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Basic Produc,vity Presenta,on Tool

Lesson Idea
Lesson Idea Name: Understanding and using question words (interrogatives)

Grade Level/Content Area: Kindergarten English Language Arts

Georgia Content Standard(s) or GELDS Addressed: ELAGSEKL1: Demonstrate command of

the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

ISTE Technology Standard Addressed: What would you like students to know and be
Crea1ve Communicator: able to do by the end of this lesson: I would like
1.6.a Students choose the appropriate plaEorms for my students to recognize and identify the
and tools for meeFng the desired objecFves of differences and meanings behind words such as
their creaFon or communicaFon. who, what, when, where, why, and how at the
beginning of an interrogative sentence.
1.6.b. Students create original works or
responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources
into new creaFons.

Empowered Learner:
1.1.c. Students use technology to seek feedback
that informs and improves their pracFce and to
demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
What is the student learning goal for this lesson idea? The learning goal I have for my students is for
them to gain knowledge and recognize the difference in quesFons when using who, what, when,
where why, and how in a sentence.

Selected Basic Produc1vity Tools: MicrosoQ PowerPoint

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable): hSps://kennesawedu-

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☒ Evalua7ng ☒ Crea7ng

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:
☐ Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the ac7vi7es. Students are guided by the teacher's
direc7on and expecta7ons. Learning ac7vi7es are assigned to the student and mostly prac7ce based.

☒ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the ac7vi7es. They may select the topic of learning
and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The teacher facilitates the learning as
the students direct their own learning processes.

☒ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems and comple;ng authen;c/real-world
projects to demonstrate their learning and publish results outside of the classroom. (Note: This objec;ve
could be reached by displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast, pos;ng the project to the
classroom blog, presen;ng it to another class, or publishing it via an outside source.)
Lesson idea implementa1on:
This acFvity will be presented to the students by discussing what are interrogaFve words and how
they are used in everyday living. Before I proceed with my example of my eBook that will be
displayed on the whiteboard, I will go over each goal that I have for the student to meet and the
instrucFons of how I would like for them to create their eBook. When I am finished explaining the
goals and instrucFons, I will split the students up into groups of 2-3, in which every group will have to
create an eBook book using images and text from a PowerPoint presentaFon. Such examples of a
topic students can create can be something as small as people, animals, or even animated objects, in
which they will have to make up quesFons such as “who, what, when, where why and how”. I will
provide the students with two opFons of images, whether they can draw it themselves or they can
find images online. When they are finished, they will record themselves reading the book. If students
start to get stuck or confused on the assignment and had done the ask 3 then me, I will assist those
students with their concerns. When the students are finished with their eBooks, I will individually call
on or ask for volunteers within the groups to allow them to present their work one at a Fme. When
the students are done presenFng, I will allow the groups who are not presenFng to provide feedback
then I will provide each student with feedback and ask them what all they learned from the lesson.

Managing the technology/engagement: Describe a way to use this technology in a way that gets
students ac1vely involved in authen1c tasks and contexts? How will you manage the classroom
behaviors on the technology: First, I will encourage each student to create a storyboard before
deciding to create their eBook. This is important to do because students will be able to brainstorm
about how they would want their eBook to be about in a planned out way before pursuing the use of
the technology. When students finally have their ideas planned/wrote out, I will then let them use
MicrosoQ PowerPoint in order for them to create their eBook. To increase their engagement and
learning, I will have each group create a presentaFon that will pertain to a school appropriate
topic/figure. I will connect recognizing the correct interrogaFves that need to be used at the
beginning of each sentence by having students verbally ask and answer different types of quesFons
among their peers in order for them to see and hear how voices, facial expressions, and tones
change throughout conversaFons depending on what interrogaFve is being used while also creaFng
their story line. During this Fme, students will be given breaks aQer 15 minutes of using the
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reflec1on: The acFvity and tool that I selected to do with my
students will enhance their learning inside the classroom by providing them with a form of classroom
engagement, in which students will able to use graphics, mulFmedia elements such as videos and
pictures, creaFvity, engagement among their peers in order for them to conduct a successful
PowerPoint during the shared teaching group Fme, personal learning Fme, and possible group
acFviFes within the soQware with their peers. I will also enforce AcFons and Expression for students
who would like to give an oral presentaFon on how interrogaFves should be used, this interacFve
way gives students who are strongly vocal a chance to voice what they learned verbally instead of

Reflec1ng on enhanced learning:

I feel as if having the students engage verbally and throughout MicrosoQ PowerPoint will help
learners gain more knowledge upon the importance of engagement. Kindergartners need an
opportunity to figure themselves out and the world around them out, therefore, in order for them to
gain the basic concept skills, they will have to acFvely want to engage with others in or for them to
keep developing. The part of the lesson that I look forward to implemenFng the most would be
seeing each student come together to create and engage among one another in order for their
creaFvity to show.

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