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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2021; 25: 4099-4105

The cardioprotective effect of astaxanthin against

isoprenaline-induced myocardial injury in rats:
involvement of TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway


Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, October University for Modern
Sciences and Arts (MSA), 6th October City, Egypt
Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts
(MSA), 6th October City, Egypt

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Cardiovascular dis- evated serum troponin-I. Isoprenaline caused an

eases (CVDs) are a major cause of morbidity and increase in oxidative stress and a decrease in an-
mortality around the world. Nuclear transcrip- tioxidants. Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4), NF-κB and
tion factor kappa B (NF-κB) represents a factor tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) expression lev-
that plays a major role in the pathogenesis of els were significantly higher in infarcted rats. As-
CVDs. The current study aims to investigate the taxanthin pretreatment had a significant preven-
modulatory effects of astaxanthin and its mo- tive effect on all of the biochemical and molecular
lecular mechanisms in rats with isoprenaline-in- parameters tested in myocardial infarcted rats.
duced myocardial infarction. CONCLUSIONS: Astaxanthin’s cardioprotec-
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rats were pre- tive effect has been linked to the inhibition of the
treated with astaxanthin daily for 14 days prior TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway. This inhibits the
to inducing myocardial infarction with isoprena- release of inflammatory cytokines, which can
line in the final two days. Blood and heart tissue cause myocardial cell death. Because of its anti-
samples were collected 24 hours after the last oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, astax-
dose of isoprenaline was injected for biochemi- anthin is a promising cardioprotective agent.
cal and histological analysis.
RESULTS: Isoprenaline-induced myocardial in- Key Words:
jury was demonstrated with histopathological ex- Astaxanthin, Cardioprotective, Toll like receptor-4,
amination of heart tissue and the significantly el- Nuclear factor-κβ, Tumor necrosis factor-α.

Graphical Abstract.

Corresponding Author: Mai A. Zaafan, MD; e-mail: 4099

M.A. Zaafan, A.M. Abdelhamid

Introduction to produce Vaccines, Sera, and Drugs (EGYVAC;

Cairo, Egypt). Rats were housed in plastic cages
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a major at the animal house of October University for Mo-
cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Acute dern Sciences and Arts under constant conditions
coronary syndromes are a leading cause of sudden (temperature 25±3ºC and humidity 50%). There
cardiac death. According to the WHO, CVDs were was free access to water and standard pellet chow.
responsible for approximately 20 million deaths in
20151. A sequence of pathologies that are induced Drugs and Chemicals
and augmented by molecular mechanisms are in- Astaxanthin was obtained from Jarrow Formu-
volved in the complex physiopathological events las (Los Angeles, CA, USA); whereas isoprenali-
of acute myocardial infarction. Nuclear factor-B ne hydrochloride was obtained from Sigma-Aldri-
activation for an extended period has been shown ch (St. Louis, MO, USA). All the other chemicals
to play a critical role in the occurrence of myocar- used were of the analytical grade.
dial cell death. It causes chronic inflammation by
releasing cytokines such as interleukin-6, inter- Induction of Myocardial Infarction
leukin-1, and tumor necrosis factor, which causes For the induction of myocardial infarction,
endoplasmic reticulum stress responses and, even- isoprenaline HCl (100 mg/kg) dissolved in sali-
tually, cell death2,3. Recently, the toll-like receptors ne was injected subcutaneously for two days in
(TLRs) relation with the induction of myocardial a row. The route and dose were chosen based on
inflammation and death was studied. TLRs were previous research8.
reported to be highly expressed in the myocardial
infarcted cells. It was supposed to be an important Experimental Design
activator of many transcription factors like nuclear Rats were categorized into three groups (n=6)
factor-κB4. As a result, the regulation of these mo- at random. The first set of rats served as the stan-
lecular mechanisms has been thoroughly investi- dard control group. Isoprenaline HCl (100 mg/kg;
gated in the hope of identifying them as a potential s.c.) was given to an isoprenaline control group
target that can promote myocardial cell survival to induce myocardial infarction. The third group
while suppressing cell death. was given astaxanthin dissolved in corn oil (10
Astaxanthin is a keto-carotenoid red pigment mg/kg; p.o.) for 14 days before being given iso-
from the carotenoids subclass; xanthophyll5. Asta- prenaline injections the last two days. Based on
xanthin has a high antioxidant capacity and a cell previous research, the dose and route of admini-
signal modulating effect, making it useful in com- stration of astaxanthin were determined9.
bating oxidative stress-related diseases. These in- Blood samples were collected via the retro-orbi-
clude neuronal damage prevention, cardioprotecti- tal plexus at the end of the experiment for analysis
ve effects, anti-aging and anticancer activity, and of serum troponin-I. The rats were then sacrificed
skin damage prevention with UV radiations6,7. Ba- via cervical dislocation under urethane anesthe-
sed on astaxanthin’s unique chemical features and sia, and their hearts were quickly dissected out
its supposed ability to suppress the TLR4 signaling and washed in ice-cold saline. The isolated hearts
pathway and inhibit the subsequent inflammatory were used for biochemical assessment of lipid pe-
responses, it is anticipated as a suitable preventi- roxides expressed as malondialdehyde (MDA) and
ve and therapeutic agent in cardiovascular disea- superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), in addition to
ses. Hence, the current study sought to investigate qRT-PCR expression of tumor necrosis factor-al-
the cardioprotective and therapeutic potential of pha (TNF-α), nuclear factor-kβ (NF-kβ) and toll
astaxanthin against experimentally induced myo- like receptor-4 (TLR-4). Sections of the isolated
cardial infarction in rats, as well as the molecular hearts fixed in formalin were used for the histopa-
mechanisms underlying these effects. thological examination of the myocardium.

