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School of Thoughts Advantages Disadvantages

Materialism You may buy you some level of You can't buy true happiness.
comfort. Your well-being will depend on
May give you the opportunity to your consumption level.
feel better in the short run. People focus on showing off
Materialism gives you the instead of creating real value.
opportunity to always have the Unhappiness in case you lose
latest things. your belongings.
Hedonism You know your goals clearly They are too greedy; they don't
because you pursue it very well. care about being on drugs for it
gives them pleasure.
Stoicism Stoicism type of philosophy is Stoicism is inimical to freedom.
good if you are going through It is true that we cannot control
bad time, midlife crisis or in everything, but Stoicism is the
prison. If you are confined, wrong response. ... But Stoicism
alone and mentally tortured — is unable to work the “magic” of
stoicism brings mental emotion, as Sartre says. In his
toughness. ... Some of Stoicism view, people initiate emotions
is like common sense but very when they are confronted with
handy to soothe you if you are obstacles, they seemingly have
having a terrible time all the no rational way of overcoming.
way in your life.
Theists Like a placebo, it makes you feel Fear of a non-existent god.
better. Living your life according to the
rules made up by someone a
long, long time ago, that has
nothing to do with now.
Having to hate whoever your
religion says you should hate.
and, worst of all.
Humanism It provides the understanding to It is too positive when regarding
view the person as an active human behaviour- this means
agent and also promotes the that it assumes individuals are
idea of self-responsibility. The intrinsically good and will
humanistic approach also choose positive paths for their
enables the professional to lives- however free will and
work on the subjective choice is limited for some
experiences of an individual. individuals.
There is too much emphasis on
subjective experience- Hard to

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