World Space Week 1

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1. Earth’s only natural satellite:

2. The average distance from the Moon to the Earth:
3. The Moon orbits the Earth:
4. Tallest mountain on the Moon:
5. The USA’s NASA in was the first manned Moon landing.
6. The first person to set foot on the Moon was
7. The Earth’s tides are largely caused by the
8. Jupiter’s four main moons are named the Galilean moons (after
Galileo Galilei).
9. the largest moon in the Solar System:
8. Saturn’s largest moon:
10. Neptune’s largest moon,

11. The Earth’s tides are largely caused by:


1. Magma is the hot liquid rock under the surface of the Earth, it is known as lava
after it comes out of a volcano.
2. Natural gas doesn't have an odour.
3. Hawaii is moving towards Japan at the speed of 10cm a year. This is because
they are on different tectonic plates.
4. The world's largest desert is the Sahara, it covers about one third of Africa.
5. The Nile River is the longest river (length of 6,696 kilometers) on earth.
6. The volcanic rock known as pumice is the only rock that can float in water.
7. Mt Everest is the highest (29029 feet) mountain on earth.
8. On average the Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest of Earth’s major oceans.
9. Earthquakes that occur out at sea can cause huge tsunamis capable of reaching
land and endangering people.
10. Metamorphic rocks are formed by extreme pressure and heat.
11. The Earth isn't perfectly round, it is slightly flattened at the north and south
12. Scared of the Bermuda Triangle? Despite its reputation it is actually part of a
commonly sailed shipping route.
13. Scientists have the dated the Earth as being between 4 and 5 billion years old.
14. The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest on Earth.
15. Talc is the softest mineral found on Earth, reaching just 1 on Mohs scale of
hardness, it is often used to make talcum powder.
16. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest living structure in the world.
17. The Niagara Falls are located on the border of the USA and Canada.
18. Rock found at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is around 2 billion years old.
19. Although earthquakes can be deadly, most are very small and not even felt by

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