Biochemical Investigations
Materials and Methods The activity of CK-MB in serum was determi-
ned using Stanbio CK-MB diagnostic kit (Boer-
Animals ne, TX, USA). Lipid peroxidation in heart tissues
The current study included male Wistar albi- was assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid
no rats weighing between 150 and 200 g. These reactive substances content evaluated as malon-
rats were obtained from the Egyptian Company dialdehyde (MDA) in heart homogenate using

Cardioprotective effect of astaxanthin

Table I. Sequences of the used primers.

Gene Forward primer Reverse primer



Biodiagnostic (Cairo, Egypt) standard kit. SOD Results

activity was determined using a Biodiagnostic
(Cairo, Egypt) standard kit. Isoprenaline injection successfully produ-
ced significant myocardial injury, as eviden-
Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain ced by a significant increase in serum tropo-
Reaction (RT-PCR) nin-I levels when compared to normal rats
The hearts were used for total RNA isola- (Table II). In addition, in the isoprenaline con-
tion using TRIzol (Invitrogen; Auckland, New trol rats, histological examination revealed mul-
Zealand) along with the instructions of the ma- tiple focal areas of degenerated myocardial cel-
nufacturer. Using the Reverse Transcriptase ls with inflammatory cell infiltration in a diffu-
M-MLV (Promega; Madison, WI, USA), RNA se manner all over the myocardial bundles (Figure
was reverse-transcribed into cDNA. Sequences of 1). Pretreatment with astaxanthin provided signi-
the primers that were used are shown in Table I. ficant protection against the deleterious effects of
Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR was isoprenaline on the myocardium, as demonstrated
completed by using a Power SYBR Green PCR by a significant decrease in serum troponin-I le-
Master Mix on the CFX96 Instrument (Bio-Rad; vels in the astaxanthin-treated group (Table II).
Hercules, CA, USA). The final extension at 72°C The histological examination showed only a few
incubation was continued for a further 10 min focal narrow areas of degeneration with few in-
GAPDH was used as housekeeping gene. The re- flammatory cells’ infiltration in the astaxanthin
lative quantification of target gene was done by the group when compared to the isoprenaline control
2ΔΔCT formula method10. rats (Figure 1). Isoprenaline induced conside-
rable oxidative stress, as evidenced by a signifi-
Histopathologic Assessment cant increase in MDA content in the heart and a
of Myocardial Tissue Damage significant suppression of SOD activity. Astaxan-
The hearts of rats from the different groups thin was a powerful antioxidant that successfully
were fixed in 10% formalin solution. Heart tissue reduced cardiac lipid peroxides while increasing
sections were collected on glass slides, deparaffi- antioxidant SOD activity in heart tissue (Table II).
nized and stained by hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) The increased expression of the inflammatory
stain for routine examination for histopathologi- and pro-inflammatory cytokines upon isoprenali-
cal examination using the electric light microsco- ne injection was detected through the significant
