. Awareness is also an important part of the curriculum
English. It includes knowledge, higher order thinking (critical education),
Cognitive and metalinguistic strategies. Future foreign language teachers will
learn English in another language A way to meet society's need for language.

The main goal of teaching English as a foreign language is to Develop students'

communication skills. Talkative Capability is a concept introduced and discussed by Dell
Hymes Redefined by many authors. Effective Teachers Must Have Teaching Skills This is
the ability to provide student-centered instruction Adequate pedagogical knowledge (learning
styles and theories) on the subject Professional (with planning, organization and presentation
skills). and ICT skills).

B. Principle of becoming a Good EFL Teacher

Teacher effectiveness is measured by the level of communication foreign language
ability developed by students participating in learning. This requires a long teaching-learning
process. This academic work involves both teachers and students and involves complex
activities related to cognitive, sociolinguistic and psychological aspects. the principles are
basic rules, ideas underpinning teaching progress. Teaching and learning principles will serve
as guidelines to help teachers plan their activities and contribute to communication in English
skill advancement. The thirteen principles are:
1. Give Priority to Sounds
The sounds of English should get priority. Sound should not be
presented in isolation. They should appear in appropriate phrases and
sentences spoken with intonation and rhythm will be used by a native speaker.
2. Present Language in Basic Sentence Patterns
Present, and let the students memorize, basic sentence patterns used in
everyday conversation. From small expression, the students can easily pass on
to longer sentences.
3. Language Patterns as Habits

Actual language ability is at usual level. It doesn't just mean knowing
the language. Do pattern language as habit through intensive pattern practice
in a variety of situation.
4. Imitation
Imitation is an important principle of language learn. No apprentice
ever invented the language on his own. A good speech is results of imitating
good models. The model must be easy to understand. Copycat followed by
intensive practice to help master the language system.
5. Controlled Vocabulary
Vocabulary should be kept under control. Vocabulary should only be
taught and practiced in the context of real situation. In this way, the meaning
will be clarified and reinforced.
6. Graded Patterns
Language patterns should be taught gradually, in cumulative graded
steps. This means that the teacher has to keep adding new elements or patterns
one at a time the previous ones. New language patterns need introduction and
practice with vocabulary that students already know.
7. Selection
Selection of the language material to be taught is the first requisite of
good teaching. frequency, range, coverage, availability, learnability, teaching
8. The Oral Way
Experts say that the oral route is safest way to learn a language. It is
said that "Learn to speak a language always the shortest way to learn to read
and write it.
9. Priorities of Language Skills
Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic foundations
skills. Listening and speaking are essential reading and writing skills are
secondary skills. Reading and writing are reinforcing skills. Surname reinforce
what has been learned through understanding and speaking. Actually,
understanding and speaking speeds up the reading process. Articles should
have presented after reading.
10. Multiple Line of Approaches

The teacher must not refuse anything except materials are useless and
should be selected with care and without prejudice to all of them capable of
helping him in his work”. To teach a language is to solve the problems on all
fronts. Teachers can have some language activities related to the topic, such
as practice speaking, reading, writing sentences, composition, grammar,
translation, language exercises, etc.
11. Language Habit through Language Using
A language is best learnt through use in different contexts and
situations. Learnt language only by using for daily speaking and listening
native speaker from language that we want to mastering. It can be flexible
and autodidact depend on ourselves.
12. Spiral Approach
The "spiral" approach to language learning must follow. Vocabulary
and structure taught should be reintroduced in subsequent units whenever it
makes sense or is possible. This is the "spiral method".
13. Use Mother-tongue Sparingly
The mother-tongue should be sparingly and judiciously used during
teaching English. Use mother-tongue is like teach a baby to speak, and it is so
easy to acquired new language. Even the teaching grammar and etch in the
school is necessary.

All EFL teachers need to know all those principles even by foreign language. The
other three principles are:
1. Cognitive principle
2. Affective principle
3. Linguistic principle

The three principles above have different purpose and benefit and also deficiency.
Depend on where and how to use it for teaching English as foreign language.

C. Methods for becoming a good EFL teacher

There are some method of teaching English, some examples of them are: Grammar
Translation Method, Silent Way, Direct Method, Audio-lingual, Situational Approach, and
Communicative Language teaching.
1. Grammar Translation Method
An old method has been originally used to teach dead languages, that's
why it focused mainly in the written form, to the detriment of the spoken form.
It is designed according to the psychology approach of the faculty which is
very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Which is use mother-tongue, and
elaborate explanation. Also Vocabulary items are taught in the form of word
lists. In this method use Focus on the morphology and syntax and Reading of
difficult texts early in the course.
2. Direct Method
Also known as the natural method, created in Germany and France
around 1900. It's a teaching method from abroad languages ​ ​ using the
target language, eliminating any use of the source language languages in class.
When teachers become frustrated with students unable to communicate orally,
they began to experiment with new things technique. Some feature of
Translation is completely banished from any classroom activity, Classroom
activities are carried out only in the target language, Oral teaching comes
before any other kind of reading and writing activities also Use of chain
activities accompanied by verbal comments.
3. The Audio-Lingual method
Worldwide origin World War II, when it was called the military
method. It is also called Oral approach. It is based on the structural vision of
language and Behavioral theory of language learning. The sound language
approach of Language teaching has many similarities with the direct method.
Which is some feature with Use of grammar patterns, Mistakes are bad and
should be avoided, as they are considered bad habits, Language skills are
learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written form
and Meanings of words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context.
4. The Silent Way
Chomskyan's critique of the theories underlying the acoustic-linguistic
method has led to interest not only in factors but also cognitive factors. In fact,
Caleb Gattegno, who founder of the Silent Way, dedicated his thoughts to the
importance of Problem solving in education. Some features, Learning is
facilitated if the learner discovers or creates, Learning is facilitated by

accompanying (mediating) physical objects, and Learning is facilitated by
problem solving involving the material to be learned.
5. The Communicative Method
Speak communication Language Teaching (CLT) emphasizes learning
a language through communicate. Learning a new language is easier and more
fun when it really matters. Teaching communication based on work Social
linguists say that effective knowledge of a language than just knowing
vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation rules. Learners must be able to use the
language appropriately in any business or social context. Grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary are essentials of effective communication.

Even all those method has some deficiency and advantage. The good teachers need to
know where the best method for their student, especially for teaching English language as
foreign language. After know all those principles and methods, the expectation is for all the
prospective teachers will understand what the technique and step to become good EFL



A. Conclusion
To be good EFL teachers we need to observe three important things, the
first is the purpose of why we should to be good EFL teachers the second one is
what the principles to be good EFL teacher and the last is what the method to be
good EFL teacher.


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