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Every person has a right to conceal is personal information at work.

Employer should also respect their

privacy. But there is some information that employers need to know about like payroll, their educational
background, Training, experience in work to ensure employee performance management and workplace
safety. It is employer's responsibility to keep employee’s information confidential and do not share
among other person and company for personal benefits. The laws and regulations on the Privacy should
be well known to the employers such as (PIPEDA) The Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act. Under this privacy act only government related employes are able to collect personal
information without knowledge of employes which related to business or profession and the activity of
the government institution. Any employer cannot use surveillance video of working employee’s as
watching their performance and attendance purpose. The employer should be transparent with their
employees about what personal information they will be collecting, showing, or being used and
potential consequences. There are some key principles about privacy that both employer and employee
should respect.

 Giving correct personal information

 Personal information accuracy
 Reducing data collection, use, and disclosure
 Putting in place security safeguard to protect personal information
 Policy and transparency
 Individual accessibility

Privacy impact assessment (PIAs) is proven way to decrease the risk of privacy. It helps to find the
legislative requirements and impact of activities and program on individual’s privacy.

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