pe. This is according to the method previously increase in the expression of TLR-4, NF-κβ, and
described by JD Bancroft and M Gamble11. TNF-α when compared to the normal group. On
the other hand, pretreatment with astaxanthin
Statistical Analysis produced significant suppression of TLR-4, NF-
Data are presented in the form of mean ± SEM. κβ, and TNF-α expression in heart tissue as com-
The comparisons among means of different groups pared to the isoprenaline control rats (Figure 2,
were done via one-way analysis of variance (ANO- Table II).
VA) and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons po-
sttest12. Kruskel-Wallis test was used to analyze the
histopathological scores and followed by Dunn’s mul- Discussion
tiple comparisons test. The level of significance was
taken as p ˂ 0.05. All the statistical tests carried out Isoprenaline HCl as a powerful β-adrenergic
using GraphPad Prism software package, version 5 agonist increases the myocardial oxygen demand
(GraphPad Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). via its positive inotropic and chronotropic actions.

M.A. Zaafan, A.M. Abdelhamid

Figure 1. Effect of astaxanthin treatment on the histological structure of the heart tissue in rats with isoprenaline-induced
myocardial infarction (H&E×16). A, Showed the normal histological structure of the myocardial bundles with one centrally
nucleated cardiomyocytes in normal rats. Isoprenaline injection produced multiple focal areas of degenerated myocardium
with inflammatory cells infiltration in a diffused manner all over the myocardial bundles (B). On the other hand, pretreatment
with astaxanthin produced a few focal narrow areas of degeneration with a few inflammatory cells’ infiltration (C). Scoring of
the histological observations in the myocardium is presented in (D).

Table II. Effect of astaxanthin treatment on serum troponin-I level and cardiac contents of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α),
malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Parameter Troponin-I TNF-α MDA SOD

Groups (pg/ml) (pg/g wet tissue) (μmol/g wet tissue) (pg/g wet tissue)

Normal control 78.6 ± 4.83 99.06 ± 11.16 0.32 ± 0.02 280.20 ± 23.73
Isoprenaline control 505.0a ± 33.66 1179a ± 118.1 1.82a ± 0.22 40.18a ± 5.77
Astaxanthine + Isoprenaline 159.2ab ± 2.44 285.7b ± 31.31 0.37ab ± 0.02 624.80ab ± 58.14

Each value represents mean ± SEM (n = 6). a, Significantly different from normal control group at p ˂ 0.05. b, Significantly
different from isoprenaline control group at p ˂ 0.05.

Using high doses of isoprenaline in experimen- doses of isoprenaline HCl (100 mg/kg/day) for
tal animal models results in hearts with infar- two constitutive days in rats. Diverse mechanisms
cted-like lesions resembling those present in pa- explaining isoprenaline-induced cardiac damage
tients with myocardial infarction13. Myocardial include generation of highly cytotoxic free radi-
infarction was experimentally-induced in the pre- cals, increased calcium overload, mitochondrial
sent study using subcutaneous injection of high injury, or dysfunction in addition to the proin-

