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1. What is the proper noun in this sentence:

We will go to Lotus this weekend to get the supplies we need.

A. supplies C. Lotus

B. We D. Weekend

2. There will be a school trip to ________ next week.

A. Zoo Negara C. zoo negara

B. zoo Negara D. Zoo negara

3. What is the noun of the underlined word?

Our cat Kiki is sleeping on the bed.

A. Proper noun C. Possessive noun

B. Collective noun D. Common noun

4. How ________ money have you got?

A. much C. any

B. many D. some

5. There ________ four umbrellas behind the door.

A. has C. is

B. are D. have

6. Ali needs ________ milk.

A. much C. some

B. any D. many
7. How ________ brothers and sisters do you have?

A. little C. many

B. few D. much

8. Let’s order a ________ of carrot cake.

A. slice C. bowl

B. glass D. cup

9. My mother drinks two ________ of coffee every morning.

A. bunch C. glasses

B. cups D. bowls

10. Is there ________ book on the table?

A. many C. some

B. any D. much

11. Could you turn off the ________? They are too bright.

A. few lights C. many lights

B. light D. lights

12. I need three ________ and an ________.

A. pencil, eraser C. pencils, eraser

B. pencil, erasers D. pencils, erasers

13. There are many ________ behind the store.

A. boxs C. box

B. boxes D. boxies
14. Lily put all the ________ in her pocket.

A. candies C. candys

B. candy D. candyes

15. Chef Wan has a collection of ________ in his kitchen.

A. knife C. knifes

B. knifies D. knives

16. Syafiq is looking for a bunch of ________ since this morning.

A. keyes C. keyies

B. keys D. key

17. Uncle Lim is bringing a box of ________ from his garden.

A. tomatos C. tomatoes

B. tomato D. tomatose

18. Sarah and I have recorded many ________ for our English class project.

A. videos C. videoes

B. video D. videoies

19. There are many ________ at the playground.

A. children C. childs

B. child D. childrens

20. I saw a flock of ________ on my way back home.

A. sheeps C. sheepes

B. sheep D. sheepies
21. This car is my car, and that car is ________.

A. Ahmad C. Ahmads’

B. Ahmads D. Ahmad’s

22. We need more pens. Where are your ________?

A. pen’s C. pens

B. pens’ D. pen

23. Anita: What is your ________ name?

Sanjit: His name is Iskandar.

A. friend C. friends’

B. friend’s D. friends

24. My twin ________ favourite food is pizza.

A. brothers’ C. brother

B. brothers D. brother’s

25. Next ________ English class will begin at two o’clock, not three o’clock.

A. Thursdays C. Thursdays’

B. Thursday D. Thursday’s


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