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GCQ Guidelines

Version 0.6
1 Overview
1.1 Purpose

This document outlines requirements and guidelines that will enable Quantrics to transition from
Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) to General Community Quarantine (GCQ).

1.2 Target Audience

This directive applies to Quantrics employees.

2 Guidelines Applicable to all persons


• All persons must always wear face-coverings while utilizing company

provided shuttles or entering Quantrics sites
• All persons must respect physical distancing guidelines
• All persons entering Quantrics sites must sanitize shoes using the provided
footbaths located at all entrances
• All persons entering Quantrics sites shall be temperature checked by the
security guards prior to being given access to the site(s). Persons must
register a temperature of 37.5 or less, otherwise they will be asked wait for
5 minutes and then be retested.
• All employees must complete the Dole Infectious Disease Monitoring Tool
General Form (DIDMT) daily, prior to arrival at site; Security guards will collect the
form, record the employees’ temperature on the form and provide to H&S
for submission to DOLE
• All persons entering Quantrics sites must sign-in
• Use of private vehicles is allowed during GCQ. Parking areas at
sites shall be available.
On Site Regulations
• Maximum of 50% of workforce on site during GCQ
• Seat Capacity – refer to seat capacity document provided by Facilities

3 Departmental Guidelines
3.1 Logistics

3.1.1 Facilities
Augment hand cleanser (regulation type) at entrance and lobby desks.

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Shoe-bath to be added at every entrance to the site
As required, provide shoe-bath and hand cleanser at all secondary entrances
4-person capacity at all times, unless otherwise dictated by government regulations (Naga - 2 Meter
requirement would require reducing elevator capacity to maximum 2 persons at all times)
Employees should be encouraged to use the stairs
Queuing - entrance, elevator, pantry:
Place tape at appropriate physical distancing measure as dictated by government regulations.
Signage - site-wide:
Post appropriate signage at all common areas, CRs, pantries, gyms, sleeping quarters, training rooms,
dedicated offices and production floors stipulating regulatory requirements:
- Physical distancing and wearing of masks at all times
- Where specific instruction is required - e.g. workstations not to be in use to respect physical
distancing requirements; gym not in service due to GCQ regulations.
Recruitment Centers
Waiting rooms:
Augment hand cleanser (regulation type) at recruitment areas.
Space waiting room seating to meet physical distancing requirement per site (follow government
Limit candidates to available seating
Interview Rooms:
Ensure furniture is arranged to meet physical distancing requirements (include floor tape for seat
positioning if required)
Training Rooms & dedicated offices (e.g. payroll office, HR office, Training hub, etc):
Provide inventory of available seating based on physical distancing regulations (prepare for 1-metre and
2-metre scenarios).
Boardrooms with network connectivity:
Taytay - Maple - to remain available for meetings
All other boardrooms, for evaluation by facilities and IT on conversion for agent use:
Facilities: to confirm available seating based on physical distancing regulations
IT: to confirm availability of equipment inventory and network requirements
Huddle Rooms:
To be maintained as conferencing/meeting spaces.
Sleeping Quarters:
Verify capacity and place signage in respect of physical distancing regulations
Sleeping Quarters hours can be relaxed during curfew hours

Put signage on chairs or table surfaces to restrict seating to required numbers

For overflow capacity, due to reduced occupancy, utilize gym. Set chairs to meet physical
distancing regulations and provide garbage bins and signage for "clean as you go"
3.1.2 Vendor Management / 3rd party