Cardioprotective effect of astaxanthin

of myocardial cell damage when it becomes ove-

rexpressed or chronic2.
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a type of pat-
tern recognition receptor that has been linked
to cardiovascular disease. Several studies have
revealed the ability of TLR4 to activate seve-
ral pro-inflammatory cytokine genes expres-
sion which can further play an essential role in
myocardial inflammation, mainly myocarditis,
myocardial infarction, and ischemia-reperfu-
sion injury as well as heart failure. TLR4 is
reported to be an emerging important target
for anti-inflammatory treatments18. The cur-
Figure 2. Effect of astaxanthin treatment on the expression rent study demonstrated the vital role of TLR4
of toll like receptor-4 (TLR-4) and nuclear factor-κβ (NF- in the pathogenesis of myocardial cell injury
κβ) in heart tissue. Each value represents mean ± SEM (n = being highly expressed in the hearts of the iso-
6). A, Significantly different from normal control group at p
˂ 0.05. B, Significantly different from isoprenaline control prenaline-infarcted rats. Targeting TLR4 is one
group at p ˂ 0.05 of the main goals of astaxanthin treatment, whi-
ch significantly reduced its expression in the
astaxanthin-treated group’s hearts compared
flammatory status, and alteration of the balance to the isoprenaline infarcted control group. In
between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflamma- a model of subarachnoid hemorrhage, astaxan-
tory factors13,14. thin was shown to suppress the TLR4 signaling
There is a strong association between oxidative pathway and inhibit subsequent inflammatory
stress and myocardial infarction injury. The imba- responses19, hence it was suggested to offer a
lance in the metabolism of oxidants/antioxidants promising cardioprotective effect.
was reported in acute myocardial infarction patien- The activation of TLR4 induces signaling pa-
ts. Enzymes that can scavenge free radicals, such thways that activate several transcription factors,
as SOD, CAT, GSH as well as GPX, are considered like nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), and subse-
as the first line cellular defense for oxidative dama- quently induce the production of pro-inflamma-
ge15. A significant increase in MDA and a decrease tory cytokines18. NF-κB represents an important
in the antioxidant SOD in heart tissue of isoprena- factor involved in the molecular mechanisms
line control rats was observed in the current study. that lay on the basis of cardiovascular diseases20.
These results are in line with the previous studies Regarding its mechanism of action, NF-κB is re-
that suggest the involvement of oxidative stress in sponsible for the regulation of pro-inflammatory
isoprenaline-induced myocardial infarction in rats. cytokines and their modulation inside the cardiac
While treatment with astaxanthin successfully in- tissue, especially during I/R injury. In this con-
creased the antioxidant activity and decreased lipid text, chronic activation of NF-κB can result in
peroxidation. Several previous studies highlighted further damaging consequences, including car-
the possible potent antioxidant activities of astaxan- diac cell death2.
thin through its conjugated double bonds at its cen- The current study revealed highly increased
ter giving it the antioxidant effects16. The antioxidant expression of NF-κB in the hearts of the control
properties of astaxanthin are related to its chemical rats and normal NF-κB expression upon astaxan-
and physical interactions, as it contains a polyene thin treatment. Astaxanthin is reported to have
chain and multiple double bonds. This structure has anti-inflammatory effects through suppressing the
the ability to reduce singlet oxygen and radicals wi- NF-κB pathway21.
thin cells. Astaxanthin’s polyene chain scavenges Furthermore, the present study demonstrated
free radicals in the cell membrane17. that once the TLR4/NF-κB signaling is activated,
The pro-inflammatory component stands in TNF-α production is highly increase triggering
the first line from the pathological involved fac- further inflammatory events. TNF-α has been
tors in the development and augmentation of car- shown to play a key regulatory role in the inflam-
diovascular diseases. While inflammation can be matory response. It contributes to the incidence
beneficial for defence and tissue-remodeling me- of myocardial infarction injury by stimulating
chanisms, it is also responsible for the occurrence necrosis, apoptosis, and autophagy22. Furthermo-

M.A. Zaafan, A.M. Abdelhamid

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