P Is For Pterodactyl

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Pterodactyi “THE WORST, ALPHABET BOOK EVER All the letters that misbehav RAJ HALDAR «& CHRIS CARPENTER es bY MARTA TINA BEDDIA Is for Pterodactyl *THE WORST ALPHABET BOOK EVER™ ** All the letters that misbehave and make words nearly impossible to pronounce, RAJHALDAR & CHRIS CARPENTER — icrurcs sy MARTA TINA BEDDIA sourcebooks Jabberwocky Did you know that there are some really wacky words that start with a silent letter? Most of the time you can just ignore that pesky first letter and sound out the rest of the word, But be carefull There are other words in this book that don’t follow the rules! Look to the back of the book for help with some of the most mischievous words, “econ © 2018 lala Ci Caren Conran tra stone © 208 ara Tn Bs ‘ovata en © ZB Soe805, re Seurocs anh clepon ares tates of Sourctnks, he ‘sree “Tre chaactrs ard ers eae ins ook ctu ae deus Ay str ons ing ors uc et mune yh ar A das and rout ame ad ns bok waa, ged aman, or ade rams ‘roar eee hls Seurtboos ne, ol seclted wih ay proce overs ook ‘hear as remy hand wheal exe day. tet y Souretedsabarcey an np of ous, Po on at, ape ne SSHF-10 (es) ors Fa (3) 95-2168 “surmoniscom Lay ot ange Cen Pttn dito le wn npr Soweet Patan 1010 Praag arate, Kwong arg, Coa Dat Pasco: Agu 2018 Finer so Patent inc, ogprogeressa2y = + << AL | [eee The bread aisle has not been cleaned in aeons, and nine tiny beasts meet to have a feast, We doubt anyone knows what bdellium is, but it’s the only word dumb enough to begin with a silent B, aa (NTT Vea A MP x C iis for Czar. 3 Shhh! The fascinating czar is secretly part Czech. The boat race begins when the handsome judge from Djibouti drops his handkerchief from the bridge. Ei is for Ewe. Eileen the ewe was so euphoric the wolves were eaten, she even gave the eulogy, F is only for “foto” when you speak fluent Spanish at home! The gnome yells, “Waiter! There’s a bright white gnat nibbling on my gnocchi!” We asked the pirate if he has two eyes, and he said, “aye, aye!” Jistor . Jan Allain Juanita and Bjorn happily played jai alai before eating fajitas in Juarez. The noble knight’s knife nicked the knave’s knee. An elephant named Elle rode the el train halfway to El Paso and dined on hearts of palm with her folks. aS M25 ,. Ml IM is for Mmemomice. But now Mr, M, can’t remember why. rN at, N is not for Kot. oan i @ B he Ze ye p oO Nice (J e° eon IN N is for naughty children who will sing a solemn hymn when autumn comes to an end, © is for Ouija. The French leopard says, “Oui! We'd love to play Ouija with the wee witch from Oaxaca.” " P is for Pterodactyl. Ptolemy the psychic pterodactyl struggles with psoriasis, We can enjoy quinoa and quiche by the quays of Qatar. In England, the Queen proclaims, “We aren’t. saying the r’s in butterfly, shark, or lizard!” Si iis for Seas Cee Cee swam through the debris in the seas to see the imaginary isle of New Arkansas, The charging tsunami washed away all of Tchaikovsky’s tchotchkes, You never could have guessed that the wolf was disguised as the ewe! TR ‘Yuis for Five. How Roman-tic! The wren wrapped the rabbit’s gift in red, but forgot to write a note. NW Xavier’s extra arm made him an exceptional xylophone player. But Yves, who is wearing yellow shorts, yells, “Why is the Eiffel Tower upside down?” i, is for ZIDiNago. Goodnight, Zhivago the zebra! I’ve enjoyed our rendezvous, Z22.. Aisle (pronounced !-ei—Any passage winere people walk. Usually in grocery stores, airplanes, and mavie theaters. Autumn (pronounced AWW-tum)—The season after summer and betore winter. I's also called “fal” because isthe ‘time of year when leaves fall tothe ground Aeon (pronounced EE:yor)—A very long peiod of ene—say, back when the dinosaurs ive, or whan you used o wer diapers! Bdellium (pronounced DEL-2e-yum) is ‘the good-smeling, stick resin made bya spcitic species of tree that grows in parts of Africa and Asa. Itis burned a incense in religious ceremonies around the wort Czax (pronounced zar)—The te of a Russian ruler beore 1917. Also canbe used to describe any powerful person. After reading this book, you'll be ‘the czar of silent eters? ‘Czech (pronounced check)—A person born orlving in the Gzech Republi, a country in Europe known for its caste, And now... The Worst Glossary E Debris (pronounced de-BREE)—Broken pleves that are left ater something has been destroyed. “Te tiny Arica nation of Djibouti (pronounced {2800+ most desert, but th county i also hme to Lake Asal—one of he salient badis of water nthe wor El train (shor tor elevated trai) A allway with racks above the street lvel. Commonly seen in big cies around the word El Paso (Spanish tor the Pass)—A town in ‘Texas that sits along the Alo Grand river atthe US.-Mexic border. ‘Ewe (pronounced you)—A female sheep, Lite Bo Peep, ke the ones lost by Euphoric (pronounced you-FOUR-ck}—Feting very happy ‘or exited, whether at you birthday party or ater kicking the famevining gana sce gue! Eulogy (rorounced yousuhoom Aspen usualy given ata funeral Qe Eo ad Exceptional (pronounced eck-SEP-shun-u!)