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Desks - sanitation/disinfection of workstations pre and post shift (production area, training rooms and
any other workstation/boardroom utilized)
Recruiting Testing Areas - Dedicated housekeeping staff to be assigned to testing rooms when in use -
desks, equipment and headsets to be sanitized after every use.
Pantry - dedicated housekeeping staff to sanitize/disinfect seating and table surfaces following every use
Washroom - dedicated housekeeping to sanitize/disinfect cubicles and sinks after every use
Hourly sanitation of high traffic common areas (door handles, all surfaces)
Food packs provided for employees
dependent on HC confirmation from WFM
Food pack stubs provided to employees by security guards; claimed at pantry (low employee hours,
comms will be issued identifying claim area)
Once food packs are no longer provided, concessionaires will be requested to return for regular service - # of
concessionaires to be determined based on # agents and HOOPs
Staffing of Qlinic to meet regulatory requirements and HOOP as provided by WFM
3.1.3 Procurement
Shuttles will be provided during GCQ until otherwise advised
Shuttle services to be arranged based on shuttle survey results
Augment Shuttle runs for extended HOOP
Taytay - maintain security guard on shuttles
Ensure appropriate PPE is available during GCQ

3.2 Ops

3.2.1 Physical Distancing Accountability

Leaders on site to consistently reinforce physical distancing and mask wearing guidelines and take
appropriate actions for violations.
3.2.2 Presence of senior leaders on site
At least one director shall be present on site on a daily basis except weekends to address issues as they arise.
Regular floor walks shall also be done by both OMs and directors to monitor physical distancing be respected and
address any other unnecessary agent and TL behavior
3.2.3 Employee Health Check
For agents coming back from sick leave/emergency leave, ensure that the following is checked before allowing
the agent to go back to work:
a) Prior sickness not related to Covid19
b) For symptoms related to Covid19 - fit to work should be secured before returning to work

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c) For emergency leave, ensure that it's not related to Covid19 (placed on lockdown, asked to be
d) For emergency leave related to Covid19 safety measures, ensure that employee get a clearance
before going back to work
3.2.4 Returning WFH Equipment
a) Open a ticket
b) Send email to IT Support to verify and confirm return schedule
3.2.5 Notification before reporting onsite

Employees reporting on site after ECQ should have done a prior notification to their immediate leader to ensure
a) We don't exceed the allowable number of employees onsite
b) Their schedules are updated
c) They are accounted for the meals onsite

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3.3 IT

3.3.1 IT Support
There will be IT Support onsite (2 IT Support personnel per shift)
3.3.2 Support Process
Work from Home – Follow the “Quantrics getting support while on WFH” document
On-site – Follow the TiQet/Service Management process
3.3.3 Workstation Setup
Seat Capacity for Operations
To be confirmed daily per site
3.3.4 IT Equipment On Site and Returned
Disinfect IT equipment after use
3.3.5 Returning of WFH Equipment

c) IT to receive the kit and verify all items in the kit using the signed acknowledgement form
d) IT to sign the acknowledgement form as a proof that kit has been returned
e) Close ticket

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3.3.6 Other Items
Broken or missing items will be reported to Finance and deductions will be applied accordingly
WFH Kits that will have broken items – Replacement process to be documented (Pending for the GCQ)
a) TL/OM to open a ticket
b) IT to assess the reported issue
c) IT to confirm replacement
d) IT sends an email to OM/TL for the pickup of replacement at the office with the time and date details.
Including the amount details for deduction
e) IT sends an email to HR and Payroll/Finance for the deduction of the amount

3.4 Workforce Management

3.4.1 Scheduling
Support people shall notify WFM in advance of their schedules, WFM shall plot and check if HC will
exceed the seating limit. In any case that schedules requested will result in exceeding the seating limit,
WFM will advise and propose a schedule.

Confirmed Working Onsite: Schedules will be adjusted based on HOOP while making sure HC will not
exceed the seating limit.

Agents who don’t confirm and show up on site: these agents will follow the 0830 - 1730 EST schedule
and their schedule will be adjusted based on hoop for the following day.

3.4.2 Shuttles/Transport
Shuttle options are coordinated by Ops directors, for approval from Executives. Ops directors shall make
arrangements with Procurement to secure shuttles.

- Employees who wish to use company provided shuttles must sign up through the shuttle surveys.

- If no shuttle can be provided or there is no public transportation available, and the employee does not
have a private vehicle, OM's need to request change of status to Not Working, scheduling team will code

San Mateo and Taytay:

- Public Transportation is expected to resume with limited capacity.

