Conceptual Framework and Operational Definition Variables

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Three Types of Skills

Profile of Persons with disabilities

 Age  Technical Skills

 Sex  Human Skills

 Civil Status  Conceptual Skills

 Educational attainment

 Types of Disabilities

These dependent variables are influenced by the independent variables, and analyzing

their relationships can help assess the effectiveness of efforts to promote employment

opportunities for individuals with disabilities in the hospitality industry.


Operational definitions clarify how variables in a study will be measured or observed.

Here are operational definitions for some key variables related to promoting employment

opportunities for individuals with disabilities in the hospitality industry

1. Disability-Friendly Policies are operationalized as written guidelines and procedures

within hospitality establishments explicitly outlining accommodations, nondiscrimination, and

support for individuals with disabilities. These policies are assessed based on their presence,

comprehensiveness, and adherence to legal requirements, such as compliance with the

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

2. Accessible Infrastructure refers to the physical facilities and amenities within

hospitality establishments that enable individuals with disabilities to navigate, access, and use the

premises comfortably and safely. It is measured by evaluating the presence of features like

ramps, elevators, wide doorways, accessible restrooms, and signage complying with accessibility


3. Training and Awareness programs are operationalized as organized initiatives

designed to educate and sensitize hospitality staff and management about the needs and rights of

individuals with disabilities. Measurement involves assessing the frequency, content, and

effectiveness of these programs, as well as staff knowledge and attitudes.

4. Inclusive Recruitment Practices are specific strategies employed during the hiring

process to actively encourage and facilitate the application and selection of individuals with

disabilities. This can be measured by reviewing job postings for inclusive language, tracking the
use of accommodations during interviews, and evaluating recruitment efforts focused on

disability inclusion.

5. Supportive Work Environment is defined by the presence of policies, practices, and

attitudes within hospitality establishments that foster a culture of inclusion, respect, and equal

opportunities for all employees, including those with disabilities. Measurement includes

employee surveys assessing perceptions of inclusion and support.

6. Corporate Culture in this context is operationalized as the values, norms, and

behaviors exhibited by the organization and its leadership that either promote or hinder

inclusivity, including disability inclusion. It can be measured through employee feedback,

management practices, and organizational mission statements.

7. External Factors encompass economic, regulatory, and societal influences that may

impact the hospitality industry's approach to employing individuals with disabilities.

Measurement involves tracking changes in relevant legislation, economic trends, and social

attitudes that affect disability employment.

8. Employment Rates are operationalized as the percentage of individuals with

disabilities who are currently employed in various positions within the hospitality industry. This

is calculated by dividing the number of employed individuals with disabilities by the total

number of employees in the industry, expressed as a percentage.

9. Job Satisfaction among employees with disabilities is operationalized as the level of

contentment and fulfillment reported by these individuals in their workplace. It is measured

through surveys or interviews assessing factors such as job engagement, work-life balance, and

overall job satisfaction.

10. Employee Retention for individuals with disabilities is operationalized as the rate at

which employees with disabilities remain employed within the hospitality industry for a

specified duration, typically expressed as a percentage over a specific time frame.

These operational definitions provide clarity and guidance on how to measure and assess

the various variables related to promoting employment opportunities for individuals with

disabilities in the hospitality industry, ensuring consistency and objectivity in research or

evaluation efforts.

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