—Much better than average realy good! Foto (pronounced PHO-10e|—In Spanish, the “ph in words ke ‘photo in English are spelled with an £ Telephone stlfono, and ‘even alphabets alfabet! Isn't that phenomenal? What else comes from Spain? The cy of Pamplona Spain is famous for its Running of the Buls, 2 tration where feisty bulls chase brave runners through narrow streats. Gnocchi (pronounced ty0-key)—Delicious litle balls of dough that are boiled in water like dumplings and are usualy served with a yummy sauce Gnome (pronounced nome)—A make-believe creature ‘that looks ikea litle man and often wears a pointy hat Heer (pronounces a)—The person who is net in tine to Inert something, such as a throne or fortune. Herbalism (pronounced £f-batis-um)—The study of how Plants canbe tuned into medicine, moO 3 ee ° h Hymn (pronounced nin)—A religious song that you ight sing ina tmp or church n Isle (pronounced !-yel—Shortened word for island. The country of Ireland i often called the Emerald Isle because it's so areen! Jai alai (pronounces HIGH: isa sport that started in Spain ands played by using a e009 to throw a bal agaist awa I's called the “Ystest sporti the world because ball speeds can reach upto 188 miles per hour Knight (pronounced nigh soe tom te Mile Ages who oupht while ing a horse and wearing aul suit ot armor In modern times, knighthood or damehood is awarded to people wha have accomplished something really special Knave (pronounced navo)—& dishonest person, ‘Knot (pronounced nof}—Whatis formed when you tie apace of string or rope to its or to something ‘else—jst lke those bunny ears on your shoelaces! oO Mnemonic (pronounced neh-MOW-ie}—A handy way of remembering something hard by connecting itto something easy. The next ime you need to remember something, try making your own! Oaxaca (pronounced wa-HA-ta) isa beautiul paca inthe southern part f Mexico, ‘Oni (pronounced wee)—The French word meaning “yes.” When a word starts withthe silent Iter oft usualy makes ‘aw sound. Oh, isn't the English language weird? Onaija (oronounced WEE ge) is a game tat people play on Phlega (pronounces fem)—A ticki produced inthe as and thot when someone has & cod Also known a st ‘One ofthe grestest poss words of al tine! Phooey (pronounced 00-wee}—Anexclaatin vse to ‘expres ise for someting Pterodactyl (pronounced ai-0-D4C-)—A hge thing ose that ed along time 290 Who put the p in pterodacty!? The ancient Greeks! The word part pte is of Greek origin and means "winged" or “Yeathared” asin helicopter. Ptolemy (pronounced TOL-em-26)—A name that was popular in ancient times, most commonly associated with he ‘Greek mathematician ofthe same name Psychic (pronounced SIGH-tich—Used to desrie someone with mysterious mental powers that can usualy see the ttre Psoriasis (pronounced s0-AYE ‘ah-si)—A skin disease that causes areas of dy, thy skin. Poor Prolemy the pterodactyl! Quinoa (pronounce KEEN-rah}—A round rete grin that’ grown in South America Ls Quiche (pronounced kesi)—A yurmy pie made wit e995. tlk, and cheese, often wth veges or meat ade, Quay (prononce key/—Tne pace where sis an and vlad pastengrs onthe nd nest ody of water Qatar (pronounced CUT-2—A country inthe Middle East ‘where there Is os ofall underground, Rendezvous (oronounss AoW-dy-voo)—when people YD arrange a secret meeting a a particular ime, Mysterious The British accent often skips over the rsound completely I you want to speak Ike the Queen of England, just drop the rs from words tke work, mar, fr, and computer, too! Solemn (pronounced $AHom)—Ver serious or formalin manne. Of course the US. state of Arkansas Isa real place! Its state bird is a mockingbird, and its official instruments a fiddle. Arkansas is also home tothe only diamond mine in the United States. Can you find these tems onthe S page? Tsunami (pronounced suo-N4-mee)—A very large ‘wave inthe ocean that Is usually caused by an earthquake. A tsunami canbe even taller than a big building at 3 Fe el f 3 J Tchaikovsky (ronaunces chat COUGHsk)—The lst name of Pyotr Ich Tchaikovsky, famous cassical musician from Russia ‘Tchotchkess (pronounced CHOCH-keys}—A Yiddish word ‘meaning an inexpensive souvenir or trinket ‘Wren (pronounced rom)—A ite bird that canbe idontitod by its brown features and upward-pointing tal ‘The Ancient Romans had an entirely different way of counting that used letters instead of numbers. it sounds hard but ts easy as I I. You may have notices Roman rumerals on old clocks and watohes. ton om wv wovnvmm x ae aa ere alg) a0 Xylophone (pronounced 2¥-4-phone—A musical instrument with wooden bar of aieren lengths that are stuck witha mat Zhivago (pronounced je-VAH-90\—A Russian name that mesns “ie,” mast commonly associated withthe tla character ‘tom the Book and movie, ‘Doctor zag EDS UCC a UCC CCRC CLO Seo ee ten eae

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