- Company provided shuttles will continue to be provided (until further notice).

- Employees who wish to use company provided shuttles must sign up through the shuttle
surveys.Coding/tagging of agents that cannot reach the site by shuttle, public transportation or private
vehicles shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

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3.4.3 Vacation Leave
Same Vacation Cancellation and replacement will apply.
Agents can still file the TiQet or Team Leads can send the request to the scheduling Distro.
San Mateo and Taytay:
Will follow the same vacation cancellation and replacement process.
3.4.4 Vacation Bids
All 3 Sites:
Same rule applies on the vacation bid, only difference is that eligible agents needs to submit their
preference since offline(s) will not be plotted.
Once preference are submitted, the list will be sorted by seniority and the team will manually
select/assign the dates based on allocations and preference agents provided.
3.4.5 Work From Home access issues
Agents needs to confirm their status either WFH or working onsite. They cannot choose two options as an
alternative, status needs to be decided and they should only change their status only once. Depending on
the case/scenario it may be approved.
San Mateo and Taytay:
Agents needs to confirm their status either WFH or working onsite. They cannot choose two options as an
alternative, status needs to be decided and they should only change their status once. Depending on the
case/scenario it may be approved.
3.4.6 GCQ Coding
WFH - will be coded open time and schedules will be adjusted based on segment HOOP. Absence coding
and Attendance policy will apply if employee don’t report for work.
Working Onsite - All agents are expected to report onsite schedules will be adjusted based on segment
HOOP. Absence coding and Attendance policy will apply if employee don’t report for work.
Not Working - there are instances that agents may be allowed to not report onsite or WFH, if approved,
will be coded as OZP and not working pay will apply (50% Currently and still subject to change).
San Mateo and Taytay:
WFH - will be coded open time and schedules will be adjusted based on segment HOOP. Absence coding
and Attendance policy will apply if employee don’t report for work.
Working Onsite - All agents are expected to report onsite schedules will be adjusted based on segment
HOOP. Absence coding and Attendance policy will apply if employee don’t report for work.
Not Working - Not Working Status – Employees who cannot report to work or WFH shall be dealt with on
a case-by-case basis. Employees shall confirm working status to their OM/TL.

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3.4.7 Work From Home Status
Status changes should only be once but depending on the circumstance it may be approved.
WFM tracks status change requests. If additional status changes are required, over the one-time
change, WFM will be asking questions to validate if it can be approved by the VP .
3.4.8 General Scheduling Rule
Seating limits per day and throughout shifts shall be respected.
Schedules will be adjusted based on HOOP.
Some agents shall have a schedule of 1 - 2 hours before or after start of HOOP to maximize the
spread and to avoid exceeding the seating limit per site.
Breaks and Lunch are also modified to make sure physical distancing in the pantry will be
respected. Set the lunch schedules on 40 people at a time every 30 minutes to avoid overlap.
(Agents not adhering to their schedules may not be allowed to enter the pantry if the limit is
CTI State
Agents are expected to be offline since no calls will come in before or after HOOP.
Ops TL/OM can use these hours for coaching and meetings to provide updates or any feedback.

3.4.9 Attendance Policy and Notification

All 3 Sites:
Team Leads Shall to notify AMT thru email if an agents will not be able to report to work. (Note: No call-
in capability during GCQ)
No notification from TL/OM will be considered as NCNS and may be subject to DA.
Standard attendance policy will apply for agents.
DA's will be issued as needed.
3.4.10 Coaching/Meeting Request Process
All 3 Sites:
Pre - Plotted Coaching (Scheduling Team):
- Coaching based on SPOT recommendations can be scheduled between 12PM to 5PM from Monday to
- Coaching allocations will be shared with OM’s and Directors every Wednesday EOD.
- OM's need to send back the list of agents for coaching on or before Thursday EOD.
- Scheduling Team will code all coaching until EOD Friday, and send a confirmation to OPs upon completion.
All 3 Sites:
- Real Time Coaching (Intraday Team):
- Coaching based on SPOT recommendation can be scheduled between 12PM to 5PM from Monday to
- Prior start of HOOP, Intraday will send the coaching allocation (20% of HC per interval) to SPOT for
- SPOT will provide approval or denial of the request prior 12PM EST.
- Intraday will share the approved or declined allocations.

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- Team Leads shall to request the coaching/Meeting in webstation and Intraday will approve based on
allocation per Interval.
3.4.11 Delayed Site entry
All 3 Sites:
Agents will be tagged as paid late and will not be subject for DA. (Until conditions normalize)
Team Leads shall advise AMT and Intraday is notified for proper coding.
Scheduling Team spreads the schedule for the entire day to also minimize long queue in the entrance.

3.5 Human Resources

3.5.1 Recruitment
Staffing - Alternate work schedule with rotation of half WFH and office.
Candidate walk in cap shall not exceed seating allocation in recruitment area waiting rooms, in order to
respect physical distancing guidelines
Number of candidates in testing rooms shall not exceed capacity established by facilities, in order to
respect physical distancing guidelines
3.5.2 Compensation & Benefits
No Impact as only a few C&B staff in the room
Encourage people to submit questions via tiQet
3.5.3 Employee Relations
Staffing - Alternate work schedule with rotation of half WFH and office (Taytay) - HR Room and Mezzanine.
Clearance – Once or twice a week processed. No walk ins (must be pre booked to a maximum of 10 each session)
Discipline Process: WFH privileges may be revoked for non-compliance of company guidelines

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3.5.4 Data Admin/ HRA
HRA- 3 days’ work from office 2 days WFH- follow ups
3.5.5 People and Culture
Already on staggered shift.

3.6 Finance

3.6.1 FMO
Check distribution: Refuse to do business with vendors who doesn't take bank transfers. Everyone that
we have moved to Bank Transfer during ECQ shall stay on bank transfer during GCQ (exceptions: SM,
Sky Cable, Serendra)

Working at 2 sites: Limit to 1 site - closest from home

Going to banks: Provide PPE
Going to government offices: Provide PPE
Set schedule for who can come in: not more than 1 person at a time per team.

Check distribution: SM: Refuses to take bank transfer after ECQ is lifted. Finance representative shall
process monthly

Going to banks: Limit to 1x a month

Going to government offices: Limit to 1x a month

Check distribution: Payroll - no more check issuances for final pay, all done via transfers (increase cost,
as currently under ECQ, bank fees are waived)

Going to government offices: limit to 1 designated person on the team.

Limit amount of people based on essential need & physical distancing requirement.

3.7 Training and Development

3.7.1 Training
Training Disposition
WFH Capable = WFH unless required onsite (provide criteria)
Taytay - WFH - 22, Onsite - 2
San Mateo - WFH - 7, Onsite - 2
Naga - WFH - 3, Onsite - 1
Trainer Onsite Responsibilities
Employee Health Checks – Onsite trainer visits to Virtual classrooms for employee health checks and
compliance with GCQ guidelines. Trainer observation in onsite classes (No virtual) same as BAU. Comply
with health guidelines if employees are ill.
Social Distancing – Enforce guidelines throughout site and in training rooms when onsite – addressing
violations and taking actions as necessary.
Training Processes (ABAY/OJT)
WFH and Site guidelines are the same – all done in virtual platform

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Utilize same course maps
Would have less interactions since done virtually
Presence of STM/Director onsite
All STMS are on WFH Status
Training director is part of the OPS Director site count

3.8 Corporate Security and Compliance

3.8.1 Health and Safety

Entry Requirements:
Follow Government Group Guidelines
Ensure all persons are wearing a mask, Perform temperature check for all persons entering
sites, ensure all persons utilize Hand sanitizer at entrance to sites
Ensure physical distancing is respected by all persons
Open site earlier, based on hours of business established by Workforce Management
Ensure sign into envoy
Ensure that we are following government regulations for GCQ
Ensure all persons entering the site complete the DOLE Infectious Disease Monitoring Tool
Form on a daily basis, collect the form from each person, indicate person’s temperature result
and submit completed forms daily to H&S officer
Site Requirements:
Ensure all sites are in line with the current Corporate Security requirements.
Mask and gloves can be requested through the Qlinic
Floor markers and signs should be visible
Physical distancing guidelines to follow government guidelines
Intensification of Information Drive about Covid-19 prevention and control.
Availability of internal Covid-19 hotline number
Government Monitoring:
Engage Comms when government regulations change
Team continues to watch Media and other resources
Continuous alignment of Covid-19 directive to the latest Guidelines and Advisories from DOLE and DOH

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Continue Tracking COVID Positive cases
Report to DOH as Necessary
Bell Reporting:
Continue to report any issues back to Quantrics/Bell through CEOC/NIC
Reporting of any COVID or Non-COVID issues
TiQet request for access card reactivation once FTW certificates submitted are validated.
Ensure Qlinic personnel are using the appropriate PPE’s
Quantrics CEOC:
Continue daily meetings as required
Incident management:
Collect and report on any incidences
Report Issues to Bell and HR for action where applicable report to DOH
Deactivation and reactivation of access cards working with Physical Security
3.8.2 Emergency Management
Designate an interim site Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC) as response leader
Determine a list of all available BEO employee-volunteers to respond for building emergencies
Ensure that all alarm and notification systems are operational (in collaboration with Facilities Department)
Conduct a review and briefing to all first responders on procedures for threat response (fire and earthquake, etc.)
Conduct inventory of all emergency supplies and equipment for response readiness
Monitor National and Local security situation to anticipate possible business threats
Provide continuous updates on COVID 19 and other pertinent information to management (government and
private agencies)

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3.8.3 Physical Security
Guard Force:
Ensure adequate guard coverage for all sites and for amount of people on site.
Continue to remind employees and enforce Government and Company guidelines on COVID-19.
Incident management:
Continue to report any issues back to Quantrics Bell through CEOC/NIC
Monitor, create, and forward COVID-19 related incidents to HR and or to Health and Safety Team.
Access Control:
Continue to monitor access to all sites.
Work with Health and Safety on site access of employees according to Health and Safety Directive on
Continue to implement and assess effectiveness of Physical Security procedures for COVID-19 infection
prevention and mitigation.
Act on and ensure the deactivation/ reactivation of access cards for COVID-19 related cases.
Incident management:
Continue to report any issues back to Quantrics Bell through CEOC/NIC
Monitor, create, and forward COVID-19 related incidents to HR and or to Health and Safety Team.
Loss Prevention and Control:
Monitor and ensure that all WFH equipment being brought out/in have proper documentation.
Security Systems:
Checking that all security systems are fully functional
3.8.4 Information Security
Work with Bell Information Security:
Thin Client deployment and Re-integration
Reporting of any thin client related issue(s)
Work from Home compliance with PCI-DSS guidelines
Vulnerability Management:
Continue to monitor and address issues on platforms
Email Phishing/Credit Card/Data Loss Prevention monitoring
PCI-DSS Compliance
Access Management:
Work with IT for access changes related to QORE, Q-Net and Office 365
Resumed monitoring of Surveillance systems for all on-site employees
Incident Management:
Continue to report any issues back to Quantrics/Bell through CEOC/NIC

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A. Governance

Issuing BU Corporate Security

Policy owner Manager, Environment, Health, Safety & Security –
Corporate Security
Primary contact Manager, Environment, Health, Safety & Security –
Corporate Security
Required approvals Vice-President - Corporate Security
Effective date May 11 2020
Review cycle Annual

B. References
Document Description Location

C. Revision History
Date Changed by Version Description

May 8 2020 Exec team initial Initial publication

May 11 2020 Blake Lindsay 1st revision

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